Foreign passports and documents

Myanmar? Where is it? I do not know such a country. Myanmar on the map - Where is Myanmar (Burma) on the world map Myanmar Physical map

Useful information for tourists about Myanmar, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information on the population, the currency of Myanmar, the kitchen, the features of visa and customs restrictions of Myanmar.

Geography Myanmar

The Union of Myanmar is a state in Southeast Asia, located in the western part of the Indochina Peninsula. Myanmar borders with India and Bangladesh in the West, China in the northeast, with Laos in the East and Thailand in the south-east. From the south and south-west of her shore is washed by the waters of the Bengal Bay and the Bay of Moutute (MarchUban), as well as the Andaman Sea.

Two dominant topographic features of Myanmar are the Mountain Complex and the Valley of the Iravadi River. The mountains are located in a semicircle, in the northern part of which the highest peak of the country and the whole Southeast Asia mountain Khkakababoy (5881 m) is located. The western ridge of Arakan Yom, up to 2740 m height, forms a natural barrier between the Burma and the India subcontinent. Bilauksong Ridge lies along the border with Thailand. On the territory of the country is also part of the Shan Plateau, the average height of which is about 910 m.


State device

State device - military regime. The head of state and the government is the chairman of the State Council on the restoration of legality and order. The effect of the Constitution is suspended.


State language: Burmese

The state language of Myanmar is recognized by Burmese (Myanmar), which is native for two thirds of the population and the second language in the communication of most other residents. English and Chinese are used as a business language. The latter especially in many border areas. Hindi is mainly distributed in the Immigrant Community.


Buddhism is confessing the majority (according to different estimates, from 73% to 89.3%) inhabitants of Myanmar. The most common southern branch of Buddhism is Kharyna (Theravada). Christians - 5.6% of the population. Islam confess 3.6% of the inhabitants.


International title: MMK

One kyat is 100 bars. In the circulation there are bills in 1000, 500, 200, 100, 90, 50, 45, 20, 15, 10, 5, and 1 kyat, coins at 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 kyat and 50, 25, 10, 5 pier.

Currency exchange can be made in banks, hotels, travel agencies and official exchange offices, but the exchange rate in them is quite unprofitable. According to the real rate, the currency can be exchanged only in the black market, but it is illegal.

It is usually obligatory to exchange in the amount of $ 300, while the inverse exchange of checks for dollars is made with a large commission (up to 15%) and only within the previously declared amount. At the same time, the US dollar, officially forbidden to go through the country, is taken to pay for goods and services almost everywhere.

Credit cards and traveler checks can be credited only in large banks, stores and hotels of the capital of the country, and it is irregular and in compliance with the huge amount of formalities. In the provinces pay them almost impossible.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Myanmar

Work hours of institutions

Banks work from 10.00 to 14.00 from Monday to Friday.


In most outlets, you can also bargain.


Recommended prevention against malaria. Ascaridosis, Ankrotomidosis, trachoma, etc. are observed everywhere. Recommended vaccinations against hepatitis A, B and E, cholera, tetanus and poliomyelitis. The foci of the spread of plague, rabies, dysentery, tropical fever, Japanese encephalitis and other diseases is registered, so certain prophylactic methods are simply obligatory when visiting the interior areas.


It is impossible to drink water from the tap and from natural sources. Food ice, prepared on the street, is also considered potentially dangerous. Dairy products do not pass and are considered potentially dangerous to health. Meat, fish and seafood should be used only thoroughly roasted or past thermal processing. The use of pork, green salads and products based on vegetable oil mayonnaise can be risky.

Emergency phones

Police - 199.
Fire service - 191.
Ambulance - 192.

Photo and video shooting

It is forbidden to photograph military (and military) and strategic objects. Photographing in temples and museums is prohibited or for it takes an additional fee. The local residents themselves are usually happy with pleasure, but they don't like them very much when they are shooting.

National features of Myanmar. Traditions

In the Burmese week 8 days, the environment is divided into two days. Therefore, with dates of any events should be especially carefully acquainted.

At the entrance to the territory of Buddhist temples, not only shoes should be removed, but often socks.

