Foreign passports and documents

Small blockade ring. Green glory belt: Oranienbaum bridgehead. On the road of life

Oranienbaum bridgehead is a territory on the southern shores of the Gulf of Finland, the so-called small land, a piece of the Motherland, torn off the fascist troops from the city of Leningrad (on the map).

"Primorsky Memorial". Located in Peterhof, at St. Petersburg Prospect. Consists of a complex of structures, opened gradually, the first in 1961 the granite wall with the bas-reliefs of defenders was opened, in 1964-1971 they formed a fraternal cemetery, a museum of the memorial complex was created, 350 Tui was installed, a monument to sea paratroopers, 3 guns and concrete wall with Holes from min. Unfortunately, not all photos managed to find.

Memorial "Anchor". Mounted on the line of defense, where in the fall of 1941 the cadet battalion of the Naval Economic Intension School of Navy stopped the fascist offensive. The memorial is concrete slabs with slots, on them a memorable board with the names of the heroes-cadets and officers. Front plates 2 anchors.

Memorial "January Thunder". January is the name of the offensive operation of our army in 1944, started here in Oranienbaum. In its a result, the enemy troops were defeated and busy strainers, the path to the village of Gillytsy opened. Memorial is an 8-meter concrete pylon with a memorial plaquel and several bas-reliefs of heroes.

Memorial "Glutskiy". Located 23 km of Lake Highway. This is a high 8-meter granite obelisk, installed in 1967. The monument was installed on a fraternal burial, presumably 3185 people, four of whom were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - A. I. Spirin, N. A. Rit, S. P. Finger, I. K. Skuridin.

With a visit to the museum "on the Kexgolm direction" and lunch from a field kitchen.

The excursion is held at the places of military troops of the Leningrad Front on the northern approaches to Leningrad during the war years. It tells about the defeat of the fascist troops and the liberation of the Karelian Isthmus.

Excursants inspect the monuments of the green belt of glory and attend the museum "at the Kexgolm direction", which is located on the territory of the Country Club "Dacha".

The museum presents unique installations with mannequins of soldiers and officers in the form of a sample of the Great Patriotic War. Several installations represent the times of the Soviet-Finnish war. The exposition presents small arms: rifles, automata and machine guns. Part of the museum is open-air - these are trenches, machine guns, strengthened rifle cells and bludges. Anti-tank guns and field kitchens are installed there.

Excursion route:

Primorskoye Highway, Sestroretsk, Beloostrov, Verkhnevyborg Highway, Village Pervomayskoye (inspection of remnants of the strengthening of Mannerheim's line), Petrovskoe village, Agalatovo, Osinovaya Grove.

March 22nd, 2011

On March 17, 2011, at the 18th Interregional Conference of the leaders of search associations in the report of the Deputy Head of the Department of the Office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the perpetration of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland of I.G.procofyev in connection with the work of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Ministry of Regional Development on the identification of the alleged memorial zones in the Leningrad Region, a memorial complex was mentioned in the Leningrad Region "Green Glory Belt."

Mentioned this memorial complex was in the report of no accident. On January 27, 2009, at a meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee, "Victory", held in Stranelon in the Konstantinovsky Palace, Governor of St. Petersburg V.I. Matvienko appealed to President D.A. Medvedeva with a request to include "Green Glory" in the FDP "Safety and Reconstruction of military memorial objects in 2011-2015. "

In particular, V.I. Matvienko appealed to the president with such words: "Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! We fully support your offer to restore the 65th anniversary of the victory all the monuments of military glory. In St. Petersburg, about 300 memorial complexes, monuments, obeliszov dedicated to The feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War. We have a unique, the world's largest warrior memorial "Green Belt of Glory", which is a monument of federal significance. It was created in 1965-1968 on the initiative of the poet Mikhail Dudina. Build it to the whole world and Children, and adults. The objects of this memorial located on the territory of St. Petersburg, due to the funds of the city budget, will certainly be restored to the 65th anniversary of the victory. However, the "green belt of glory" extended 200 kilometers throughout the Leningrad defense line and includes over 80 monuments. Most of the objects need a serious reconstruction.
Therefore, we ask to support the inclusion in the federal program restoration of monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, the restoration of all the "Green Glory" Memorials.
(Stenographic report on the meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", Strelna, Konstantinovsky Palace on January 27, 2009, 14:00 http: //President.rf/transcripts/2960)

