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Nicolas Vanya. "Wild Odyssey" of French travelers ended on Olkhon and what's there in the future

He is drawn not to the warm sea, but north. He does not want to lie on the beach - and rides on a dog harness on something snowless in minus fifty. French traveler Nicolas Vanya last year returned from the expedition in Siberia, recently finished work on the film about her and again going to the path with his dogs

Nicolas Vanya

Traveler, writer, photographer (author 25 books and photo albums), director (14 documentary and game movies).
Born on May 5, 1962 in Dakar (Senegal).
Marital status: married, three children.
1982 Wax journey through Lapland.
1983 - Expedition on canoeing in the Canadian North Roads of Indian Montaginia.
Winter 1983-1984 - crossed the north of Canada on a dog harness.
1986-1987 - 7000 km on the roads of America's great pioneers: on wild areas of rocky mountains and Alaska.
1990-1991 - Trans-Siberian Expedition: 7000 km on Wild Taiga.
1993 - lived near Verkhoyansky in the tribe of nomads-Evenov.
1994-1995 - overcame more than 2500 km in Canada and Alaska and his wife and a two-way daughter.
1996 - Wintering in the Rocky Mountains and participated in the race Yukon Quest.
1999 - "White Odyssey" - 8600 km via Canadian North.
2005-2006 - Siberian Odyssey - 8000 km from Siberia to Red Square in Moscow.
2013-2014 - "Wild Odyssey" - 6000 km in Siberia, China and Mongolia from the Pacific Ocean to Lake Baikal.

Magic Beauty and Baikal Character

Two of your big travel began at Lake Baikal. And "Wild Odyssey", another major expedition, March 15, 2014, you completed on Baikal. Why return here?

Baikal always attracted me. The first time I crossed the lake in 1990. I saw an incredible beauty around myself, the taste, true, might say, magic. Yes, for me it is a magical place. Baikal gave me strength when I went from the lake in 2005 to complete the journey on Red Square - Fantastic Final! And when he planned "Wild Odyssey" - a trip from the shores of the Pacific Ocean through China, Mongolia and Siberia, I decided to "put a point" on Baikal. This lake has become a symbol of the beloved region for me. The beloved also because it is the birthplace of my Ochuma - the very first pagan dog, which started the beginning of the clan of my dogs. When I put an eye to the harness, he was only seven months old. There were doubts if the young dog could withstand a long transition. However, the eyes only added in force when other dogs weakened in their eyes. He soon became the leader.

You will now say that this is a special Baikal character.

Maybe. Ochumum - Like, this is a dog that can carry cold, run over long distances. Initially, the eyes were not a dog for a harness, but he became her, because it was necessary. Amazing character: a strong dog, but who knows how to adapt to any conditions. And his genes were transferred to other my dogs. Ochuma was crossed with Greenland husky, and then their children with Malamom - Alaskan riding dog. It turned out excellent dogs. Here is the rightmark of Ochuum Burk - the current star of my harness is ideal: understands me from the first second. Such dogs, by the way, do not become the leaders of the flocks, but the leading dog of the harness should not be a leader. Leaders need to choose puppies - it is from the first months of life that you catch your eyes, wanting to understand what you want from them. And the scourge is incredibly beautiful. Yes, beauty is also an important Baikal trait.

What is beauty? In addition to external appeal.

What causes a piercing feel "It cannot be lost." When I feel such an incredible landscape like Baikal, I'm talking to myself: "Attention! Remember this beauty. " Last winter, driving the lake, I saw a lot of large tourist complexes, inesthetical on the background of an amazing nature of the edge. Why are they here? Beauty is such a joy, its integrity must be stored.

Two passions and football team

You were born in Africa, grew in France. But your passion is the north. Strange ...

A little strange, yes. But I always liked the north, since childhood I was fascinated by the works of Jack London. However, I adore my native France.

Why did you choose such a way of movement like a dog harness?

And this is the only convenient way to intersee wild snow-covered spaces. In addition, the harness does not spoil the terrain that the traveler overcomes. So, I can combine two passions: I love the north and I love dogs.

When do you manage dogs, feel unity with them?

