Foreign passports and documents

Twin towers of the victim. Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? What happened next

The criminal disgrace that Zion imposed on the whole world on September 11, 2001, by the scale of cynicism temporarily eclipsed the scam with the so-called "flight" of the Americans to the moon. Gullible armed and vicious children - US citizens - still do not even suspect that there are several billion people on Earth, much smarter than the post-Columbian Jews - who still believe the spring predictions of the groundhog.

In the article "September 11 - to whom the day of the award, to whom the mournful day, and to whom the day of the joy of vengeance" I gave interesting dates of especially important events in the history of US provocations, and also noted that on September 11 two AMERICAN aircraft crashed into two AMERICAN skyscrapers. And the rest of the world paid a hefty price for this AMERICAN show.

  • September 11, 1991 - during the destruction of the USSR - the American President with Semitic genetic disease Ronald Reagan proclaims a New World Order.
  • September 11, 2001 - Two planes crash into the World Trade Center.
  • September 11 is Jewish New Year.

The attacks reportedly killed 2,977 people, with 24 more missing. However, the official version of what happened from the very moment of the scam has been criticized by journalists, scientists and witnesses of the tragedy. Independent investigations have been carried out on which documentaries have been made.

Correspondent's puncture

It should be noted that as a result, on the day of the scam, not only the South Tower (WTC-2) and the North Tower (WTC-1) collapsed, but also the third building - the WTC 7 tower. It is located very far from the site of the Twin Towers, there is nothing in it did not get. However, it also collapsed in some mysterious way.

Figure: Layout of buildings.

The official version is as a result of a series of gas explosions and the ensuing fire. However, this is a lie. At 17:00 New York time, the BBC broadcast live on the British television channel BBC (BBC) from the scene. The entire world watched as host Jane Standley began to tell the audience about the collapse of the third building (WTC 7).

The building was still safe and sound. After all, there were still 20 minutes left before the building collapsed! But the caption at the bottom of the screen said, "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building near the World Trade Center also collapsed."

When the presenter was told that she was bursting, the girl turned around at the picture, blushed and began to lament: "Sori!" At 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York suddenly gave way to noise and disappeared from the air.

Obviously the BBC TV crews were working and speaking from the script. News head Richard Porter, of course, did not admit: “We are not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us what to talk about or what to do on 9/11. Nobody informed us in advance that the building should fall. We have not received a press release or a script for what is to happen. "

But the trouble is, “we did not have the original recording of the September 11 reports - not because of a conspiracy, but because of confusion," Porter admitted, despite the fact that the "confusion" was in New York, not in London.

There is nothing to add. Americans in their scams, like children of three, cover their tracks in the same pattern. Let's remember the recent official representative The Investigative Committee Russia (TFR) Vladimir Markin with NASA Director Charles Bolden, who announced the disappearance of evidence of the American landing on the moon (see the novel "Moon Roll").

Bin Laden's set-up

Everyone above in the United States knew about the planned destruction of the Twin Towers. For example, just 8 hours before the start of the attack on the Mall, Condoleezza Rice dissuaded San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown from flying to New York, scheduled for the morning of September 11th.

And according to the London Times, US President George W. Bush immediately after the attack on the Twin Towers began to actively evacuate the relatives of the leader of the "terrorists" Bin Laden. The president of the newly attacked power ordered a private jet to take a dozen relatives of the main terrorist out of the United States. And this despite the fact that bin Laden's relatives were never summoned for questioning either to the police or to the FBI.

Al-Qaeda was financed by the largest international corporations - Microsoft, UBS and Compaq and others. These computer giants are not responsible for the theatrical "terrorist attack", but for the quite outright criminal activities of the pre-ISIL.

But after 14 years, neither Microsoft nor Compaq have lost their position in the market. Neither the "progressive" public, nor "human rights activists", nor law enforcement agencies, nor family members of those killed during the "terrorist attacks", nor, finally, “sympathetic” buyers have any complaints about them. Somehow, the entire population of the Earth absolutely shamelessly reacted to the criminal activities of these firms.

The main terrorist Osama bin Laden was put on the international wanted list long before the "terrorist attack" on September 11, 2001. But, nevertheless, in July 2001, he was freely treated in an American clinic. In between enemas, he met with one of the leaders of the CIA. Bin Laden was allegedly treated by the American urologist Terry Callway.

All this and many other data indicate that Bin Laden was not involved in the terrorist scam with the Twin Towers. Osama himself in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper "Ummat" said that he considers the organizers of the terrorist attacks in the United States, the Jewish community of Florida.

In my other article "The Pentagon Celebrates Victory" (2002), I analyzed a documentary film shown by NTV on the anniversary of September 11th. The authors of the tape did not provide the viewers with a single proof of the involvement of some Alkaida and some Bin Laden in the "terrorist attack" on September 11, 2001 in the United States.

Analysis of the film shows the following. The US President is shown as an outspoken clairvoyant. Just hours after the Twin Towers scam, he clearly identified the culprits - Alqaida and Bin Laden.

