Foreign passports and documents

"Country Capital" Siversk in creativity I.I. Shishkin. Reverse for privatization

"Country Capital" Siversk in creativity I.I. Shishkin

In the first hall of the exposition of the museum of the Landscape there is a picture of I.I. Shishkin "Meadow on the edge of the forest. Sivevskaya, "which was written by the artist in 1887. Sivevsky - the village of the Leningrad region, located in seventy kilometers of south of St. Petersburg, is a wonderful, surprisingly beautiful place, with a unique microclimate and a rich history. Before the revolution, this area was called the "country capital". The first documentary mention of Siversk is contained in the Novgorodist writer of 1499. Here, among the villages and the villages of Water Pyatina in Nikolsko-Gryaznensky, the Selo Siberian Survo and Selo Siberian Survo. There is a version that connects the toponymy of Sivere with the older Siberian name of the North Wind.

Almost century, this land was under the Swedish occupation. At the beginning of the XVIII century Peter I freed these places from the Swedish invaders. Sivevsky Land, which was part of the Kurovitskaya Moods of the Koporovsky County of St. Petersburg province, was presented to the sove of his son from the first marriage with Evdokia Lopukhina - Tsarevich Alexey. Entered in 1762 to the throne of Empress Ekaterina II, his decree, Sivere lands, Baron, a well-known statesman Yakov, Efimovich Siversu, complained. From documentary sources it is known that here the royal nobleman with great diligence engaged in breeding potatoes. At the time of Sivers, the first nobility estate in these places was created. With the construction of the Warsaw Railway - the third time of the construction (1857) of the railway in Russia, the Siberian and its surroundings acquire a completely new status - dacha places.

The village stretches along the shores of an extremely picturesque river Oredige. Hilly terrain makes Sivers very attractive to relax. In addition, there are 7 healing rodon springs. The most famous spring "source of youth", which beats straight from the rock. Coniferous forests along the banks of the river create a special microclimate. Air, soaked in roddon and pine forest, is unique, and it heals from tuberculosis and asthma. And also, according to the testimony of local residents, thanks to this air, there are almost no mosquitoes and midges. The weather forecasters were calculated that in these places more sunny days in the year than in St. Petersburg. Due to this, the flowering of plants in Sivevsky begins a week before. The banks of the River Orediges are climbers and picturesque their sediments from the Red Devonian sandstone. There are small caves, but they have little studied, as they are in hard-to-reach places. You can only get to them from the boat, moving along the water space of the river.

Sivevskaya becomes especially popular treacherous countryside since the middle of the XIX century. In the summer period in the village rested up to 10 thousand citizens. It was all necessary for a pleasant time: public park, restaurants, mail, library, colonial goods shop and even six summer theaters. "The place here is hardly the best in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, picturesque, mountainous, beautiful air," so wrote about Sivevskaya M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin1. It rushed here, tired of the metropolitan fuss, the intelligentsia to enjoy clean air and amazing silence. Especially appreciated these places creative personalities. The artists of Ivan Shishkin and Ivan Kramskaya, poets Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, Apollo Mikov, Alexey Plescheev and Vladimir Mayakovsky, writers Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ivan Goncharov, Alexey Tolstoy, Alexander Kurerov, Alexander Kurerov, Alexander Kurerov, Alexey Drugs. Baron Frederix, who had a cottage in Siversk, founded her own animal, in which he contained rare animals. After the Revolution, the Sivevsky becomes a children's resort and before the nineties here there were more than 150 pioneer camps. Chukovsky's roots in 1928 wrote here "Muhu-Cocotuhu", and Isaac Schwartz, walking along the coast of the Ore Oredzh river, composed a melody to the film "Star of captivating happiness" 2.

