Foreign passports and documents

Where to put the car at the Hermitage. The economic crisis made the car parking on the territory of the Petropavlovsk fortress. Museum of Defense and Blocade of Leningrad

Parking in St. Petersburg is a problem, as in any city, overloaded by transport. Places for parking machines are clearly not enough for a five millionth city.

In connection with this government, the city has already adopted a bill that parking in the city center, including parking from the side of the roadway, will be paid.

Beware to leave the car in the zone of the "Stop forbidden" sign, even if other cars are already parked there. Your car can be evacuated on a stradition.

Comfortable parking places in the city center

In the center of St. Petersburg there are several underground parking lots. As a rule, they are located under large shopping centers (Stockmann, Gallery). The cost of 1 hour parking is about 150 rubles.

This protected parking is convenient if you want to walk to sightseeing or go to one of the restaurants in Nevsky Prospect. There are almost always places here, in contrast to the nearest free parking zones. The cost of 150 rubles per hour.

Parking on a stable area

Paid guarded parking is located next to the Savior Cathedral on the Blood and the largest souvenir market. The cost of 150 rubles per hour.

Parking on Pulkovo airport parking or Pulkovo-2 will cost approximately 100 rubles per hour and from 700 rubles per day.

Some free parking venues in the city center

Fine Parking Fines

Actual information about fines for other traffic rules can be found on the traffic police website.

The cost of evacuation, which is about 3,000 rubles by law is paid by the owner of the car.

Be careful: in many places it is allowed to park only for even or odd days of the week. Violation of this regime entails the same sanctions as parking in forbidden place!

If you can not find a car where you left him:

Try to learn about the location of the car by phone +7812 680-33-33 or 004. For this number, the address and telephone number of the traffic police units will be reported in which it is necessary to obtain permission to issue it.

By phone, the traffic police must know where and when you can get permission to receive a detainee car. Get this permission can be possible after payment of the fine for incorrect parking.

In the presence of a written permission of the traffic police for the issuance of a vehicle, you can follow the specialized parking, and also with you a document certifying the identity and a document confirming the right of ownership of the detainee vehicle.

Under the walls of the Petropavlovsk fortress, several parking were organized, traffic jams are formed at the Kronverk Bridge, and the tourists sink between cars that manage to travel even to the gate, to the territory where the paving slaves are posted. The museum management explains it by the workload of the streets that are not in their competence.

To get to the territory of the fortress on the wooden Kronverki bridge in the ribbon summer day is not easy. Narrow sidewalks on both sides of the bridge do not accommodate all pedestrians, on the roadway the bumper to the bumper cost cars and sightseeing buses. The correspondent of "New" watched, as because of the unsuccessful reversal, the bus, which came down from the bridge toward the fortress, formed a huge tube - cars sent to the departure, folded the side mirrors and squeezed in several centimeters from the wetter. Behind, on the asphalt road along the Kronverk duct, there were an impatient drivers, tourists were again raped in the middle of this porridge.

On Kostya

Asphalting of the territory of the Petropavlovsk fortress and the opening of the parking lots here at the end of zero was accompanied by a scandal. According to archival data, after the revolution, mass executions were made in the fortress, including civilians, since there was a liquidation prison. From 1917 to 1920, more than a thousand people could be shot here, and here, on the shore, from the fortress wall to the descent to water, they are buried.

But the museum's management, trying to multiply the number of visitors, laid asphalt contrary to the protests of historians and archaeologists, who proved that the remains of the victims of a red terror lie in the Earth. Building buckets stopped only when pulled into light skulls with bullet holes. However, the work stopped for a while: a narrow asphalt track, rarely free from transport, now stretches along the Kronverk Strait and ends in the parking lot.

« It is quite clear that this track passes from the part of the necropolis of a shot period of civil war"I am sure the chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments and Culture Alexander Margolis.

Until now, there is a question under the lively road, the remains of the victims of a red terror and how many there remains open. The museum against excavations do not have anything, but they want those who want to continue the search for the remains presented the evidence that they are there.

« For example, the Archaeologist Kildyushevsky did not give us a single document that would justify further work"," Said Deputy Director GMI Julia Demidenko. Currently, by order of the museum, anthropological examination of the bones found earlier, but even their future is foggy: they are stored in the walls of the fortress, but for now, no one thinks how to get buried and perpetuate the memory of the dead.

On the bridge

« We will lose tourists if we force them to walk"The Deputy Director of the Museum on General Affairs Sergei Kondratyev is confident. He does not consider it a critical and recalls times the domain of cars in the territory of his fortress, when tourist buses were parked against Nevsky Prospect.