And this is very amazing! Although, if we consider that “... there was a man (Putin - author) who warned two days before the terrorist attack, spoke of terrorism from Afghanistan,” it turns out that everyone knew about the scam. Putin considered it a terrorist attack, and Bush knew the true situation regarding the demolition of the Twin Towers. Therefore, he did not interfere with the demolition of dilapidated skyscrapers.

Sacrifice or clinking shekels?

Let's remember. The great Mason Garder warned in 1993: “... Remember. Nothing is done by accident. Imagine this situation. In a few years, the world will increasingly begin to say: the American diktat is tired, America is a colossus on feet of clay, the dollar will burst soon ... And then the United States will need to publicly show who is the boss and what American power, including dollar power, is. This is where skyscrapers come in handy. Imagine, it will happen like in a movie: for example, two planes crash in front of the eyes of the whole world into each of the towers ... ”.

Immediately after the "terrorist attack" a strange guess appeared on the Internet: type in English capital letters in Word - Q33NYC - flight Q33 New York City. Translate this inscription into wingdings font, get:

A "mysterious" coincidence? Or is it a sacrifice for the new year?

It turns out that both, and also gesheft. Bloody, really. But money doesn't smell for some.

On April 26, 2001, a specific deal was signed, and on July 23, a specific deal was finalized. The amount of the contract is $ 3.2 billion. The rented owner of WTC-7, WTC-3 and WTC-6, the famous Jew Larry Silverstein, under a signed contract, received a 99-year lease for the remaining buildings - twin towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2), WTC-4 and WTC-5 ...

A month later, Silverstein insured his purchase for $ 3.6 billion. The main insurance point in the policies was the case of a terrorist act. And a month later, the same insured event occurred.

When Silverstein bought the twin towers, he already knew they were about to be demolished. Therefore, I planned the demolition by a "terrorist attack". And for this, the sum insured was divided into monthly payments. He managed to swim only $ 14 million (from July 23 to September 11), and the insurance premium is $ 3.2 billion. This is gesheft!

According to the court, the Jewish billionaire received compensation in the amount of $ 4.6 billion in insurance payments for the "twins" and the WTC-7, as well as for the restoration of the complex. And now he is trying to sue another 12.3 billion dollars from the airlines and airport security services - apparently, for the synagogue ().

The carrying beam of the demolished tower cut off by a directional explosion.

In an interview with American Radio (audio.mp3, 2006), Rabbi Abe Finkelstein explained the following about the scam.

Host: " There were no Jews in these towers. Can you explain this?».

Rabbi: " Many Jews died in towers, spiritually».

Host: " Oh, I see there were 3,000 Jews who were not at work that day in these towers. It just gave a lot of people the impression that the Jewish population there, in Jewish York, I mean New York, knew that something was going to happen and they didn't show up for work that day.».

Rabbi: " Yes, we got a call from Kehilla (Jewish community) that Ariel and some of the boys are from Mossad. They got together and they wired these buildings [mined] and they filled them up. It was pretty hard to fill them up anyway, because we wanted to build some new structures and the buildings are getting old and it's time to fill them up. So we will make some shekels by destroying these buildings. Ah, Silverstein was a good friend of mine. We have Larry. He got two for one, and he doubled insurance like magic just three months before it happened, and he got double the benefit of it, so he made four times his money.

I would have to participate in this deal. He asked me, but I said: eh, I have to think about it. It took me too long to think about it, and they are said to have pulled the plug and flooded these buildings. But at least I went public and I sold American Airlines, I sold United Airlines, I sold Lloyd London's insurance company because it was a big blow for them, Alliance insurance company, I sold them too.

So I made some shekels».

I don’t presume to judge how sincere the rabbi is, but you can still listen to his interview on the air today. Finkelstein says very interesting things. Even more interesting conclusions can be drawn.

Absolutely the same situation is happening today in Donbass. Ukraine was captured by Zion and is terrorizing it. Siphons money from the budget, pumps up the treasury with debts. It squeezes Ukrainians out of the country and makes them engage in prostitution and other obscene things. Zion made murderers of civilians from Ukrainians - children, old people, women.

The 11 September 2001 Scam, minute by minute chronology

16.57 - RIA Novosti marked "urgent" - in New York, a plane crashed into the skyscraper number one of the International Trade Center.

16.59 - RIA Novosti confirms that in New York, the plane crashed into the skyscraper number one of the International Trade Center. A fire started in the building.

17.06 - The second plane crashed into the second tower of the International Trade Center.

17.09 - CNN claims a terrorist attack was committed in New York - two planes crashed into the twin buildings of the International Trade Center.

17.23 - American television reports that terrorist acts committed in New York will entail numerous casualties.

17.25 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the hijacking of a Boeing 737, one of the passenger planes that is believed to have been the first of two planes to crash into New York's World Trade Center towers.

17.26 - Former American expert, former spokesman for the National Transportation Security Administration, Ira Fuhrman, said that the collision of two planes with the towers of the international center in New York was probably deliberate.