For the first time in these places I.I. Shishkin arrived in the summer in 1872. He removed the cottage together with I.N. Kramsky and K.A. Savitsky in the Ilzho manor. "It's easy to breathe here, wonderful nature," wrote about Sivevskaya I.I. Shishkin3. In 1874, the artist settled at the cottage in the village of Old-Siberian, where his future wife O.A. was resting at the same time Ladoga is a talented artist. In 1880, they became spouses and in the next summer season acquired a country estate in the village of express, not far from Siversk. Here, on June 21, Shishkina had a daughter of Ksenia, who was baptized at the local Christmas church. However, the happiness of spouses was short. O.A. Ladoga-Shishkin unexpectedly fell ill and died on July 25. She was buried at the Christmas cemetery. And today, among the modern graves of the village cemetery, you can find a white marble monument. The inscription on it reports that it was buried here: "Professor's wife of the Imperial Academy of Arts Olga Antonovna Shishkin, nee Ladoga, was born on April 3, 1850, died on July 25, 1881." Heavy worried the death of his wife by the artist. He could not stay more on the urinary estate and together with Ksenia and Lydia (his daughter from the first marriage) moved to the cottage to the village of Old-Siberian, where the sister of the late V.A. Ladoga who took over all the care of the upbringing of Baby. In the summer months of 1882-1887, with small breaks, Shishkin again lived on the dust estate. After selling it in 1888, he took the cottage in the village of Novo-Siberian for several years, which belonged to the local peasant Fedor Vasilyev. In 1897, Ivan Ivanovich acquired a plot under the cottage here, but it did not have time to build it. Dacha I.I. Shishkin in Old-Siverskaya, on the outline and in Novo-Sivevskaya did not preserve. On the Sivev Earth, the artist worked a lot and fruitfully. Wooded places, with deaf ravines and chains, answered his mood. In the forest, he went with an ax, as if at a meeting with a bear, communication with whom, for him, seemed to be only funny. In the vicinity of the Siberian master wrote dozens of sketches, the best of his canvases were created here: "Rye" (1878) and "Morning in the Pine Forest" (1889) and many others. Our picture "Meadow on the edge of the forest. Sivevskaya "(1887) was also written in these parts. In the foreground of the work, housing harbingers are visible: boards, fireplace, hedge. But the House and Construction itself, the artist does not show the viewer. He offers to admire the nature: a flowering meadow, a river with a rush coast, coniferous forest and heaven. The meadow, which Ivan Ivanovich depicted in the picture, is called in these places - "Lyalin Luga" or "Skin". Lyaline Luga is a landscaped monument. It has a round shape, surrounded by hills and crosses the Oredige river. On Lyalin meadow, not only rest, but also arrange military reconstructions. So in July 2013, the reconstruction of the Klyastitsky battle was held here by representatives of military historical societies. The festive action was dedicated to the 245th anniversary of the birth of P.Kh. Wittgenstein - the Savior of St. Petersburg in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the 202th anniversary of the Klastitsky battle, in which the Vittgenstein Corps stopped promoting the French army to St. Petersburg.

Now, from the past splendor village, Siversky has almost nothing left: the camps are closed, summer cottages are treated. Forests are transmitted by local authorities under the cottage building. In order to preserve the rich history of the country's life in Sivevsky, the historical and household museum "DANGER CAPITAL" 4 was opened, in which the main part of the exhibits make up the gifts of the villagers. The exposition is devoted to the history of the Sieve country area, the largest in pre-revolutionary Russia. The museum was opened in 2009 on the initiative of Lieland Andrei Burlakova in the noble estate of the late XIX century.


Anisov L.M. "Shishkin" \\\\ Life of wonderful people - Moscow: Young Guard, 1991 - P.304
"Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Correspondence. Diary. Contemporaries about the artist" - Leningrad: Art, 1978 - p.463 p. 24 liters Il.
"Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin" \\\\ Edition Second. Text Savinov A.N. Editor Shanina N.F. - Moscow: Academy of Arts of the USSR, 1963 - p.96
Magazine "Ogonek", 1987, No. 7 p. 16-18

In November, in the Leningrad region, the days become very short and dark, and the roads are dirty, so it's not very convenient to ride a child on a bike. But in the forest, despite the darkness and cold weather, cozy and beautiful. Therefore, at the end of November, we got a big pedestrian backpack for dad and carrying Deuter Kid Comfort formed Mom and went with our 2.5-year-old baby in a hiking trip.
Our route (22 km) ran along the path along the River Oredige from the village of the village to the village of Belogorka, and then on the pedestrian paths and the paths of Belogorki and Sivevsky to the Siverskaya station. We spent the night in the tent on the banks of the Odega. We really liked the route, I recommend everyone! What is important - even wet in the fall there can be passed without hovering the boots of water.
According to the results of this PVD, I made a list of our equipment for the autumn-winter campaign to the forest with a small child on the weekend. You can see it in a separate one. The starting weight of the backpack for the Pope was 22 kg, of which 5 kg of food (including cucumbers) were eaten. Permanent weight on the mother (child plus carrying) was 20 kg, but the child sometimes went his legs.

