Foreign passports and documents

Dmitry Komarov on the involves of his last journey to Nepal. The world inside out (all issues) Watch online What happened to Dmitry Komarov in Nepal

Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov - a popular journalist and photographer, the author and TV presenter of the Extreme-Travel show "The World inside out" on the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1" and the All-Russian "Friday!", The winner of the title "Favorite TV-2013" (2nd place among the best TV programs ), winner of the premium "Viva! The most beautiful is 2017. "

It is also known for the creation of a charitable project "Cup of Coffee", as part of which agitates to give up daily small spending such as the purchase of a glass of coffee on the way to work and list this money for the treatment of children. For a year and a half, with the help of subscribers, he managed to pay expensive operations abroad to five children.


The future traveler and journalist appeared on June 17, 1983 in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, and became the firstborn in the usual Soviet family. His parents - people are very modest and not public. In addition to Dmitry, they raised and raised two more children: Son and daughter. According to Dmitry, despite the difficult financial situation in the period of the 1990s, they managed to create a friendly, strong family and give a happy childhood to all three.

The deposit of the future profession and the ability to literary creativity from Dmitry manifested itself very early. According to his own recognition, the articles for periodicals he began to write in the younger school class. And at the age of 17, he had already seriously engaged in journalism, setting out a job as the editorial office "Tentvented", where the exclusive materials of the popular Ukrainian-Russian weekly edited with inspiration.

Career development

After school, the young man became a student of the National Transport University. Simultaneously with study in the technical university, he continued to write articles for a number of print publications, including Men's Ego and Playboy gloss. Later he worked as a special arch of the Komsomolskaya Pravda and "News in Ukraine".

In the 3rd year of studying in NTU, he finally realized that he was most interested in journalism most of all, so in parallel he continued to study at the University of Culture and Arts. As a result, the young man received two diplomas: engineer and specialist in public relations.

While still a student, Dmitry traveled a lot, attended a mansion from the juicy tourist trails, small cities and villages, acquainted with the locals and their original culture. Interestingly, he preferred his trips to make one, considering loneliness a useful and important factor. In his opinion, this state allowed him to understand someone else's country, to focus as much as possible on his feelings and thoughts. As a talisman in all his travels, he took with him the flag of Ukraine.

On trips, he began to get involved in photography, making photo reports and exhibitions of the most interesting work. So, in 2005, he introduced the exposition of "Africa", including pictures from Kenya and Tanzania in it. In 2007 - organized the exposition of photographs "Nepal. Year 2064 ", in 2009, the Exhibition" Indosutra ", where he presented successful frames taken in India. He turned out to be the first foreign photojournalist, who received the permission of the authorities to remove the cremation procedure on the shore of Ganges. The same trip itself, during which he managed to drive 20 thousand km in 90 days, was introduced to the book of Records of Ukraine.

The world inside out

Soon, Dmitry began to take a video camera in travel. At this stage, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an entertainment and cognitive program was born, where he could show the audience not traditional tourist corners of different countries, but exclusive materials about hard-to-reach and mysterious places, wild tribes, amazing animals, strange customs and shocking rituals. So there was his show "The World inside out".

The premiere of the program leading to which he became released in 2010 on the channel "1 + 1", was dedicated to Cambodia and had a stunning success. TV viewers were impressed by eating personnel by local residents of poisonous tarantulas, the story about the life of the tribe of former cannibals, pnongs, the kind of public houses.

A year later, Komarov prepared a cycle of India programs. Then, along with the operator, he visited Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zanzibar in Africa, Kenya, introducing the audience with intact civilization to the corners of these countries, with rare professions of local residents, a bright culture.

The fourth season of the transfer was dedicated to Vietnam, the following - Indonesia, where their main impression was at home on trees.

In 2015, Dmitry with a partner traveled for several months in Mexico, visited the house where Ernest Chemigii lived and worked, where he wrote his most amazing lines. They also visited Cuba and in Bolivia.

Shots of absolutely all issues of the project were held with the participation of only two people - the author and operator. By 2015, their number reached 100 programs. This circumstance allowed him to get into the book of Records of Ukraine in the nomination "The largest number of tourist programs filmed by the minimum film crew".

Dmitry Komarov conquered Everest

In 2016, Dmitry went to Nepal, the most high-mountainous country on earth, where he had a chance to visit the epicenter of the earthquake by force of 5.5 points. His main goal was the highest top of the planet - Everest. He spoke about her conquest and other fascinating and even mystical moments. For example, how unexpectedly chosen for himself to move to one of the places of the country is not a proposed plane, but a car. Later they reported that that aircraft crashed in a plane crash.