17.27 - CNN reports - there was an explosion in the north tower of the World Trade Center.

17.29 - The US authorities have declared that the events in New York are an act of terrorism.

17.29 - The RIA Novosti correspondent said that US President George W. Bush will make a special statement in connection with the emergency in New York.

17.33 - Two United Airlines planes, hijacked by the hijackers along with passengers, crashed into the buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, British TV Sky-T-Wee reported with reference to the FBI.

17.34 - (after only 37 minutes!) US President George W. Bush called the emergency in New York a "national tragedy", which, in his words, "appears to be terrorist act»Against the USA. ...

17.39 - CNN reports - The New York Stock Exchange has postponed the start of trading for 30 minutes due to the events in New York.

17.45 - The RIA Novosti correspondent reports that two days before the crash of two jet passenger planes that crashed into two towers of the International Trade Center in New York, the US State Department issued a worldwide warning about the security threat to US government facilities abroad.

17.46 - There was an explosion near the Pentagon building. The Pentagon building is shrouded in clouds of black smoke, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

17.48 - Currently there is an evacuation of personnel from the White House and the Pentagon, according to British television Sky News.

17.49 - CNN reports - a fire in the Pentagon building in Washington, the White House has been evacuated.

17.53 - Fire in the Pentagon building in Washington, the White House is evacuated. According to CNN, a military helicopter crashed into the Pentagon building.

In the photo: The same "plane" that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. The photo was taken immediately after the liner "crash", but its remnants are gone - they evaporated.

17.54 - The RIA Novosti correspondent reports that the US announced the closure of the airspace. All aircraft in US airspace have been ordered to land immediately.

18.01 - In Washington, an evacuation is underway from the building of the US Congress, as well as all official institutions located in the American capital.

18.05 - In New York, the New York Stock Exchange is closed and the whole of Manhattan is cordoned off.

18.05 - One of the towers of the World Trade Center, into which the plane crashed, completely collapsed.

18.06 - A fire broke out in the building of the US State Department, the building was evacuated, CNN reports.

18.06 - All US airports are closed.

18.08 - Part of the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed from the second explosion.

18.13 - The South Tower of the World Trade Center is completely destroyed. On the reasons for the fall of skyscrapers: Tale "11".

18.15 - Disaster at New York International mall caused a drop in stock prices in European stock markets.

18.15 - Sky TV reports - there was a second explosion in the Pentagon.

18.17 - According to the press secretary of the President Alexei Gromov, Vladimir Putin was immediately informed about the terrorist attacks committed in the United States. The Russian President expressed his deep condolences to the US people "in connection with these terrorist attacks, these terrible tragedies."


18.21 - Following the two terrorist attacks in New York, another plane crashed on the Pentagon. According to the latest information, a fire started in the building, it is shrouded in clouds of black smoke. Eyewitnesses said they saw a plane dive into the center of the Pentagon.

18.22 - According to the latest information, Capitol Hill, on which the US Congress and Senate are located, was blown up.

18.23 - According to the latest information, the Pentagon has declared the highest degree of alarm. This means readiness for war. Reported by CNN.

18.24 - There is a complete evacuation in Washington. Officials from the State Department and the Treasury are currently being evacuated.

18.25 “One of the World Trade Center towers collapsed a few minutes ago. According to preliminary estimates, several thousand people could be in both towers. CNN and Reuters report live from the scene. There was a panic in the city.

18.29 - The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine rejects reports of involvement in the bombings at the World Trade Center in New York.

18.36 - The second tower of the International Trade Center collapsed in New York. This was announced by the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.

18.36 - Panic gripped the residents of New York, thousands of people are trying to leave areas adjacent to skyscrapers and major government offices.

18.37 - Another plane hijacked by terrorists is heading towards Washington. This was reported by the British television company Sky-News, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

18.38 - The President of the United States is now in Florida. Employees of the White House, State Department, UN were evacuated. No details of what is happening on Capitol hill and at the Pentagon, official sources did not report.

18.38 - All US transatlantic flights are directed to Canadian airports. This was reported by the Reuters news agency with reference to the US Federal Aviation Agency.

18.41 - In the capital of the United States of America, Washington, the western wing of the Pentagon collapsed, on which a passenger plane fell.

18.46 - CNN reports another hijacked plane approaching Washington.

18.54 - American air defense forces shot down a Boeing 737, which was approaching Washington.

18.57 - Another Boeing 747 passenger plane crashed in Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh.

19.03 - One of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center skyscraper in New York had 160 passengers. According to ITAR-TASS, this has just been reported by Japanese television.

19.11 - The City Hall of New York made an assumption that the total death toll in the city from today's terrorist attacks could reach 50 thousand people. This was reported by CNN.

19.15 “According to the city authorities,“ thousands of victims ”of terrorist attacks are being admitted to hospitals in New York, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

19.21 - Units of the US Navy on the territory japanese island Okinawa is on high alert. This was announced on Tuesday by the official representative of the command of the US military contingent in Japan.