Day 1. November 18. 10 km
We went out at the settlement station in Vyritsa. With unaccustomed, it was hard for me to carry a 15-kilogram baby in winter clothes (the last time I put on a backpack in April, and all summer we went hiking by bikes). But the baby was in full delight! After all, from the blowing carrying, everything is so clearly visible and you can not silently chat with your parents about everything that is around.
Further moved to the Oredige River south.

In the evening, a few hours were asked by the fire. In the forest stages, Sushin is enough, but some of them were dumping. But dry fir branches for their plating a lot.

Vitalik loves when I am pregnant through the bushes. But it is necessary to do it carefully, so it's not entirely on the back with a child behind your back.

Then we went to quad bike gates and went on them further along the southern shores of Odega to Belogork. We especially liked the site before gardening, where on the one hand the field, and with the other old pines on the high bank of the river.

Plot in front of the bridge.

Plot in front of Belogorka

Non-Supply Frame - Sasha rushed to hug with pine. True, he claims to not hug, and measure :)

Further, our route passed through the populated area through Belogorku and Sivevsky.

In the village of the child it was interesting, and he was happy to protest a couple of kilometers.

View of Belogorku

I did not expect anything special from this site, but it turned out to go through Belogorku and Sivevsky. First, almost all the way we walked around the streets, but along the pedestrian walkways along the river. Secondly, the shores of the Odega here are very beautiful, since the river flows through the deposits of the Devonian period and cut down deep cliffs in them. The color of these sediments of bright redheads. Even in the gray November day looked great.

The other day we visited an amazing place, 70 km from St. Petersburg there is a wonderful village of Sievsky, who was previously called the Sivere village, Russian Switzerland and the country's country's capital.
"The place here is hardly the best in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, picturesque, mountainous, beautiful air," so wrote about the Sivetkov-Shchedrin. As long as the Finnish direction was opened, located at the Warsaw Railway Siberian Railway was the most popular countryside near St. Petersburg. It was here that rushed, tired of the metropolitan fuss, intelligentsia to enjoy clean air and amazing silence.

By the end of the XIX century, up to 10 thousand citizens rested here, although not everyone could afford such a rest. Almost all domestic celebrities conducted a summer holiday here, Vera Commissionerzhevskaya, Konstantin Varlamov, Maria Savina, Fedor Chaliapin come here. These amazing places were especially valued, artists Ivan Shishkin found their inspiration here (many landscapes he wrote in Siverskaya) and Ivan Kramskaya, Poets Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, Apollo Mikov, Alexey Plescheev and Vladimir Mayakovsky, writers Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ivan Goncharov, Alexey Tolstoy, Alexander Kuprin. Baron Frederix, who had a cottage in Siversk, founded her own animal here, in which he contained rare animals.

After the revolution, the Siversk becomes a children's resort, until the 90s, there are 150 pioneer camps, a "Forest" recreation house, which was in Sievosk, had an all-union value. Creative people flock here: artists, poets, musicians. It was here that Gukovsky's roots celebrated in the country, the roots of Chukovsky wrote "Muhu-Cocotuhu", and Isaac Schwartz walking along the banks of the River Oredzh composed a melody to the film "Star of captivating happiness".

But not only the beauty of landscapes and silence attracts Siverskaya, here is amazing, therapeutic air. The Oredige River, which proceeds in the village, opens the deposits released on the surface of the Devonian period, the radon sources are beaten along the coast, and 30 meter pines and spruce are growing along the banks of the river. This air impregnated with radon and a pine forest is unique - it heals from tuberculosis and asthma, and also, thanks to this air, there is almost no mosquah's mosquitoes.

Let us enjoy an incredible silence and the purest air we were able to in Lyalin meadow.
Lyaline meadow is a local landscaped monument, here it is also called the "frying pan", a round meadow surrounded by hills crosses the River. Picturesque landscape, silence, red sand, nude roots of trees create an incredible atmosphere, I want to lie down in the grass and lie down, inhaling the air from silence.