As the Kronverk bridge, to look at which today and is a pity and a little scary - its wooden foundations are subjected daily pressure in thousands of tons, - then Kondratyev is very categorical here: " This is a federal object that is not included in our responsibility. We can neither expand it nor increase».

In August 2015, there was information that the "Mostotrest" acknowledged the Kronverk Bridge of the emergency, and some of his elements were rotated by 80 percent. In September, Vice-Governor Igor Albin convened a meeting on the fate of the bridge, where he invited representatives of four committees (transport, urban planning, cultural and protection of monuments) and demanded work on the elimination of accidents until June 1, 2016. So, an uneven hour did not happen .

According to one of the participants in this meeting, the chairman of the Konstantin Suchenko culture committee, partial repair was made to make the bridge to work. For transport, the limitations of 7 tons per axle were installed. Now not all buses may drive there, only biaxial, prohibited the passage of heavy freight transport.

By the way, at the meeting attended by the deputy director of Gmi Sergey Kondratyev. In a conversation with the "new", he did not mention this word, insisting on the fact that the opportunity to get to the fortress on the motor transport is an unconditional benefit for citizens and tourists.

It is worth noting that the excursion buses usually weigh 13.5-19 tons. At the same time, two buses and several cars can stand on the Kronverkim crossing, so that the prospects for the monument of federal significance are not rainbow.

Igor Albin, in turn, believes that the situation today is not so dramatic. "Mostotrest" from October to January conducted a bridge repair without full closure of movement. Replaced wooden supports, changed the upper layer of flooring, the connection between the beams and spans, restored the adjoining of asphalt to the bridge. Well, naturally, they have been treated with an antiseptic. About 10 million rubles spent these goals. These priority counter-emergency measures allow us to operate the bridge now. "Further, we have a program of design and survey and construction work until 2018. I will try to speed up the process as much as possible, because I understand what load is being taken by the Petropavlovsk fortress, "the vice-governor assured.

Entry to the territory of the fortress of passenger cars costs car owners in two hundred rubles, tourist buses - in three hundred. Museum and city do not badly earn. At the same time, the purpose of visiting a motorist at the box office is not interested. For 200 rubles you can leave your horse for the whole day: from nine in the morning until eleven in the evening. It is unlikely that at least one parking lot in the city center can offer such conditions. And if in the near future, paid parking will appear on Kronverksky Prospect (60 rubles per hour), then "Museum Lovers" among St. Petersburg car owners will noticeably gain.

Museums of St. Petersburg - the same business card of the Northern Capital, like white nights or gathering numerous "VIPs" Economic Forum. Portal website Tens of the most interesting and famous Museums of St. Petersburg and recommends the best parking spaces next to them.


Briefly about the museum. The largest in Russia and one of the world's largest artistic and cultural museums. For a general public, it has been opened for almost 160 years: since 1852. The collection was formed on the basis of a private assembly of works of art Catherine Great.

Where is? Palace Square, 2 / Palace Embankment, d. 34.

Where to park? It is impossible to put the car directly near the museum: on the palace embankment and on the Palace Square, parking is prohibited. You can park on a million street and the embankment r. Sinks, but guarantees that quickly there is a place, there are no. You may have to leave the car on the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal or on a small marine street. (Note: On all the maps of yellow, the museum is indicated, green - the place of possible parking).

Nearby are located: Museum-apartment Pushkin (embankment r. Washing, d. 12).

State Russian Museum

Briefly about the museum. The world's largest museum of Russian art. Founded by the last Russian emperor Nikolai II in honor of his father, Alexander III to perpetuate the memory of the latter and create a complete collection of the artistic treasure of the Russian Empire. Opened to the public in 1898 in the highest presence.

Where is? Engineering street, 4.

Where to park? Small "pits" for parking are directly on the art area (directly opposite the museum), but there are few places on them. You can also park on Italian and maple streets. In general, the situation is similar to the Hermitage: Perhaps, Parkovski will have to go through several hundred meters.

Nearby are: Russian Ethnographic Museum (Engineering Street, d. 4/1).

Peter-Pavel's Fortress

Briefly about the museum. The fortress embedded on the Hare Island in 1703 on the project of Peter I and the French engineer Joseph Lamembert de Garen. Historical center, "Heart" of St. Petersburg. In the fortress, the famous main political prison of Russia was located. Museum Fortress became in 1924, part of the Museum of History of St. Petersburg.

Where is? Island of the Ware opposite the Winter Palace.