19.29 - With reference to representatives of the George W. Bush administration, NBC television reported that Washington has announced a complete evacuation of all government buildings. Washington and New York also announced the complete cessation of the work of all federal and government ministries and departments and announced an increased "fourth category" alarm. Anxiety of the "fifth category" is the highest and is equated to a state of war.

19.31 - In total, 11 aircraft were captured in the United States, of which the location of four is still unknown. As a RIA Novosti correspondent reports, this was reported by the Japanese TV company NHK citing American sources.

19.32 - US Secretary of State Colin Powell urgently flies to Washington from the capital of Peru, Lima, where he is on a visit to the OAS meeting, in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. ...

19.35 - On the plane that followed from Boston and crashed into the building of the Mall, there were 81 passengers. This was reported by the Fox company. According to the RIA Novosti correspondent, according to her data, on the second plane, which followed from Virginia, there were 54 passengers.

19.54 - CNN confirms information about the hijacking of 11 aircraft in the United States.

19.55 - The situation in New York resembles a war zone, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports. The sky over Manhattan is covered with black smoke, almost the entire southern part of the island, which is central area the largest city in the United States, covered with a thick layer of ash and debris.

19.56 - Leading US government agencies have deployed their backup command centers outside of Washington.

19.58 - Former US Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger said that today's attacks in New York and Washington are "an act of war against the United States." Eagleburger, speaking on Tuesday live on NBC, demanded that the US government immediately take "retaliatory action" up to the start of military action against the perpetrators of the attacks and their patrons.

20.07 - Citing national security considerations, the US Secret Service refuses to disclose where US President George W. Bush is now.

20.08 - A state of emergency has been declared in San Francisco, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports. Schools are closed, two are under heavy guard large bridges across St. Francis Gulf, airport closed.

20.17 - Los Angeles and San Francisco airports evacuated. Reported by CNN.

20.25 - There were 160 passengers on board one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center, CNN reports. Meanwhile, according to Reuters, 81 passengers were on the Boston plane that crashed into the Mall. The second plane, which was flying from Virginia, had 54 passengers.

20.25 - The Mayor of New York has declared a state of emergency in the city. This was just announced by Robert Giuliani in a live broadcast on CNN. The city is in panic. Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to leave the city on foot. Because of the crowds on the streets, fire trucks cannot break through to Manhattan.

20.30 - According to preliminary versions in the US, the responsibility for organizing a coordinated series of unprecedented terrorist attacks may lie with the Saudi extremist millionaire Osama bin Laden, the National Liberation Front of Palestine and Colombian drug cartels. ...

20.42 - The Pentagon has ordered two aircraft carriers to go to New York and Washington, the RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

20.48 - As the French TV channel Antenn-2 reported today, the Western special services had information that Osama bin Laden was planning to start a series of attacks on American targets from the end of August. Moreover, they knew about bin Laden's statement to carry out "actions that will amaze everyone's imagination." ...

20.51 - US President George W. Bush, as reported by the RIA Novosti correspondent, will soon make a television address to the nation, which will be broadcast from the territory of the military base on all American television channels.

20.57 - US President George W. Bush said that all American armed forces in the United States and abroad were put on high alert in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

20.57 - The number of victims in the United States as a result of today's terrorist attacks may amount to several thousand people.

20.59 - George Bush, as reported by CNN, does not intend to return to Washington yet. According to sources close to the president, he flew from Sarasota, Florida, where he was at the time of the explosion, but decided not to fly to the capital.

21.18 “The United States will find and punish those who are responsible for the cowardly acts,” said US President George W. Bush, commenting on today's terrorist attacks in Washington and New York, ITAR-TASS reports.

21.33 - US President George W. Bush said that in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, he maintains contacts with the leaders of foreign states, assuring them that they "will do everything necessary to protect America and the Americans." On the essence of "protection": The world redistribution of heroin markets is complete.

21.36 - US Air Force F-16s continue to patrol the airspace over New York and Washington.

21.39 - The US President called the series of current terrorist attacks in New York and Washington "an attack on American freedom", promising to find and punish the organizers. Rating of public organizations whose activities are aimed at the implementation of military-territorial-political goals.

21.50 - Officials from the US government have denied the reports of a number of media outlets about the alleged attempt at a terrorist attack on the country residence of the US President at Camp David (Maryland).

22.03 - The United States Mission in Kosovo has called on its staff, as well as all US citizens in this southern Serbian province and the region as a whole, to be careful, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

22.04 - The fate of three of the 11 aircraft hijacked by terrorists before the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York is still unknown. As a RIA Novosti correspondent reports, this was announced on Tuesday by Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka.

22.22 - The terrorist attack against the United States became possible thanks to the disabling of the NASA satellite system, MIGnews reports with reference to the CNN television company.

22.22 - The Federal Reserve said it will provide in cash all banks in the country to overcome the consequences of terrorist attacks in the United States, reports Reuters.

22.22 - Published a list of hijacked aircraft. According to Associated Press, terrorists managed to capture four passenger aircraft... The FBI speculates that the terrorists killed the pilots immediately after the capture.