Personal life Dmitry Komarova

The leading "world inside out" is not married. He is entirely given to his project. Excessive employment, passion for the knowledge of the wrongness of exotic countries, frequent and long business trips prevent him from creating his family.

He confessed in an interview that it was very emotional and in love, but the romantic relationship belongs very seriously. He is following the idea of \u200b\u200bshort intrigues, he prefers long-term novels. In communication most of all he appreciates sincerity. In exotic countries, he met a lot of beauties, but the most beautiful girls in the world the Ukrainians consider.

A young man is skeptical of union with foreigners. In his opinion, after a period of Euphoria and Love, only common interests and joint pastime are capable of preserving relationships. But for people who grown on different fairy tales, cartoons and books, absolutely different concepts and values, to understand each other's interests almost impossible. In addition, no matter how well a person did not learn the language of another country, communication with a foreigner will not be able to be as deep as with a compatriot.

That girl I will offer to go out for me, and which will agree, should understand the features of my work. Yes, she will have to wait for me from expeditions for several months.

Dmitry Komarov now

Interesting were the adventures of the leading in the "country of the Rising Sun", which they with the operator visited in 2017. In particular, he managed to get to the secret world of Sumo Fighters, strictly guarding his secrets, to reveal the reason for the high level of suicides in a highly developed country and the secret of the longevity of Okinawa island, which covers in the diet, namely in the daily use of rare algae called Mazuko.

Dmitry Komarov in Japan

In 2018, Dmitry announced the release of his new book. According to the traveler Extremal, it will contain many photos, tips for tourists, recipes for exotic dishes and exclusive information about the most unusual facts and points of the planet. He believes that his book will be interested in readers of all ages, and will also be able to become useful schoolchildren as an alternative textbook.

Already on this Thursday, the Eighth Season of the author's project Dmitry Komarov "The World inside out" will be released on televisers. The TV presenter itself promises that he will be incredibly extreme and exciting. Exclusively for us, Dmitry declassified the most interesting moments of the upcoming issues of the program and shared, as it spends the time outside the project.

- How do you feel about your popularity that fell on you six years ago with the appearance of the project?
- The first year and a half was very unusual such universal attention. At times it was even scary: you go to the store for kefir, and people are suitable for you, photograph, ask autographs, ask questions. I did not understand this, I felt uncomfortable and even wore a baseball cap, hiding the hairstyle recognizable at that time. But now I got used to and ceased to pay attention. Moreover, I realize that this is part of my profession and I have to pay attention to the audience, including outside work. For example, after a creative meeting in Dnepropetrovsk, I once again distributed autographs. It was very uncomfortable to me that these people were forced to stand in line and wait, so periodically even brought their apologies to the microphone.
And sometimes even my flight turns into a press conference. So, during the return from Nepal, two places next to me were free on the plane, and they eventually turned into places of creative meetings. In turn, passengers were suitable for me to discuss their questions: Some offered a joint business, others were advised about the route in a particular country. All this lasted for four and a half hours, while the plane landed in Kiev.
- And where do you spend your vacation and how to relax in the free time from the project?
"No one will believe, but I practically do not rest." 99 percent of my life is devoted to the project. In the office, where we are now with you, I live. True, several times in recent years I traveled a week to India. This country has inexplicable magnetism, and a person who gets there once, usually falls in love with her and returns again. Once I had a weekly vacation, and I went to Varanasi, removed the number overlooking the gang, went to the Manicairnik, Ghat, where the corpses burn, and spent half a day there. In this city, I have a lot of friends. It was ridiculous when the burners of the corpses began to hug, treat coffee. So together with the Hindus from the caste, we just sat, watched the corpses burn. At that moment I thought - is there a normal person in general if I spend my such desired vacation here, on the shore of Ganges?