Where to park? The most optimal option is the Kronverk Avenue and the streets adjacent to it. In the days of a special influx of tourists, you may have to leave a car in a few blocks to Petropalovka.

Nearby are: Artillery Museum (Alexandrovsky Park, 7 - Kronverk Petropavlovsk Fortress).

Kunstkamera (Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter Great)

Briefly about the museum. The first museum in Russia established by Peter I. The basis of the collection is the objects of antiquity, showing the history and life of many peoples inhabiting the territory of Russia. Kunstkamera received the greatest fame thanks to the collection of anatomical raic and anomalies. The building in which the museum is located, from Petrovsky times is a symbol of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Where is? University Nab., \u200b\u200b3.

Where to park? Compared to other Museums of St. Petersburg, the situation is very good. There is an opportunity to park on the area behind the building of the Exchange, on the Exchange Travel and the Mendeleev line: on weekends there are always places there.

Nearby are: Military Museum (Exchange Square, 4), Zoological Museum (Universitetskaya Nab., \u200b\u200b1), Menshikova Palace-Museum (University Nab., \u200b\u200b15).

Temple of Savior on-Blood (Sunday Cathedral of Christ)

Briefly about the museum. The temple erected on the spot, where he was mortally wounded as a result of the attempt by Emperor Alexander II. The cathedral is constructed in memory of the king liberator. Inside the temple, a fragment of the bridge and fencing of the Griboyedov canal embankment, which was taken by the blood of the emperor is preserved. As a museum-monument, the Cathedral has been operating since 1997

Where is? Nab Canal Griboyedova, 2.

Where to park? Directly on the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal can be parked only with a fair fraction of luck. A more real option - parking on the square of art, Italian or engineering streets, stable area and the embankment r. Washing.

Nearby are: Mikhailovsky Garden, Engineering Castle.

Museum of Political History of Russia

Briefly about the museum. The first historical and political museum of post-revolutionary Russia. Founded in 1919. The collection keeps evidence of the political life of Russian society from the end of the XVIII to the beginning of the XXI century and reflects the history of the transformation of the state device and the political system of the country and the fate of the most prominent historical individuals.

Where is? Street Kuybysheva, d. 4.

Where to park? The most convenient option is part of the Kuibyshev Street and part of Chapaev Street, as well as Michurinskaya Street. If there is a desire to visit those located nearby "Aurora" and the house of Peter I, it is better to stand on the weekend on the Petrogradskaya embankment.

Nearby are: Museum on the cruiser "Aurora", House Peter I (Petrovskaya Nab., \u200b\u200bd. 6).

Museum of Arctic and Antarctic

Briefly about the museum. Founded in 1930 as a special department of the All-Union Arctic Institute. In the collection of the museum - personal funds of researchers, elements of expedition equipment, appliances, mockups of ships, diorams. Among the exhibits - the Ice Collector Scout "W-2", the steering wheel and the model of the Taimyr icebreaker, the rescue circle from the Paarochkin "Chelyuskin", the model of the first Russian icebreaker "Ermak", as well as the famous Mauser Papanin, and Mikhail Weller in one of " Legends of Nevsky Prospect. "

Where is? Street Marat, d. 24a.

Where to park? On weekends the most real (and optimal option) - bell street. But on weekdays to find a place there - unlikely. You can also get up often on Marata Street, but it is like lucky ...

Nearby are: Literary and Memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky (Blacksmith Per., 5), Museum of Bread (Ligovsky Ave., d. 73).

Water Museum

Briefly about the museum. One of the youngest Museums of St. Petersburg, organized in the center of the city in the waterway tower on a tall street built in 1859-1862. Deals and talks about the history, modern state and prospects of water supply and drainage of the city, the use of water in everyday life, water condition.

Where is? Sleerer st., 56.

Where to park? The museum is located in the so-called "government" area of \u200b\u200bthe city near the Smolny, therefore directly on a high street, for example, parking is generally prohibited. You can get up at the intersection of a solar and Tavrichesky streets, as well as (and this option is better) on the Tver and Stavropol streets.

Nearby are: Smolny Cathedral, Suvorov Museum (Karway Str. 43).

Museum of railway transport

Briefly about the museum. One of the oldest technical museums in the world. Founded in 1813. The collection is more than 50 thousand items telling about the transport science and railway equipment, as well as showing the work of machines and mechanisms.

Where is? Sadovaya st., 50.

Where to park? Get up better either on a garden street or on Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue. Very often there is directly at the museum, especially - on weekends.

Nearby are: Nikolsky Cathedral, Yusupovsky Garden.