22.22 - US President George W. Bush addressed US citizens in connection with the disaster in New York.

22.22 - 50 aircraft various airlines The US is still in the air, Ananova reports, citing the Federal Aviation Authority.

22.52 - An evacuation of the 110-storey Sears Tower skyscraper is underway in Chicago. tall building in the USA with a height of 443 meters and an area of \u200b\u200b418 thousand square meters, the correspondent of RIA Novosti reports.

23.04 - The heads of all structures of the US government are taking part in an emergency meeting now taking place in Washington in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. The meeting is chaired by US Vice President Richard Cheney and US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.

23.04 - The wife of the President of the United States Laura Bush and his two daughters - Barbara and Jenna - are in a safe place. This was reported by the press secretary of the White House, Ari Fleischer, RIA Novosti correspondent reports. He did not specify the whereabouts of the Bush family.

23.05 - The plane carrying US President George W. Bush landed in Omaha (Nebraska). As the RIA Novosti correspondent reports, the reasons for Bush's arrival in Nebraska have not been reported.

23.20 - The number of possible victims of the morning terrorist attacks in the United States is estimated at tens of thousands. Different world agencies put forward different versions. CNN believes that during the series of explosions in largest cities America killed at least 25 thousand people.

23.33 - Enhanced security measures have been taken in the area of \u200b\u200bNATO headquarters in Brussels.

23.40 - New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani urged Americans to start donating blood for victims of terrorist attacks in New York, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

23.46 - Airplane flights civil aviation in the US canceled at least until noon Wednesday, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

Today is the anniversary of the scam. It hurts even to think about the cynicism of those who turned it. They cannot return their conscience with any shekels. The American people, scared to shit by their democratic and free government, do not even try to appeal to the authorities for victims - no one is burying anyone, no one is demanding compensation, there are no graves. Only enterprising and shameless people are suing for the tenth time for the same fraud.

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper,

September 11, 2001, 7:30 am New York time... Boston Logan Airport is boarding American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles. 92 people are boarded, among them five terrorists, led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta.

7:59 ... Flight 11 (Boeing 767) departs Boston with a 14-minute delay and heads for Los Angeles.

8:13 ... The crew of Flight 11 conducts the last communication with terrestrial servicesand then stops answering calls. At this moment, the hijackers break into the cockpit and take control of the Boeing.

8:14 ... A United Airlines Boeing 767 departs from Logan Airport on flight 175 Boston to Los Angeles. It has nine crew members and 56 passengers on board, including five terrorists.

8:19 ... Flight 11's flight attendant Betty Ong manages to reach the airline's office via the onboard phone. She reports that unidentified persons sprayed tear gas, several people were injured, and the plane was apparently hijacked.

8:20 ... Boeing 757 of the airline departs from Dulles Airport, Washington DC
American Airlines on flight 77 Washington - Los Angeles. It has six crew members and 58 passengers on board, including five terrorists.

8:24 ... Flight 11 makes a U-turn and heads for New York. At the same time, the terrorist mistakenly presses the button for communicating with ground services instead of the button for in-cabin communication, and the dispatchers hear the words of the hijackers addressed to the passengers: “We have several planes. Be quiet and everything will be fine. We are going back to the airport. "

8:37 ... The dispatchers report the hijacking of Flight 11 to the American military, more precisely, to the command of the Eastern Air Defense sector.

8:42 ... United Airlines Boeing 757 departs from Newark Airport on flight 93 Newark to San Francisco. On board the liner, which took off with a 40-minute delay, there are 37 passengers, including four terrorists.

8:43 ... Terrorists hijack Flight 175.

8:44 ... From Flight 11, calls the American Airlines office stewardess Amy Sweeney... She reports that something incomprehensible is happening, the plane is rapidly descending. The last phrase of the stewardess: "Oh, God ..." After that the call is interrupted.

8:46 ... At a speed of about 800 kilometers per hour, Flight 11 crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York at the level of 93-99 floors of the building. Interceptors trained in connection with the hijacking of Flight 11 are still at the airfield.

8:48-8:49 ... American television companies begin live coverage from the crash site. There is no information yet that a terrorist attack took place.

A massive fire breaks out in the north tower of the World Trade Center. People cut off by the fire on the upper floors of the building begin to be thrown out of the windows. Over the next hour and a half, at least 100 people will commit suicide in this way. One of the thrown out will cause the death of a firefighter, onto whom he will fall from a great height.

8:51 ... Flight 77 is hijacked.

8:52 ... The flight attendant of Flight 175 calls the office of United Airlines by phone, saying that the plane has been hijacked, both pilots are killed, the flight attendant is injured, and the hijackers are driving the plane.

8:53 ... Two interceptor aircraft were lifted into the air, but they were only tasked with patrolling the Long Island area.

8:54 ... Flight 77 changes course heading south.