- Do you really have no time to disconnect from work at least for an hour?
- To rest, I need to change the atmosphere and go for one or two days somewhere. In July, for example, I completely spontaneously got into Latvia to my friends from "95 Quarter", they organized a festival Made in Ukraina.. Even for a few days I went to Nürburgring - this is the most dangerous racing track in the world. It has long been dreamed of testing herself in the role of a rider. After that, it immediately became obvious that I lack the skills to drive through the sports track, now I want to practice our athletes on a closed track. Another trip was in Italy this summer. I flew to Kate Ryrkova, which I collected from December money for a complex operation (Dmitry gathered € 87,000 for a girl for a girl, in which the intestine was removed due to the genetic disease. - Rest. Ed.).
- Why at one moment did you become charity?
- People today do not trust those who publish information about what kind of child urgently needs help, because many scammers. Trust only proven people who take responsibility and are responsible for the truthfulness of information. I use my popularity to help. Moreover, I believe that all our public people, especially who have many subscribers on social networks, are obliged to engage in charity. Much that they have today is not only talent. In something they were lucky, so the circumstances were. And you need to thank the space for what they have, helping those who really need it. Why all the famous people do not do this, I do not know. I do not even speak personally to sacrifice money, although considering that the amount of their fee for one corporate or concert exceeds the annual income of people who need help, one could help. At least organize and oversee the collection of money. So, thanks to the responses of people on my page in Facebook. and B. Instagram., we were able to collect one million hryvnia for one month. This gave the opportunity to bring her to parents to Treatment in Italy. Just imagine money and even katina schools were collected from the school. They folded in a plastic jar of two hryvnias with sandwiches, they screamed the crafts and sold them for a penny. It is very touching, but it is clear that this money could not solve the problem. But in the end, through my subscribers, we have gathered the whole amount, and now I will definitely continue to help other children who need help.

- Now you are actively preparing for the eighth season. What will you amaze this time?
- We call this season one of the most extreme. He in the literal sense of the word was shot between heaven and land: after all, it was Himalayas Gods chose their habitat. Nepal is a place of force, and compared to us - another planet. There was a lot of extreme and situations "on the verge": repeatedly had to ruin the insurance company and cause a helicopter for evacuation. This season we will show our climb on Island Peak (6189 m), as well as give an answer to the whole world of interest: there is a man-Yeti. Only we found a way to learn this, and to solve the task even connected experts from other countries. And we will show the audience a new look at magic.
- Almost at the very beginning of this trip there was a turning time for you: a plane crashed, making a flight to Jomsom, in which you were to be with the operator Alexander Dmitriev. How much did this tragedy change the course of the expedition?
- Everything happened almost mystically. We met a unique Ukrainian who threw a business and left to live in Nepal, radically changing her life: built the most highly mountainous bathhouse in the world on firewood near the Kingdom of Mustang, does not wear shoes. His heels are now similar to the sole of sneakers, very tough. He refused food and eats only a black Himalayan salt, drinks water, tea and milk. At the same time, it works as a cook in its own hotel. He has a very specific philosophy of life. He calls all people with deities. And here we communicate, I tell about my plans to fly in Jomsom, to which he answers me: "Deity, I strongly recommend not to fly, but to go with a car and remove a beautiful way." It was completely illogical from the point of view of finance, time and comfort by proposal. But I decided to go on the jeep. Upon arrival asked the operator in the morning to go to shoot the city and at the same time to remove how the plane sits down in the Alpine Airport. After 10 minutes, Sasha returns and says: "Imagine, the plane crashed." The fact is that there was not a tourist season, flights at this time were sent every four days, and we would definitely be exactly in that aircraft. Naturally, we ran immediately to the airport to chat with those who meet the plane. On the way, jeeps met with the military who went to look for a plane broken in the mountains, and joined them. In a hurry, I made a few fatal mistakes: I did not take warm things and left the satellite phone on the bed. Without food, without warm clothing, we have been looking for this ill-fated plane without a warm clothing. As a result, we found it, but during the rescue-search operation, the operator damaged his leg, and this completely changed the course of our expedition. Already near the wreckage of the aircraft, I agreed with the officials of the airline of Nepal, so that they set Sasha on a helicopter. In exchange, I was asked to descend into the gorge, help find a black box, because local experts did not cope with it, and I knew how to do it. I did my job, but they were deceived and flew away without the operator. After that, there was a very dramatic descent: Sasha Noga was in a terrible state, and eventually he fell into the hospital.
- Is it scary during such situations?
- Not. Our profession atrophies self-preservation instincts. When you have such an extremal lifestyle, then the willy-nilly scare you is becoming more and more difficult. But there were many situations in Nepal, in the same mountains where life turned out to be in the hairs. And only now I am surprised himself from time to time, how calmly accepted certain decisions. As I remember, climb on Island peak, the height is about 6,000 meters, a squall wind that knocks down from the legs. We go through the stairs of a crack width of 20-30 meters with an ice ax in their hands, the staircase is swinging under us. It's incredibly scary, but we move one crack after another, and the farther, the stronger the wind. It is getting harder and harder to go. At one moment, Sherpi guides are stopped and they say that it is impossible to go further that the ascent must be finished. That I said, no matter how it persuaded - they refused to continue, fearing just to die. I was very upset, realizing that there would be no such chance. At the camera, the operator said that we can't go further and that our ascent was finished, after which I squatted and thought what to do next. Sherpi looked at me and ask: "Do you really want to climb so much?" I answer: "I need to climb!" I offered them to move cracks not standing, but on all fours, so that the sail of the body was less and the wind did not blow us. They looked at me, as in the crazy and asked if I was first the first. "Of course!" - I replied. Here they realized that it was useless to fight with me, and on all fours we continued to wade through these stairs. Further on our way there was an icefall, and every time, getting to the next ice cream (something like a metal screw, to which the rope is attached - approx. Ed.) And, seeing what they are old, cut and how they are screwed, I looked down and I understood: if that, falling down about 400 meters, and nothing will remain from me. There was a moment when I thought I could die.