Where is Burma on the world map. Detailed map of Myanmar in Russian online. Satellite map of Burma with cities and resorts. Myanmar on the map of the world - the Mill in Southeast Asia, located on the Indochina Peninsula. Washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea and the Bengal Bay.

The capital is the city of Nipjido, the official language is Burmese, which is related Chinese and Tibetan languages. Also in the country, many residents speak Chinese and English. A significant part of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, with the highest point almost 6000 meters.

Map of Myanmar in Russian with resorts:

Myanmar - Wikipedia:

Population Myanmar - 53 259 018 people. (2013)
Capital Myanmar - Napyido
The largest cities of Myanmar - Yangon, Napyido, Mandalay
Phone code Myanmar - 95
Internet domains Myanmar - .mm.

Climate Myanmar Sub-screen. In the hottest, summer time the air warms up about +40 S. In the winter in Myanmar, it is also quite hot, with medium winter temperatures + 28 ... + 31 C. Much colder in the mountainous regions where freezes often occur.

Myanmar is rich attractionsAnd many historical monuments in the country have survived from archaic times. One of these attractions - the Swedagon Pagoda, which is located in the city Yangon And is the oldest stage in the world.

There are other pagodas located near Yangon: Maha Vizaya Pagoda, Pagoda Sulu and Chaukhatkui Pagoda. In the latter, you can see the largest marble statue of the Buddha in the world. Another city in Myanmar, who deserves attention - Bagan.. Once on its territory there were about 13 thousand unique structures. Today in the city more than 5 thousand cultural and historical monuments, pagodas and temples.

Having access to the sea and the bay, Myanmar has everything necessary for an excellent beach vacation. The most visited resort of Myanmar is Ngapali, located on the shores of the Bengal Bay. Among the tourists, it is especially popular due to its purity - this is one of the purest beaches in the world. Others myanmar resort zones - Chang-Ta, Calare and Letkokon.

What to see in Myanmar:

Pagoda Swedagalag, Ngapali, Temple of Damajanji, Mount Top, River Iruvadi, Pagoda Chaittios, Mrauk-U, Pagoda Mahamuni, Temple of Sulamani, Lake Inya, Cathedral of Saint Mary, Lake Kandavgi, Floating Restaurant "Kazaik-Hall", Pindaya Caves, Royal Palace Mandalay, the village of Maitau.

Burma is a country in Southeast Asia, which is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. This state is little familiar to the inhabitants of our country, as long time was in forced isolation from the entire civilized world. Now the situation changes in the country for the better, access to tourists from all countries of the world. Before traveling to a little-known state, it is desirable to get acquainted with the location of the Burma, its brief history, attractions and features to be fulfillment.

Where is Burma?

There is a country on the western part of the island of Indochina, next to many countries. This is Bangladesh, and India, China and Laos, Thailand. With the southern and coast, 2000 km long, washed by the waters of the bays - Begal and Mute. Also contact with the warm waters of the Andaman Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean.

Burma (Country) The territory of 678.5 thousand square kilometers on land and a few more ocean islands is occupied. This is the largest area on all indochier. Although two-thirds of the lands occupy high impassable mountain ranges and dense thickets of the jungle.

At the geographical map of the planet, you can not Birma, as the country has been renamed Myanmar since 2010. So be careful, look at the map first it is located next to the Indian Peninsula, and then you will easily find the country, since it is the largest on the map of the peninsula.

Before a trip to such a distant edge, not only to know where Burma is located, but also to familiarize himself with its historical past, then many controversial moments and misunderstandings will be understood.

History of state

The first mention of this country dated another 3 century to our era. Many different ethnis settled this territory, but most of them were mona. The ancient Chinese called the inhabitants of these places "Western Qiana". The history of Burma is very closely intertwined with neighboring countries. Often war with China and Thailand. Power passed from hand to hand. The monk civilization existed a considerable period of time, collecting together Buddhist and Indian cultures.

The change of kings and permanent wars continued throughout the history of the country, as well as many other states. However, everything was a bit subsided with the seizure of the territory of British troops in 1824, when a very cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant was displaced, King Tibo Min. Therefore, the subjects of the British Queen were met by the joyful exclamations of local residents. Quiet life lasted more than a hundred years, already before the beginning of World War II.