8:55 . To US President George W. Bush, which is in the elementary school. Emma Booker of the Florida city of Sarasota, report that the plane crashed into the tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

8:56 ... Terrorists on Flight 77 disable the transponder on board, and the controllers lose the ability to observe the aircraft. The liner heads for Washington.

8:58 ... Flight 175 is heading to New York.

9:00 . Flight 175 Passenger Peter Henson from the plane, he calls his father and says that the passengers are in panic, the flight attendants are injured, the plane makes sudden movements, descending, and, most likely, will crash into some building. “Don't worry, dad. If this happens, everything will be very fast. Oh my god, my god, ”are the last words of Peter Henson.

9:03 ... At a speed of about 960 kilometers per hour, Flight 175 crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center at 78-85 floors.

9:05 ... President George W. Bush is informed of the second plane crashing into the WTC tower, with the words: "America is under attack."

9:08 ... A ban is introduced on the departure of all aircraft whose route lies in the airspace of New York.

9:17 ... First named as the organizer of the attack on America - the version belongs to cBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart.

9:23 ... The crew of Flight 93, the last of those on which the terrorists are and which has not yet been hijacked, receive a warning: "Beware of invasion into the cockpit - two planes crashed into the WTC."

9:28 ... Terrorists aboard Flight 93 storm the cockpit, as ground controllers hear.

9:29 ... First public statement by President Bush regarding the terrorist attack on the WTC towers. The president's entourage has no information about two more hijacked planes.

9:35 ... In Washington, a decision was made to evacuate the US Vice President from the White House.

9:37 ... Flight 77 crashes into the west wing of the Pentagon building in Washington DC.

9:43 ... In Washington, a complete evacuation of the White House and the Capitol is underway.

9:45 . Air space The United States is completely closed, all flights are prohibited, aircraft in the air are ordered to land at the nearest airports.

9:57 ... Passengers of Flight 93, thanks to calls from relatives and friends, who know about what happened to the previously hijacked planes, revolt against the terrorists.

9:59 ... There is a complete destruction of the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

10:03 ... Flight 93 crashes 129 kilometers southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Later, from the recording of voice recorders, it became known that the terrorists sent the plane to the ground at the moment when passengers burst into the cockpit, trying to regain control of the plane.

10:10 ... The damaged wing of the Pentagon building collapses.

10:11 . US Vice President Dick Cheney, not knowing about the crash of Flight 93, orders the military to destroy it.

10:28 ... The destruction of the north tower of the WTC takes place. The Marriott Hotel, located between the two towers, was also completely destroyed.

17:20 ... The 47-storey building of WTC 7 collapses, which received extensive damage during the destruction of the Twin Towers.

As a result of the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, 2,977 people died, not counting 19 suicide bombers, more than two dozen people are still missing. Among the dead, in addition to US citizens, were citizens of 91 states. 96 of them were citizens of the countries of the former USSR or immigrants from them.












Today marks the 16th anniversary of the most terrible and daring terrorist attack in the history of the United States and the whole world. Mourning ceremonies will be held in the United States on Monday to commemorate the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. Six minutes of silence will be announced on this day.

Fighters of the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda" hijacked four passenger planes and sent two of them to the towers of the World Trade Center, two others to the Pentagon, as well as the White House or the Capitol. All planes, except the last one, reached their targets. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The terrorist attack killed 2,977 people, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. In addition to the Americans, citizens of another 92 states were killed. 2753 lives were claimed by the attack in New York, 184 at the Pentagon and 40 in Pennsylvania.

There are also 19 terrorists who died in the attacks, 15 of them were citizens Saudi Arabia, two - United Arab Emiratesas well as Egypt and Lebanon.

The exact figure of the damage caused by the terrorist attacks is still unknown. In September 2006, the then head of the White House, George W. Bush, announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks for the United States was at the lowest estimate of $ 500 billion.

In November 2002, a special independent commission was created in America to investigate the September 11 attacks. Two years later, she published the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy, which contained 600 pages. Experts admitted that suicide bombers took advantage of serious "administrative failures" in the work of the US authorities and intelligence.

The only person convicted of the terrorist attacks in the United States was Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan origin. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduating from flight school in Oklahoma and training on a Boeing 747 simulator in Minnesota. In the spring of 2005, the court found Moussaoui guilty of intending to commit a terrorist attack, which on that tragic day was supposed to be the fifth in a row. The Frenchman admitted that on the personal instructions of Osama bin Laden, he was supposed to hijack the plane and send it to the White House. In May 2006, Moussaoui was sentenced to life in prison by a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia.

In 2002 and 2003, police arrested six other people suspected of involvement in the attacks. They spent several years in CIA prisons, and in 2006 were taken to a camp at an American base in Guantanamo, Cuba. In early 2008, the US Department of Defense indicted six inmates on murder and war crimes charges as part of an investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

The investigation has brought charges against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who, according to the authorities, was the central figure in the preparation of the attacks. Ramzi Binalshiba (Ramzi bin al-Sheba) from Yemen provided organizational support to the terrorists. Mohammed al-Qahtani, according to the investigation, on September 11, 2001 was to become the 20th hijacker of four American planes. Mustafa Ahmed Hawsavi, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Walid bin Attash were also accused of preparing the terrorist attack. In 2008, the charges against al-Qahtani were dropped.