But here, on the slope of the Bear Mountain, in 1955 the boys, in the sand stumbled upon the edge of the chest. Nakhodka turned out to be the treasure of the merchant of Dernov, causing, as evidenced by the note in the chest, in 1918.

Here, on Lyalin meadow, not only rest, but also arrange military reconstructions, the nearest consists very soon - July 19 at 13.20 will be displayed by the episode of the reconstruction of the Klyastitsky battle by representatives of military historical societies. The festive action is dedicated to the 245th anniversary of the birth of P.Kh. Wittgenstein - the Savior of St. Petersburg in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the 202th anniversary of the Klastitsky battle, in which the Vittgenstein Corps stopped promoting the French army to St. Petersburg.

From the former magnificence in Sivev, almost nothing remains - the camps are closed, summer cottages and burn, forests are transmitted by local authorities under the cottage building. To preserve the rich history of the country's life in Sivevsky, the museum is open, the main part of the exhibits here make up the gifts of the villagers.

Sieve historical and household museum "DANGER CAPITAL"
Gatchina district, pos. Sivevsky, ul. Red, d. 30
Opening hours: from 11.00 to 19.00, weekends - Monday and Tuesday

In this museum, we unfortunately did not get, but they visited another, a wonderful museum located in Sivevsky - House-Museum of Isaac Schwartz, we told about him.

In Sieve, it is best to come by car, as historical places and museums are scattered throughout the village;
- According to Siversice and its surroundings there is a large selection of exures
- There is not a single hotel in Siversky himself.
- Beautiful holidays in nature, away from urban noise, with the purest air and the possibility of visiting interesting museums

i remember how Isaac Iosifovich Bentworked Siverskaya, fished ....

Sivevskaya, Little "Russian Switzerland" rapidly loses its forests and shores

Only 70 km of railway from St. Petersburg, 100 meters above sea level - and completely different climate: more different from Vilevsky. "The place here is hardly the best in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, picturesque, mountainous, beautiful air," Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote about him. It is not by chance that by the end of the XIX century, the Sivevskaya, located in the Warsaw Branch of the Railway, became the most popular countryside near St. Petersburg - until the Finnish direction was opened.

1. It was all even an elephant

Andrei Burlakov - Enthusiast Kroadman, since the 1980s, founding not one museum of local life since the 1980s, since the 1980s, including one museum of local life in the Gatchina district, including the Dacha Capital Museum. Under this name, he spends and exciting excursions that start from the Sivere Cinema. This cinema is standing on the site of the manor of Baron Frederix, burned back in pre-war years. The owner of the disappeared estate left a memory of himself as a benefactor of popular countryside and a considerable original.

- At the beginning of the twentieth century, the baron founded even his own animal, in which he contained rare animals. An elephant was also an elephant in the wife, "says Andrey Vyacheslavovich Petersburg journalists, for whom the information walk through Siversk is arranged.

So, before the revolution in Sivevsky, everything was: not only an elephant with an elephant, but also the theater in which Shalyapin was opposed, and even the shop of Chinese goods. By the streets of the village flanged celebrities of the capital. Before the discovery in 1898, the Sestroretsky resort at the Finnish Gulf of Sivevsk was rightly called the country's capital of Russia, reminds of the history of Andrei Burlakov.

2. From the revolution remained

The remains of the Barquet life have long been sprayed by gates. Local residents still carry in the Museum Willing exhibits - for example, delivered a music box, the Organic "Nightingale", which was started at the village restaurant.

- And this metal vase of the late XVIII century, the boys played football, I noticed it myself, "says Andrei Burlakov's exhibits.

Something "former" simply threw in their homes, something was planted, counting in 1917 that the power of the Council of People's Commissars in Petrograd will last no longer longer the power of the temporary government of Kerensky. Behind the treasures, of course, did not return.

The rocks "hot countries" are bathed from May.

Journalists show a steep slope of the Bear Mountain, that Lyalina Meadow. In 1955, the boys, strollers of lessons, rode from this mountain and stumbled into the edge-naked trunk on the slope. I pulled out Nakhodka - the treason turned out to be the treasure of Dernov, caught in 1918, as evidenced by the abandonment.

- Jewels sorted hands, - sets out a local reliable legend Andrei Burlakov. - And the golden brooch performed in the form of a butterfly, the gold brooch brought home one of the boys, and the old woman, living next door, explained that this one brooch stands so much that this money can be bought by Paul-Sivers.

