Foreign passports and documents

Petra's city gardens I. Vegetables for the royal table or about botany in the summer garden

Summer Palace Peter the Great is among the first stone buildings of the city. Its creation began in 1710 and continued for about four years. The layout and most of the interior decoration, made by Russian masters of the beginning of the 18th century, reached this day.

The absence of any indigenous redevelopments is confirmed by numerous archival documents and research of specialists.


The summer palace is a two-story building in the form of a rectangle made of bricks. The four-tight roof has a waterproof sides, it grinds her vane in the form of George Victorious with the defeated serm.

The main decoration of the facade is 29 bas-reliefs created in a rare technique of manual namazu. They are located at the height between the first and second floor.

Above the entrance is a bas-relief, which depicts Minerva with military trophies. The facade decor is literally saturated with the topics of the triumph of Russian weapons in the Northern War. On the bas-reliefs depicts scenes from the myths, but many experts interrupt them in binding to the fight against the Swedes for entering the sea.

The structure was not calculated for lush techniques. First of all, it was a place where the king lived with his family. Therefore, it is distinguished by such a rigor and modesty of forms.

The story of the construction of a summer palace

Almost immediately after laying a Petropavlovsk fortress, the creation of a summer garden begins. The idea belonged, of course, Peter himself. By his order, rare species of trees were overlooked from the whole country, the statues were ordered, the first fountains were built. A place for the garden was chosen the territory belonging to the Swedish Lubber. The first time Peter even lived in his wooden house, calling this structure to his summer palace.

With the beginning of the construction of the Summer Garden, there was a need for the construction of the king and the proper residence of the king. It was the erected palace that will then name the whole garden. Up to this point, he wore the proud title "Tsarky Garden".

Peter drove into a new residence in 1712. He was not finished yet, but the king did not stop it. There were no bas-reliefs, plaster works continued, the floors were laid. Together with Peter in the palace, the architect Andreas Singor, who arrived specially from Berlin to complete the construction.

Petrovsky times. Interior

Every year from May to October Peter lived and worked in the summer palace. The house was built in Dutch style. Peter personally made a project, which then only adjusted Domenico Trestini.

It was in the summer palace that the first sewage system appeared. Thanks to the pumps, the water was served in the house and then leaving back to the fountain. The building on three sides was washed with water, which contributed to the qualitative operation of the flow sewage.

In the first half of the XVIII century, the main entrance could be saved on the boat. A small harbor with a pier was built here. In 1705, it was deepened, and the walls are covered with stone slabs. But closer to the end of the XVIII century, the harbor had to fall asleep.

Each of the floors is only seven rooms. The big halls in the palace were simply not provided. All rooms are connected by internal corridors. The service premises also communicate with the corridors, so the servant did not appear in the parade rest without permission.

Downstairs, Peter himself was located, on the second floor there were relatives of his wife and children. On the ground floor there was a reception room in which the king accepted the complaints and requests.

Special attention deserves the interior of the palace. Oak was widely used, which before was used only for the needs of the fleet. The tree from which the important structural parts of the ship was manufactured, served as the basis for creating incredibly beautiful stairs, doors and wall panels. The exception was only two cabinets - green on the second floor and the personal emperor itself on the first. Doors and wall panels are made of walnuts.

By the way, the utility rooms, except for cooking, was not in the summer palace. For their placement, another building was rebuilt - human quarters. Two constructions of a special gallery connected.

AT personal Cabinet Peter was located a unique mechanism - a navigation device that allows to determine the direction and strength of the wind. I ordered him personally king, and the manufacturer did the best German masters. Near the office there was a bedroom Peter and dining room. Interestingly, even a toilet with a part of the sewage is preserved.

But one of the most favorite rooms of the emperor was turning. Peter knew more than a dozen crafts and was a rather skilled master. But in this room, he not only worked on various machines, but also accepted Sanovnikov, made decisions of state importance. In the modern museum you can see products, soaked directly by Peter the Great from the bone and tree.

