Foreign passports and documents

Day of the water police. For order on the water. Day of the river police of Russia. Celebration traditions in Russia

On July 23, 2018, solemn events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the militia (police) in the water areas of Russia were held in Moscow.

In modern Russia, special police units in water transport are subordinate to the transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the federal districts and interregional linear departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in transport.

On the Day of the 100th Anniversary of the Waterborne Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the leadership awarded its subordinates and veterans with awards: anniversary medals, certificates and valuable gifts. Departmental awards were presented by Police Lieutenant General Oleg Kalinkin and Police Colonel Alexey Rykov. Then the transport police officers were congratulated by the First Deputy President of the Moscow River Shipping Company Andrey Kosygin and the President of the Moscow Association of Shipowners Kirill Evdokimov.

A veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board, who, on behalf of the organization headed by him, awarded the police officers with diplomas and certificates of honor for their professionalism, conscientious service, was invited to the celebration.

In his speech, Mansur Yusupov noted that the police on water transport in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for over 100 years has adequately ensured public safety and law and order on the country's waterways, the safety of goods, fights crime, counteracts corruption, participates in anti-terrorist measures, sometimes painting with my life. It is a highly organized and professional law enforcement structure in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Many transport police officers went through on business trips to "hot spots" following orders from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there were both killed and wounded, while participating in military operations. We must always remember their deeds.

In their work, they often have to deal with drug and arms trafficking, as well as economic disruption. The Water Police makes a significant contribution to the fight against poachers, which cause enormous damage to the state.

Last year, in 2003, on the 85th anniversary of the formation of militia on water transport in Moscow, in the Mnevniki district on the banks of the Moskva River, a monument was erected - a stele "To the soldiers of law and order who dedicated their lives to ensuring security and law and order in the water areas of Russia." This monument is dedicated to the memory of veterans who gave their youth, long years of service in the transport police. At the opening of this monument by veterans and the leadership of the Linear Directorate of Internal Affairs on Water Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, it was decided to lay a capsule at the foot of the monument - a message to descendants on the 100th anniversary of the formation of the militia in water transport. The capsule was laid at that time by the head of the Department of Internal Affairs on water transport, Colonel of Militia Yusupov M.R. And after 15 years, he was also instructed to get this capsule with a message to descendants.

Honorary veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Mansur Yusupov, in the presence of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and veterans, removed the indicated capsule with a message to the descendants from the foot of the monument and handed it to the head of the Transport Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District, Police Lieutenant General Oleg Viktorovich Kalinkin, who read this message to the personnel water police.

It was decided to re-lay a new capsule with a message to the descendants from the police unit on the 150th anniversary of the formation of the police on water transport. Colonel Alexei Rykov, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on water transport, put a new capsule with a message to descendants at the foot of the monument.

The event was held at a high organized and patriotic spiritual level.

For the first time in the structure of Russian law enforcement agencies, such a unit as the river police appeared in the second half of the 19th century - the project for its creation, as a separate department, was approved by the tsar in June 1867. She became a member of the external police as a special special body to monitor order in the water areas of St. Petersburg.
The river police patrolled the water areas of the capital of the Russian Empire, supervised water transport facilities (carried out inspections and surveys of ships, piers) and other water bodies - fish cages, swimming pools, made sure that “the banks of rivers and canals were well fortified, ... so that scows should not be placed close to bridges ... ”, and also fought against theft and fires on the water. In subsequent years, the units river police- to monitor the surrounding cities bodies of water"In police and sanitary terms" - began to be created in other Russian regions. After the October Revolution of 1917, the river police, like most of the law enforcement system of tsarist Russia, was eliminated. But on July 25, 1918, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the establishment of the river police" was issued. Today, it is this date that is considered to be the Day of the Creation of the River Police in Russia. Departments of this unit were organized in provincial cities and counties, on the territory of which navigable rivers flowed. Initially created on a territorial basis, the river police subsequently, in order to increase the efficiency of their work, began to organize themselves along river basins. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War there was a need for a centralized water militia, which was created on June 27, 1942 by a joint order of the NKVD and the People's Commissariat of the USSR River Fleet. In May 1943, the water department of the workers 'and peasants' militia became part of the newly formed Department of Transport Militia, and since 1980 - into the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs in Transport of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. At present, the water police units are subordinate to the transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, as well as interregional linear departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport. As in all the time of its existence, the river police units still carry out work to combat crime and delinquency at water transport facilities in Russia, including the identification of economic crimes, as well as in the sphere of illegal arms and drug trafficking. And in connection with the specifics of the work, close attention of the employees is paid to the fight against poaching. On their professional holiday, all river police officers receive congratulations from colleagues and management, and the best of them are awarded state and departmental awards.
Photo: https: //dgsk.mvd.rf