Museum of Defense and Blocade of Leningrad

Patriotic War. In the collection - samples of weapons of the time, household items of residents of the precipitated city, campaign posters, documents, cards, newspaper of the battle period, documentary evidence of living conditions in Blocade Leningrad, paintings and sculptures of participants in the battle. The museum was closed as a result of the so-called Leningrad case, many exhibits were destroyed. Restored in the late 80s.

Where is? Salt alley, d. 9.

Where to park? There are practically no problems, there are a lot of parking places: on Gagarinskaya street, gangutskaya street, the Fontanka River embankment. It is impossible to park directly on the salt alley.

Nearby are: Marso Field, Summer Garden, Marble Palace.

The map is provided by the Yandex.Maps service.

Correspondent "Evening Petersburg" for a long time I was looking for parking from the Artillery Museum

In St. Petersburg on the weekend, of course, I want to get somewhere, for example, to go to the museum. But if you are on the car, do not expect that the trip will pass without a bitch without a zadorinka!

Museum visitors honestly warn: do not park!.

Where are the parking? The center is filled with state and private organizations, restaurants and cafes. The latter, in turn, do not mind to tear off the part of a piece for their visitors to set orange cones and their parkingers who distribute places to stop, making it, by the way, without permission. And if entrepreneurs are easier to pay a fine at the expense of interest from profits, then state organizations are much more difficult to organize a stop location for visitors.

I decided to check the numerous complaints of readers about parking opposite the Artillery Museum. So, approach. Parking on the Kronverk Embankment, opposite the museum - no. Every 50 meters hanging the stop "Stop is prohibited", and in the museum itself warn that the towers work.

"Dear visitors! - Reported in the ad when entering. - To avoid misunderstandings, do not leave your cars on the Kronverk Embankment. Parking on the embankment is prohibited. Cars takes off the tow truck traffic police. "

Indeed, without disturbing the rules of the road, it is possible to park here only at the entrance to the central entrance. It is there that I sends an employee of the ticket office. I consider how many owners of vehicles are able to park here freely and easily. Six sedan class cars maximum!

At the same time, on the way to the museum, I noticed a guarded parking, about 50 cars. As I managed to learn in the press service of the museum, it is defined for official use.

- Open it for visitors in the near future is not included in plans, they clarified the press service.

Theoretically, it would be possible to leave cars from the embankment, but from there the cars of visitors evacuate. From the proposed and nearest places are offered to leave a car in the Alexander Park. According to my observations, you can leave the car there, only if you are lucky. On weekdays at 16.00 there are a couple of places, and those seem to have been released just that.

Another alternative is parking on Kronverksky Avenue next to ITMO. There are places about ten cars, but on weekdays to occupy them - I don't care what to win in the lottery.

Park the car in the center of St. Petersburg in principle is difficult. However, there is an option with a violation of traffic rules, for this, however, the penalty is relying - 300 rubles. And from July 1, it will generally be increased to 3000 rubles.

Let us turn to the experience of the colleague megapolis of Moscow. There went to radical measures. Since 2013, all parking in the center inside the boulevard rings are paid. Residents of the capital will have to give 50 rubles per hour. It would seem inexpensive. But we recalculate on the same artillery museum. It will take at least three hours, especially if you are going to walk long and family. We get 150 rubles in addition to the full ticket price. And now the culture flies into a penny ... Maybe it's better to walk on foot?

If you still leave your car ...

The artillery museum, where parking is prohibited, you will have the following evacuators information:

- The traffic police officers evacuate absolutely all incorrectly parked cars, including expensive, large, original and others. And although for some such models, a special technique needs, in Russia it is usually not taken into account.

- Remember: if you, the car owner, appeared at the moment of evacuation of the car, you must return the vehicle to eliminate the wrong parking, but the penalty for the wrong parking in the amount of 300 rubles (so far) will still have to pay.

- If you have evacuated your car, write the root number, the car number of the traffic police and the number of the tow truck. It is advisable to fix everything in a photo or video and, if possible, find witnesses.

Anatoly Slepenkov. Photo by the author

A hare island, from where Petersburg began, today reminds lively crossroads.

Under the walls of the Petropavlovsk fortress, several parking were organized, traffic jams are formed at the Kronverk Bridge, and the tourists sink between cars that manage to travel even to the gate, to the territory where the paving slaves are posted. The museum management explains it by the workload of the streets that are not in their competence.