In January 2009, the new US President, Barack Obama, pledged to shut down, ordering the suspension of military prosecutors. The military department had to drop terrorist charges. Nevertheless, as you know, Obama's promise remained unfulfilled - Congress did not approve of his plans. Therefore, in the spring of 2011, he ordered the reopening of military trials against the terrorists held at Guantanamo.

In May 2011, the US military prosecutor's office again brought charges of involvement in organizing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on five suspects, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. A year later, a military tribunal officially charged them with organizing a conspiracy, attacking civilians, deliberately causing physical harm, murder, violation of the laws of war, causing destruction, hijacking an aircraft and terrorism. All five remained silent at the trial.

In July 2014, a military court at Guantánamo concluded that the trial of Ramzi Binalshibh should be conducted separately - military doctors discovered that the Yemeni had a "serious mental illness." To date, hearings on the case of those accused of involvement in organizing the terrorist attack are continuing.

Last spring, New York Federal District Judge George Daniels issued a court ruling in absentia, according to which Tehran must pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of persons who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge also determined that the authorities of the Islamic Republic must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage. Earlier, the judge ruled that since Tehran could not prove its innocence in providing assistance to the organizers of the terrorist attack, therefore, the authorities of this country bear a share of responsibility for the damage caused.

The US Congress in September 2016 passed a law that allows the heirs of the victims of the 9/11 attacks to sue - most of the terrorists had passports of this particular country. In early October last year, an American woman who lost her husband in a terrorist attack filed the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, and in the spring of this year, relatives of the victims in the United States filed a class action lawsuit against Riyadh. Later, dozens of insurance companies filed a lawsuit against two banks in the kingdom, as well as firms associated with the family of Osama bin Laden - the amount of the claim amounted to more than $ 4 billion. Saudi Arabia, in turn, appealed to the federal court in Manhattan to dismiss 25 claims. According to the authorities, the plaintiffs have no evidence of the involvement of Riyadh or related organizations in the 9/11 attack.

In 2011, on the site of the destroyed twin towers in New York, the World Trade Center Memorial was built, which consists of two square fountain pools located right in the foundations of the former twin towers. By interior walls These pools cascade streams of water that go into square holes located at the bottom of the fountains. The names of 2,983 victims of the terrorist attacks are carved on bronze slabs that lined the parapets of the structures.

Since 2002, September 11 in the United States has been celebrated as Patriot Day; since 2009, this date has also been referred to as the nationwide Day of Service and Remembrance.

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger planes - the World Trade Center towers, and two others - on the Pentagon and, presumably, on the White House or the Capitol. All planes, except the last one, reached their targets. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Victims of the 9/11 attacks, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. Not only US citizens were killed, but also 92 other states. In New York, 2,753 people were killed, in the Pentagon - 184 people, 40 people crashed in Pennsylvania.

There are also 19 terrorists killed in the attacks, 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

At 8.46 (hereinafter local time), an American Airlines Boeing 767, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) on Manhattan Island in New York between the 93rd and 99th floors. There were 81 passengers on board (including five terrorists) and 11 crew members.

At 09.03 a United Airlines Boeing 767, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center between the 77th and 85th floors. There were 56 passengers and nine crew members on board.

At 9.37 a Boeing 757 of American Airlines, en route from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon building. There were 58 passengers and six crew members on board.

At 10.03 a United Airlines Boeing 757, en route from Newark (New Jersey) to San Francisco, crashed into a field in southwestern Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanksville, 200 kilometers from Washington. There were 37 passengers and seven crew members on board.

As a result of a severe fire at 9.59, the South Tower collapsed, and at 10.28, the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

At 6:16 pm, the 47-storey building of the World Trade Center complex collapsed, which was located in the immediate vicinity of the WTC towers. The fire started in it.

The exact figure of the damage caused by the 9/11 attacks is unknown. In September 2006, US President George W. Bush announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks was the lowest for the United States.

On November 27, 2002, an independent commission to investigate the September 11 attacks (9/11 Commission) was established in the United States. In 2004, she released the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy. One of the main findings of the 600-page document was the recognition that the perpetrators of the attacks took advantage of the work of the US government and intelligence services.

The only person convicted in the case of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, Zacarias Moussaoui. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduating from a flight school in Oklahoma and training on a Boeing 747 simulator in Minnesota. In April 2005, Moussaoui was found guilty of intent to commit a terrorist attack, which was to be the fifth in a series of tragic events of September 11, 2001. On the personal instructions of Osama bin Laden, he was supposed to hijack a plane and ram the White House in Washington - this is a terrorist.

In May 2006, by a decision of the federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, where the trial took place, Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced.

Six other suspects of involvement in the attacks were arrested in 2002 and 2003, they spent several years in CIA prisons, and in 2006 at the American base in Guantanamo, Cuba.