In connection with the celebration of the anniversary, a solemn event was held in the Directorate, in which the Chief of the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Central Federal District, Police Major General Viktor Shimarov, Head of the Personnel and Civil Service Directorate, Police Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Torgalo, Head of the Line Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Water Transport, Police Colonel Alexei Batenin, Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of Veterans of the Directorate, retired police colonel Gennady Nikiforov, personnel and veterans of the unit. - Dear Colleagues! - Viktor Shimarov addressed those present. - I congratulate you on the 95th anniversary of the Water Police Education Day! An important and complex mission is entrusted to you - the protection of public order and the suppression of criminal manifestations on the waterways of the Central federal district Russia. And you deal with it with honor! I wish the employees of the line department on water transport well-being, good health and professional growth! The head of the unit Alexey Batenin and the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Directorate Gennady Nikiforov congratulated the personnel on the holiday. At the end of the solemn part, the awarding ceremonies of the Leningrad Oblast employees took place. History of the unit The museum of the Transport Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Central Federal District stores a copy of the Decree on the Replacement of River Guard with River Militia dated July 25, 1918, signed by the Council of People's Commissars, which served as the basis for significant transformations of law enforcement agencies in water transport. The history of the creation and development of the river police unit begins with this document. In 1936, the Moscow department of the river police was formed. In 1980, on the eve of the Moscow Olympics, the department of the river police entered the structure of the Internal Affairs Directorate, serving the water area of ​​the Moskva River within the capital. In 1991, the name of the Moscow ATC in air transport was added "... and in water transport." In 2003, the water militia unit was renamed into the Linear Department of Internal Affairs on water transport, the main tasks of which were: control over public order on the main waterways of the central region of Russia, hydraulic structures and life support facilities in Moscow; exclusion of the possibility of carrying out terrorist acts at water transport facilities; fight against criminal manifestations at water transport facilities. In 2010, three structures were merged into the Department for Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District - the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs at railway transport , Moscow ATC in air and water transport and South-Eastern ATC in transport - and the linear control in water transport became a department. More than 2 thousand kilometers of waterways When organizing and carrying out law enforcement activities at water transport facilities, employees of the line department take into account the specific conditions of service. The uniqueness of the unit and its difference from others lies in the service area. The length of inland waterways, on which security and law and order are ensured by the LP staff, is more than 2,153 km. They pass through the waters of the Moscow, Oka, Volga rivers and the Moscow Canal, through the territory of Moscow and Moscow, Tver, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga regions. And these are 11 river ports, 3 river stations, 2 river shipping companies, 49 piers and berths. At present, the following functions are assigned to the internal affairs bodies in water transport: ensuring public order during water sports events and holidays on the water; prevention of accidents and rescue of people in distress on the water; sanitary and prophylactic protection of individual indoor water basins; assistance to the border troops in maintaining the border regime; rendering assistance to the fishery protection authorities, subdivisions of the State Inspection for Small Vessels (GIMS), environmental organizations. The efficiency and effectiveness of the service largely depends on the nature of the interaction of the water police officers with the administration, various public organizations, territorial internal affairs bodies, state environmental authorities, border and customs services. In this direction, the linear department has succeeded: joint preventive measures and operations are regularly carried out with various structures, such as: "Illegal migrant", "Debtor", "Trade", "Teenager", "Safety on the water", "Alcohol" and others. In addition, employees of the line department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on water transport are constantly involved in ensuring public safety and law and order at events dedicated to international, state, professional and religious holidays. Boat trips for schoolchildren and graduates are also not complete without the participation of transport police. Magic "Mongoose" Modern technology helps employees of the line department to successfully carry out office tasks. The subdivision has 34 floating facilities on its balance sheet, including the Breeze and Silver boats, as well as the high-speed Mongoose equipped with the latest technology. If necessary, in a matter of minutes, bypassing the capital's traffic jams, a police boat can arrive at its destination. And the usual patrolling of the Moskva River water area has a magical effect on offenders: hooligans on the water simply do not risk competing with the powerful and high-speed Mongoose.