In May 1942, Japanese troops captured Burma. The invaders were cruel, and the locals organized the partisan movement against the invaders. When, in 1945, Japan announced a complete surrender and threw the fate of his soldiers to the mercy, then the partisans continued to finish them in dense forests.

Independence Independence

In 1948, the British decided to leave someone else's country and gave the power to local residents, having removed all the powers. But it did not benefit the long-suffering people. The struggle for the power of individual regions led to the Civil War, which for many years raged in Myanmar (Burma).

The government did not manage to manage the state. Oil production fell to a minimum, the country was exhausted by constant confrontations. Credit problems at that time was only the Burma Army. And in March 1962, the General Headquarters of the Army, led by General not wine, takes power to his hands and immediately announces the selected socialist path of development.

As in all social, the prosperity was the same way. Global nationalization of all private ownership of both locals and foreigners. All foreign trade was caught towards the hands of the military leaders.

Burma residents suffered from hunger, shops stood empty, the products were issued for many rulers engaged in active trade with Thailand, selling "People's Good", and ordinary citizens were thoroughly every day.

Military dictatorship

Since 1987, serious unrest related to the withdrawal from the circulation of cash bills has passed since 1987. People and so led the Nishchensky lifestyle, and here in one moment it was depleted by another 80%. University students went on protest demonstrations. The authorities entered into a conflict with the people, severely suppressing the uprising, there were a lot of dead and arrested, some universities were generally closed.

In the country, all power focused on the Slorc Committee, the so-called state council on the restoration of law and order. This authority consisted of generals. In 1989, began to change the geographical names of cities and the country as a whole. Now she was called Myanmar. However, most of the civilized countries did not recognize this renaming. Sanctions against dictatorial power were announced.

All opposition parties and the daughter of the main Democrat Aun Sana were taken under house arrest. In the 1989 elections to take part for them banned.

Features of control

Despite the totalitarian regime of management and cruel means of maintaining Buddhist morality in society, a number of positive moments can be noted. The authorities ordered the monks to train the diploma of peasant children, every month mobile military hospitals arrived in the village, conducted therapeutic procedures and vaccination of the population.

The sex industry came under the strictest ban, the country does not know AIDS problems. Very low level of drunkenness and drug addiction among local residents. Smoking only women and then only domestic tobacco.

The country began on the restoration of cultural and architectural values. Thus was renovated by the Swedagon Pagoda in Yangon.

But the tyranny authorities continued to punish people for the slightest crimes, using the death penalty. People were still isolated from around the world. Information did not receive, since the Internet had only top officials, there were very few cars, the telephone connection was carried out everywhere.

The main means of movement remained in the bulk of the wagon with privileged bulls. People lived beyond poverty.


At the beginning of the fall of 2007, the peaceful performance of Buddhist monks will grow into mass riots against the government. About one hundred people were killed.

Since 2011, changes have been felt in the country. Events in Burma changed the attitude towards the country of other states. Since 2012, the European Union has canceled visa sanctions that acted earlier for all higher officials of the country.

In the same year, elections were held in the country, which changed the ratio of forces in parliament towards democratic forces led by Aun Sub Suh. And in 2015, the party "National League for Democracy" receives the majority in this authority. Also elected democratic path the President of the country of Thin Zho. Now travelers from all over the world have the desire to find out where Burma is located. After all, the leading countries of the world restored relations with the country, investors rushed their cash in the development of the economy, so that it foreshadows its rapid rise.


The geographical location of the country has the most diverse relief. These are the beautiful mountains in the west of the country, the Shang Nagoray on the eastern part of the territory, in the center - a large fertile plain, on the coast of the Bengal Bay - Rakhaine Plain.

On the border with China there is the highest point of the country. This is Mount Khakabhazi (hacavaby-time), the height of which is 5881 meters. And the mountain peaks of the Shang Nagora in the south-west of the country are not very high, but difficulty. The height of them from 1600 to 2600 m above sea level.