Of course, people from the bodies arrived in the village soon and gathered the main part of the treasure on residents. The senior boy was awarded the bicycle, two younger were handed over to the cheese of candy. And gold coins and some little things are still stored in some old-timers.

3. Millions of years before our era

We look even further, deep into the epoch. On the steep shores of the river Oredige - red sandy sections, forming a picturesque picture in combination with water and high pines. These are outputs outside red Devonian sandstones - witnesses and representatives of the Devonian Paleozoic period. It began about 408 million years ago and ended approximately 360 million years ago.

These shores are a regional geological monument of nature called "Devon's exposure on the Ore Oredige River at the village of Belogorka." In sediments there are paleontological treasies - fossil fragments of Devonian cystic and shell fish, as well as other animals.

The path from the Red Street, the former church, the local historian burlac leads us to a rocky cliff. Local residents refer to his "hot countries":

- It's warm here. The river makes a turn, the wind is less, you can already swim from May. And then the squigs begin, there is what we call the devil. But we will not get there. There, someone built a cottage and blocked the path from the water by a fence.

4. River Oredige

"Help with the river, the question must be raised to attract experts," the locals say.

The river is famous for trout and crayfish, its water is clean, because in the shores nor the industry or agriculture. However, in the last two or three years, Oredige rapidly overlaps algae, sandy beaches disappear. Nobody cleans his bed, here and did not hear about mowing boats.

- The river dies, and the fault of the cutting of forests - calls the estimated cause of Andrei Burlakov.

Forests are really cut. The largest, Sieve forest park was transferred by local authorities under the cottage building. Plots under IZhS - individual housing construction - feather high metal fences. Locals in partisansky residents take out their sections to save the usual trails for walking.

Fences and barriers are a new Siver's sign, it is everywhere: they appear where there were sanatoriums and pioneer camps in Soviet times.

"Change" is one of the three surviving camps.

5. Pioneers - Muacedified

On the past culture of the sanatoriums and the pioneer camps of the Leningrad region in Sivevsk, you can now find out only at the Museum "Country Capital". There, from natural beds, Gornov, drums and patephones, the expositions of organized rest of Lenin-Gradsev are arranged: from post-war times to the period of restructuring.

Until the 1990s, summer children's camps in Sivere was more than 150, now three remains, they are told in the museum. There are no rest houses. Located mainly in old wooden dachas, they since the mid-nineties began to burn massively.

Here, on the territory of the former camp "Rainbow," there was a cottage Alexei Tolstoy, show us a waste of herbs and bushes a wasteland. Wooden building with turrets burned in 2005. Nearby was the cottkova-Shchedrin dacha - also flashed itself. For criminal cases in connection with fires, few people heard.

- The standard conclusion about the causes of a fire in 95 percent of cases was: a malfunction of electrical wiring, "explains Ilya Soskov to journalists, the deputy head of the Administration of the Gatchina Municipal District.

- Tirty usually at night, when no one saw anything, "the picture of the fires Andrei Burlakov.

We show a large wooden house, the cottage of Maxim Gorky. This house is an exception - it is still located one of the three preserved children's camps of Siverskaya, called "shift". At the place of the rest of the camps and holiday homes - mostly empty or overgrown parks or cottage complexes for high fences.

6. Siversky Lesopark.

A whole cottage town must rise soon where the Sieve forest park is now. This is the territory of the former holiday home "Forest" - 45 hectares on the banks of Odega. Now deep into this coniferous forest with relict pines leaves fences. The forest is divided into plots for development. He is trying to defend the initiative group "Protect the Sivev Forest". Do not read the appeals of defenders in all possible instances: not the first year they are carried out in the courts, excitement of the prosecutor's office, administrative authorities.

- At the moment there are many discrepancies in determining the legality of what has made it possible to sell this land and make it the territory for individual housing construction, representatives of the group say.

Everywhere they give them to understand: the decision of the fate of the Sivevsky forest can be only "political". How power wants. Now the governor has changed in the Leningrad region, and the new government expressed his intention to figure out. By decision of the governor Alexander Drozdenko, a working group was formed, it is engaged in checking the legality of the privatization of real estate objects located in the territory of the Sivere Forest. And not only this place - the self-creation of land is tormented and the second "Switzerland" of the Leningrad region, scenic heights in Toks.

