Foreign passports and documents

Walk along the Bosphorus 11.30 long. Travel to Istanbul. Walk along the Bosphorus. Istanbul without a veil or how to get lost in the city

We learned about Bang Bao even before the trip - they say, both the peculiar flavor, and shopping, and very tasty seafood in the restaurants of this fishing village deserve the closest attention! And when you constantly observe this village both from your bungalow and from the terrace of the restaurant of the Nirvana hotel, it is impossible not to be convinced of this personally! ..

To reach the village of Bang Bao, which seems to be at arm's length, I had to make a rather big detour ... It was impossible to walk along the sea, as the road was liquidated, preparing a site, apparently, for some kind of construction site. In September, during the rainy season, the site turned into an impenetrable clay slurry.

Accordingly, I had to go twice as long - two kilometers instead of one ...

But they saw what Thai chickens look like ...

At the exit from the hotel Nirvana there is a shop, where we were greeted very warmly - on the shelves the most necessary things - basic food, drinks, cosmetics and personal hygiene products. We also saw a couple of small hotels that we didn’t notice when we entered Nirvana late in the evening. And in the village of Bang Bao itself, there were quite a few of them, however, mostly unpretentious guest houses, far from even the two-star level of Nirvana ...

There is also a school in Bang Bao (pictured above). There is even a gas station (pictured below), although it doesn't look quite familiar to us. ... In fact, this is a small stall where scooter drivers are sold gasoline bottled in liter bottles ...

That small cape on the map, in fact, is not such, which is perfectly visible if you switch google map to the satellite image. Rather, it is a pier, overgrown with boats, stalls, guest houses and restaurants. It ends in half a kilometer with a lighthouse ...

The goods in the tents are designed exclusively for tourists - inexpensive clothes for adults and children, swimwear, many souvenirs, a huge selection of medicinal and massage oils ... If you don't even buy anything on the way to the lighthouse, be sure to spend money on way back - it's impossible to leave without a purchase! As well as with an empty stomach ... In one of the Bang Bao restaurants we had a chance to taste the most delicious dish of the whole trip: finely chopped chicken pieces fried with cashew nuts in a spicy sweet sauce - Kai Phat or Kai Pad - you will lick your fingers!

On Koh Chang, in general, looking at inexpensive prices, we took dishes for 4 per person - not out of greed, as Russians usually do in All Inclusive, but from the desire to try absolutely everything! You often don’t understand what to eat, but everything looks very appetizing! In a restaurant on the Bang Bao pier for 7-8 dishes with juice and beer, we spent about 1000 baht (25 euros) - not a little by Thai standards ... The Thais, looking at a couple of skinny Russians at a table full of food, invariably rolled their eyes

On the quay, mixed with market tents, periodically very colorful places are found ...

And on closer inspection, the lighthouse looks no less beautiful than from the panorama of the Nirvana hotel ...

A spiral staircase upstairs was visible through its windows, but the entrance was closed.

His wife kept her from trying to get to the top of the lighthouse through the window ...

The Bosphorus is an important shipping route connecting the Black Sea with the Marmara and Mediterranean. Trade, military and tourist ships scurry about around the clock. It originates from the Galata Bridge and from there, or more precisely, from the Eminenu embankment, all cruises along the strait begin. In general, a boat trip along the Bosphorus in Istanbul is a great opportunity to take a break in the middle of a day full of visits to other attractions. You can turn off the bustle for a couple of hours and just relax while sipping strong Turkish tea on upper deck tourist ferry, contemplating beautiful views from the water.

How to get to Eminenu embankment

You can independently get to the Eminenu embankment from any part of the city using the high-speed tram. From the Taksim area, you can take a funicular to the Kabatash embankment, and then change to light Rail to Eminenu. Or, as an option, take a walk along the famous one, going down to, and from it go to the Galata Bridge, crossing which you will find yourself just at your destination.

Eminenu on the map

Types of Bosphorus cruises

There are several ways to take a boat trip on the Bosphorus.