Numerous mountains give the beginning of the rivers, the largest of which Iravadi, Chinduin and Sitown. They spread through valleys and make lands fertile and suitable for agriculture. River Myanmar rivers in the Indian Ocean. In the northern part of the country there are most lakes. The largest and largest - indoji.

But now in the world is familiar mainly with Lake Inle. It is located on the Shangore. In size it is not very large, only 100 square meters. m, and the depth comes to 6 meters. Ask why the lake is such a famous? The answer is simple. On the shores of the reservoir, the pile villages were located, the inhabitants of which live on the water, they feed in that they will catch during fishing, and vegetable cultures are grown on floating houses.

There are also artificial reservoirs and reservoirs, which are built not far from major cities and from the capital of Burma, the city of Napyido.

A large number of mountains are in the seismic territory. There are several mud volcanoes in the country. The most famous of the extinct giants is a pot, a height of 1518 m. It is located in the Ridge Peg. According to the top of the local residents, the spirits of Nata live on top of the volcano. They are designed to protect the country. Buddhist monks built on Mount Pagoda Tuin-Town, which since then has become a place of pilgrimage.


Choosing the time of the year for a trip to some country, it will not be further familiar with the climate in this area. Recall where Burma is? Surrounded by mountain peaks. Therefore, the climate is tropical and subtropical. Mountains protect the terrain from strong and cold air masses from the north.

If our weather corresponds to the time of year, then in Myanmar, three different types of climate can be distinguished:

  • wet (from May to October), when rains often come;
  • cool (from late October to February);
  • hot (the rest of the year).

But the slurry in Burma is relative, that is, there will be not 40 degrees, but 20. In mountainous areas, the temperature is significantly different. In winter, a thermometer is lowered to 0 degrees. Also in the cool season you can become a frequent witness of dust storms.


Before traveling to countries, you need to study in advance to know where to go first. The star of all commercials is considered to be the Swedagon Pagoda in Yangon. But in the country there are countless vintage monasteries, pagodas, temple complexes, statues of Buddha in a standing and lying position of huge sizes. Not to mention the mythical ancient city of Pagan. This is a whole architectural complex where tourists come from around the world.

In addition to the capital of Burma, the city of Napyido, it is worth going to Mandalay. Here is the center of culture of the Republic of the Union Myanmar. This is a complete and more correct name of the country. The Royal Palace of the ruler of Mindon since its construction in 1857 became a forbidden place where no one was allowed. Although the city of kings hidden from other people's eyes has large sizes, it is surrounded by 4 km of fortress walls, whose height is 9 meters.

Many travel agents are advised to visit Lake Inle. In the middle of the water stroit, a monastery has a very strange name - jumping cats. This is due to the fact that all six monks living in this remote monastery are taught cats to perform tricks. Also try to hit the floating market when you can buy different goods, including souvenirs.

In addition to architectural beauties, the country is full of natural attractions.

Wonders of nature

Myanmar is a wonderful edge with beautiful mountain areas that are replete with rivers and beautiful majestic waterfalls. Not far from Mandalay are the most famous of them - Anisican. Mighty water avalanches are lowered in a small natural pool at the foot. Water stream crash is heard from afar. Tourists love this place also for comfortable conditions. The waterfalls lead a narrow path with arbors and bears for rest tired of lifting people. Like all the waterfalls of the world, the data are the most fulfillment after the rainy season.

The beauty of the travelers and the famous limestone caves under the general name of Pandaline. They are in the south of the country, in the state of Shan. These are two huge caves, inside of which, besides, you can admire the pagodas. On the walls of cave rooms, you can see the rock paintings of animals and people left by the ancient settlers. Underground passages are well equipped for visitors. Made comfortable ladies and transitions over bridges. All halls have artificial lighting.

Next to the city of Yangon there is a big national park, where animal lovers will fully satisfy their needs. The recreational zone covers an area of \u200b\u200b630 hectares. Park begins on the coast of Lake Chlog. Tourists can look at the lives of wild animals in a natural habitat. Deer, monkeys, storks and other non-hazardous animals walk in the park freely.

But predators were located separately, in the fenced enclosures of the zoo, you can look at Tigers, Lviv, Leopards. If the tourist has courage and determination, that is, the ability to ride on an elephant.