According to the official portal of the administration of St. Petersburg, the president, "supported the initiatives of the Governor of St. Petersburg and gave an indication of the leaders of federal departments to work on solving these issues" (

"Green Belt of Glory" It was conceived as a complex of monuments and green spaces on the line of defense parts of the Leningrad Front. The scope was based on the referees, at which in September 1941, Soviet troops stopped the offensive of German troops. Monuments are installed on the 200-kilometer ring of the blockade, the "road of life" and on Oranienbaum bridgehead.

The start of work on the memorial complex was made publication on February 23, 1965 in the "Change" newspaper of the appeal of the participant of the defense of Leningrad Poet M. A. Dudina, who on behalf of the war veterans wrote: "Nine days and nights near the walls of Le Ningrad, surveyed by testers and dugouts, quenching the tangbed wire, held a mortal line of defense, the ring of our hatred and reluctance. Here, Leningrads kept the onslaught of the enemy, hence the defenders of Leningrad went in the onset And in the holy rightness of their own, together with the peoples of their homeland, forced the fascism to raise his hands ...
Let the blocade ring grow around the Leningrad the green ring of the world will grow around Leningrad, let it happen to eternal times with its green noise of our courage ... Let every Leningradets, young and old, dwelling and honoring his dementum on this day Eternal life and memory is our duty. "

And work began. The project of the general planning of the memorial complex was developed by employees of the architectural and planning department of the Lengor Executive Committee and the 1st workshop of the Lenproekt Institute (architects of N. Buldakov, V. L. Gaikovich, M. A. Seminovskaya). Designing specific monuments was carried out by sculptors and architects on a public basis. Monuments designed even students. Construction work was also made by the population and its voluntary donations. Then it was called the "People's Building Method". The teams of industrial enterprises, educational institutions, the personnel of military units were involved in the work. In those days, such a form of charity was also practiced, as voluntary participation in Saturdays, when workers and engineers were on the day off, and the salary was transferred to public needs. Of course, the organizers of the work became party and Komsomol organizations. The patronage over the individual sites of the memorial complex took the executive committee of the district councils.

The work was boiling. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of Victory (1965) on the places of future memorials, mortgages were installed, the first trees were planted. By May 9, 1967, the construction of the 1st stage of the memorial complex was completed. The 2nd queue was successfully completed to the 30th anniversary of the Victory (1975). Build and improve the "green glory belt" continued until the mid-1980s.

The total length of the "green belt of glory" amounted to more than 200 km. It includes over 80 monuments, obelisys and other memorial structures, combined in 35 memorial complexes. On the road lifestyle - Memral kilometer pillars along the Leningrad-Shore of Lake Ladoga and along the Irinovskaya Line of the October Railway. The memorial complexes include some monuments built before the creation of the "green belt of glory", fraternal burials, dots, blockages, samples of military equipment. Also in the Green Belt of Glory, some monuments created after the implementation of its concept in the 60-70s were included. The symbolic center of the "green belt of glory" was the monument to the heroic defenders of Leningrad, open on May 9, 1975 on the Victory Square.

A book was issued about the memorial complex of books, the most famous from which the book of Yu.A. Lulukyanov "Monument to 200 kilometers long," booklets, was reserved. A series of icons was released with the image of the scheme of the memorial complex and its individual monuments.

But still, the "green belt of glory" was lucky much more than a memorial complex in the bonding zone on the breakthrough of Leningrad blockade 1941-43 in the Kirov district: Sinyavino, Grove Round, Lipki, Tortolovo, Gaitolovo, Voronovo, Poreco, Carbusel, Light, and DR .

