Foreign passports and documents

Mountain Alps on the Hemisphey map. Alps: Where are these beautiful mountains? Description of the Alps Mountain System

Use Google Earth to visualize real events, tourist attractions, sports routes is becoming increasingly popular. Recently, on the infocarte, an article was published on a similar topic "" telling about how it is convenient to watch the route of the upcoming contests in Google Earth. Image quality in Google Earth continues to improve. And so, a new project dedicated to the Travels by Alps appeared. it the most detailed map of the Alps Of all existing. In the interactive window, on the page, the entire Alps area on the map, which can be increased and decreased by dragging the mouse. On the map you will find hundreds of alpine routes.

Click on any bike with the right mouse button, the menu will appear, click on Zoom In - you will fall into the route area and see a detailed area map.

If you click on the right mouse button on the bike, the menu will appear with different functions among which there are 3D TOUR - 3D tour (some bikes do not have a 3D tour, but most of the majority it is). 3D tour allows you to make a virtual journey using Google Earth on any of the routes.

You can also explore the top menu. There you will find the functions of watching photos, video and webcams Alps.

Here is a short video of how the map is working:

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Alpine Mountains are the highest mountains of Western Europe. They began to form another 300 million years ago. Today the Alps are the favorite place of climbers, skiers and tourists from all over the world. In many ways, the unique geographical position of the mountains contributed. About where the Alps are located, tell me in this article.

Features of the geographical position of the Alps

The Alpine Mountain System stretches in the territory of immediately eight European countries: Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Monaco, Austria, Slovenia and Liechtenstein. The Alps are a very complex system of arrays and ridges, which stretches from the middlenayan plain to the Ligurian Sea. The total length of the Alpine mining system is 1200 km. The highest point of the Alps is Mount Mont Blanc, its height is 4810 m.

One of the geographical features of the Alpine mining system is that in the Rhine Valley, it is divided into Western and Eastern Alps. At the same time, the height of the Western Alps significantly exceeds the eastern.

Throughout the Alpine Mining System, you can find not only a huge number of comfortable ski slopes, but also lakes with crystal clear water, small villages and historical sights. In addition, in the Alps more than 1,200 glaciers, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is about 4,000 km. This allows you to open the ski season in many regions in October. In the summer, a unique microclimate reigns, in which low humidity, comfortable temperature and healing mountain air allow you to correct health and just relax.

Alps or Alpine Mountains - The highest and extended mountain range among systems, entirely lying in Europe.

The snowy mountain range of the Alpine Mountains forms a massive barrier between North and Southern Europe.

Alpine countries

Some of the highest peaks of the Alpine Mountains are located in Germany, France and Italy, but most of them are within three Alpine countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. The ice and rocks of the vertices are replaced by green alpine pastures, bloomed in the summer of bright dissemination. They descend to the swords of valleys and deep lakes.

Melting snow of the Alpine Mountains feed on the largest rivers of Western Europe: Rhine, Ron, the software and System Inn Danube.

Switzerland - A small country, divided into cantons. Here you can hear four languages: French, German, Italian and English. Although Switzerland has little natural resources, not counting hydropower, it has become a rich country due to the production of hours and accurate tools. This is the center of banking and tourism. Impressive mountain landscapes with lakes, waterfalls and colorful villages in winter attract athletes, and in the summer - vacationers. Switzerland is a neutral country not participating in European wars since 1815.

Capital - Geneva - headquarters of many international organizations, including the International Red Cross and World Health Organization.

East of Switzerland is Liechtenstein - a tiny German-speaking state that could preserve independence from larger neighbors. This is a monarchy, but the laws take the chosen government. She has close ties with Switzerland and uses Swiss franc as its currency.

Pass and tunnels in the Alps

Throw through the Alps was always very problematic and dangerous.

Now the roads to the south pass through the deep tunnels cut down in the rocks.

  • Simplonian tunnel between Switzerland and Italy, the world's longest railway tunnel, was opened in 1922. Its length is 19.8 km.
  • Saint-Gotard Tunnel (16.4 km long), built in 1980, keeps the record of the longest car tunnel.

Alpine Mountains are one of the main European resorts. Every year, not only fans of skiing, but those who want to enjoy clean air and healing water from local thermal sources are rushing. 8 European countries, in the territory of which alpine ridges and arrays are located, not the first decades compete in creating attractive conditions for tourists. How to make a program for visiting the Alpine Mountains to see all the most interesting for a short vacation?


Snow-covered and surrounded by fog the tops of the alpine mountains They gave the name to the mountain range. It is believed that it comes from the Latin word "Albus" ("white").

Age Alpine Mountains It is impossible to determine uniquely. In the interval from 34 to 23 million years ago, there was a clash of tectonic plates, as a result of which the longest European ridge was formed. Alpine Mountains is 1,200 kilometers.

A significant part of its history of the Alpes was an insurmountable natural obstacle. They made it difficult to move the movement of trading and military expeditions. Locals avoided lifting to a large height, because there it was possible to meet with a snowy avalanche, storm and cold.

Studying the Alpine Mountains began only in the second half of the XVIII century. Enthusiast scientists explored the flora, fauna, glaciers and the geology of the mountain range. At the same time, the concept of "mountaineering" was born, under which at the time were understood walks on the slopes without special equipment. In 1786, was first conquered the highest mountain Alpine mountains - Mont Blanc.

The history of the Alps as a tourist center originates in the 19th century. Then wealthy people came to mountain hotels to enjoy extraordinary views and take baths from thermal sources. At the end of the XIX century, winter sports began to gain popularity. In the Alpine Mountains held championships in figure and ski skiing.

The Alpine Mountains were the venue for the first Winter Olympic Games and still remain the most popular. The developed infrastructure, suitable weather conditions and the presence of modern sports facilities have already provided a dozen times with resorts located in the Alps, the right to take the Winter Olympics.

Today, the mountain range is one of the main world tourism centers. Every year more than one hundred million people attend local resorts. Nature of alpine mountains Attracts not only lovers of extreme sports. Fresh air, therapeutic properties of sources and a unique local culture provide a continuous flow of tourists at any time of the year.

Sights Alps

Most tourists go to the Alpine Mountains to admire unique species, try their strength on mountain descents and swim in local sources. But the Alpine region is a place where several European cultures are found at once. There are interesting facilities with architectural, historical and religious value.

Flight tickets and tickets

There are no major airports in close proximity to the Alpine Mountains. Air carriers sometimes organize flights to Bolzano (Italy) and Innsbruck (Austria), but these messages are seasonal. Most tourists prefer to book a ticket to one of the nearest major airports, and the rest of the way to overcome by bus or train.

Alpine Mountains - Find from International airports in:

  1. Munich;
  2. Milan;
  3. Verona;
  4. Innsbruck;
  5. Salzburg;
  6. Venice;
  7. Vein;
  8. Bolzano;
  9. Bologna;
  10. Klagenfurt;
  11. Friedrichshafen;
  12. Bergamo;
  13. Breshia.

The most convenient routes for Russian tourists run through Munich and Milan airports. They are bound by regular flights with the largest cities of Russia. Depending on the remoteness of the selected Alpine resort, the path to it from the airport may take from 1 to 2 hours.

The path from Munich to the popular ski regions can be overcome on the vehicle: the city is associated with the Alps in three modern autobahn. From Munich airport to the mountains, it is convenient to get a suburban train line S-BANH. In this case, you will find yourself in place after 40 minutes.

Fir you decided to visit the western part of the Alpine Mountains, then your route will run through Milan or Verona airports. Milan has a good communication with Russian cities, but to get to the Alps still through Verona. If you could not find a direct flight to Romeo and Juliet, do not be discouraged: the path from Milan will be comfortable. From both international airports of the Italian capital fashion, there are direct buses to Milan Central Station, where you can buy a ticket to Verona.

The road from Verona to Alpine resorts can be overcome by car, spending about two hours on a trip, or by train. Trains run from 5 am to 10 pm, recovering from Perron every half hour. The cost of tickets is from 10 euros, and on the road will have to spend another 1.5-2 hours.

I am a big travel lover, especially I like to enjoy the beauty of the mountains. My geography is still limited by mountainous arrays of the European continent, such as Carpathians, Apennins, Pyrenees, Sudetes. But only the Alps possess special beauty and greatness. Once having visited them, I can't imagine a rest elsewhere.

Where the Alps are located

The Alps are the largest mountain range in Europe. Mountains are located on the territory of eight countries. The biggest peak of these mountains is Mont Blanc with a height of 4810 meters. In general, in the Alps about a hundred vertices with a height of more than four thousand meters. Mountains are the center of international tourism and mountaineering. Although the Alps are considered the most studied mountain massif, you can discover a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles as an Alps business card

My acquaintance with the Alps began after a tourist trip on the castles of Europe. It is the castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau against the background of the peaks of the mountains and alpine meadows fascinated at first glance. The history of the castles goes into a deep past and is associated with many famous rulers of the Bavarian lands.

What mounted alpine mountains

As a tourist with experience, I recommend resting in the Alps not only lovers of skiing, but also connoisseurs of natural beauty. Clean fresh alpine air intoxicates from the first breath. On the territory of the mountains there are a large number of popular resorts. The most famous:

  • resorts of three valleys in France;
  • Mayrhofen in Austria;
  • Villar in Switzerland;
  • Val di Fassa in Italy;
  • gastain Valley in Austria.

The uniqueness of the Alps is that they attract tourists at any time of the year. In winter, traditionally can be engaged in skiing, sleigh riding, snowboarding. In the summer, the Alps mounted the opportunity to go mountaineering, cycling, planyrism. The presence of mountain lakes attracts scablasts, yachtsmen. I as a fan of warm countries is suitable for rest in the summer. Tourist hiking on the routes with a backpack behind the shoulders is my hobby. It is this holiday against the background of the beauty of the Alpine Mountains I prefer.