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Akamas Peninsula and Reserve Park. Surroundings of Paphos, what to see - Akamas Peninsula Reserve in the western part of Cyprus

Cyprus is rich not only in its historical values, but also in natural monuments: deserted national park Akamas, the Avakas Gorge and Lara Beach, which is difficult to access for a simple "bus" tourist, is one of the few places in the Mediterranean where the endangered species of sea turtles Green turtle and Hawk's Bill turtle swim to lay their eggs.

1. Akamas Peninsula (accent on the second "a") is 50 km away. from Paphos and while we are going to him, we do not miss the opportunity to see other sights.
This is Edro. More precisely, the wrecked Albanian ship Edro III.

2. This is the second ghost ship that I am. Edro III is a large Albanian merchant ship built in the late 60s and flying the flag of Sierra Leone.

3. Edro III was en route from Limassol to Rhodes when, on December 8, 2011, during a storm, the ship's engine failed and it ran aground near the village of Peyia. No one was injured, a crew of seven (five Albanians, two Egyptians) was evacuated from the ship by a military helicopter.
Due to the complexity of the repair, it was not possible to do, and now it rusts on the shallows. In 2014, the vessel was cleared of fuel and grease that could pollute the sea. Since then, it has remained in the same place - the owner's insurance does not cover the cost of moving the vessel from the crash site.

4. Nearby - a banana plantation.

5. Sea Caves are also located near the village of Peyia.

6. The caves were formed in a steep limestone rocky coast as a result of the work of a natural sculptor - sea waves.

8. In the small village of Agios Georgios, on the very edge of the rocky coast, stands the Church of St. George the Victorious (1928).

9. The temple is small and surprisingly harmonious. Its architecture resembles Byzantine churches, only without domes. The interior and interior decoration of the church is very simple.

10. The church is famous for the fact that it houses an ancient icon of the Great Martyr George, which was miraculously found on the site of a destroyed and abandoned monastery that was previously on the site of a church. It is believed that Saint George patronizes lovers, so you can ask him to help strengthen feelings, marriage and protect your relationship.

11. Agios Georgios is a small village on Cape Drepanum, separating the Paphos region from the protected western part of the island - the Akamas peninsula.

12. The island of Geronisos. Excavations carried out here have proved that the island belonged to the Ptolemaic dynasty and was inhabited as early as 50 years BC, when the Egyptian empress Cleopatra ruled it. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is about 12 thousand square meters. meters.

13. After leaving the territory of the village of Agios Georgios, we enter the territory national park Akamas, which occupies a significant part west coast Cyprus. On an area of \u200b\u200b230 square kilometers, there are picturesque valleys, gorges and wide sandy bays. For diversity wildlife European Council has included Akamas in its conservation program Mediterranean Sea.
It is best to move around the reserve in such jeeps: there are no asphalt roads here. But we drove safely in a rented compact hatchback. By the way, on the territory of Akamas (off public roads) insurance from the rental office is not valid.

14. Avakas Gorge is located near the entrance to the national park.

15. Here you can find rare plants, as well as pines, cypresses, junipers, wild fig trees, ferns and oaks.

16. The gorge begins quite harmlessly - wide, with a good path.

17. But, as you go deeper, the rocks are getting closer, more and more hang over your head.

18. The height of the walls reaches 30 meters.

20. Avakas gorge (length - 3 km), formed in limestone rocks due to the intense impact of winds and precipitation and the river flowing here. This miracle of nature is over a thousand years old.

22. The walls of the gorge rise higher and higher and narrow towards the top. A path winds along the gorge, in places covered with slippery boulders.

23. And here is the main attraction of Avakas - a stone stuck between the walls.

24. The stone got stuck here for a long time, during the next rockfall, which happens here regularly.

25. As a rule, all excursions end here - then the path becomes difficult to pass because of the boulders and the stream.

26. Fig tree survival wonders.

28. Animal world the gorges are represented by foxes, hares, falcons, crows, night owls, butterflies, reptiles and goats. We met only numerous lizards and pigeons.

29. After driving along the rocky road into the Akamas National Park for several kilometers, we find ourselves in a unique protected area on Lara Beach. This beach is also called "turtle".

30. The fact is that this is one of last places in the Mediterranean, where turtles go to lay eggs. Due to the protected status, there are no sun loungers, cafes, shops and other equipment on the beach (there are no toilets either).