In February 2008, the US Department of Defense committed murder and war crimes as part of an investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

Charges were brought against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who, according to the 9/11 Commission's report, is the central figure in the preparation of the attacks in the United States; a native of Yemen, Ramzi Binalshiba (another spelling of Ramzi bin al-Sheba), who provided organizational support to terrorists and transferred money to them; Mohammed al-Qahtani, who, according to the investigation, on September 11, 2001, was to become another, the 20th hijacker of four American planes; as well as Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Hawsawi (another spelling of Mustafa Ahmad Hausawi) and Walid bin Attash.

Hearings in the case of those accused of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack.

In March 2016, New York Federal District Judge George Daniels issued a court decision in absentia, according to which Iran must pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those killed at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran could not prove its innocence in providing assistance to the organizers of the terrorist attack, in connection with which the Iranian authorities for the damage caused during it.

In September 2016, the U.S. Congress passed legislation allowing the heirs of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, where most of the terrorists who carried out the attacks were citizens. Already in early October 2016, an American woman who lost her spouse during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, filed the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. In March 2017, relatives of the victims in the United States. In April, it became known that more than two dozen US insurance organizations had filed a lawsuit against two banks in Saudi Arabia and companies associated with the family of Osama bin Laden, as well as against several charities for a total amount of at least 4.2 billion dollars in connection with the attacks

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger planes - the World Trade Center towers, and two others - on the Pentagon and, presumably, on the White House or the Capitol. All planes, except the last one, reached their targets. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Victims of the 9/11 attacks, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. Not only US citizens were killed, but also 92 other states. In New York, 2,753 people were killed, in the Pentagon - 184 people, 40 people crashed in Pennsylvania.

There are also 19 terrorists killed in the attacks, 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

At 8.46 (hereinafter local time), an American Airlines Boeing 767, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) on Manhattan Island in New York between the 93rd and 99th floors. There were 81 passengers on board (including five terrorists) and 11 crew members.

At 09.03 a United Airlines Boeing 767, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center between the 77th and 85th floors. There were 56 passengers and nine crew members on board.

At 9.37 a Boeing 757 of American Airlines, en route from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon building. There were 58 passengers and six crew members on board.

At 10.03 a United Airlines Boeing 757, en route from Newark (New Jersey) to San Francisco, crashed into a field in southwestern Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanksville, 200 kilometers from Washington. There were 37 passengers and seven crew members on board.

As a result of a severe fire at 9.59, the South Tower collapsed, and at 10.28, the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

At 6:16 pm, the 47-storey building of the World Trade Center complex collapsed, which was located in the immediate vicinity of the WTC towers. The fire started in it.

The exact figure of the damage caused by the 9/11 attacks is unknown. In September 2006, US President George W. Bush announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks was the lowest for the United States.

On November 27, 2002, an independent commission to investigate the September 11 attacks (9/11 Commission) was established in the United States. In 2004, she released the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy. One of the main findings of the 600-page document was the recognition that the perpetrators of the attacks took advantage of the work of the US government and intelligence services.

The only person convicted in the case of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, Zacarias Moussaoui. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduating from a flight school in Oklahoma and training on a Boeing 747 simulator in Minnesota. In April 2005, Moussaoui was found guilty of intent to commit a terrorist attack, which was to be the fifth in a series of tragic events of September 11, 2001. On the personal instructions of Osama bin Laden, he was supposed to hijack a plane and ram the White House in Washington - this is a terrorist.

In May 2006, by a decision of the federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, where the trial took place, Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced.

Six other suspects of involvement in the attacks were arrested in 2002 and 2003, they spent several years in CIA prisons, and in 2006 at the American base in Guantanamo, Cuba.

In February 2008, the US Department of Defense committed murder and war crimes as part of an investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

Charges were brought against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who, according to the 9/11 Commission's report, is the central figure in the preparation of the attacks in the United States; a native of Yemen, Ramzi Binalshiba (another spelling of Ramzi bin al-Sheba), who provided organizational support to terrorists and transferred money to them; Mohammed al-Qahtani, who, according to the investigation, on September 11, 2001, was to become another, the 20th hijacker of four American planes; as well as Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Hawsawi (another spelling of Mustafa Ahmad Hausawi) and Walid bin Attash.

Hearings in the case of those accused of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack.

In March 2016, New York Federal District Judge George Daniels issued a court decision in absentia, according to which Iran must pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those killed at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran could not prove its innocence in providing assistance to the organizers of the terrorist attack, in connection with which the Iranian authorities for the damage caused during it.

In September 2016, the U.S. Congress passed legislation allowing the heirs of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, where most of the terrorists who carried out the attacks were citizens. Already in early October 2016, an American woman who lost her spouse during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, filed the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. In March 2017, relatives of the victims in the United States. In April, it became known that more than two dozen US insurance organizations had filed a lawsuit against two banks in Saudi Arabia and companies associated with the family of Osama bin Laden, as well as against several charities for a total amount of at least 4.2 billion dollars in connection with the attacks