For lovers of the plant world, we offer to go to the Botanical Garden of Candojah. He received the status of the reserve and government garden. The park occupies a huge territory and has many rare and exotic plants found only in Burma. Even people who are far from Botany, walking in the park, will receive an extraordinary pleasure from contemplating such natural beauty.

Population of Burma

From a long time, the country has settled out of different countries - India, China, Bangladesh, there were many Europeans. But permanent wars and revolutionary events in Burma had scared many aliens, who for the most part left the territory of the country.

Now, after the opening of borders for citizens, many are illegally leaving the country in search of a better life and work in a more developed Thailand and Malaysia.

Inhabit the country more than 135 different peoples that have their culture and language. Burmese make up the bulk of the population and oppress the smallest of other nationalities. This often arises controversial issues between individual parts of the country. However, the state language is still considered to be Burmese.

The main proportion of foreign citizens living in the territory of Burma is emigrants from China. Their number is almost 2 million as a business language use English, and Chinese.

Main Ethniches: Burmese, Shana, Karen, Arakans, Chinese, Indians, Mona, Kacins and others.

Religious preferences

Myanmar is a country having many different denominations. Most of the Burma population confess Buddhism. This is almost 90% of the total ethnic composition. There is a small percentage of Islamists, the rest - Christians, of which one third makes Catholics.

There are many adherents of the Baptist Church, Protestants, Anglican, Methodists, Adventists 7 days, etc.

Not always confession coexist peacefully. Often the confrontation occurs, ending in deplorable. In 2012, the conflict broke out between Buddhists and Muslims. The country has declared a state of emergency, as thousands of Muslim houses were burned, which in fear asked asylum in Thailand.

There was no story on this, and in 2013 in the city of Matehila, antimuslim pogroms flared up with the new force.

What else do you need to know tourists?

Holidays of the country:

  • January 4 - Independence Day from the British.
  • from April 13 to 16 - the Water Festival (for tourists it will be interesting to watch the traditions of druising with water on the eve of the New Year).
  • July 19 - Day of Martyrs (commemorate the Aun Sana - Fighter for freedom and democracy);
  • November 11 - also an interesting holiday of paper lanterns and burning flying snakes for travelers.
  • December 25 - Traditional Christmas.

Many other holidays are related to peasants, Buddhists, the new year celebration, every nationality notes on its own calendar.

Burma money - Chiaty. One kyat contains 100 bars. At bills, architectural monuments are depicted. At the entrance to the country, tourists should exchange 300 dollars at the most disadvantageous course in the National Bank. This is a prerequisite. Bank cards Tourist in Myanmar will absolutely not use. Exchange Cash is very problematic, but prices in the country travelers will delight.

Unfortunately, not every person knows where there is such a country like Myanmar (MYANMAR). Previously, this state was another name - Burma. The country was renamed in 1989. Almost like the USSR, this state unites several dozen peoples at once. Myanmar is the country that opens its doors to tourists gradually, surprising a large number of monuments and attractions.

Writing in more detail, which is a state of Myanmar, where it is located on the world map, which to see tourists coming there.

Myanmar: Wikipedia

  • The official name of the state is the Republic of Miaanma Union (Myanmar);
  • Previously, Myanmar was called Burma;
  • The word "Myanmar" is translated as "fast", "strong";
  • The capital of Myanmar is the city of Nipjido;
  • State Square - 678 thousand square kilometers;
  • The population of the country is 60 million people;
  • The state language is Burmese (Myanmar);
  • Religion - Buddhism.

Myanmar on the world map

And where is Myanmar on the world map? This country located In the south-east of Asia and is located in the west of the Indochina Peninsula, on the adjacent part of the mainland and on a number of coastal islands. From the West, the state borders on Bangladesh, in the north-west - with, in the northeast - with China, in the east - with Laos and Thailand. From the southwestern and south side of Myanmar was washed by the Bengal Bay and the Andaman Sea. The state includes 7 national regions and 7 administrative regions.