31. Lara Beach is located in a small bay formed by a promontory coastline... It is quiet and uncrowded here, but excellent and clean sand and smooth sandy entry into the sea.

32. This best beachwhich we visited in Cyprus.

33. A research station has been set up on the coast, whose staff protect the clutches of eggs with special nets that allow offspring to safely go out to sea without becoming victims of foxes. In Cyprus, turtles and their nests are under state protection.
On this beach, rare Mediterranean big-headed and green turtles make their nests. Turtles lay their eggs from early June to mid August. They are very careful and wait for the safest moments to come ashore. This usually happens at night, so seeing them is a great success. After laying their eggs, the turtles return to the sea, and after 7 weeks, small turtles only 5-7 cm long hatch from the eggs and rush to the sea.

34. To get to the other, northwestern, part of the Akamas peninsula, you need to return to the highway and drive about 35 km. towards the city of Polis. Just on the way to Polis, we passed the so-called "Anti Gravity Road" - anomalous zonewhere objects roll uphill and water flows upward.
The photograph shows a distinct downward slope from the vantage point. But the water spilled on the asphalt does not flow down, but up, to the feet of the pouring one.

35. Even if you climb to the side of the road and look at the road from the angle of this thorn, you can still see the downward slope! What's the matter? Is it an anomaly? In fact, this is an optical illusion: due to the difficult terrain of this area, the horizon line is misunderstood and the slope that is felt as a downward slope is in fact still an uphill climb.

36. "Autumn" landscape in the middle of summer - fields stretching into the sky, near the city of Polis.

38. We enter the Akamas peninsula from its other side. Here the terrain is mountainous, covered pine forest... More recently, until 2000, the British military ruled the peninsula.
Under a 1960 treaty, the British Army was allowed to use the Akamas for military exercises and firing up to 70 days a year.

39. Currently, Akamas is entirely protected area... Some plant species grow only here. You can be convinced of their diversity if you walk along the "Aphrodite trail", which starts right from the well-known "Baths Of Aphrodite" - one of the excursion places in Cyprus. Plates with their names are often found along the trail next to the plants.

Among the most famous and interesting places in Cyprus is the Akamas Peninsula, located 50 kilometers west of Paphos. This place is a nature reserve and is protected by state organizations that monitor the observance of order on the territory around the clock.

Initially, the peninsula belonged to the British military, who set up a training ground here and regularly conducted shooting exercises. However, in 2000, Amakasu was given the status of a nature reserve, and the military had to leave this place.

Traveling in Akamas

Also Akamas in Cyprus is one of the most advertised tourist destinations... Many guides offer their clients excursions to the main places of this reserve. As a rule, there can be several options:

  1. Travel to the Blue Lagoon, with a visit to the Baths of Aphrodite;
  2. Excursion along the Lara beach;
  3. Visit to Avakas canyon.

These are just examples. In fact, in order to see all the sights, even active tourists will have to spend the whole day. Often, guides invite visitors to end their trip in a small fishing village. There you can try local cuisine and relax, then head back to your resort, or continue visiting interesting places.

A fairly popular choice is Akamas sightseeing with a rental car. The difference lies in the lack of a guide, so it is recommended to read before the trip detailed information about all the interesting places in order to make an approximate route. It should also be borne in mind that most of the territory is a nature reserve, through which it is forbidden to travel by car, because of which many places can be seen only by walking. Tourists will not get lost because of the many signs along the roads. However, many travelers try to take a GPS navigator with them, since most of the country roads of Cyprus are included in their network.

Travel agencies often offer jeep safaris around the reserve. This is due to the almost complete absence of paved roads. You can only feel confident in a jeep, because of its increased cross-country ability. However, no one can forbid to come to Akamas by an ordinary car. Locals often choose bicycles as transport or walk altogether, which is quite good for health.

There are a couple more ways to get to Akamas. The cheapest is a bus, but there is no direct way to the reserve, because if you get from Paphos, you will need to change in Polis. Also from Polis there is an opportunity to go by boat, and often on such trips there is an opportunity to swim in the warm sea on the way.

The reserve is of great scientific interest. Here you can find over 500 species of plants that can only grow in Akamas! Spring transforms these places into a real green garden, the air of which is filled with the aromas of flowers. Butterflies often flutter near plants. In total, 25 species of these insects are found in Akamas, and 16 of them are listed in the Red Book. In addition, some rare species of animals have found refuge here.