As it should be the lamp of my generation, I got in touch with the "Green Glory Glory" in childhood. From the cottage in the millstone, we traveled on the car to swim in Lake Ladoga. Then I first saw the "torn ring". "What is it?" I asked my father. "This is a broken ring." "And why is it broken?" "Because it broke through the ring of an enemy blockade around Leningrad." And then, at 6 years old, I was quite satisfied with this explanation. And I also saw this explanation. On the roads of the road are terrible dirty and white kilometer pillars "Life Roads".

But now I can not satisfy a similar explanation. I do not understand the meaning of the torn rings in the Vsevolozhsk district, because I know that I broke through and removed the enemy blockade in other places. I do not understand why a monument "Unnamed height", dedicated to the fighters of the Ivanovsky Pigyachka, was installed on the right bank of the Neva. Ivanovsky Piglet was on the left bank of the Neva! Now every schoolboy knows about it. Didn't anyone know about it 20 years after the war? How could you come to mind this ridiculous construction on the right bank of the Neva, to devote to the soldiers who participated in the battles in the Sinyavinian altitudes? Where is the right bank of the Neva and where Sinyavino!?

The concept of the "green belt of glory", built along the blockade of Leningrad September 1941, rejecting five attempts by breaking the blockade in a bottle neck in 1941-1943. And even the blocker's removal itself in 1944, deeply damaged. Granite Obelisk in the hotel was conceived and exercised outside the project "Green Belt of Glory", and only later included in it, contrary to its main concept. Of the fifty monuments installed on the long-suffering martial land of the Kirov district, only six were included in the "Green Glory Belt". This is installed simultaneously with the Granite Granite Obelisk on Nevsky Pigachka, "Rubezhnaya Stone", T-34-85 Tank Labor Tank "Breakthrough Leningrad Blockada" with the same T-34-85 and Obelisk at the 66th kilometer of the Murmansk Highway . The authenticity of the tank models did not think. The coast did not confuse, and then okay. (Http://

There can be no question that the Memorial Clay "The Green Belt of Slave" is built "at key places of defense of Leningrad" ( So saying - a great blasphemy in relation to the soldiers of the Ligraradsky and Volkhov fronts, deprived of life and health in the Sinyavinsky and private swamps, in Porechye and carbusels. Regarding that even Z.P. Koshik agrees in his article that the "Green Belt of Glory" project notes "Strategic Points of Combat Action" for Leningrad.

At the same time, the "green belt of glory" is pretty popular object, the interest of the people to which is still very large. Look at the photo of the Yandex page: 2 million records for a request for a "green belt of glory"! If you get away from the Soviet assessments of his concept ("strategic battle points") and the artistic value of the overwhelming majority of its monuments (Y.Lukyanov: "Original, modern monuments and structures"), then this memorial complex is a good base in order to On its basis, through the involvement of material products of the reworked state, the spiritual efforts of scientific (historians, local history) and creative (sculptors, architects, artists-mosaists, poets) intelligentsia, create a new monument to the defenders of Leningrad. A new memorial zone, one of the memorial zones dedicated to various defense events and Deblocade of Leningrad.

Undoubtedly, there should be a memorial zone near the reconstructed memorial zone "Green Belt of Glory" in the blockade of Leningrad Blockada 1941-43 in the Kirov district of the Leningrad Region.

Appeal by V.I. Matvienko to the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on the inclusion of the "green belt of glory" to the Federal Target Program "Conservation and Reconstruction of Military Memorial Objects in 2011-2015" and support for the President of this initiative of the Governor of St. Petersburg, roads I am also the fact that it is thus fixed by the roll in the direction of the improvement of cemeteries in the framework of the work on the FDP, admitted by the Ministry of Defense. The memory of our military history is not only in the graves, but also in concern about places where the most stressful military events took place. These memorable and expensive every St. Petersburg place are worthy of works of high architectural and landscaped art, expressive sculptures and real parks.

Categories / Architecture / Sculpture, Monuments, Memorials
"Green belt of glory", complex meme. Constructions at the borders of the battle for Leningrad 1941-44, created in order to perpetuate the memory of his heroic defenders. The first facilitation of the future complex appeared during the Great Patriotic War - this is a stela between a ligoon and a pine field (1944; Arch. K.L. Johansen, V.A. Petrov); Then the obelisk was put in Peterhof w. In the development of roads to the Red Village and Petrodvorets (1946; the same authors). In the present Time of these PAM. Memorial "Kirovsky Val" on Terr. Spb. June 23, 1956 published the first decision of the mountains. Prospect about the pre-monuments of the heroes of the defense of Leningrad. In accordance with him were open: Obelisk at Moscow w. (1957), now entering the Sturm Memorial (Arch. M.K. Melikov), Granite Stela on the 32nd km of Peterhofa Sh. (1961; Arch. O.I. Sokolova), who later became part of the "Primorsky" Memorial. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create a single complex of military. Memorials around Leningrad was expressed in 1965 and received the approval of the leadership of the city. The project of general planning of the Memorial was developed in 1958-64 by the architects of the Lengor Executive Committee of the Lengor Executive Committee and the 1st workshop of the Lenproekt (the Working Group included the arch. G.N. Buldakov, V.L. Gaikovich, M.A. Seminovskaya ). The basis of the planning "Z. n. p. " Laying the referees of defense, on the rum in Saint. 1941 The enemy troops were stopped. Work on clarification of the front line and places of dislocation of troops conducted a Lavo headquarters. The memorial was erected by the "method of the People's Building", residents and the largest orgations of Leningrad participated in its creation. Total length "Z. n. p. " amounted to 200 km. It is divided into several. Plots: 1) "Big blockade ring" (southern. Der. Upper and lower Nikulasa - pos. Vasselyovo - r. Sister - North. Coast of the Finnish Hall.). On this terr. The Memorials "Kirovsky Val", Pulkovsky Rubber, "Military", "Unprofitable", "Sturm", "Izhora Taran", "Nevsky Threshold", "Nevsky Piglet", "Breakthrough", "Unnamed Height", "Lembolovskaya Firm "," Garden of the World "and" Sister ". 2) "Small blockade ring" (Petrodvorets - Gilitskoye sh. - Der. Rodeliki - r. Funca - der. Kernovo). It includes Memorials "Primorsky", "Attack", "Anchor", "January Thunder", "Gillytsky", "Far Rate" and "Courageous Coast". 3) Zap. and east. Plots of "Roads of Life" (der. Ladnevo - Cobon - Lavrovo - Road) with PAM. "Flower of life", "Rumbolovskaya Mountain", "Katyusha", "Torn Ring", "Crossing", "Steel Way" and the Kronstadsky Memorial on O. Kotlin. In the military complex. Memorials entered a variety of archite. Production, combining in a single composition of sculpture, memorable signs and saved or reconstructed will be reorganized. Constructions. The link between the PAM., Large distances from each other, are parks, meme. Alleys and squares. Pm first "Z. n. p. " Completed in 1965, in the 20th anniversary of Victory. At the places of future memorials, mortgages were put, the first trees were planted. In the same year, projects developed by Leningar. Arch. And the sculp., were exhibited in the executive committee of Lengorsovet, and in early 1966 - in the house of the architect. The stroke of memorials was carried out in several. Stages. The first were built by May 9, 1967. In the con. 1960s - Nach. The 1970s continued, most of the objects were completed to May 1975 (the 30th anniversary of the Victory). By this time on the former. Front lines were over 80 pams., Obelisk and other structures. As an alteration. elements in the composition "Z. n. p. " Included fraternal military mastings. and burial, samples of military. Techniques, buildings and facilities marked by meme. Boards (eg, building in the village. Borisov Mane, where in 1941-42 there was an evakopuncture). In 1974 "Z. n. p. " Received the status of the PAM. History republic. Values \u200b\u200band was taken under the protection of the state. His symbolic center is the monument to heroic defenders of Leningrad, open on May 9, 1975 on the square. Victory in St. Petersburg. Page continued in the second floor. 1970s - the first floor. 1980s. During this period, new memorials have already been cultivated and created, the adjacent terr was landscaped, the trees were planted.
Lit.: Lukyanov Yu.A. Light resistance and courage. L., 1985. P. 65-171; Ganshin V., Serdobolsky O. Ring of Memory, Ring of Fame. L., 1988. P. 60-118; Semenova TM "Stone Chronicle" of the Great Patriotic War // Proceedings of GMI SPb. Vol. 5. SPb., 2000. P. 324-343.
I.A. Karpenko Karpenko Irina Aleksandrovna
Belyaeva G.V. , collaborated
Buldakov Gennady Nikanovich, collaborated
Gaikovich Vladislav L., collaborated
Johansen Kirill Leonardovich, collaborated
Melikova Maria Konstantinovna, collaborated
Petrov Vasily Aleksandrovich, collaborated
Sementian Mariana Avenirovna, collaborated
Sokolova Olga Ivanovna, collaborated


Leningrad region / Vsevolozhsky district / Borisova Mane D
Leningrad region / Vsevolozhsky district / Vaskelovo d
Topographic guidelines / funnel r.
Leningrad Region / Kirovsky district / Kirovsk
Leningrad region / Kirovsky district / cobone
Leningrad region / Kirovsky district / Lavrovo D
Topographic orientations / Ladoga Oz.
Leningrad region / Kirov district / Lesco
Topographic Landmarks / Priozer Highway
Topographic landmarks / sister r.
Leningrad region / Kingiseppsky district / Ust-Luga P
Topographic Landmarks / Finnish Bay

On January 27, St. Petersburg celebrates the day of the full removal of the blockade of Leningrad. Therefore, the excursion today will be devoted to the feat of the defenders of the city. We will go with you on the green belt of glory, a complex of memorials created in the 60s at the turn of defense.

For one excursion, we will not pass the whole belt, especially since some monuments belonging to it are in Oranienbaum. It can be said that the belt consists of three parts: a big ring, the road of life and a small earth or Oranienbaum bridgehead. I managed to find an excellent card on the network with the designation of monuments. Many cards seemed to me the most visual, thanks to an unknown author.

You can see the map in the large size by clicking on it with the mouse.

Today we will go on a big ring, along Neva.

The first monument, which we visit: "Unnamed height" on the right bank of the Neva, in the Vsevolozhsky district of Ivanovsky rasows, where the river makes a turn. He was erected one of the first, almost folk forces, in 1965-1968. This is a man-made embankment of 20 meters in the form of a pyramid.

In the autumn of 1941, after the capture of Shlisselburg, the Neva from the mouth of Tosna to the Ladoga became the line of the front, separated by Soviet and enemy troops. The Germans tried to get to the right bank by any power, but held here the defense of the warriors of the 1st Rifle Division under the command of Colonel S.I. Donskova and the 115th rifle division of Major General V. F. Konkova, the seamen-artillerymen broke all the attempts of the Nazis.

Upstairs monument Overview sites. On the opposite side, you can see the mouth of the Tosna River.

Unfortunately, you can drive to the monument either in winter when a good snowy path will be established or in the summer, in very dry weather and better on the machine of increased passability. There is no normal road to it. Previously, all the monuments of the belt of glory had chefs in the face of industrial enterprises of the city, but with the collapse of the chef's union disappeared, and the monuments were not supported for a very long time. Only recently they were transferred to the regional department, and in fact they were not on the balance of anyone.

Upstairs the pyramids bronze tree and memorable inscriptions.

The letters of the inscriptions were originally bronze and you ourselves understand that it became ... now restored in this version.

There is a legend about the name. First, these options were moved: "Hill of Glory", "Pyramid of Victory", "Hymn of Life". But when construction was completed, one elderly worker, a veteran of war, said: "Well, it seems, our nameless height and is ready."

Below, on the banks of the river, it was assumed to make a memorial grove, but everything limited to landing of a row of pines. Also thoughtfully left the relief, which turned out after fighting: trenches, funnels.

We will not erupt today with you all the monuments of the big ring, in one day do not have time and that. Visit some only.