Rather, I feel like a soccer team coach. Like the coach, you do not run with the "players", but you remain in your place - you go behind, watching the process. You should mostly place the players and follow the overall picture of the game. It is necessary to take into account other criteria: meteo conditions, the quality of the route, the mood of dogs, their today's relationships are quarrels, resentment ... like a good coach, I have to take the best solution at the moment. Of course, there are nuances. Dogs like children: they need to constantly remind that there are things that cannot be done (or, on the contrary, necessary). After all, my task is to ensure security for everyone: for dogs, and for yourself. Relationships with packs are based on my unconditional authority, but also on trust and friendship.

How do you demonstrate a friendly attitude?

Every morning it is necessary to find time for a personal conversation with each dog. Although it cannot be argued that they understand all the words, but are very sensitive to intonation, to the mood. The relationship is transmitted through speech, as well as through physical contact - each dog needs to stroke, hug, climb.

Each? What about the hierarchy in the flock?

Yes, here you have to be careful, do not forget about the relationship in the harness, about the place of each dog in the team. It is necessary to comply with a certain order, take into account their current state: someone is sick, someone is tired, someone is upset. Everyone needs to feel intuitive, but if you know the dogs well, it's easy.

Saving fur and frightening unknown

What gives the greatest joy while traveling?

Amazing meetings with people. I love excellent hospitable people living in these places. And constantly remember how in the early 1990s lived in the mountains of Verkhoyansk among the nomads-Evenov. I saw how they work, bring up children, what are their relationships in families. Then he wrote the book "Wolf" and removed the film on this material (the story of the boy from the clan of nomadic-reindeer herders, which for the sake of friendship with the wagins betrays the father and all his genus. - Approx. "Around the World").

Local residents in your films and photos are mostly dressed in national costumes. Do they always go so or is it for the sake of a beautiful picture?

What are you, these are their usual clothes. All because, despite the technical progress, so far for life in conditions of extremely low temperatures there is nothing better than fur - fur coats and caps. Minus 50-60 degrees in the mountains is easier to transfer in such clothes, I checked on my own experience. In addition, this clothing is very practical and beautiful. Much aesthetically more than what is produced today.

Cool when you spend the open-air whole day - a harsh test. What is the hardest thing in the expedition?

Difficulties in the journey is normal, they are not so frighten as surprises. For example, last winter due to the lack of frost in October - November, the river did not frozen, had to change the route - they were parted in the mountains. Such unpredictability makes the journey especially hard.

And a reward for travel difficulties is a beautiful landscape that opens after a tiring move. So you speak in the film "Wild Odyssey". What do you have time to see with the harness?

The fact of the matter is that absolutely everything. You can see something, of course, from the train, from the car, even from the plane. But it is quite another thing when all 24 hours you are in the open sky. And you don't just look, but "you feel" the whole edge for which you go: it can be overlooked, messing, trying to taste. That's why I think this is the best way to find out the world.

What do you think by driving a harness?

Oh, there are many topics. Often I think about what I do not have time in ordinary life. I think the plots of books, films come to mind. There is time to remember the past, think about the future.

And what is there in the future?

Pension. I will turn 60 after a while. But this is not the last day! My dogs from two to four, their retirement age begins in seven years. So there are still years of active life ahead. Now, after a magnificent "training" by 6,000 kilometers in the "Wild Odyssey", in February we take part in Yukon Quest (Canada), and in March 2016 in the Iditarod (Alaska) - in the two main races in the world. In short, we have extensive plans with dogs.

Shoulder to shoulder

There are five kinds of dog harness.

Who is who

Leading dog (on international terminology lead Dog.) - The one that goes at the head of the harness. Practically never happens the leader of the pack and very rarely dominant dog. The main thing for her is to be attentive to the host teams.
Guides(swing Dogs. ) - Dogs standing right for the lead. Their main duty is to help it change the direction. In this position, the craft of the first panel dog is learning.
Steering, or korenniki(wheel Dogs. ) - Dogs going directly in front of the sledding. Must be very strong and hardy - they need to restrain the streaming movement by their own body. Sani often brakes them directly on the kidneys.
Team, or dogs of central steam (team Dogs. ) - the rest, what is called, "without rank", but it does not mean at all that they are less like and important.


Burk. Star. 4 years. She is beautiful, smart, friendly and sociable, always calm and in a good mood. Ideally combines all the necessary qualities of the leading pavement dog.