Climatic features

Myanmar is a country with high Mountains and impassable jungle, with a lot of mysterious Buddhist temples, and, of course, with snow-white smiles of local residents. Here is the most famous Swedagon Pagoda and the picturesque lake Inle. These places are able to charm any life. Many who have visited here at least once, dream of visiting this paradise again. The most famous resorts of Myanmar:

These resorts are currently beginning to make greater competition in the most famous Thai resorts.

As for climatic conditions in Myanmar, they wear a tropical monso. The southern part of the state is located in the subequatorial climatic strip. Monsoons that are characteristic of this locality form three main weather season:

  • The first weather season lasts from November to February. In this case, the average daily temperature does not rise above +25 degrees. Such weather is considered very cool for the locality. It is during this period that the likelihood of education in the country of dust storms increases.
  • The second weather season can be considered hot. It begins in March, and ends in May. During this period, the air temperature rises above +33 degrees.
  • The third weather season is the rainy season, which begins in June, and ends in October. It is during this period that you should not plan a trip to Myanmar.

Nature Myanmar

The main part of the country consists of high mountain chains, which are included in the Himalaya mountain system. Mount Habako-time is the highest point not only Myanmar, but also all Southeast Asia. The height of this mountain is 5881 meters above sea level. Thanks to climatic conditions, mountain chains are plentifully diverse Plant breeds than attract many ecotourists from all countries of the world.

The central part of the state cover the wonderful and unique channels of the two largest rivers in Myanmar:

There are several national parks in these territories. On the territory of Myanmar, the famous mining reserves are also located, where tourists can be familiar with the unique local nature closer. Self popular Places among tourists:

  • Lamp Island, which is located in the Andaman Sea;
  • Mountain reserves Shamedown and Pidown.

Main Attractions Myanmar with photos

The most famous landmark of the country, which every year attracts many tourists - Yangon swedagon Pagoda. This attraction was built 2500 years and is an almost styometer spire, which is decorated with more than a thousand gems and gold platinum. The temple has great fame brought a big sculpture of the lying Buddha. Its length is almost 55 meters. This path is stored four hair of the spiritual mentor of Buddhists. Interesting is the fact that the pagoda is valid and currently, so all Buddhist pilgrims can visit these great relics.

Yangon himself - This is such a park in which there are beautiful ponds and lakes. This city is also considered the best place in the whole country for family holidays with children. Here, kids can compete with clock in local parks with attractions.

Cultural Center Country - City Mandalay. Many people go here to look at the following sights:

  • Schweango Palace;
  • Mandalay Hill;
  • Ava city;
  • The city of Amaraput;
  • City of Sagain.

In the former Burma there is famous for the whole world and unique temples in the city of Bagan, where you can experience the entire atmosphere of unusual and mysterious Asia. Thousands of ancient pagodas and temples located on the territory of 42 square kilometers are concentrated here, which are able to confirm foreign tourists.

Going to Burma, it is necessary to plan to schedule a visit to the picturesque lake Inle, in the center of which is the monastery of jumping cats. There is currently six monks who train cats to perform amazing tricks before tourists. This place has become famous thanks to not only cats, but also the fact that every week the locals organize a floating market. In this market you can buy various souvenirs as on the usual one.

Entertainment and rest

Most often, tourists come to the former Burma to soak on the sandy beach. The best beach area is Ngapali, which is distinguished by its delicate white sand, lots of first-class hotels and magnificent restaurants. In this paradise, more and more tourists from all over the world arrive at this paradise.

Another equally attractive resort of Myanmar is NGV-SAUG, which is famous for its perfect beaches with beautiful high palm trees. This place ranks second most popular among tourists. However, every year there is only increasing here.

It is worth noting that active Rest in Burma here is not so much developed as in many countries of the world. However, here you can ride bicycles with the company and look at local beauty. Hiking and unforgettable safaris in local national parks and reservations have great popularity.

Lovers of fishing can also boldly go to rest in Burma, because here you can get new unforgettable impressions from fishing big fish near the beaches of Ngapali.

It is also worth visiting the famous "elephant camp", which is located near the resort of NGV-SAUG. You can cheap here ride On this Indian elephant. Many tourists go to New Waterpark Ngalayk, which is located in the vicinity of the capital.

Many Burma is called the "country of golden pagodas", because they are literally everywhere here. That is why most excursions are organized precisely on these attractions.