- How does mom react to everything that happens to you in the frame?
- Mom had to teach to this, sometimes you have to deceive to care her nerves. If I go to climb, I say that we are in the tropical jungle photographing elephants, so there will be no connection coming days. Sometimes I take a satellite phone to call it periodically. Sooner or later, she will still find out the truth, but it is already accustomed to view extreme frames in the program. In this case, shock therapy is very useful: the main thing is to show her the worst photo or video. She says that I am crazy, but then later looking through some really scary episode, can say: "Well, compared to the snake it is nonsense!"
- Does it often be able to see natives, because you have a sufficiently tight schedule?
"We have a very friendly family, and if possible, we try at least once a week with a brother and sister after work to call for parents to dine. And once every two weeks, I try to pull them out to my dacha, fry kebabs, prepare Thai soup.
- Can you cook?
- I love to cook, but not for myself. I can not afford to spend time more than cooking scrambled eggs. Sometimes I can still make eggplants for a couple. But when my friends and loved ones are going to at home, turning into another person: I get out of the bags of the spices, which brought from Thailand, looking for recipes, the necessary ingredients and begin to cook.
- Sit on diets?
- I did not work with diet. I do not hide, before the first expedition I was pursued by the myth that in the frame you need to look like a gloss hero. At that time I was in a fairly good form, but I decided to sit on a special diet: a few days ate only boiled protein, then only boiled vegetables a few days, rice, spoonful of honey and water. This diet excluded sports. Despite this, every morning I went to a 10-kilometer cross, and in the evening there was a gym and hard iron. When friends saw me in a month, they did not believe. Already then I realized that the appearance is important, but another is more important in the frame. You can be a swing or model, but at the same time it is not interesting to anyone. In the frame, I try to be as I am in life.
It is important to find the right approach to the heroes that we show in the program. My main secret - when meeting with them to become on their level of perception of life. Especially this approach is important in communicating with people from the countries of the Third World, in tribes. The inhabitants of the same Nepal have a complex that white people who come to them are looking at local downhole, through the lenses of the camera, from under the fields of their hats. We do not care what the name is these people, it does not matter what the aborigines do. They are interested only to look at an exotic picture, take a picture of it and put it in Instagram. When I come, I will definitely remember the names of the locals, I learn the fifty words in their tongue, together with them I cook, eat, I sleep, I can hug a friendly and forget about squeamishness. Then they immediately reveal. It is necessary to scan the level of perception of the lives of these people. If I go, for example, in a tribe of cannibals, I understand that they have never seen roads, cars, they do not have money in everyday life. They only have a forest, and what beyond him, they do not know. Therefore, I will ask them elementary questions about their life, and not talk about spacecraft. It is also very important not to put themselves above them, but on the contrary, give to understand that in many questions they are better than me.
Moreover, learn from people in these countries really has something. They are in something wiser us. One of the through the eighth season is to find a recipe for happiness for Ukraine. And Nepal is a place that gives the answer to this question. Despite the fact that this is one of the poorest countries, people are happy here, even if their income is one dollar a day. Here you will go out into the street - and you see the unfortunate faces of compatriots, many of them are concerned about the infinite number of problems. In addition, there is a negative from everywhere: on TV, on the Internet ... a little positive. I understand that the war is in the country, the economic situation is far from the best. But you look at the same time on the Nepalete, who lives in a halabud, elminated from Schifer, because his house was destroyed an earthquake, and the government issued to all about all 200 dollars of compensation, without worrying even to disassemble the rivals from bricks at his home . In addition, a person could lose during the natural disaster of his relatives. At the same time, you will go to visit it - it will always treat you rice, go to water, I will not ask for money for it. And it will smile, as if nothing had happened.