On July 25, Russia celebrates the Day of the River Police. This is a professional holiday of people responsible for maintaining public order and fighting crime on the country's inland waterways. The river police are part of the structure of the transport police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, but their tasks are special, but independent and very interesting. The holiday date was established in honor of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the establishment of the river police", which was published just on July 25, 1918, exactly 99 years ago. But in fact, although the modern river police counts its existence precisely from this decree, the history of maintaining order on the rivers and lakes of Russia is longer and began in the pre-revolutionary era.

Back at the beginning of the 19th century. the Russian authorities are closely concerned with the issue of streamlining the management of water communications. In 1809, by the decision of Emperor Alexander I, the Directorate of water and land communications was created. The Russian empire was divided into 10 districts under the leadership of directors of water and land communications, who had police teams at their disposal. This was the prototype of the river police created much later.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Russian Empire continued to improve the law enforcement system, primarily the police services. The spread of revolutionary ideas in society, the emergence of populist organizations, the growth of crime - all these circumstances greatly worried the Russian authorities and contributed to the strengthening of the Russian police.

On June 27, 1867, a special river police was created. Initially, it existed only in St. Petersburg - to protect public order in the Russian capital, but soon also appeared in Riga, Odessa and Nikolaev. The authorities have been thinking about the need to increase security measures on the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg for a long time, and in 1866 a special commission was assembled under the leadership of General Prince Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov, who in 1861-1866. served as the St. Petersburg military governor-general and was well acquainted with the peculiarities of organizing the protection of order in the Russian capital. After D. Karakozov's assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II in 1866, the post of military governor-general of St. Petersburg was abolished, and Suvorov became inspector general of the infantry, but this did not prevent him from heading the commission for the creation of the river police.

The river police were assigned administrative and police tasks. She was supposed to be responsible for the implementation of the legislation in the field of shipping, maintaining order on the water and in the coastal zone, overseeing the load of goods and their rolling ashore, checking for serviceability of steam and rowing ships designed in case of floods, fighting theft and vagrancy on water arteries of St. Petersburg, determine the rules for closing navigation and ensure the safety of passage on ice. In addition, the river police were entrusted with rescue functions in relation to drowning people and wrecked ships.

The staff of the river police of St. Petersburg was not distinguished by a large number. The river police were subordinate to the chief of police of St. Petersburg, and the direct management of its activities was carried out by the manager. 3 officers were subordinate to him - assistants, lower ranks and a team of sailors seconded by the Naval Ministry. The manager of the river police was by rank a headquarters officer of the fleet, and his assistants were chief officers of the fleet. The appointment of the manager and his assistants was also carried out by mutual agreement of the Naval Ministry and the Chief of Police of St. Petersburg. The first commander of the river police of St. Petersburg was appointed Lieutenant-Commander of the Fleet Vladimir Ivanovich Korostovets.

The experiment to create a river police in St. Petersburg turned out to be successful, so the authorities decided to create a river police on other waterways of the Russian Empire. So, in May 1882, it was decided to create the Nizhny Novgorod river police, which was to be responsible for order on the Oka and Volga rivers. The river police committee was headed by the Nizhny Novgorod governor himself; the committee included the vice-governor, the police chief, the head of the river police, the head of the transport department, the shipping inspector, the mayor, the architect, and the fair manager. The direct management of the river police was carried out by the head of the river police with assistants and subordinates of lower ranks. The personnel of the river police in Nizhny Novgorod was in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire, although the salary rate was Nizhny Novgorod as in others provincial towns, were slightly lower than in St. Petersburg, but this is understandable - and the capital life was more expensive, and the responsibility of the capital's river police is greater.

In 1885, the number of the St. Petersburg River Police was increased. It introduced the positions of a junior assistant to the head of the river police, two senior police officers and ten junior police officers. In 1894, in addition to the river police, another structure was created that was responsible for maintaining order and safety on the waters and the coast - the port police. Port overseers, port foremen and port police officers served in the major military ports of the Russian Empire, providing security and fighting crime.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. the river police of St. Petersburg already had 104 employees. The following positions were introduced: river police manager, four assistant river police managers, one mechanical engineer, one ship engineer, one clerk, twenty senior police officers and seventy-five junior police officers, one machinist. However, during the navigation period, the number of personnel of the St. Petersburg river police increased to 304 people - another 88 junior policemen, 1 machinist, 5 helmsmen and 5 stokers, 5 sailors were added. In 1902, 28 port guards were included in the river police to ensure the safety of the St. Petersburg port. The river police of St. Petersburg had their own ships - 2 steamers, 8 boats, 1 steam boat, 2 rowing life whaleboats and 33 rowboats.

The specificity of the river police service was also emphasized by its uniforms. It resembled marine uniform, and there was an anchor on the emblem, which indicated the functions performed. River police officers seconded from the Ministry of the Navy retained naval ranks. As a rule, for service in the river police, the most experienced and reliable sailors were selected, capable of fulfilling their duties in terms of their qualities.

The February and October revolutions of 1917 were a serious blow to the entire law enforcement system of the Russian state. The complete breakdown of the old state institutions did not pass by the police either. Moreover, her revolutions touched in the first place, since the police were considered the stronghold of the autocracy, they were hated by the revolutionaries of all political parties. Nevertheless, immediately after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks were faced with the need to revive the system of combating crime and protecting public order. The sharply increased number of crimes, including in transport, left no choice but to recreate the former law enforcement agencies, albeit in a shape changed in accordance with the prevailing ideology. On July 25, 1918, the decree "On the improvement of the river police" was adopted, which laid the legal basis for the protection of public order on the waterways of Soviet Russia.

In accordance with the decree of July 25, 1918, a river police was created, which was part of the People's Commissariat for internal affairs RSFSR. April 23, 1919 All-Russian Central Executive committee(All-Russian Central Executive Committee) adopted the Regulation "On the river Soviet worker-peasant militia", and in 1920 a special department of the water militia was created as part of the militia of the RSFSR. Initially, the river militia was formed according to the territorial principle, like the ordinary militia, but then it was reorganized and adapted to perform functions in relation to river and sea routes. The river militia was renamed into the water militia.
In the next two years, the water militia underwent a fairly large-scale reorganization.

First, in September 1920, part of the personnel of the water militia was transferred to the Internal Service Troops and renamed as the Water Militia of the Internal Service. The Criminal Investigation Department, which worked on the waterways and was part of the water police, was transformed into the Water Investigation and Investigation Police. But already in the same 1920, all weak sides the transformations that took place, after which the water militia was transferred from the Internal Service Troops to the troops of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission. In March 1921, the Directorate of the Railway and Water Militia was transferred from the Cheka to the Glavmilitsia. However, then, in December 1921, the water and railway police were eliminated, and the functions of protecting the water and railway infrastructure were transferred to the protection of the People's Commissariat of Railways and the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission.