1) Tourist ferry. On the embankment there are cash desks of several companies that provide commercial taxi services for tourists, which one to choose is up to you. The editors of the site used the services of Sehir Hatlari, which can be described in more detail. There are 3 types of commercial Bosphorus cruises - long, short and the so-called sunset cruise, at sunset. Ferries leave the embankment every hour, so you won't have to wait long anyway.

    • Short circle cruise. It lasts about 2 hours on the route from Eminonu to the second bridge over the Bosphorus (Sultan Mehmed Fatih bridge), after passing which the ferry will make a U-turn and head to back side... The only short stop along the route is near on the way back and forth. The short tour costs 12TL for an adult and 6TL for children under 12. A short walk along the Bosphorus is perhaps the most popular of the tours, suitable for most people.

    • Long tour (full bosphorus cruise). Duration about 6 hours. It also starts from Eminenu and ends after 1.5 hours in the fishing village of Anadolu Kawagi, where you will have 3 hours of free time, and then you will need to head back. In Anadolu, you can visit the Yoros fortress, which offers stunning views of the Bosphorus and the Black Sea, as well as dine at one of the many local cafes or restaurants. Long tour costs 25TL for an adult and 12.5TL for a child. It is possible to buy a one-way ticket at a price exactly 2 times less than the full one.

  • Sunset Cruise / Moonlight Tour. The sunset cruise is only available in summer, from mid-May to early August. It starts at 17.30 from Bostanji and arrives at 20:05 in Anadolu Kawagi, where you will have a long stop, and at 22:30 you will return. In Bostanci you will be back already at 01:00. The cost of such a tour is 20TL.

Tickets for both types of cruises are free for children under 6 years old.

You can see the cruise routes in the pictures above. More detailed information, as well as the cruise schedule can be found on the website of the carrier company Sehir Hatlari.

It is important to remember that there are no tour guides on commercial tourist ferries, but you can rent an audio guide to add meaning to your trip.

2) Municipal ferries. In Istanbul, urban water transport is well established, so, if you wish, you can save a little money and take a ride on the municipal ferry, surrounded by Istanbul residents. Payment in this type of transport is made by means of and is equal to the cost of travel on any other public transport, i.e. about 2 lire. There are several routes, for example, you can go to Kadikoy, Yuskudar or along the Golden Horn.

3) Excursions. If you want more information than standard cruises can provide, then you can take one of the excursions. All excursions are conducted with Russian-speaking guides.

Bosphorus tours in Istanbul

  • The site has collected under his wing best excursions independent guides in Istanbul, including art historians, designers, journalists and other creative people, and the routes they offer go far beyond the standard approach to organizing excursion leisure. Immersion in the local environment in such a company will be maximum, you can see Istanbul from a different, non-tourist side, experience completely different sensations.
The best Bosphorus tours from:
Editorial rating: 7/10 (worthy of a visit).

Walk on the Bosphorus: photos

Travel organization | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Museum map of Istanbul | Topkapi

Before the trip to Istanbul, we planned that on the second day of the trip we will visit a lot of interesting things.

We planned to start by visiting the Hagia Sophia Museum. Then take the T1 tram near it and go across the Galata bridge to the Katabash stop, where the Dolmabahce palace is located. After that, take the funicular to Taksim Square and walk down Istiklal Street. Next, lunch on the Galata Bridge at a fish restaurant and a visit to the Galata Tower.

But in reality everything turned out quite differently.

As I already wrote, on the first day in Istanbul in the afternoon rain covered us, and the planned boat trip did not take place.

In the morning we decided to go on foot to the embankment and fill the gap of the first day.

The easiest way to get to the embankment from our hotel (near the Sultanahmet stop) without bothering with a map is to walk along tram tracks in the right direction. Walking, looking at the windows, sweet and architecture, the journey took 20 minutes. If you are lazy, you can take the T1 tram to the Sirkeci stop.

For us, the discovered Sirkeci station, where the famous Orient Express used to arrive, was a pleasant bonus. The locomotive itself stands next to the station as a monument.

The Orient Express covered a distance of 3,094 km in 80 hours of travel from Istanbul to Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Ulm, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest, Ruse, Varna, Paris. The richest people of the time traveled by train, including presidents, princes and kings. Agatha Christie made the train even more famous for her detective story Murder on the Orient Express.

For some reason, only men stood near the station, there were a huge number of them. We were surprised that they are without families.

Well, here we are on the embankment. Very beautiful and unusual. I got used to the fact that the embankment is something calm, romantic ... there was a traffic jam here, everyone was honking, there were a lot of ships and ferries. In general, this is Istanbul, which is always running somewhere. In my opinion, this city is much more dynamic than Moscow.

Before we had time to cross the road, we fell into the hands of a barker with excursions on a boat. 20 lira for 1.5 hours on a large yacht suited us perfectly.

The barker grabbed the money, pushed us into a minibus and after 2 minutes we were boarding the ship.

Click on the map to download the route of the excursion boat along the Bosphorus

Cruise card numbers:

1. Sultanahmet Mosque

2. Hagia Sophia

3. Galata tower

4. Dolmabahce Palace

5. Ortakoy Mosque

6. Bosphorus Bridge.

7. Rumeli fortress

9. Anadolu fortress

10. Ki? Ksu mansion

11. Beylerbeyi Palace

12. Tower Maiden "s

I took a strategic position on the second deck below open air, right in the corner.

The sea is worried once ... the sea is worried twice ... and we all do not sail and do not sail. The girls had already begun to feel sick, and they piled ashore before sailing. You cannot penetrate my vestibular apparatus like that, so I just hung on the railing and dozed under the warm sun.

About 30 minutes later the engine began to hum, and we slowly sailed out of the parking lot.

What a beautiful Istanbul! I cannot describe in words how I like the picture that combines the sea, huge mosques with tall minarets, small houses built tightly to each other.

I post photos from a boat trip in Istanbul, I can't stop (they will open in a separate window when clicked).

I would also like to note the Dolmabahce Palace, which we never got to.

And we also laughed that we had found the Istanbul residence of Baba Yaga and the red garage of the Serpent Gorynych. ?

To be honest, an hour and a half on the ship is too much. An hour later I felt so sleepy that I even passed out for 15 minutes.

The ship moored exactly at the place from which we sailed. Along the embankment we went to the New Mosque, from which we understood the landmarks in the garden.

Everyone was worn out by the trip on the ship, some were even seasick. The plan for the second day was bursting at the seams.

On the spot, everyone outplayed and decided to go to the Grand Bazaar, because tomorrow it will be closed (on Sunday the Turks have a rest).

Near the New Mosque begins the spice market or the Egyptian Bazaar, which, judging by the map, will lead us to the Grand Bazaar.

We walked at random among the tents with a variety of cheeses, spices, sweets, nuts and all sorts of other goodies. Further, narrow streets began to climb, and groceries replaced shops with clothes, accessories, household items and textiles. Not sold here tourist souvenirs, it was clear that the market was specifically for the local population.

I was struck by the street with a number of scarf shops. Although Istanbul and modern citybut women who walk with their heads covered are the majority. Accordingly, for them a scarf is probably as important an accessory as a bag is for us. But this number of scarves looks a little wild.

But the coolest shop in the Egyptian Bazaar is definitely this one.

Is agent 007 being stocked here?

I named it the James Bond store. Very convenient - I bought a weapon, dressed up in a suit. ?

I liked the Egyptian Bazaar. Since it is a very colorful place, old streets, somehow atmospheric there.

After some time we found ourselves at the entrance to the Grand Bazaar. This is the famous covered market, which in fact turned out to be another tourist attraction.

To begin with, we took a sweater (well, or our shawarma). This is divine food! Nothing to do with Moscow chicken nyasha in lavash. We washed it down with pomegranate juice. Mmm, life is good. Prices for such food in Istanbul are very affordable. Pomegranate juice costs from 5 to 8 lire per glass, shawarma from 7 lira.

Well, bazaar, so bazaar. We split into two groups and agreed to meet at the hotel.

I walked through the rows and slowly became disillusioned. All around there are tourists, heavy prices, impudent sellers who speak purely Russian.

We decided that we'd better go wandering around the Egyptian bazaar, looking for something interesting.

I bought myself a super-duper green hat, a bright suitcase, a large Turk, an oriental table lamp, hairpins, earrings and a bunch of other little things. I had a fad for a long time that I wanted a beautiful and bright suitcase, but somehow it didn't work out. In Moscow, what I like costs more than 15,000 rubles, but I have never seen anything in Europe. And here ... there is such a bright red, plastic ... and it costs 1,500 rubles. Wouldn't you take it?

If you are interested in jewelry, there is one street where there are a lot of shops with tsatzki. Nice and cheap. I found a shop where oriental jewelry is all for 10 lire. Moreover, these are not brilliant tsatski, but it is zakos under the noble Sultan's jewelry.

The most trend is the ring of Khyurrem Sultan from the series "The Magnificent Century", it is sold everywhere.

We decided to take a taxi to the hotel, because we again went to the embankment to the New Mosque.

The girls bought more seriously. Each grabbed a jacket, but I think they paid a lot. The short unlined leather jacket cost them $ 200 and € 100. But that's not the point! The main thing is the new thing and the pleasure of shopping.

Towards evening we went to Taksim Square and Istiklal Street. But first of all, dinner. In the morning we sailed under the Galata Bridge, where fish restaurants are open. Believing the guidebook and the delicious smell that they felt on the ship, they decided to have dinner there. Intellectually, we understood that the place was tourist and we shouldn't wait for a fancy treat. But it was not even implied that this would be so.

From the hotel we walked along the well-known road to the embankment, but now along the evening city. Crowds of tourists poured out for a walk, and we were stupidly hungry and dipped towards the bridge.

As soon as we entered the bridge, we were stuck with barkers from the restaurant, rather intrusive and disgusting. Fighting them, like from monkeys, nets at a table on the bridge overlooking the Bosphorus.

Attention here! Don't order drinks right away, see their fish first. Drinks were immediately brought to us, and then a cart with once fresh fish was rolled out. She was all sluggish, skinny and not appetizing. Pancake…

We ordered a fish plate for two for 55 liras. Do you know what they brought us? No steaks, sea bass or shrimp for you. Fried someone's tails, a couple of tiny capelin and a couple more pieces of incomprehensible fish 5 by 5 centimeters. And it's all dry and bony. Fuu. Plus, I ordered red mullet, which is so praised in the reviews. Maybe we chose a completely unsuccessful restaurant, but the red mullet was also dry, skinny, bony and almost tasteless.

In total, a dinner for two came out to us at 70 euros for some fried leftovers. Julia ordered a salad with tuna. And what do you think? Of course, there was canned food.

And here is the name of this "wonderful place": Galata Cafe Restaurant. You will see it both from the boat and from the bridge - a black, large plate with white letters.

Never, never go into it. This restaurant is located approximately in the middle of the Galata Bridge, here is its sign.

Of the advantages of such a dinner, I can note a beautiful view of the Bosphorus and the Rustem Pasha Mosque.

And in general, if you want fresh fish, then go to the fish market. There they sell it, they cook it, and there are no tourists. We saw this market when driving to the airport.

After a disgusting and expensive dinner, we walked across the Galata Bridge to the other side. Of course, there are more fishermen on it than fish. But this is also one of the specialties of Istanbul.

In order to climb to Taksim Square, you can use your feet and stomp uphill along Istiklal Street. Or you can take the oldest funicular, Beyo? Lu T? Nel, and drive for a few minutes.

An alternative to Tunnel is the historic red tram that runs up the Istiklal. There is no longer any form of transport on this street, including cars.

There were countless people on Taksim Square. There was a rally, tourists scurried back and forth. We hastened to get out of it and went down the Istiklal.

I don't know what is so beautiful about this street that everyone praises it so much and goes to it. An ordinary street on which nothing is visible due to the continuous crowd.

After 5 minutes of pushing, we turned into one of the side streets and walked along the streets of old Istanbul parallel to the local Arbat.

Here the city is completely different, with practically no tourists. In one of the restaurants we saw a local holiday. It is a pity that they were not allowed there, because the music was very cheerful and through the open door they spied how they were dancing there - young and old.

In general, it was interesting to wander along the road, bumping into the production of the famous bagels, then the shop with pickles, then the workshops with all kinds of incredible things.

And here the famous Istanbul bagels are baked

So we returned to the Galata Bridge, got on the tram and went to rest at the hotel.

I understood that tomorrow I would not have time to visit Dolmabahce ... but I wanted so much ... I wanted so much. Tomorrow evening we will fly away, and there is still so much that has not been seen.

To be continued…

Istanbul Accommodation

Sputnik invites you to a boat trip along the Bosphorus. The length of the strait is about 30 km. You will admire the coastal cityscapes throughout the route. From a boat, a ferry or a motor ship, you can see the ancient palaces and mosques located near the coastline, numerous cafes, restaurants and bridges.

Boat trip along the Bosphorus

All sea excursions in Istanbul start in the European part of the city, at Eminenu Square, where excursion boats depart from the ferry port. The schedule and prices for excursions in force in 2019 can be found on our website.

If you are traveling on your own, consider the size of the vessel when choosing a vessel option. Walk on large liners more convenient and comfortable, they do not feel rocking.

Boat trips around the Bosphorus can be made using various options.

  • Traveling by public transport. Ferries leave the port several times a day, the trip lasts 6 hours, several stops are planned along the way. The excursion costs from $ 7.
  • Walking on commercial vehicles. Ferries leave every hour. The journey takes about two hours and starts at $ 3.50.
  • Travel in private boats and small boats that can be hired individually with a personal driver and guide. The price is negotiable, depending on the time of the trip and the type of vessel.
  • Walking on public transport, a ticket for which is equal to the cost of travel on any other public transport in Istanbul.

We suggest you purchase a tour of the Bosphorus today by ordering it online. The beautiful seascapes of Istanbul will remain in your memory for a long time. We have low cost of tours, attractive promotions and discounts.

Friends, all a wonderful time of day!

Today we finally got to boat trips in Istanbul. After all, to be here and not rush to the sea, is that all the same? that in three days to get by bus on the Chernihiv-Paris route to the foot Eiffel tower and never dare to climb it.

I hope you have already solved all your household questions about accommodation in Istanbul (a separate article about this), learned how the transport system functions from articles and wrote down in a notebook all the sights and the schedule of their bypass clockwise from articles ... Today we will find out what an excursion around the Bosphorus in Istanbul can be, its price and options for organizing sea activities.

Despite the fact that the question seems to be serious and requires dexterity, sleight of hand and basic knowledge, which are drawn from articles on the Internet and glossy travel guides, the problem is solved once or twice ... At the very least, it's much easier than opening an aluminum can of Coca-Cola with your hands slippery after greasy shawarma.

Let's get started!


This is the most expensive alternative, but everything is like people. You and a guide with Russian, French or Estonian (although this is a controversial issue) pronons and tea with coffee and a memorable photo as a gift.

Needless to say, such tours are worth wow, and in general, in mega-budget Istanbul, this is a waste. If you are ready to pay from $ 40 per person, then this is your option. But they will feed you and dance with your belly.

Here is the site for information:,but cheaper buy tickets here.

If you are really looking for extravagant excursions, then I recommend watching this search engine ... There are tons of options from local residents on an individual basis. You will definitely find something for yourself.

Firstly, it is cheaper than that of the travel agency, and secondly, it is more sincere and intimate and, moreover, in Russian.

Large tour with stops

Such tours are organized by the state carrier Sehır Hatlari (Shehir Khatlary) and his commercial competitor Dentur Avrasya. The walks are performed only once a day, as they take about 6 hours.

The first company carries out them from the Eminonu pier, and the second from the Kabatas berths, with a subsequent stop in the Besiktas area.

Almost at the entrance to the Black Sea, a stop is planned for 2-3 hours and the way back.

Such tours stand 25-30 lire from each. More about them below.

Short walking tours

These are small tours lasting from 1.15 minutes to 1.45 minutes, depending on the company providing them. This is where the competition is really big and everyone and everyone will try to ride on the strait.

The cost of such a tour is 10-15 liras, and the departure can take place from the following berths:

  • Eminon
  • Kadikoy
  • Uskudar
  • Kabatash
  • Besiktas

Tours are carried out as carriers already known to us Sehır Hatlari and Dentur Avrasya and company Turyol ... Well, as well as a group of private cabs, whose names are difficult to find out.

By the way, it was on this one that we left, just coming at the call of the subconscious in the evening to the pier of Eminonu. Here stood an unnamed launch, which is one of the last to set off on the road today. Here he is in the photo.


If you are not a fan of boat trips or you are specifically unlucky with the weather, then you can combine business with pleasure and arrange for yourself such a "bum-tour" of the route through the Bosphorus.

Hop on a regular scheduled ferry from the European side of Istanbul to the Asian side and just admire the passing beauty through the window. Of course, you won't see everything, but, firstly, spend a minimum of time, and secondly, pay at the price of a ticket for public transport 2.60 / 5.00 lira per person .

Which companies provide tours of the Bosphorus

There are 3 main players on the marine exchange:

  • Sehır Hatları
  • Dentur Avrasya
  • Turyol

If you agree to a small tour, then, I think, exactly 3 company for you fit better Total:

  • firstly, it is ubiquitous and its ferries can be found on almost any pier,
  • secondly, its small and nimble steamers pass the closest to the coast so that you can see the coastal beauty.

There is no musical and entertainment accompaniment on such ferries, but the state company Sehır Hatları there is audio guide for 20 TL , which is popular in the language you need to explain what is behind the stern.

The first 2 companies, as I said, conduct both large and small tours. Here we will dwell on them in more detail.

Sehır Hatları: tours, routes and their prices

It is a state-owned company with the largest ferry among competitors, with only 2 flights per day (the 3rd is added from May to August):

  • Full Bosphorus Tour (Nostalgic Bosphorus Cruise) - 6-hour big Istanbul tour
  • Short Circle Cruise - 2 hours short tour
  • Sunset Cruise - An evening cruise on the same route as the big tour, but at sunset (sort of canceled).

A useful bonus in terms of choosing this particular company is that you, as an owner Museum Pass Istanbul , which after reading simply must buy, gives you the right discount 25% from the ticket price. The discount does not apply to other companies.

Despite the fact that this information is not on the site, but we have fresh news from the fields. Discount on boat trips on the card is no longer given!

Big Bosphorus Tour

A 6-hour tour of Istanbul starts from the Eminonu pier, with accompanying short stops at the Besiktash and Uskudar berths, in order to then proceed almost to the exit from the Bosphorus to the Black Sea.

This is a truly grand tour for those who have free time in Istanbul and want to explore the entire Bosphorus and its coastal attractions in detail.

The downside is that it is held now only in the summer.

Route scheme :

  • Departure at 10.35 from Eminonu pier
  • Arrive at Andola Kawagi Terminal at 12:25 pm
  • Departure from Andolu Kawaga at 15:00
  • Arrival back to Eminona at 16:40

On the way back, you can also jump off at the Besiktash or Uskudar berths, if it is more convenient for you.

While parking for 2.5 hours, tourists are invited to climb to the Yoros fortress (not a banal walk on fresh air, but a good training) to inspect the surviving towers and very suspicious surroundings, and have a hearty lunch in coastal restaurants with seafood at more reasonable prices than in Istanbul itself.

The cost of such a tour :

  • 25 TL for adults
  • 12.5 lire for children 6-12 years old
  • Free for children under 6
  • 15 lire one way trip

Short tour

There is also no particular choice, since the ferry leaves at exactly 14:30 and makes accompanying short-term stops at the Uskudar berths and at the first Bosphorus bridge at the Ortakoy pier. Return at 16:30 with the same stops.

The route is calculated to the second Bosphorus Bridge. In that direction, you walk along the European part of Istanbul and can see from the sea the Galata area, Dolmbahce Palace, Ortakoy Mosque and Rumeli Hisary Fortress.

On the way back, you will walk along the Asian coast and take a closer look at the Anadolu Fortress, Beylerbey Palace, Maiden Tower and magnificent private residences of wealthy Turks.

Short tour cost :

  • 12 lire for adults
  • 6 lire for children 6-12 years old
  • Free for children under 6

Evening cruise

This is a kind of addition to the daytime program. Depart at 17:30 with the same stop for fish restaurants in Andolu Kawagi for a couple of hours as in the case Big tour and the return back to Istanbul will take place after 00:00.

This tour should be recognized separately. Despite the fact that it is listed on the site, there were rumors that it had already been canceled!

tour cost and for children and adults 20 liras and discounts do not apply.

The ferries of this company are large, so there will be no special problems with accommodation. Tea, coffee and various small snacks are sold on board, but you can take all this with you, since the prices are still more expensive here.

The quay of this company is easy to find on the quay of Eminonu by the characteristic yellow emblem. It is located two steps from the exit underpass... As they left immediately to the left, as in this photo.

Official site :

Dentur Avrasya: tours, routes, cost

Quite a popular private company, which is based on the quays of Kabatas and Besiktas, on the opposite bank of the Eminonu pier in the area of \u200b\u200bDolmbahce Palace.

Their prices are a little more expensive, but the steamer is smaller and quicker. In addition to the big and small tours similar to the previous company, it also carries out two interesting projects - hop-on-hop-off tours around the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn.

Big tour

The ships of this company leave from the Kabatash pier towards the exit from the Black Sea, then stop for lunch and return back.

Tour schedule:

  • 11:15 am - departure from the pier Kabatash
  • 11:30 - stop at the pier Besiktas
  • 12:45 pm - 3-hour stay at Anadolu Kawagi pier
  • 15:30 - reverse start
  • 16:30 - stop Besiktas
  • 16:45 - terminal station Kabatash

tour cost 20 lire

Short tour

It follows a similar route with the rest of the companies, but without entering the Uskudar pier and, therefore, the view of the Maiden Tower. Therefore, the tour time is 20 minutes shorter than that of other companies.

Departure at 10:30 am from Kabatas pier followed by a stop at Besiktas pier

tour cost 15 lire

Golden Horn Tour with Stops

A very interesting option to spend a day on the water in Istanbul with several stops along the way.

The company's boats leave 3 times a day at 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00 and make 3 stops in the bay itself to visit famous hill with a cable car and a view cafe Pierre Loti , go on an excursion to the miniature museum Miniaturk and visit the industrial museum named after Rahmi Koch .

There are only 3 ships per day, so it is logical to assume that if the maximum per day you can go ashore at intermediate stations 2 times. The first stop on the 1st boat, the second stop on the 2nd boat, and on the third you will need to go back or go ashore for the 3rd time and already get to your place of deployment on your own.

tour cost 15 lire

Bosphorus Tour with Stops

A great option to see Istanbul from the water, and also to mark at each stop with a visit to the palace or fortress. The same program that you will see during a short non-stop tour of the Bosphorus will now be available to you with stops and going ashore.

The movement of boats starts from the Kabatash pier at 11:45 am and during the day they manage to make 8 trips until 8 pm.

As for me, such a gorgeous offer - don't miss it!

tour cost 15 lire

You can find out more information at official website companies:

Turyol company tours, routes, cost

This company only offers short tours, but according to reviews, it is she who passes the closest to the coast, if this is important for you. And they pass every hour, unlike other companies.

Tours start at once from 3 berths: Eminonu, Kadikoy and Uskudar.

The cost of the tour is 15 liras (12 liras from Uskudar pier). See the schedule at the photo and official website :

Friends, I hope now you have enough information at hand to make the right choice of an excursion walk along the waters of the Bosphorus. If you have any questions or wishes, feel free to voice them in the comments field.

Subscribe to updates , add as friends on social networks and come to the cinema You tube to watch our videos. There are still many interesting things ahead.

I have specially collected useful materials in separate headings "", "" and "".

And at the end, a small video sketch about our evening walk along the Bosphorus:

Bright and memorable travel!