When visiting the Akamas Nature Reserve in Cyprus, it is recommended to be careful not to go far into the grass, as there are often venomous snakes hiding there that can inflict a fatal bite.

Lara beach

This is a fairly picturesque sandy beach where tourists often relax and swim. It is on this coast that sea turtles nest, so visitors can sometimes watch the process of creating a clutch, as well as the subsequent hatching of young.

Trail of Aphrodite

According to Greek mythology, the goddess of beauty herself walked along this path, at the moment when Adonis died from the fangs of a boar. The route is laid along relatively light, picturesque places with brighter flora. In addition, this destination is quite popular among tourists. This is mainly due to the legends that are dedicated to the goddess of beauty.

Adonis trail

Adonis was the mortal lover of Aphrodite. The gods of Olympus did not approve of such a union, but their relationship continued, since no one took active action. One day Adonis died while hunting. This sad event is dedicated to this route. It is much darker than the Aphrodite trail, in addition, almost all of it runs through pine forests and juniper thickets. Tourists are quite rare here, although the scenic trail is even slightly superior to its competitor.

The unique Akamas Peninsula is located in the northwestern part of the island of Cyprus, 48 \u200b\u200bkm from Paphos. A fabulously beautiful reserve, born of nature itself, will pleasantly impress any tourist. Perhaps because of the rare beauty of herbs and flowers that have survived only on this peninsula, and once growing all over Cyprus, the famous Homer called it “The Fragrant Island of Flowers”. Clean springs are gushing from the crevices, and even islanders from nearby villages come here to get drinking water. A wonderful place, the air here is filled with the aromas of pine forest and wild herbs.

Akamas history is closely related to greek mythology, for example, the myth of Theseus, who defeated the Cretan monster - the Minotaur with the help of the royal daughter Ariadne, in one of the modified versions takes us to Cyprus. The ship on which Theseus escaped from the island of Crete with his beloved Ariadne, her sister Phaedra, as well as the people he saved from the monster, hit the coast of Cyprus by a strong storm. Tui the hero had to leave Ariadne, who was pregnant and could not continue swimming with everyone. After some time, Theseus returned for his beloved and learned that Ariadne had died during childbirth.

When Theseus returned to his native Athens, where he was king, he married his sister Ariadne, who gave him two sons. Many years later, one of them - Akamas, who became famous for his dexterity and strength, replaced Theseus on the throne. The people revered and loved their new king so much that they erected a monument to him in Athens.

There is even a hypothesis that a fairly developed civilization existed on Akamas in ancient times, the center of which was Akamantida. But no trace of her has yet been found.

The origin of the name of the peninsula has long been of interest to Cypriot researchers. According to one of their versions, the word "Akamas" means "akavtos", i.e. non-combustible. This version is supported by the fact that Leontios Macheras, the famous Cypriot chronicler, wrote about how the Saracens (as the Europeans called the Arab conquerors) quite often attacked Cyprus, robbed and burned it. After one of these attacks, the island was totally incinerated - only Mount Akamas remained.

The landscapes of Akamas are incredibly beautiful: petrified shells, parts of ceramic vessels that remind of the settlements that existed here in antiquity, have created many legends and legends. Their echoes can be found in such poetic names as: Fortress of Rigena, Fountain of Amorosa, Baths of Aphrodite and many others.

The Baths of Aphrodite are very popular among travelers who come to Cyprus. As myths say, it was in this place that the goddess of love and beauty, who is also called Cypride, took baths. Here love was born between Aphrodite and Adonis, but just like ordinary mortals, the gods of Olympus were jealous and envious. And the beautiful youth dies from the wounds inflicted by the boar, which was sent by Artemis. Aphrodite, long mourning her beloved, turned him into a beautiful flower. From the blood of Adonis, roses bloom, from the tears of the goddess - anemones.

Now the beautiful goddess is reminiscent of the Baths of Aphrodite - a small lake northwest of the coast, fed by a mountain stream. Having washed in this stream, you can get eternal beauty, but swimming is prohibited.

The Akamas Peninsula is the most amazing and wonderful place in Cyprus, where nature has been preserved in its original form. The peninsula is home to 168 species of birds, including the rare Griffin Vulture, 20 species of reptiles, majestic mouflons, and a varied bright world of butterflies are also pleasing to the eye.