Capital Napyido on the map

The capital of Myanmar is located on the Sitown River. There is a city in the very center of the state. The population of the capital is 900 thousand people.

Neepjido is a modern megapolis that boasts unique facilities that have no analogues around the world. Pagoda Upatasanti - one of these places. In its center, the column is towers, around which four Buddha statues are located, which are made of jade. Their gaze is fixed in different directions of light.

In the center of the capital there is a sculptural composition, which is devoted to the Governors of Burma.

The local zoo is also considered one of attractions capital Cities. This zoo is on the outskirts of the city and, by the way, is the largest thing in the whole country.

Excursions to various natural attractions are organized from neypyida:

  • To Lake Inle;
  • To the complex of the temples Bagan;
  • To the city of Mraum-y.

Tourists will be very interesting to visit the metropolitan holidays. Lovers of pompous events should visit the ceremony of awards of the local film academy. In April, the locals are celebrated by Tindjan - New Year's Water Festival, which is very reminded by the Russian Day of Ivan Kupala. On this day, it is customary to be poured with water from various tanks and water pistols. It lasts for five days.

Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia, located in the west of Indochina Peninsula. Her neighbors on the eastern border are Thailand and Laos, in the northeast and the north, the country borders with China, in the west Triple Neighborhood - India, Bangladesh and the Water of the Bengal Bay, and the southern frontiers are securely guarded by the waters of the warm Andaman Sea.

Myanmar on the world map

The capital of the state until 2005 was the city of Rangoon, then, most likely for security reasons, it was transferred to Pinman, located 320 miles from the former capital. But on this history, the capital did not end, in the same 2005 the leadership of the country was chosen place near Pinman for the construction of a new capital, which was officially named Nipjido on March 6, 2006.

So, the capital of Myanmar is the city of Nipjido, located almost in the center of the state. In addition to Nipjido in the country, only two cities of Mandalay and Mämelain (respectively 550 and 220 thousand people) are considered the largest in terms of population.

Whether the constantly changing government, whether the love of change, but also the name of the country completely in a short time also changed more than once. In 1989, the state, which, until that time, knew the whole world, as the Burmese Union or Burma, was renamed the Union of Myanmar, and in 2010 the country began to be called the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

But, despite the systematic transfer of the capital and changes in the name of the state, its administrative division remains permanent since 1974. The country consists of 7 states and 7 administrative regions, which in turn include cities and rural parish.

The country is rich in water resources, a variety of rivers flows through its territory, the largest of which are Iruvadi, Sitown, Meckling, Salouin and Chinduin. The main geographical and natural attraction of the country is the Iruvadi River, the length of which is 2150 km and it flows throughout Manyama, from its northern frontiers to southern borders. Putting in the Andaman Sea, Iravadi is divided into many large and small sleeves, while creating a huge scale of the delta area of \u200b\u200b30 thousand square meters. kilometers.

As for the lakes, they are quite a bit, but a large lake Inle, located on the Shang Nagoray, at an altitude of 1328 km above sea level surrounded by mountains with snow-white vertices, is the main center of tourism in Manyam.

Map of Myanmar in Russian

Myanmar occupies an extensive territory of 678 thousand square meters. km, that is why the climate of the country cannot be described unequivocally, but in general the influence of tropical and sub-screen climatic zones prevails in the country. On weather conditions, three seasons are clearly pronounced: the wet, lasting since the end of May until the end of October, then cool - from the beginning of November to mid-February and, finally, hot - beginning in mid-February and ending in late May. In the hot period of the year, the temperature reaches + 41-43 * s.

For those who do not like or poorly tolerate heat, it is best to come to Manyam in a cool period when the temperature keeps about + 24-26 * C, the most pleasant time and for a beach holiday, and for sightseeing. Places that are necessary to visit, this is the mountain Paru - the volcano, the extinct more than 250 thousand years ago, the place of Calo, from where you can easily reach the villages of the mountain tribes, to this days I have kept your customs and life lifestyle. Well, of course, an unforgettable impression will leave the cave complex of Pindai, where about 1000 Buddha statues are located. Used photographs from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons