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Yeysk city: where it is located, economy, districts, recreation and attractions for tourists. Rest in Yeisk. Average monthly water temperature by months

Many Russians like to come to rest in Yeisk - a wonderful resort town at the beginning of the Dolgaya Spit, separating the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary. The region is real nature reserve with picturesque nature and clean, gentle beaches. An ideal place to learn to swim. Here you can be calm for yourself and your child.

Do you want to improve your health? Local health resorts have excellent treatment programs, balneological complexes and mud baths.

Prices private sector and Yeisk boarding houses in 2019 are quite democratic, although higher than in many satellite villages. But for a higher cost, the tourist also receives a qualitatively higher service. We have a directory with private sector objects where you can stay - conditions without intermediaries, you can directly contact the owners and book a room.

Location and how to get there

The city is located in the northwestern part Krasnodar Territory on Yeisk spit, which on the one hand is washed by the Sea of ​​Azov (Taganrog Bay), and on the other - by the Yeisk estuary. The local estuary is the largest in the North Caucasus. Kos, together with the nearby island of the same name, resembles an atoll, which adds a kind of exoticism to the city.

You can get to the resort area in different ways. Direct rail link there is, but there is only one train to the city - from Moscow. Therefore, it is easier to buy a ticket to the Starominskaya station and from there move to Yeisk by train or shuttle bus... There is no air connection with the city. We'll have to fly to Rostov-on-Don or Krasnodar, and from there go by suburban by land transport... You can get to Yeysk by car along the federal highway M4-Don.


Yeisk was founded in 1864 by decree of Nicholas I. It became one of the main trade ports in Azov, contributing to the development of the region. The city today continues to be not only a resort area, but one of the most significant municipalities of the Kuban. In particular, it is here that one of the largest aviation units of the Russian Air Force is located. The population of Yeisk is about 90,000 people, and in holiday season the number of tourists increases it by about three times.

Almost the entire western side of the city is set aside for the seaport and airfield, so it is closed to the public. The entire infrastructure for organizing recreation in Yeisk is concentrated on the spit and on the side of the estuary. The city has seven districts that are actively being built up. The main increase is due to the development coastline Yeisk estuary. Part resort area recently the settlement of Shirochanka was included, in which the active development of the hotel direction is also observed.

Things to do

In addition to the beach and recreational activities, relaxation in Yeisk can be diversified by windsurfing and sailing. Thanks to the constant winds of the Taganrog Bay, these sports have developed significantly in the region. The city even hosts a cruising yacht festival, which has no analogues in Russia. Even if you are not a professional, you can not only enjoy watching others skate, but you can also try your hand. There are many surf centers on the city's beaches.

For those who like a more relaxing holiday, you can suggest wandering around historical sites Merchant city or visit the local museum, which is considered one of the oldest in the Kuban. It will also be interesting to visit various salt lakes, which are abundant in the vicinity of the city.


Yeisk is located in the temperate continental zone, which is characterized by hot summers and rather mild winters. The swimming season opens in mid-May, when the water warms up to 18 degrees, and lasts until the end of September. The average air temperature in the hottest months is at the level of 26-27 degrees, and the water temperature is about 22. Due to the low level of humidity, even during the peak of the heat, the air will be quite fresh. Western part the spit is more windy, and calm is mainly observed from the side of the estuary. So the rest in Yeisk will be accompanied by quite comfortable weather conditions.

Average monthly air temperature by months

Average monthly water temperature by months


All the beaches in Yeisk are sandy shell-like. The bottom topography is mostly flat and the sea is shallow. The exception is Youth Beach, located at the very tip of the spit. Due to underwater currents from the estuary, the bottom is washed out, and the depth in this place is considered the greatest in comparison with other beaches of the city. The beaches are quite busy during the season. Especially City and Children's, located on the spit. Kamenka Beach, located to the south along the coast of the Taganrog Bay, smoothly passes from sandy to pebble. There are many shallows at low tide. There are also a number of beaches near residential areas, but they are much smaller than those on the spit and near the port.


Rest in Yeysk can be combined with getting wellness treatments. Lake Khan is located 40 km from the city center, where the largest sources of hydrogen sulfide and iodine-bromine mineral waters and therapeutic muds in the region are concentrated. There is also a specialized sanatorium "Yeisk" in the city, where treatment is carried out using all these microelements. Local mud and mineral water contribute to the removal of radionuclides and heavy metal salts, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also help to stabilize motor functions.

Latest reviews about holidays in Yeysk

We rested in 2018 with my husband and daughter. To say "I liked it" is to say nothing! I am delighted - everything is clean, pleasant owners, pelengas was fried on the grill - just a miracle! Baby all day in the air! I didn't want to leave. My dream is to get to them in 2019!

Good afternoon, today I want to write a review about my vacation in Yeisk. I will say right away that we visit Yeisk every year and stop only at the "Dawn Point". What attracts me and my whole family there? I can list:
First of all, Yeysk is being renovated and is becoming a resort with a developed entertainment infrastructure. Cozy city. When we enter it, we immediately capture the feeling of the south, kindness and a positive attitude towards the upcoming vacation. The city is buried in roses and other flowers. I always bring a lot of photographs with me, I want to capture all this beauty as a keepsake.
From Moscow we drive 17 hours to Yeisk by car, so the children do not have time to get very tired and worn out, you must admit that this is not an unimportant factor. And we always go back loaded with different goodies.
Why "Dawn Point" - because this place is charged with positive energy and coziness created by the hotel owners. Every year we celebrate improvements for the benefit of our guests, the hotel develops and becomes even better. For several years that we visit the "Dawn Point" we managed to live both in the rooms with a sea view and in the "economy" rooms. I must say right away that I felt comfortable both there and there. Each room has air conditioning, refrigerator and TV. The furniture is new. The hotel is very clean. Each room has its own toilet and shower - this is very convenient. Two kitchens with kitchen utensils, no need to drag anything with you. But the most pleasant and comfortable thing is in the yard. A large recreation area, completely entwined with grapes and covering the rest from the sun. The presence of a barbecue, sofa, tables and music allows you to spend your time comfortably. It's funny when you sit, in the afternoon or in the evening, with a glass of wine, you relax, and grapes hang from above in bunches, roses are fragrant. In the courtyard there is a huge pool, in which not only children, but also adults love to splash. Just a delight! There is also a playground. Very comfortably. You know, when you work out for a whole year, then there are times when you don't want to go anywhere, but you just want to sit down and look down, free your minds from thoughts. Here it is possible. You are relaxing in the yard, right there the children are splashing in the pool and everyone is happy. Estuary in a 5-minute walk. Yes, it is not as well equipped as on the central beach, but the joke is different, it is shallow there, it is generally great for people with children, you sit on the shore and just watch the children, there are not many people, and they somersault there like in a pool. And the estuary is very hot, sometimes the water is even hot in the evening. In the estuary, all the healing properties of water are present as well as in the sea. And yet, for those who do not know, it is at the bottom of the estuary that there is mud, for the sake of which many come here. It treats diseases of the skin and joints. People are smeared and paraded along the beach, waiting for the healing effect. The dirt is quickly washed off and does not leave marks on the swimsuit. By the way, I saw the program "Revizorro" with Nastasya Samburskaya about Sochi, they compared Yeisk mud and mud with Dead sea... It turned out that they were no different in composition. This is true, by the way.
The location of the "Dawn Point" is located in a place from which you can quickly get to all the necessary places in the city. In a 5-minute walk there is a huge "Magnet" hypermarket and a pharmacy, which allows you not to lug heavy bags of food from afar or buy the necessary medicines. A little further is the city center.
Everyone wants to settle closer to central beach but believe me, there is nothing good there. Let me tell you my impression: there are more people there than fur seals in the rookeries. Children are constantly lost there, because they took a step to the side and no longer understand where you belong, there are half-naked people around. Dirty. Horror! There is no such thing on the estuary.
From the "Dawn Point" there is a bus directly to the beach on the spit, this is a different beach, more comfortable. Minibuses run from the center to all parts of the city. The fare is 17 rubles. Taxi 70 rub. around the city, so our family of 4, rode a taxi, we get the same money.
Poddubny Park, the embankment, boat trips at sunset, dancing in cafes - these are evening entertainment. We also had a lot of fun in the courtyard of the hotel. Having met our neighbors, we very often arranged gatherings until nightfall. They drank wine, fried barbecue, fish and chatted, chatted, chatted. Very unforgettable moments!
I would like to say that half of the impressions of the rest are the hospitable owners of the Dawn Point Hotel. Valery and Oksana are always ready to answer questions, advise how best to do, where to go, how to make it cheaper and will try to resolve all the problems that have arisen. It is very convenient if you come by train or plane, the hosts can meet you and vice versa will take you to Starominskaya or to the airport in Rostov-on-Don.
I wrote a lot and in detail. I was preparing for a long time, but now I had a free day and finally I did it. Therefore, I recommend to everyone the hotel "Dawn Point" in Yeisk. Personally, we will go again this summer.

One of popular resorts Kuban - the city of Yeysk, located on the coast Sea of ​​Azov 170 km from Rostov-on-Don and 250 km from Krasnodar.

The city is located on the Yeisk Peninsula, washed by the sea on both sides. On the one hand, it is the Beysugsky estuary and the Sea of ​​Azov, on the other, the Taganrog Bay and the Yeysky estuary, into which the Yeya River flows. The sandy spits Yasenskaya, Yeiskaya, Kamyshevatskaya, Dolgaya extend from the peninsula into the sea.

Near the city there is Lake Khan, whose sulphate mud is used in sanatorium treatment.

It is believed that from Yeisk, as northern city Krasnodar Territory, the Kuban begins.


The glory of the southern resort was created by Yeisk's magnificent climate, one of its features is the absence of sharp temperature changes. Where the city of Yeysk is, the mild winter does not last long, the snow usually falls for 1-2 weeks, but frosts do occur.

But summer begins in May and ends at the end of September. The average air temperature in May and September is +17, in the summer months +25. With an air humidity of 60%, this represents a comfortable feeling of the weather. Thunderstorms occur in summer, and a refreshing wind often blows.

In May they start to swim, because the water warms up to 18 degrees. In June-August, the water temperature near the coast is at least +23 ... + 26. In September, the temperature of the water and air becomes equal, the Velvet season.


Almost 83 thousand people live in the city of Yeysk, since 2011 the number of inhabitants has been decreasing. More than half of the able-bodied residents.

National composition of the Shechan:

  • Russians - 93%;
  • Ukrainians 3%;
  • Armenians 1%.

History of the city of Yeisk

A convenient port on the Yeisk Peninsula in the Middle Ages was often used by sailors-Genoese merchants, hiding from the storms of the Azov Sea. A small town appeared at the end of the XVIII century. as a residence for Shan-Giray Khan, supported by Russia. It was here in 1783 that the manifesto was voiced, which secured the rights of the Russian Empire to the Crimea and Kuban. In 1848, Prince M. Vorontsov supported the proposal of Ataman G. Rashpil to build a port city.

For a couple of years, the city was thoroughly rebuilt, but soon it was badly damaged during the Crimean War.

In years Civil War fierce battles took place for Yeisk, it was a symbol of the "red" power.

In the 30s, industry began to develop in Yeisk, a military pilot school appeared, from which about 300 Heroes of the Soviet Union emerged.

During the Second World War, Yeisk was occupied, restoration began immediately after the departure of the Nazis in 1943.

Administrative device

The urban area covers an area of ​​143 sq. km, Yeisk district - almost 200 thousand hectares, the district includes 27 farms, settlements and villages, as well as 4 villages.

There are in the city of education:

  • Yeisk is a city;
  • Shirochanka, Morskoy, Krasnoflotsky, Podbelsky, Blizhneeisky, Bolshelugsky and Beregovoy are villages.

Architectural features

Yeisk was built up according to the general plan, which was personally approved by Emperor Nicholas I. According to the plan, the streets were located perpendicular to each other. All the styles used by Russian architects can be found in the architectural appearance of the city center.

Houses of the city of Yeysk in central area represent unique examples of architectural art of the XIX-XX centuries, about 330 buildings are architectural monuments.

The townspeople remember the names of the merchants - the owners of the mansions, which housed banks, pharmacies, shops, hairdressers. Among the attention-grabbing houses Gostiny Dvor, Main post office, house of the district administration.

Some streets still have cobblestone paving. At the end of the XIX century. the city authorities figured out how to pave the roads: all ships moored in the port had to bring stone as ballast, which was used for the road surface. The streets of the city of Yeisk allow you to create an idea of ​​the ancient appearance of the city, it is worth taking a walk along Sverdlov, R. Luxemburg, Taganrog embankment. Of interest is Schmidt Street, which has only odd side, the even one is in Mariupol, located across the strait.

Today, there are officially several districts in Yeisk, among them a military town, a port and an industrial zone, the Solnechny microdistrict, Novy Array, Shirochanka.

Urban economy

The city of Yeysk is developing as a resort, industrial, port, and agricultural.

Aircraft repair and shipbuilding plants operate. There are enterprises that produce amusement rides, machine tools, reinforced concrete products, bricks, and animal feed.

Yeisk has its own dairy, canning, fish, wine and bakery factories. The port and the elevator serve the ships.

13 agricultural enterprises grow grapes, corn, sunflower and grain.

Shops and Markets

Shopping centers work throughout Yeisk every day. However, vacationers prefer to go to the markets for fresh vegetables and fruits, there are several of them in the city:

  • central;
  • military town market;
  • wholesale and retail;
  • farm.

Yeisk schools

Educational institutions are located throughout Yeisk. There are schools in the city in all districts. Among the graduates, there is a high percentage of those entering the prestigious universities of the country. There are educational institutions of different specializations in Yeisk:

  • 12 municipal budgetary educational formations;
  • 1 evening;
  • 4 boarding schools, of which 3 are of correctional type, 1 is for orphans;
  • Cossack Cadet Corps, which is the largest in Krasnodar Territory;
  • 1 gymnasium;
  • 2 art schools;
  • 2 youth sports schools on football;
  • CYSS for children of the Olympic reserve.

The system "Network City" operates in educational institutions, in Yeisk it covers all schools. Electronic journals and diaries are available to children, parents and teachers on a variety of mobile devices.

The "Network City" system in Yeisk allows you to control the educational process, which leads to an increase in the educational level.

In the city, training is open in 4 colleges, 2 vocational schools, as well as university branches.

On vacation in Yeysk

There are sanatoriums, boarding houses, many hotels, recreation centers, hotels and car camps in Yeisk, since 2006 the city has the status of a resort.

About 400 thousand people come to the city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory) annually on vacation. The main directions of the resort town:

  1. Yeisk is often chosen by families with children, as the warm, shallow sea with sandy beaches is a great place to spend a vacation with kids.
  2. Mineral waters and medicinal hydro-carbonate-sulphate and magnesium-calcium mud attract those who want to improve their health. The effectiveness of mud therapy in Yeisk is not inferior to foreign clinics.
  3. The climatic features of the region are optimal for kitesurfing, windsurfing, yachting. Kitesurfing competitions and yachting festival are held annually in May.
  4. Horseback Riding, hiking, skydiving, fishing and hunting - all this can be done in Yeisk.

Yeisk beaches

Beach line stretches for 2.5 km along the western and east sides cities, beaches are divided into wild and well-maintained. The comfortable ones, which are located on the Yeisk Spit, have the necessary infrastructure for recreation. Wilds are located along the railway line along the bank of the estuary.

The water in the sea is most often muddy, but it is not mud, but a significant amount of silt impurities that are beneficial to health.

The best beaches in the city of Yeysk:

Along the banks of the Yeisk estuary, there are both comfortable and wild, including nudist, beaches. The bottom is usually shallow and covered with silt.


There are more than 600 monuments in the Yeisk district, among them:

  • monuments famous people, whose life was associated with the city (N. Mordyukova, S. Bondarchuk, V. Vysotsky, Prince Vorontsov, A. Pushkin, etc.);
  • military-patriotic memorials (armored boat, tank, etc.);
  • religious.

There are museums in Yeisk:

  • historical and regional studies;
  • memorial to I. Poddubny;
  • art.

In the city center, there are a variety of entertainments that are interesting for both children and adults:

  • Shark Reef Oceanarium;
  • dolphinarium;
  • crocodile canyon;
  • water park "Nemo" with 15 water slides and 7 swimming pools;
  • ice palace "Snowflake";
  • child Center"Bingo-Bingo";
  • cinema "Premier".

The ethnographic complex "Kuban Khutor" is located in the village of Morskoy.

In summer, excursions are organized to the Long Spit, where you can practice windsurfing, kitesurfing, fishing, and the island of Seven Winds, inhabited by many birds.

City parks

The city of Yeysk is considered the greenest in the Krasnodar Territory. The largest and oldest is the park of I. Poddubny, where there is a museum dedicated to him and the grave of the legendary fighter.

All types of attractions produced by the local factory are presented on a huge territory. The 150-year-old park is a wonderful resting place, there are fountains, benches, playgrounds everywhere, alleys with elegant flower beds are laid, concerts are held on summer stages.

Nearby there is a park named after. Gorky, decorated with small architectural forms, monuments, in its center is the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church. The temple grounds include a swan pond and poultry pens.

Public gardens in the city of Yeysk are located in the center and on the outskirts.

Seaside park is located near Taganrog embankment.

There is a round park in the city - Nikolsky, this very old park the city is famous for its source.

Public transport

It is convenient to get around the city of Yeisk by route taxis... The fare is 15 rubles.

  • to the city beach No. 2, 8;
  • to the Kamenka beach No. 14, 7, 4;
  • to the park named after Poddubny No. 11, 7, 4, 1.

All routes go through Central market... 2 routes are served by a city bus.

Transport services are also provided by a taxi, the cost of a trip around the city is 50-150 rubles.

How to get to Yeysk

It is convenient to get to the city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory) different kinds transport.

  1. WITH railway station trains leave for Moscow, St. Petersburg and daily commuter trains to Starominskaya-Timashevsk.
  2. The bus station is located on the street. Kommunisticheskaya, 18. Every day, buses make flights to the cities of Armavir, Belaya Kalitva, Geledzhik, Gukovo, Maykop, Novorossiysk, Novo- and Staroshcherbinovskaya, Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Taganrog, Tikhoretsk, Shabelskoe. There are 6 flights to Krasnodar every day.
  3. It is most convenient to go to Yeisk by your own car. From the M-4 highway behind Rostov-on-Don, you can turn onto the P-268 and drive about 160 km.

The airport is under reconstruction, in this moment used for freight transport only. Therefore, many vacationers choose a compound route: they arrive at the airport of Krasnodar or Rostov-on-Don, then take a bus to Yeisk.

Yeisk city administrative center Yeisk district a, Krasnodar Territory, located at the base of the Yeisk spit, between the Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea and the Yeisk estuary, 247 km northwest of the city of Krasnodar and 172 km southwest of the city of Rostov on Don. An interesting coincidence or not an accident - the city of Yeisk is located 1000 thousand km from the city of Moscow and 8000 from the city of Tokyo. The population of the city is about 88 thousand inhabitants. The city got its name from the Yeya River, which originates in the northeast of the Krasnodar Territory in the Novopokrovsky District and flows into the Yeisk Estuary.
Yeisk - Southern City the resort, on three sides washed by the waters of the warm Sea of ​​Azov, a unique climate, sandy, shell and pebble beaches for every taste, a gradual slight increase in the depth of the sea create conditions for children's recreation... Healing mud of the Khan lake. iodo - bromide and sulfur - hydrogen mineral water used for treatment in the city's sanatoriums.
Yeisk Russian "Mecca" of surfers. In Yeisk, competitions of various levels are constantly held in this sport. Yeisk is one of the centers of yachting in Russia. Tourism, equestrian sports, parachute jumping are well developed. There are 200 sports facilities in Yeisk - ice rinks, swimming pools. Yeisk has a large, well-maintained embankment full of places for recreation and entertainment: restaurants, cafes. Attractions, a dolphinarium, an oceanarium, water parks - that is, vacationers have something to do with themselves and where to spend their money.
In Yeisk, the seaports of the Sea of ​​Azov, highways and Railway connect Yeisk with the cities of Russia.
There are 250 enterprises in Yeisk, including the well-known in the country - the "Attraction" plant, an aircraft repair plant, a machine-tool plant, and a printing machine plant.
The city has two vocational schools, six colleges and technical schools, branches of nine universities. The Yeisk Higher Aviation School named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union V.M. Komarov.
The city is proud of its citizens: the legendary fighter I.M. Poddubny, director and actor S.F.Bondarchuk, the first Hero of the Soviet Union A.V. Lyapidevsky, the famous film actress N.V. Mordyukova. Pilot, Colonel General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union T.T. Khryukin, poet S.V. Segay, the famous psychiatrist P.P. Kashchenko and a number of other famous citizens of her.
Yeisk city history. Whoever was on this earth, what secrets this place does not keep. Scythians, Cumans, Khazars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Tatars, Turks, Cossacks. All have left their mark on this land.
In 1777-1778, on the site of Yeisk, the Khansky town was built - the residence and reserve capital of the protégé of Russia. Crimean Khan Shagin - Giray. In 1783, Crimea and Taman were annexed to the Right-Bank Kuban, and on the initiative of the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army G. Rashpil, by decree of Nicholas I in 1848, the Sea of ​​Azov was opened seaport Yeisk.
During the Crimean War, every tenth house was destroyed by shelling from the British naval group in Yeisk.
There are 11 settlements in the Yeisk district, including 1 urban, 10 rural:
Alexandrovskoe - center village Aleksandrovskoe
Dolzhanskoe - center village Dolzhanskaya
Yeisk city center Yeysk
Yeyskoe Selkoe - center Oktyabrsky village
Kamyshevatskoe - center village Kamyshevatskaya
Kopanskoe - center village Kopanskaya
Krasnoarmeyskoe - center Komsomolets village
Kukharivskoe - center the village of Kukharivka
Morevskoe - center Morevka village
Labor - center Sovetsky village
Yasenskoe - center village Yasenskaya
The Yeisk district is washed by the Taganrog, Yasensky bays, the Yeysky and Beisugsky estuaries, bordered by the Shchebinovsky and Kanevsky districts.
The territory of the Yeisk district is 212 sq. km. Population 140 thousand inhabitants.
The Yeisk region is rich not only in fertile land, but also in fish. Balik and caviar from Yeisk were supplied to the royal court. The Sea of ​​Azov, estuaries, reed thickets, an abundance of sea and river fish, as well as a variety of game attract hunters and fishermen to the Yeisk region.

We will tell you where to go and what to see in the city of Yeysk, which is located on the seashore in the Krasnodar Territory. Read about its attractions.

On the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, where a sand spit juts out into the Taganrog Bay, lies the small and very cozy city of Yeisk - the fifth most populous city in the Krasnodar Territory (just over 80,000 people).

Founded in the middle of the 19th century as a seaport, it quickly rebuilt and acquired an attractive appearance... Of course, ancient architecture the city, due to its youth, cannot boast, but its central part remained practically unchanged over the past century and a half. And even those who come to the resort only with a purpose beach holiday or recuperation in sanatoriums, they inevitably fall in love with the beautiful streets of the city, with its special emotional atmosphere and with friendly, hospitable residents.


Yeisk is popular, first of all, as a calm, quiet resort, ideal for families with children. There are all the conditions for this:

  • sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea, the depth near the coast is insignificant;
  • the water warms up well;
  • most of the year is sunny;
  • the climate is favorable;
  • a lot of greenery;
  • few industrial enterprises, clean air;
  • no mosquitoes;
  • prices are significantly lower than at resorts the Black Sea coast;
  • many options for inexpensive housing within walking distance from the sea;
  • there is everything you need to relax, including many activities for children of different ages.

But not only families with children love to relax here: young people and adult couples come here with pleasure. The city is ready to offer everyone something to their liking. Some - leisurely walks along green alleys and neat streets, others - incendiary parties in clubs and active nightlife on Sandy Spit, the third one - inexpensive, but high-quality balneological procedures. In addition, there are many interesting places and entertainment for every taste.

It is worth coming here for a beach holiday from end to middle. If swimming is not the main goal, you can opt for the trip and June, when housing prices are reduced.

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How to get there

While the airport in Yeysk is under reconstruction and does not accept passengers, you can get to the resort from Krasnodar airport or from Rostov-on-Don airport. From the distance is about 250 km, and from - about 200 km. Regular buses and electric trains deliver to the place in about 5 hours.

From other cities you can come by train, electric train and intercity buses... On personal car you should move in a southern direction along the federal highway M-4 "Don" along the route Rostov-on-Don - Aksai - st. Kushchevskaya - st. Starominskaya - Yeisk.

Attractions of the city and surroundings

The first impression is best created while walking along the pedestrian Sverdlov street in historic center cities. A wide, well-groomed street lined with paving stones is decorated on both sides with buildings of the 19-20 centuries, here and there you can see signs of cafes and small shops, and in the evenings beautiful melodies performed by street musicians float through the air. No less attractive from a historical point of view is Rosa Luxemburg Street - the mansions in which the wealthy bourgeois used to live, and to this day look great!

It is interesting to walk along the sea along Schmidt Street, which is considered the widest in the world, since only its odd side is located in Yeisk. The even side of the street is located in Ukrainian Mariupol - across the Taganrog Strait.

In the evening, you should definitely arrange a promenade along the Taganrog embankment and walk to a remarkable place above the Kamenka beach, from where a stunning view of the Taganrog Bay itself and the city, colored with bright lights, opens. Couples in love often spend time here, admiring the beautiful sunset over the sea.

An interesting feature is the pavement between Karl Liebknecht and Lenin Streets: it is made of ballast stones from foreign ships that entered the port. You can even make out the news from the city newspaper of the 19th century on some stones.

During walks, every now and then come across remarkable sculptures and monuments famous people... The most popular is the monument to the actress Nonna Mordyukova, who spent all her childhood and youth here. The monument is located near the Yeisk hotel and is a collective image of the actress's film heroines. There is also a monument to the actor Sergei Bondarchuk, who also spent his childhood here. Other compositions include:

  • a monument to Prince Vorontsov (the founder of the city),
  • monument to aviators,
  • tank "Yeisk collective farmer",
  • armored boat "Yeisk patriot",
  • monument to A.S. Pushkin,
  • monument to Vladimir Vysotsky,
  • Monument to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia,
  • bust of Colonel General Timofey Khryukin,
  • bust of the kosh chieftain Zakhariy Chepega,
  • a monument to 214 children who were tortured by the fascist invaders,
  • stone stele to Nikolai Mirolikiysky,
  • black granite stone "to the 200th anniversary of the resettlement of the Black Sea Cossacks to the Kuban",
  • as well as a cute concrete dumpling glorifying your favorite national dish.

Deserves attention memorial Complex"Defenders of Yeisk" with a relief image of soldiers and the Motherland-Mother on a reinforced concrete wall and two 20-meter metal stelae.

Fans of religious objects will love Orthodox churches: the stone church of the Archangel Michael, erected in the 19th century, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Church of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple, the Chapel of the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

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  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on airline tickets.
  • Cherehapa - take a reliable insurance so as not to worry on the way.



You can start your cultural leisure by visiting museums. There are only three of them in the city, but each in its own way is interesting and worthy of visiting. The local history museum has more than fifty thousand exhibits that allow you to get acquainted with the history and culture of the region, starting from the Stone Age, with the flora and fauna of the North-Eastern Azov region, with numismatic collections and objects of art. In the memorial museum of Ivan Poddubny you can learn everything about the biography of the famous world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling. Inside the museum, decorated in the style of a tent circus arena, the athlete's personal belongings, photographs and sports equipment with which he was engaged are exhibited. A Art Museum will delight connoisseurs of painting: here are the works of European and Russian masters from the beginning of the 17th century to the end of the 20th century, as well as decorative works of local folk craftsmen.

A trip to the village of Morskoy, where the "Kubansky Khutor" complex with an ethnographic museum is located « Kuban courtyard ". Getting to the territory of the complex, it is as if you are transported several centuries back to the real brave Cossacks. Here you can not only learn about the peculiarities of the Kuban way of life and national traditions, but also watch a festive horse riding, go to horse ride on a well-groomed thoroughbred horse or ride a chaise, treat yourself to honey in an apiary, look at a home farm and a poultry house. Children will especially enjoy visiting the Kuban farm, because here you can see with your own eyes and even feed Altai yaks, rams, goats, sheep, pigs, cows, rabbits and nutria, turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens.


For entertainment, you should head to the embankment. There is the Shark Reef Oceanarium with the original figure of a shark suspended by the tail at the entrance. Inside the building there are several pools of different sizes, in which whitetip and blacktip sharks, tropical fish, jellyfish, mollusks and turtles swim. The Oceanarium is open from 10:00 to 21:00, entrance ticket costs 500 rubles.

After visiting the aquarium, you can look into the dolphinarium and watch a fascinating show with bottlenose dolphins, sea lion and beluga whale. Ticket prices from 600 rubles.

Here, on the Primorskaya embankment, the Nemo water park is located - a monastery active rest and fun entertainment for adults and children of all ages. The water park has 15 different water slides, and 7 swimming pools. The cost of visiting is 1200 rubles for an adult half-day ticket, 700 rubles for a child ticket.

If, in the summer heat, you want to remember about winter, you should go to the Snezhinka ice palace, where you can go ice-skating to your heart's content at the price of 100 rubles per hour.

For water activities, it is better to go to the Long Spit: here you can fish, kitesurf and windsurf, horseback riding. There are also nightclubs on Dolgaya Spit and discos are held under open air... The most popular clubs are such as "Atmosphere", "Rai", "Babylon", "The First", "Tornado".


While resting on the Yeisk Spit, you can take the opportunity and see a local unique attraction - the "Island of the Seven Winds" (locals also call it "Green" or "Bird"). A powerful storm in 1914 severely eroded the long sandy spit, dividing it into two parts: one of them remained an uninhabited island with a lake filled with healing mud. Gradually, the island was inhabited by pelicans, cormorants, gulls and herons, and the lake was filled with fish. In summer, boat trips are organized here. Tourists are given the opportunity to observe seabird colonies, fish, sunbathe on deserted clean beaches and apply healing hydrogen sulfide mud from the lake to the body, and then arrange a picnic on the shore with an impressive view of the Azov Sea. Due to the constant strong winds, the island also offers plenty of surfing and sailing opportunities.

You can also smear yourself with healing mud and look at flamingos, cormorants and Dalmatian pelicans on Lake Khan (another name is Lake Tatar), 55 km from the city. The depth of the lake is no more than a meter, but in hot summer the water dries up, exposing the bottom, covered with a layer of salt. The mud from the bottom of the lake is saturated with useful minerals and salts, it helps well in the treatment of diseases of the joints, nervous and cardiovascular systems, and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

You can also enjoy the beauty of nature and relax in the shade of trees within the city - there are several green parks here:

  • Park them. THEM. Poddubny is considered one of the main attractions. It is over 150 years old, and every year the park becomes more attractive and interesting. Now Poddubny Park boasts not only beautiful blue spruces, junipers, ash trees and thujas, but also playgrounds, attractions, manicured flower beds, fountains and wonderful concerts that are held on the stage in summer.
  • Popular with local residents and tourists also the Gorky Park, the highlight of which is the Archangel Michael Church. In the courtyard of the temple there are pens with peacocks and poultry, and even its own pond with swans.
  • The small Nikolsky Park is interesting from a historical point of view - it is the oldest park in the city. A monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker was erected in Nikolsky Park, paths with benches were laid and playgrounds for children were equipped.