Every year green (Chelonia midas) and common (Caretta Caretta) sea turtles crawl into the dunes of Lara Beach to lay thousands of eggs here in small coves. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Paphos, there is an incubator station engaged in the artificial breeding of sea turtles. On the peninsula, constant work is underway to protect reptiles, protect their habitat, especially breeding, feeding and wintering places.

The Laona plateau is home to a mysterious three-kilometer-long with its impressive caves. Relatively recently, in the Akamas forest at a depth of 70 meters, a labyrinth was found, about which only a few local shepherds previously knew, but were afraid to go down there because of its inaccessibility. The cave has two exits, which are currently closed for safety reasons.

To get into the caves, you need to go through one of the passages with a diameter of 3 meters, and then crawl along a 30-meter manhole, after which a zigzag tunnel begins, which stretches 20 meters and where a person can already stand at full height.

After walking a short distance, you find yourself in a gallery with large stalactites and stalagmites. This place is home to thousands of bats. It is difficult to imagine the surprise of the explorers who descended to the depths with the help of special equipment and found a copper arrowhead and ancient pottery there. How these objects ended up in the cave, none of the researchers can understand, probably it will remain a mystery.
Public organizations and the state are closely monitoring the Akamas to prevent the advance of civilization on this unique corner of nature, inherited by the islanders from previous generations.

It is better to explore the peninsula on your own, on foot or by bike, walking through the most beautiful in Cyprus tourist routes: "Trail of Aphrodite" and "Trail of Adonis" (both start at the Baths of Aphrodite). This type of recreation is now very popular with foreigners. A route map can be obtained from the tourist information station as well as from the offices of the Cyprus Tourism Organization.

You can get to Akamas by ordering.

From Paphos we drove for the whole day to the Akamas Peninsula, one of the most beautiful places in Cyprus. It is located north of Paphos, about an hour's drive from it. About the trip itself to.

Even at home, I wondered which part of the Akamas to choose for a walk: east or west. On the western side is the Avakas Canyon - a narrow, picturesque passage between high cliffs. Photos of the canyon reminded me of the famous Siq pass to Jordanian Petra. Behind Avakas there is a protected Lara beach, where sea turtles lay their eggs.

Akamas peninsula: map

On the eastern side of the Akamas Peninsula, there is a grotto called "Baths of Aphrodite", where, according to myths, Aphrodite spent time with Adonis. From the grotto deep into the peninsula go hiking routes... One of the routes runs along the seashore, skirting numerous bays, and leads to the bay of Fontana Amarosa, or the Blue Lagoon. The water in the lagoon is really amazing turquoise color.

Other trails climb mountains. One of them is called "Aphrodite's Trail" and leads to the top of Mount Sotiras, from which a wonderful view of the peninsula and its many bays opens up.

At the bottom, the "Aphrodite trail" connects with the "Adonis trail", which also goes through the mountains among the forest.

How to get from Paphos to Akamas

Travel agencies offer full day tours throughout the peninsula. First, they take jeeps to the Avakas canyon, then to Lara Beach, and then move to east sideand it all ends with the "Bath of Aphrodite" and fish restaurants in the village of Latchi.

But we wanted to penetrate deep into the peninsula. It was possible to take a car for a day (you can only drive around the peninsula by jeeps), but for one day, renting a jeep was expensive, and besides, right-hand traffic was embarrassing.

In general, we thought and chose east Coast Akamasa.

The girls working at the city bus station and at the same time cooperating with the Ruslan Travel travel agency gave us detailed instructions on how to get there and gave us a bus schedule.

First you need to take bus 618 from the city bus station Harbor to the center of upper Paphos (Karavella bus station). There change to bus 645, which goes to the city of Polis. Minibus 622 departs from Polis to the village of Latchi and the "Baths of Aphrodite".

It sounds cumbersome, but the buses are docked with each other and most importantly, a full day ticket costs 5 euros. At first we thought that the “all-day ticket” was valid only in Paphos itself (and our guide confirmed this), but the girls at the bus station said that it was valid throughout the entire Paphos-Polis area.

When boarding the first bus, you need to ask the driver for an "all-day ticket", and in the next buses show it when boarding.

So, we arrived in upper Paphos, at the Karavellou bus station.

Karavella bus station in upper Paphos

It was Sunday. Either on weekends this area is so deserted, or always, but the center of upper Paphos seemed extinct. We had about half an hour until the next bus, and we wandered through the deserted streets, meeting only two men who were sitting in an open cafe and at the same time shouting in terrible voices. We tensed a little: by all indications a fight was outlined. But, coming closer, we saw that they were just playing some kind of board game and looked quite good-natured.