The most famous of all, probably, Diorama "Breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad" with a military equipment exhibition near her.

Diorama is devoted to the Operation "Spark", which ended in a breakthrough of the blockade and the restoration of Leningrad's land communications. It was opened on May 7, 1985.

The picturesque canvas measuring 40 x 8 m talks about the seven-day battles of the Iskra operation in January 1943

The close-up is shown to forcing the Neva and meeting of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts. Trucks have been made in front of the web, and they are imperceptibly moving into a drawing.

Before the diorama, the exhibition of tanks of the time of war, mainly those that could participate in the battles on the Leningra Front.

Only one tank is represented in two copies, a kV-1, one ordinary green, the second white. It is said that the white tank may be replaced by the KV-2, since the latter has already been found in the swamps, it remains to raise. KV-2 Weigh about 60 tons, and the rise of his business is not easy.

If you happen to be near the diorama, do not be lazy to get to the very city of Kirovsk and visit the museum's exhibition hall, where the Panorama "Breakthrough" is now organized. Do not confuse with the diorama. In the exhibition hall of the Museum-Reserve "Breakthrough of the Blockada Leningrad", one of the stages of the battle of the blockade of Leningrad is recreated - the offensive of the soldiers of the 45th Guards Division from the Union of Nevsky Piglet on the defensive German frontiers. The whole picture of the battle, thanks to mannequins, sound accompaniment and special illumination is embodied as realistic as possible.

Surely, many of you have heard the phrase "Sinyavinsky heights". Leningrad region flat as a tablecloth, what heights? However, an elevation of about 50 meters is formed by the Old Coast of Ladoga. Hence the Germans beat artillery on the way of life. The battles here went throughout the blockade. In January 1944, Sinyavinsky heights were completely freed from the German-fascist invaders. But how many of our military units passed there completely ...

Sinyavinian memorial cemetery.

Memory wall.

On this, not central, the Alley of the city and the Republic of the entire former union put boards in memory of their dead on the Sinyavinian altitudes. I saw monuments from Vologda, Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and many others. These are already modern, as it seems to me.

Here they are the same 50 m of heights.

And in this place before the war there was a big prosperous village.

photos from open sources

"Nevsky Piglet". 300 meters of shore in width and 100 in depth. 12-16 attacks daily. 50 thousand mines, shells and air bows per day. Nobody retreated.

As for the monument, he is a later time than "Unnamed height" and is already quite different in style. 1972, the war is already going farther, already the fighters are depicted by some abstract people with courageous chins, although, of course, the ordinary guys fought here.

In 1985, a monument "Ghostly House" appeared as a symbol of 38 villages and villages completely destroyed during the war in the territory of the modern Kirov district.

Photo from the site of the Museum-Reserve "Breakthrough" Leningrad Blockada "

I will finish today's report by verses Olga Bergolts, blockade poetess.


I will say - the army ... I remember the day - in winter,
January Day forty second year.
My girlfriend went home with children -
They carried water from the river in bottles.
Their path was terrible, although not far away.
And a man in her cooler came up to them,
looked - and took out herds,
three hundredthgram, all iced,
and broke, and children gave someone
And stood until they filed.
And mother hand gray as smoke
Tumbled before the sleeve of the sheel.
Touched, not spread in the face ...
I did not see the world of moving thanks!
We knew everything about the lives of our armies,
We stood with us in the city, in the ring.
...They separated. Mother went to the right
Fighter ahead - in the snow and on the ice.
He walked to the front, for Narva,
From hunger swinging on the go.
He walked to the front, painfully fell
Shame of father, men and soldiers:
The huge city died behind him
In the gray rays of the January sunset.
He walked to the front, defeated nonsense,
always remember - no, not remembering - knowing,
that a woman looks like him
Thanks to him, without turning.
He snow swallowed, he felt with annoyance,
that too heavy automatic
Good to the front and got into ambush
On the extermination of enemy soldiers ...
... now you understand - why
no army on the whole of the land of love
There is no devotee to her people,
generous and invincible!