Quest. Kid. 4 years. Little dog with a strong character. Very clever and worthy of the title of the first pagan dog.

MiOk. Scattered. 3 years. Smart and beautiful, but he lacks collens to become an ideal leading dog.

Unic. Serious. 2.5 years. Needlessly modest, but this is because of youth. Over time, it will become more confident. He has all the qualities of a great dog and an excellent runner.

HEPPI. Joker. 2 years. Magnificent: Excellent performance, cheerful temper and a live mind. His good mood is transmitted to another.

Cali. Fidget. 2 years. He and his native brother HEPPI - the youngest dogs in the flock. He hates when the harness stops, and every time it reports loudly. With a cheerful brother, they form a shocking duet!

Kazan. Panty. 3 years. In total afraid and allows you to dominate other flock dogs. But on the trip became bolder and more confident.

Dark. Brawler. 3 years. Very powerful. Feels a steep guy and everything gives it to understand it. Tireless, even after the track 60 kilometers does not want to stop and requires more!

Wolf. Ultrasilach. 3 years. Leader. A pronounced dominant, indispensable in the harness. But sometimes he lacks sanity. His power is impossible not to appreciate: incredibly beautiful dog in motion.

Kamik. Reckless. 3 years. Young and does not think about anything except games. Lovely runner and strongman, he will become a great riding dog when he learns not to be distracted by trifles.

Expeditions Nicolas Vanya in Russia

To be first

The expedition "Wild Odyssey" was held with the support of Russian geographical society. Nicolas Vanya also became the winner of the RGO award for the best overseas project. This international award was first handed over in 2014.

Two of your big travel began at Lake Baikal. And "Wild Odyssey", another major expedition, March 15, 2014, you completed on Baikal. Why return here?

Baikal always attracted me. The first time I crossed the lake in 1990. I saw an incredible beauty around myself, the taste, true, might say, magic. Yes, for me it is a magical place. Baikal gave me strength when I went from the lake in 2005 to complete the journey on Red Square - Fantastic Final! And when he planned "Wild Odyssey" - a trip from the shores of the Pacific Ocean through China, Mongolia and Siberia, I decided to "put a point" on Baikal.

This lake has become a symbol of the beloved region for me. The beloved also because it is the birthplace of my Ochuma - the very first pagan dog, which started the beginning of the clan of my dogs. When I put an eye to the harness, he was only seven months old. There were doubts if the young dog could withstand a long transition. However, the eyes only added in force when other dogs weakened in their eyes. He soon became the leader.

You will now say that this is a special Baikal character. Maybe. Ochumum - Like, this is a dog that can carry cold, run over long distances. Initially, the eyes were not a dog for a harness, but he became her, because it was necessary. Amazing character: a strong dog, but who knows how to adapt to any conditions. And his genes were transferred to other my dogs. Ochuma was crossed with Greenland husky, and then their children with Malamom - Alaskan riding dog. It turned out excellent dogs. Here is the rightmark of Ochuum Burk - the current star of my harness is ideal: understands me from the first second.

Such dogs, by the way, do not become the leaders of the flocks, but the leading dog of the harness should not be a leader. Leaders need to choose puppies - it is from the first months of life that you catch your eyes, wanting to understand what you want from them. And the scourge is incredibly beautiful. Yes, beauty is also an important Baikal trait. What is beauty? In addition to external appeal. What causes a piercing feel "It cannot be lost."

When I feel such an incredible landscape like Baikal, I'm talking to myself: "Attention! Remember this beauty. "

Last winter, driving the lake, I saw a lot of large tourist complexes, inesthetical on the background of an amazing nature of the edge. Why are they here? Beauty is such a joy, its integrity must be stored.

- You were born in Africa, grew in France. But your passion is the north. Strange ...

A little strange, yes. But I always liked the north, since childhood I was fascinated by the works of Jack London. However, I adore my native France.

- Why did you choose such a way of movement like a dog's scene?

And this is the only convenient way to intersee wild snow-covered spaces. In addition, the harness does not spoil the terrain that the traveler overcomes. So, I can combine two passions: I love the north and I love dogs.

HEPPI - the main merry bed in the flock

- When do you manage dogs, feel unity with them?

Rather, I feel like a soccer team coach. Like the coach, you do not run with the "players", but you remain in your place - you go behind, watching the process. You should mostly place the players and follow the overall picture of the game. It is necessary to take into account other criteria: meteo conditions, the quality of the route, the mood of dogs, their today's relationships are quarrels, resentment ... like a good coach, I have to take the best solution at the moment. Of course, there are nuances. Dogs like children: they need to constantly remind that there are things that cannot be done (or, on the contrary, necessary).

After all, my task is to ensure security for everyone: for dogs, and for yourself. Relationships with packs are based on my unconditional authority, but also on trust and friendship. How do you demonstrate a friendly attitude? Every morning it is necessary to find time for a personal conversation with each dog. Although it cannot be argued that they understand all the words, but are very sensitive to intonation, to the mood. The relationship is transmitted through speech, as well as through physical contact - each dog needs to stroke, hug, climb. Each? What about the hierarchy in the flock? Yes, here you have to be careful, do not forget about the relationship in the harness, about the place of each dog in the team. It is necessary to comply with a certain order, take into account their current state: someone is sick, someone is tired, someone is upset. Everyone needs to feel intuitive, but if you know the dogs well, it's easy.

The dog, driving, rides in a sleigh - with the owner!

- What gives the greatest joy while traveling?

Amazing meetings with people. I love excellent hospitable people living in these places. And constantly remember how in the early 1990s lived in the mountains of Verkhoyansk among the nomads-Evenov. I saw how they work, bring up children, what are their relationships in families. Then he wrote the book "Wolf" and removed the film on this material (the story of the boy from the clan of nomadic-reindeer herders, which for the sake of friendship with the wagins betrays the father and all his genus. - Approx. "Around the World").

Local residents are always welcome to Vanya.

- Do they always go so or is it for the sake of a beautiful picture? What are you, these are their usual clothes.

All because, despite the technical progress, so far for life in conditions of extremely low temperatures there is nothing better than fur - fur coats and caps. Minus 50-60 degrees in the mountains is easier to transfer in such clothes, I checked on my own experience. In addition, this clothing is very practical and beautiful. Much aesthetically more than what is produced today. Cool when you spend the open-air whole day - a harsh test. What is the hardest thing in the expedition? Difficulties in the journey is normal, they are not so frighten as surprises. For example, last winter due to the lack of frost in October - November, the river did not frozen, had to change the route - they were parted in the mountains. Such unpredictability makes the journey especially hard.

And a reward for travel difficulties is a beautiful landscape that opens after a tiring move. So you speak in the film "Wild Odyssey". What do you have time to see with the harness?

The fact of the matter is that absolutely everything. You can see something, of course, from the train, from the car, even from the plane. But it is quite another thing when all 24 hours you are in the open sky. And you don't just look, but "you feel" the whole edge for which you go: it can be overlooked, messing, trying to taste. That's why I think this is the best way to find out the world.

- What do you think by driving a harness?

Oh, there are many topics. Often I think about what I do not have time in ordinary life. I think the plots of books, films come to mind. There is time to remember the past, think about the future.

- And what is there in the future?

Pension. I will turn 60 after a while. But this is not the last day! My dogs from two to four, their retirement age begins in seven years. So there are still years of active life ahead. Now, after a magnificent "training" by 6,000 kilometers in the "Wild Odyssey", in February we take part in Yukon Quest (Canada), and in March 2016 in the Iditarod (Alaska) - in the two main races in the world. In short, we have extensive plans with dogs.

There are five kinds of dog harness.

Who is who.

The leading dog (on international terminology LEAD DOG) is the one that goes at the head of the harness. Practically never happens the leader of the pack and very rarely dominant dog. The main thing for her is to be attentive to the host teams. Guides (Swing Dogs) - dogs standing right behind the lead. Their main duty is to help it change the direction. In this position, the craft of the first panel dog is learning. Steering, or Korenniki (Wheel Dogs), - Dogs going directly before Sanya. Must be very strong and hardy - they need to restrain the streaming movement by their own body. Sani often brakes them directly on the kidneys. Team, or dogs of central pairs (Team Dogs) - the rest, what is called, "without rank", but it does not mean at all that they are less loved and important.

Burk. Star. 4 years. She is beautiful, smart, friendly and sociable, always calm and in a good mood. Ideally combines all the necessary qualities of the leading pavement dog.

Quest. Kid. 4 years. Little dog with a strong character. Very clever and worthy of the title of the first pagan dog.

MiOk. Scattered. 3 years. Smart and beautiful, but he lacks collens to become an ideal leading dog.

Unic. Serious. 2.5 years. Needlessly modest, but this is because of youth. Over time, it will become more confident. He has all the qualities of a great dog and an excellent runner.

HEPPI. Joker. 2 years. Magnificent: Excellent performance, cheerful temper and a live mind. His good mood is transmitted to another.

Cali. Fidget. 2 years. He and his native brother HEPPI - the youngest dogs in the flock. He hates when the harness stops, and every time it reports loudly. With a cheerful brother, they form a shocking duet! Kazan.

Panty. 3 years. In total afraid and allows you to dominate other flock dogs. But on the trip became bolder and more confident.

Dark. Brawler. 3 years. Very powerful. Feels a steep guy and everything gives it to understand it. Tireless, even after the track 60 kilometers does not want to stop and requires more!

Wolf. Ultrasilach. 3 years. Leader. A pronounced dominant, indispensable in the harness. But sometimes he lacks sanity. His power is impossible not to appreciate: incredibly beautiful dog in motion.

Kamik. Reckless. 3 years. Young and does not think about anything except games. Lovely runner and strongman, he will become a great riding dog when he learns not to be distracted by trifles.

Expeditions Nicolas Vanya in Russia

The expedition "Wild Odyssey" was held with the support of Russian geographical society. Nicolas Vanya also became the winner of the RGO award for the best overseas project. This international award was first handed over in 2014.

Nicolas Vanya traveler, writer, photographer (author 25 books and photo albums), director (14 documenting and game movies). Born on May 5, 1962 in Dakar (Senegal).

Marital status: married, three children.

Expeditions: 1982 - Hesy journey in Lapland. 1983 - Expedition for Canoeing on Canadian North Roads Montaginia. Winter 1983-1984 - crossed the north of Canada on a dog harness. 1986-1987 - 7000 km on the roads of America's great pioneers: on wild districts of Rocky Mountains and Alaska. 1990-1991 - Trans-Siberian Expedition: 7000 km on Wild Taiga. 1993 - lived near Verkhoyansky in the tribe of the nomads-Evenov. 1994-1995 - overcame more than 2500 km in Canada and Alaska and his wife and a two-way daughter. 1996 - Wintering in the Rocky Mountains and participated in the Race Yukon Quest. 1999 - "White Odyssey" - 8600 km via Canadian North. 2005-2006 - "Siberian Odyssey" - 8000 km from Siberia to Red Square in Moscow. 2013-2014 - "Wild Odyssey" - 6000 km in Siberia, China and Mongolia from the Pacific Ocean to Lake Baikal.

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Wild Odyssey. The French expedition participants visited Irkutsk. From the Pacific Ocean to Baikal, they drove on dog sledding.

Bread, salt, 50 grams and salted cucumbers. Siberian hospitality confuses the French slightly, despite the fact that they are not the first time in Russia.

And this person, similar to the actor Jean Reno, admits that he is constantly returning to Russia, because she loves our north and our snow. The famous traveler Nicolas Vanya tells: the expedition to the Baikal quarter a century ago changed his life. Then the hunter gave the french a beech dog's puppy. Since then with these four-legged Nicolas, it does not part for a day.

In 2006, Nicolas Vanya finished on his harness on Red Square. In the very heart of Russia, his "Siberian Odyssey" ended. 8 thousand kilometers from Baikal to Moscow.

Odyssey in Russia, Vanya called "wilderness". Route more than 6 thousand kilometers long. From the Pacific Ocean to Baikal. Dogs to the place of start in Vanino Khabarovsk Territory village were brought a month before the start of the trip. So that they adapted. On December 21, 2013, the French went on the road.

From the very beginning problems began. Everyone knows that this winter did not differ in severeness. And we did not play on your hand. At the beginning of the trip, we needed to pass through frozen rivers, and the rivers did not get up yet. And we had to lay new routes through the mountains in a few hours, "says Nicolas Vanya.

In Manchuria, they were met by fifty-fertile frosts, but there was no snow completely. The whole harness then had to wear special boots so that the dogs did not paw paw. In Mongolia, the snow was also not, but was a grass-covered grass, and ten Alaskanov - so Nicolas calls the breed them and derived - as skaters, slid over the surface. In Buryatia, the society of the French fell under the ice. The very calm and magical was the finish of the expedition on Baikal. Here the son of Nicolas was joined here - a ten-year-old com. March 15, the French land arrived at Olkhon. Ended "Wild Odyssey".

The dog of the bark fascinated everyone who came to get acquainted with French travelers. She is a leader of the harm and passed all the way from the Pacific Ocean to the sacred lake. Alaskans are very hardy. They are able to run more than 10 hours a day and still pull the sleigh weight under the centner. But this is not the main thing from the merits.

This is an animal with which you can share joy. These dogs they love to run forward, they love to run through the snow-covered landscapes, enjoy nature and I love the same thing. And in this we are similar, - says the traveler Nicolas Vanya.

Now the French have already returned to their homeland. The author of the tent of the books and films Nicolas Vanya will tell the world history and this voyage. She will be about stunningly beautiful and fragile nature, about the faithful friends and adventures, which captures the spirit.

March 15, 2014 on O.olchon on Baikal, the official finish of the expedition of Nicolas Vanya "Wild Odyssey" took place.

The expedition started on December 21, 2013 in the port of Vanino in the Khabarovsk Territory and from the shores of the Pacific Ocean through China and Mongolia continued to Lake Baikal.

Officials, representatives of the media and residents of the city were present at the meeting with the team of N. Valne. Of those who are interested in dogs, besides me there were still Galina and Valery Gordeev. Gordeyev from me separate thanks, TC together we managed to ask the French very much about many things.

In order:

1. Meeting of icebreaker

At first, as usual, there were duty formalities and stamps.

From our side - the folk ensemble "name of the next anniversary of the CIS", a loaf, vodka, deputy. Kondrashova A.almukhamedov and some pale uncle presenter.

From the French side - tanned and white-covered smiling faces of brunettes, Nicolas represents the team, reports that Fabien loves to drink vodka with Russians, everyone is happy. The son of Nicolas holds a dog of the Burku - the first right in the harness on the video frames about the expedition.

The whole harness, as we then explained Anna - the translator did not take, because they thought it would be no one for anyone. They would know that there would be such an interest in the dogs, they would take a harness, and so - the main part of the dogs rested in K-9.

While Nicolas holds a response word, people who are interested in a dog, cheer and crushing a dog. The dog is very flexible, much more stretched than ours. I watch the pads - the pads are very thick, it seems that the thickness of the pads on the paws - centimeter and a half. The paws are whole, everything is clean between the fingers, the claws are almost getting to the ground, the wool was, apparently, is trimmed, but now he has grown about one and a half cm above the arm. Pleasant to touch wool. The structure of the marathon. Very friendly, cheerful, active dog.

2. On icebreaker - press conference

Journalists ask duty issues. Answers, I think you can read in the media.

I asked one question that was not related to the dogs: "You first visited Siberia 25 years ago. How do you think the nature and ecology of Siberia changed during this time?"

Answer Nicolas: "During this time, much has changed due to the influence of a person in nature. The ice on the rivers gets up later, and not everywhere there are completely with them. Crossing Taiga, we have seen a lot of cutting forests, fallen trees, as well as traces of forest fires. Hunters and fishermen Our paths said that over the years it becomes less than fish and game. Unfortunately, these problems concern not only Russia, but also the whole world, nature is depleted. "

Nicolas introduces the team:

Alain - answered the launching of the path with two snowmats, Fabien - answered the dogs, Pierre - "on the farm", Anna - translator and a ten-year-old son of Nicolas, who divided the transition through Baikal with him.

Since the rivers did not get up to the beginning of the expedition, the route was paved in the mountain-taiga part with two snowmobiles. In Mongolia, they walked along the frozen grass, there was no snow. On the day of the dog passed from 80 up to 120km.

For reference I will inform, this is fixed by documents that before the revolution the rule of the road on the day of equestrian il to the routes was 20 km. This is for those who ask why dogs are needed snowmobiles. If there were no snowmobiles, dogs and looked at deep snow with pre-revolutionary speed.

Narts such as Dunler, more precisely, I will not say. Dogs in the harness - 10, one spare in the way.

The weight of Nart along with the cargo and Cayurur - OK.180kg. Weight of one dog - OK.20kg.

The purpose of the expedition, in addition to personal interest, the acquaintance of the schoolchildren of France with nature Siberia, all children in France watched Nicolas from Russia's lessons, and environmental education.

3. Conversations "in the sidelines"

[ From March 16 to March 23, the festival "French Cinema Week" was held in Irkutsk cinemas. Spectators saw six films in French with Russian subtitleswho have not previously demonstrated in Russia. The festival was organized with the support of the French Embassy in Russia and the French Institute. The solemn opening of the festival was held on March 16 at 17:00 at the "Star" cinema. The French director, writer attended it Nicolas Vanya,which traveled on dog sledding from the side of the Pacific Ocean in Russia to Lake Baikal. The event showed his film "Belle and Sebastian", which was released in December 2013 to large screens in France.]

Before displaying the film, it was possible to chat with Anna, Nicolas, Pierre and Fabaen in the hall of the cinema hall.

-What for the dogs?


-Where live in the main time?

Nursery in France, which is engaged in Faben.

- Is there a kennel?

25 dogs, several hectares of the forest, "Installation Square", i.e. Buildings in the nursery - the size of Kirov's area.

Free walk throughout the nursery.

-What feed?

Piano 4800. If we see that the dog is exhausted, we give raw fish.

(It should be borne in mind that since the dogs have a free walk, then they are a "mushche" insert.)

- Are there any dogs?

Yes. The previous "brood" on the expedition of 2005 ate one and two other strangers. These were the metises of the Siberian and Greenland Like. Alaskan Husks in this respect differ in the better. No one was eaten, even when the crowd of local dogs came running on Olhon.

-Well took place a day?

80 - 120km, but these dogs can go to 150km per day.

-How often rested?

Dnoo every 7 - 10 days of work. If there is too complex route - then the trip after 5 days of work.

- Are there sneakers for dogs?

Only in extreme cases. Usually dogs run without sneakers.


Only at bedtime and only if it is too cold. Usually dogs without sneakers and without late.

-How arrange dogs for the night?

We try to be hay or rubbing the branch, or at least some shelter, but the dogs always spend the night on the street.

-How Cooking dogs to such long distances?

From August, with 15km, gradually increasing the distance by about 5km per week, Т.б. Dogs to December can run 100km per day.

-How adapted to Siberia to the race?

First of all, dogs needed to get used to low temperatures. Before the expedition during the adaptation period in the Far East, the dog ran about 30km per day. The adaptation period lasted a month.

-How will you reduce the load?

Also, as increased, 5km per week, it is impossible to sharply.

-Period of rest?

One and a half months - July - the first half of August.

-Onew dogs in this expedition?

1.5 - 3.5 years.

- How old can the dog work on the expedition?

For about 7 years, then rolling tourists in the nursery.

- What age does the dog begins to prepare for expeditions?

Approximately at the age of 1 year.

-How are the young dog in the harness?

At the age of about 7 months. The dog put in the middle of the harness, but without a partner. All dogs are two, and a young dog is one, without a pair, so faster and easier.

4. Expeditions of the 90s and 2000s

About the expedition of the 90s, whose participant was the Irkutyan, Vladimir Glazunov, Geologist and Mountaineer, the only one who, besides Nicolas, passed the entire expedition from beginning to end, can be read here:

Vladimir Glazunov died at the expedition of 93 years in Kamchatka, the helicopter suffered an accident.

The 90s can be read about the meaning and details of the expeditions here, in an interview with the father of Vladimir, the famous scientist Oleg Mikhailovich Glazunov:

About the 2005-2006 expedition on the Internet quite a lot of information.

And looking at him, I will surely believe it.

6. A few words about the film "Böll and Sebastian"who put Nicolas Vanya: Look, he is worth it.

The film, a little naive, type "horse and his boy". But the most important thing is that there is, these are modern strategies of life, thanks to which our world may be surviving. I regret that I did not look at this film before, asked a couple more questions.

March 2014.

Rimma Dömin.