7. Reverse for privatization

"The question is complex, there are two aspects in it," the situation of the Environmental Council was commented on to the Sivertis of the Environmental Council during the Governor of the Lenis of Denis Krylov. - One aspect: We are dealing with residents who want to keep the park. Second: There are conscientious acquirers. Owners who have paid money for the plots.

How the relict forest areas were brought to low-value "empty", suitable only for construction sites, is a big question that is lost in the post-Soviet history. Representatives of the Leningrad region as given about the abnormalities of the early 1990s, in the transition period from the USSR to the Russian Federation. And also that this "practice of abuses" somehow did not find reflection in the archives. Some documents in the territories of former sanatoriums and camps were disappeared - disappeared, as well as the structures broke on them.

All, including the defenders of the Sivevsky forest, understand that it will be incredibly difficult to give the reverse privatization.

- If it turns out that the owners are legally right, it is likely that you will have to look for some compromise options, "says Denis Wings, promising that during the month the Working Group will already be put forward some suggestions.

The ideal would have gaming the status of a specially protected area - an Orediges Park.

8. Manor "Belogorka"

The pearl of the future of the Orediges could be the estate "Belogork". This castle in the style of Northern Modern was built a hundred years ago for the family of merchants Eliseev. After the revolution, it placed the children's shelter, then the Institute for Agriculture. After the restructuring, the institute fell into decay, the building was removed from the building.

Then the building was attached to different tenants. The latter, who took him in the long-term rent, has views of the device in the hotel castle. But the tenant himself, they say, have not seen it for a long time. We found only a benevolently configured guard and chain ps, who announced the neighborhood of the castle with a zealous lamin.

There, in Siversk, it was good. But - at home is better. Yes, and to work tomorrow.

Photos turned out not so much as I would like: a lot of snow. Suggesight above me - and I am not small girl. So, it was far for a walk. Horror horror, but now it will start to calm! To live there, you need a personal helicopter: you can never drive on the roads. This is just yesterday I watched how a taxi in the snow was bogged down. But, it seems, on the rolled rut rode. Did not help.

However, the house in which I was visiting is three kilometers from the station. There is no one to clean the snow: if you live in the house only in the summer, it is quite natural that his backlet on the roof. Closer to the station, in more inhabited places, on the streets relatively purely. No worse than in St. Petersburg.

River Orediges, current through the village, does not freeze in winter. Very nice: snow, ice boulders and dark, raging water.

There are almost all the wooden houses, many suggest that no one lives in them. Something - frank ruins.

Very pretty church: they say that it functioned and during the times of Soviet power.

Last attraction: Bath. I do not know what, but for some reason I really like her appearance.

Bridge through Orediges on Lyalin Meadow. Why Lianal? No one knows. Local residents say that he is always called. Who was this lady, why the meadow called her name - the story was not preserved.

Another local attraction: Never worked staring. Well, or almost never.

Snow injuries and drifts often look very fancy. Here, on the fence there is a big polar bear:

The stronghold of civilization: shop. Store names, by the way, there are funny:

Street names are also very funny. Large embankment, for example. Street of Decembrists. Or here:

And here is the prospect:

And, of course, the tummy. Cats and dogs, birds. Ferree, they say, come. I absolutely believe: the forest is next. Yesterday I tried to see Dyatla: I pounded somewhere very close. Sorry, but never found.

This is someone else's cat. Or - Note. Sat on a trash can near the store. But it is very good: it is immediately visible - the beast is serious.

And this is Dmitry Vasilyevich. The kindest dog, gentle, the chain saw only through the fence on other dogs. True, twice a year, they say, turns into a growing monster: when his heart lady is ready for the wedding. And Dmitry Vasilyevich remarkably knows how to provide himself with food: if you could not catch anyone, you can pester with an innocent look to the emerging from the store. Someone will regret, treat the dog tasty. Food, which at home - she is also not going anywhere.

Young dog named Misha: cheerful, jumping noble. Favorite lesson - walk with someone walk. Favorite place - with hostess on the bed. And it is better that the hostess moves and gave the girl to put a face on the pillow. Not? Well, okay, in the legs are also good.