We also came across the closed Jami Kebir mosque, formerly the Hagia Sophia church.

Hagia Sophia Church, or Jami Kebir Mosque

Soon the 645th bus arrived, on which we went to the city of Polis. We drove to Polis for about 40 minutes and admired the surroundings.

The area around was mountainous, a wide green valley stretched below, and a mountain range stretched in the distance.

Vineyards were laid out on the slopes. Almonds were blooming. When I said “almond blossoms,” I always imagined a bright pink cloud, something like sakura. It turned out that the flowers of the almonds are small, slightly pinkish. And almonds look like light light clouds on green slopes.

There were also orange and tangerine groves strewn with fruit.

Our bus overcame the pass and began to descend to the sea. Sometimes the road was cut into the rock, and we drove along a narrow white-stone corridor with high rock walls on the sides.

Rock corridor

In Polis, we switched to a minibus and drove 15 minutes along the sea. We passed the village of Latchi and soon got out at the final stop.

In addition to us, there were several other tourists in the minibus, so we all headed along the trail to the "Bath of Aphrodite".

First, a small garden with winding paths appeared on the way.

These are such funny birdhouses

We go higher

The path led us to a shady grotto with mossy rocks. Water flowed down the rocks in thin streams and fell into a small, shallow lake.

This is what the Baths of Aphrodite looks like.

Trail of Aphrodite

A well-groomed path left the grotto, along which we went further (according to the sign "Nature trail").

Cyclamens in February in Cyprus are scattered on all slopes

First we walked along the coast, went out onto the road.

From time to time, jeeps drove along the road, heading deeper into the peninsula.

A road can be seen along the edge of the peninsula

In especially beautiful places benches are placed - for rest and admiring.

And - again cyclamens:

We decided that the lower path - along the sea to the Blue Lagoon - is more suitable for the summer period, when you can explore the bays along the road and swim at every opportunity. And in winter, it's better to climb higher and look at Akamas from above.

Therefore, as soon as we met a path going up, we went along it.

Here in this place we left the road and began to climb the path

At first we were surrounded by bushes, rocks, driftwood.

Steep serpentine

A hilly coast stretched in the distance, every cove was visible, and it was clearly visible Blue Lagoon, distinguished by its color.

Then we heard bells ringing ahead, and we saw a herd of goats in front of us.

Cypriot goats are a separate topic. There is probably no such variety of colors in any herd. One is weirder than the other. And brown with white stars, and mousey in apples, and pure Dalmatians. They scattered along a steep slope among the tall grass, and a melodic ringing emanates from them.

The goats scattered like colored grains of sand all over the slope.

And the pre-summit rocks are already visible.

We rise higher and higher.

The trail goes around the hill and leads to the top of Mount Sotiras (375 m - the height of this mountain).

The summit is a flat grassy meadow. We approach the rocky edge.

Summit Sotiras, 365 m

The views from there are excellent. Only very windy.

From the top, the trail descended to a wide hollow with tall pine trees. These pines were visible from afar, and we decided that we would have a snack under their spreading crowns.

Descent from the top. Juniper

There were signs and markers with mileage along the path.

Here are just the route along the path of Aphrodite, we, as it turned out, went in the opposite direction, so now our mileage was decreasing: 3 km, 2, 1 ...

Soon we came out to a hollow with pine trees. In the middle of the clearing stood a spreading oak tree, behind it was a spring.

Here is such a spreading oak!

It was a special place for relaxation and picnics, with drinking water and benches. The ruins of a house were visible a little to the side.

In the clearing, we had a snack and a little rest.


The main path went down. And there was also a pointer to the Adonis trail. At this point, near the oak, the path bifurcates: the path of Aphrodite leaves to the right, and Adonis to the left.

Adonis trail

We also decided to walk along the Adonis trail. It is also a picturesque route and differs from the previous one in terms of vegetation and relief.

The path of Aphrodite runs along the lighter ones, open places, there are more flowers, brighter vegetation.

The Adonis trail runs through the juniper and pine forest. The wind gave the pines the most fantastic poses, they are stunted, stumpy, some of them are completely bent to the ground.

Another equipped resting place

There are cypresses and plane trees, strawberry, myrtle and pistachio trees.

On both routes you come across signs with descriptions of plants or geological types, for example “Eroded Areas”, “Limestone Rocks”, “Terpentine Tree”.

On the path of Aphrodite more tourists... At Adonis, it seems, we were alone from the newcomers, but from time to time we met locals who climb in their jeeps to the most unexpected places.

The locals hunt here. The sounds of shots were heard on the mountain, but here in the forest - especially often. The trail was littered with cartridges. So much for the reserve.

Sleeves on the trail

Meanwhile, it would be time for us to go down to the village, because at 15-30 our minibus departed for Polis.

And the path kept leading and leading us through the mountains.

In the end, we went into a ravine, again saw the sea.

For some time they skirted the prickly pear plantation, fenced with a net. From above they saw how our minibus drove along the highway to the village.

Below is the highway

Finally we went down to the highway about three hundred meters in front of the village and ran upstairs. At the very beginning of the village, there is such a bougainvillea.

And next to it - prickly pear.

We made it in time and after a while we were already going to Polis, exchanging impressions with other tourists. We returned to Polis in about the same composition as we drove here.

We arrived in Paphos before dark.

Avakas canyon

On the way we met an elderly couple from Switzerland. They said that they had already visited the western side of the Akamas and showed photographs of the Avakas canyon.
How to get from Paphos to Avakas Gorge
At the Harbor bus station, you need to take bus 615 and get to Coral Bay. There, change to bus 616 and get to the final one - to the Church of St. George. And from there, walk along the sea to the canyon. Before the beginning of the canyon there is a parking lot where those who got to Avakas by jeeps leave their jeeps (independent auto-travelers or organized groups who bought the tour "Jeep Safari on the Akamas Peninsula").
Our new acquaintances passed to the end of the canyon and climbed up. I was surprised. Usually, descriptions of the Avakos Gorge said that people reached the end of the canyon and returned back the same way.

No, there, it turns out, you can climb up, only "very strong", as the Swiss said. There is a trail along the canyon at the top. The whole route took them 6 hours. They seemed to me a photo on the camera display - attractive.

I use the map when traveling Tinkoff black
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Akamas Nature Reserve (Polis, Cyprus) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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Reserve "Akamas" - an amazing natural and historical monument Cyprus, attracting a lot of attention. He invites his guests to get acquainted with the world of plants, rarest species feathered and many animals. In addition, the reserve is included in the List world heritage UNESCO, which only adds to its significance. Travelers visit these places in search of aesthetic pleasure, natural harmony and amazing panoramas, the virgin beauty of the local nature fully satisfies these needs.

Researchers to this day do not know what happened in the reserve to this day, and how it appeared in general. Many find the answer to mythology - according to one of the legends, after Akamas (Theseus' son) was driven out of Athens, he settled here and built beautiful city, naming it in your honor. And soon Aphrodite herself became the patroness of this place. History is silent about further events. Today the authorities and locals protect the reserve with all their might. There are even special organizations that keep order around the clock.

What to see

A huge interest is a park with an area of \u200b\u200b230 sq. km represents from a scientific point of view, because over 500 species of plants grow in it, more than 100 of which are found only here. In spring, the surrounding lands turn into a real garden with fragrant jasmine flowers and orchids, their aroma soaks the air for tens of kilometers, and butterflies flutter around, 16 of 25 species of which are listed in the Red Book.

The local fauna is no less impressive. Particularly noteworthy are the Vulture griffins - the rarest birds of prey that moved here relatively recently. In addition to birds, this part of the island is home to wild goats grazing on the hills, while mammals and amphibians live closer to the water and in the gorges. By the way, you should be very careful when exploring the park, because poisonous snakes are not uncommon here.

On the picturesque sandy beach "Lara" you can take a break from a long walk and swim. The endangered sea turtles nest on the coast. Often, tourists watch how little turtles, just born, run to the waves.

There are several attractions in the reserve - Adonis trail, Aphrodite trail and baths, Avakas canyon. Visiting them is part of excursions, including jeep tours, but independent cycling is also popular. A sports or mountain bike will make an excellent company and will allow you to visit the most secluded corners of the Akamas.

Practical information

How to get there: the park is located near the city of Polis, which is most conveniently accessible from Paphos. Buses on lines 645 and 705 leave daily from the Karavella bus station at Andrea Geroudi Street. And from Polis directly to the reserve follows route taxi № 622.