- So what is the secret of happiness of the Nepalese?
- Throughout the trip, starting with the noisy capital and ending with the high mountains of Himalayas and Buddhist monasteries, I asked them why, despite all the difficulties in the country, the harsh climate and the lack of elementary living conditions, they feel happy, unlike the Ukrainians. According to them, we are experiencing too much about the past and the future, but you need to live today. Now we sit with you and pleasantly communicate, outside the window a beautiful view of the hem - this is happiness. It consists of trifles, and most importantly - do not miss them. We are always in pursuit of mythical joys, which will be somewhere and once, not noticing what happens to us now. It is very difficult to follow these principles, living in the crazy rhythm of the big city. But I really strive for this. I have already done one very important step in this direction: in the summer I do not live in the apartment, but on the country rented at the city. Going to work in the morning, I drink a cup of coffee, I look at pines, let him even five minutes with this air - and only then go for business. This is a small important point that is very charged. Nature is always with you here. Once in the evening I met a fox in the courtyard, and last year I caught a kunitz, about proteins and hedgehogs in general, there are a lot of them here. I am a savage, and I probably need to live in the forest. I love it.
- Finally, I can't help but ask the countries of the "World inside out" to go to which countries?
- I love the Nepalese in the example of today's day, and I can't say for sure. Definitely want to go to Japan. Although in any country you can find interesting things. We are less attracted by Europe, America or Australia, since their culture is more understandable to us, and now you need to have time to catch the places that begin to actively absorb civilization. Where the tribes and the jungle were, asphalt roads and supermarkets appear now. Globalization can not be avoided, so you need to see many countries before it completely absorbs. Ten 70% of the exotic, which is present in our programs today, will not be. Therefore, I advise everyone to go on a trip to any of the countries of the South-Eastern region of Asia, be it India, Burma, or even Thailand, not only to resort beaches, but, for example, north, in the jungle.

The world inside out in Nepal is an unforgettable adventure of Dmitry Komarov and Alexander Dmitriev in the new season. The new season "The world inside out" will begin his journey from the capital of Nepal, from the city of Kathmandu.

What will we see in the 8th season of the "world inside out" and what route Komarov in Nepal?

We will be able to look at the "world inside out" season 8, like Dmitry and Alexander will start their way from the capital of Nepal Kathmandu to go to the foot of Everest, where Sherpi live - the locals to learn how they live and see the rising sun behind Everest - symbol The beginning of the new day. "The world inside out" is sent to Everest. After that, they return to Kathmandu, in order to continue their trip to the upper Mustang. This is the administrative district of Nepal, in which the royal power is still preserved. Pokhara is the next stage of the route Dmitry Komarov, there is an aircraft with Ukrainian aviators, they will help show Everest from a bird's eye view.

Mosquitoes in the world inside out in jungle chitan

As is known to the world inside out all the releases of this show show that the lead is not afraid of any danger that there is no barriers for him, this trip is no exception. Komarov was taken by helicopter to the local hospital directly from the foot of the Sagarmatha Mountain. After the assistance assigned, he again went on the road to shoot the program. The famous Jungle Chitan, or rather the National Park, Dmitry Komarov will not bypass and will show all the shades of green, all the beauty of these jungle and exotic animals that live in this area. Dmitry Komarov met here the new year on the local customs, visited the most beautiful mountain town of Nerche Bazar, assessed how important it is to make up good insurance, because the danger here is haunted at every step, and met Tulacy, a two-year elephant that left an indelible impression on the lead The programs of the world inside out. Also, the head of the book of Records of Ukraine flew to them, see and you will learn what record I registered Dmitry Komarov together with the program of the world inside out. See and discover the world with Dmitry Komarov.

Do you like travels, but lacking money to scold the world? Do not be discouraged, Dmitry Komarova's project "The World inside out" will sweep you at the most beautiful corners of the planet. You will be present not only beautiful places and attractions. You can learn in detail about life, life, habits of residents of a particular country. All you need is to get comfortable and enjoy the spectacle.

Project idea Do not advertise hotels and shops, and show life from within. The viewer can find the perfect country for himself, will be able to feel like a quick-tempered Italian, incendiary Brazilian or wise Japanese in 45 minutes. The film crew of this transfer has only two people - Dmitry himself, who took not only to organize, but also to lead the project, and the operator. One country is removed not a day and not even a week. Each piece of land is allocated for several months. This is done in order to really see the country's inner world, and not intake beauty. The transfer has already shot excellent frames in Cambodia, India (which paid the most of the entire series), Africa, Vietnam and Indonesia. And mosquitoes are not going to dwell on it.
Genre: Series, Russian TV series

See the world inside out (all issues) online in good quality for free.