Thus, by 1924 a departmental militia of the NKPS was created in the USSR. In large port cities On the model of tsarist Russia, port militia departments were created, which were maintained by the enterprises that this militia served. At the same time, water departments were created as part of the territorial police bodies - to protect public order and fight crime on water transport and waterways. In this form, the water militia existed for a decade and a half, until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The wartime situation demanded the creation of a unified and centralized control system for the water militia, since the need to control the situation on waterways, the fight against saboteurs, criminals and saboteurs, the protection of goods.

On June 27, 1942, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of the River Fleet of the USSR issued a joint order to create a centralized water militia. The new structure was tasked with protecting public order, combating common crime and theft of socialist property in water transport. As part of the Main Directorate of the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia, the Transport Police Department was created, where in May 1943 a special Water Department was included.

Further transformations awaited the water militia after the end of the Great Patriotic War and were associated with general reorganizations of the country's law enforcement system. So, on June 19, 1947, the functions of protecting public safety and law and order on railway and water communications were transferred to the Main Directorate of Protection on Railway and Water Transport, created as part of the USSR Ministry of State Security on June 19, 1947. Thus, the Main Directorate of the MGB became responsible for the protection of law and order on the water, which also assumed the functional responsibilities of counterintelligence support for railway and water transport.

When the united Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was formed on August 14, 1953, the 6th Transport Department The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which took over counterintelligence functions in transport and transport enterprises, and the Transport Police Department of the Main Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which was directly involved in ensuring the protection of public order, combating crime and theft of socialist property in transport.

Accordingly, the employees in the Transport Police Department were transferred from the abolished GDO, and instead of the state security ranks they were given special ranks of the Soviet militia. Four years later, in 1957, the functions of protecting public order in water transport and waterways were transferred to the republican internal affairs bodies, and the water police units were included in the regional departments of internal affairs of the union republics, autonomous republics, territories and regions of the Soviet Union.

The system of public order protection in water transport acquired its modern look in 1980, when the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs in Transport of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was created. Now his successor is the Department of Law Enforcement in Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation... Employees of the water police today are serving in all cities and settlements Russian Federation, where there are line police departments in water transport. Their service is less visible than other units of the transport police, which citizens encounter more often, but it is no less difficult and honorable.

Vessels carry passengers and large volumes of cargo. They are often of interest to attackers. Criminals steal property, violate public order, threaten security with their actions. To counteract them, river police units have been created. They warn, investigate, and prosecute suspects. To increase the prestige of the profession, to draw attention to the problems of employees, to express gratitude, a professional holiday has been created.

Who notes

V professional holiday the heads of the river police unit, subordinates, technical, auxiliary personnel are involved. Students, teachers of specialized universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The purpose of the holiday is to honor the employees who ensure the safety of the river transport, to emphasize the importance of the structure, its contribution to maintaining the safety of life, health of people, protection of property. The selected date has a symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the signing of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated July 25, 1918 "On the establishment of the river police". From this moment the history of the river police in Russia begins.

On this day, employees are awarded certificates of honor, medals, diplomas for significant achievements in work. Celebrations are held in cultural institutions. Interior Ministry officials confer titles, make speeches and statements. Heads of divisions send letters of gratitude to employees. The exhibitions showcase samples of equipment used by the security forces. Public organizations raise topical issues of the activities of security officials and suggest ways to improve them. The media broadcast programs about the work of the river police, journalists interview them.

About the profession

Employees react to citizens' appeals, carry out preventive work, investigate violations, and attend incidents. The river police patrol the waters of waterways, advise people, register incidents, and fight poachers.

You can get into the ranks of the unit after receiving specialized education in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Security officials must be able to handle weapons, drive vehicles, know the law, and have physical training.

Before the introduction of the police reform in 2011, the structure was called the river police. It existed in the Russian Empire since June 1867.

Employees of St. Petersburg and the region patrol 1000 km of water areas.