To get to the territory of the fortress on the wooden Kronverki bridge in the ribbon summer day is not easy. Narrow sidewalks on both sides of the bridge do not accommodate all pedestrians, on the roadway the bumper to the bumper cost cars and sightseeing buses. The correspondent of "New" watched, as because of the unsuccessful reversal, the bus, which came down from the bridge toward the fortress, formed a huge tube - cars sent to the departure, folded the side mirrors and squeezed in several centimeters from the wetter. Behind, on the asphalt road along the Kronverk duct, there were an impatient drivers, tourists were again raped in the middle of this porridge.

On Kostya

Asphalting of the territory of the Petropavlovsk fortress and the opening of the parking lots here at the end of zero was accompanied by a scandal. According to archival data, after the revolution, mass executions were made in the fortress, including civilians, since there was a liquidation prison. From 1917 to 1920, more than a thousand people could be shot here, and here, on the shore, from the fortress wall to the descent to water, they are buried.

But the museum's management, trying to multiply the number of visitors, laid asphalt contrary to the protests of historians and archaeologists, who proved that the remains of the victims of a red terror lie in the Earth. Building buckets stopped only when pulled into light skulls with bullet holes. However, the work stopped for a while: a narrow asphalt track, rarely free from transport, now stretches along the Kronverk Strait and ends in the parking lot.

"It is quite clear that this route takes place in terms of the necropolis of the shot period of the Civil War," Alexander Margolis, Chairman of the St. Petersburg branch, was confident.

Until now, there is a question under the lively road, the remains of the victims of a red terror and how many there remains open. The museum against excavations do not have anything, but they want those who want to continue the search for the remains presented the evidence that they are there.

"For example, the archaeologist Kildyushevsky did not give us a single document that would justify further work," said Julia Demidenko's deputy director. Currently, by order of the museum, anthropological examination of the bones found earlier, but even their future is foggy: they are stored in the walls of the fortress, but for now, no one thinks how to get buried and perpetuate the memory of the dead.

On the bridge

"We will lose tourists if we force them to walk with your feet," Sergey Kondratyev, Deputy Director of the Museum on General Affairs, is confident. He does not consider it a critical and recalls times the domain of cars in the territory of his fortress, when tourist buses were parked against Nevsky Prospect.

As for the Kronverk bridge, to look at which today and sorry and a little scary - its wooden foundations are exposed daily pressure in thousands of tons, - then Kondratyev is very categorical: "This is a federal object that is not included in our responsibility. We can neither expand it nor to increase. "

In August 2015, there was information that the "Mostotrest" acknowledged the Kronverk Bridge of the emergency, and some of his elements were rotated by 80 percent. In September, Vice-Governor Igor Albin convened a meeting on the fate of the bridge, where he invited representatives of four committees (transport, urban planning, cultural and protection of monuments) and demanded work on the elimination of accidents until June 1, 2016. So, an uneven hour did not happen .

According to one of the participants in this meeting, the chairman of the Konstantin Suchenko culture committee, partial repair was made to make the bridge to work. For transport, the limitations of 7 tons per axle were installed. Now not all buses may drive there, only biaxial, prohibited the passage of heavy freight transport.

By the way, at the meeting attended by the deputy director of Gmi Sergey Kondratyev. In a conversation with the "new", he did not mention this word, insisting on the fact that the opportunity to get to the fortress on the motor transport is an unconditional benefit for citizens and tourists.

It is worth noting that the excursion buses usually weigh 13.5-19 tons. At the same time, two buses and several cars can stand on the Kronverkim crossing, so that the prospects for the monument of federal significance are not rainbow.

Igor Albin, in turn, believes that the situation today is not so dramatic. "Mostotrest" from October to January conducted a bridge repair without full closure of movement. Replaced wooden supports, changed the upper layer of flooring, the connection between the beams and spans, restored the adjoining of asphalt to the bridge. Well, naturally, they have been treated with an antiseptic. About 10 million rubles spent these goals. These priority counter-emergency measures allow us to operate the bridge now. "Further, we have a program of design and survey and construction work until 2018. I will try to speed up the process as much as possible, because I understand what load is being taken by the Petropavlovsk fortress, "the vice-governor assured.

Entry to the territory of the fortress of passenger cars costs car owners in two hundred rubles, tourist buses - in three hundred. Museum and city do not badly earn. At the same time, the purpose of visiting a motorist at the box office is not interested. For 200 rubles you can leave your horse for the whole day: from nine in the morning until eleven in the evening. It is unlikely that at least one parking lot in the city center can offer such conditions. And if in the near future, paid parking will appear on Kronverksky Prospect (60 rubles per hour), then "Museum Lovers" among St. Petersburg car owners will noticeably gain.