After the death of the emperor. Palace as a museum

Only in 1725 the palace was empty. The first emperor and the Grand Reformer died. After this All-Russian tragedy, the Summer Palace experienced no better times. Under Catherine I, I will not have long renovated after the death of the husband, the Supreme Secret Council, a body, who actually took over all the functions of the highest power.

Then, for some time, the palace turned into a summer residence, in which the court and dignitaries lived. Under Alexandra I, they begin to let the public begin to let. Detailed inventory is compiled in the building of artistic values.

Summer Garden (initial)

1704-1706 - Garden tab

1721 - Completion of basic works

Petr I chose the place for his summer royal residence of Peter I on the left bank of the Neva and the Unnamed Erika (Fontanka), almost opposite the Petropavlovsk fortress. The best architects I. M. Matveyev (Ugryumov), J.-B. Leblon, M. G. Zemtsov created the appearance of the summer garden, master of garden-park art Ya. Rozen, later I. Surmin was engaged in green decoration.

A small part of the Neva coast at the sources of the Unnamed Erika (Fontanka) belonged to the Swedish sovereign to Konan. On the map of the end of the XVII and early XVIII century. In this place shows the construction - a residential building. Konau's ownership extended not far, and to the south, the terrain was wetlands.

Summer Garden was laid in early spring of 1704. Food was formed in 1704-1706. And he initially occupied only the northern part of the site, which goes directly to the Neva. Then the system of direct perpendicular alley was determined, which reached this day. Summer Garden was created in a regular (architectural) style, on the manner of the parks in Europe in Europe. Some researchers believe that Peter I himself chained the direction of Alley, the position of flower beds and fountains. In the first years (1704-1707), work under the leadership of Peter led Arch. Ivan Matveyev (sulmov). He expanded the boundaries of the garden, determined the initial layout, began the construction of fountains, draining the territory, the creation of solid soil and planting trees, prepared for the sovereign choir Konau. Arriving at the request of Peter the architect Fedor Vasilyev built the first oak gallery of the Corinthian Order. In 1707, Matveyev dies, and the organization of all works and the observation of the construction of Peter instructs A.V. Kickina, and from 1709 - A.A. Menshikov.

Over the exercise of the integrity of the king, Russian and foreign architects, gardeners, gardeners worked in the garden. In 1709, a group of young people were delivered from Moscow to teach the Garden Craft. Some of them later worked independently: S. Lukianov, I. Surmine, I.Yakovlev.

The first famous plan of the summer garden was Yang Roozen in 1713. In this regard, the Summer Palace of Peter I, who took the northeastern corner, was already shown on this plan. It was the summer palace that gave the name of the summer garden, who was first called the "royal garden." Gardener Yang Roozen arrived in St. Petersburg in 1712 and worked in the summer garden of 13 years (1712-1726), he led all the garden work. Several garden plans are preserved: J. Roozen (1716 (1714?)), J. Leblona (1717), M. Zemtsova (1723), as well as a drawing attributed to Peter (1714-1716?).

At the base of the planning scheme of the original garden, there is a central longitudinal alley, on which flower beds are fitted into squares with currency, cartridge and other ornaments. Each of the flower squares crossed the diagonal tracks and had in the center of a lestgause gazebo. For flower beds, areas planted with young lips were located. Parallel central was laid two more longitudinal alleys. Eastern separated the living part of the garden with Peter I. Western Palace. Western was a solid green trailing, separated boss along the Swan's groove and led to the carpievous pond. Engraving A.F. Zubova (1717) gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe original form of a summer garden ensemble, in which metric planted trees prevailed, whose crowns were trimmed into the shape of Cuba, a ball or pyramid. Along the straight alley of the garden stretched a tap (up to 2-3 m height), forming green walls with niches for statues. Garden works were led by the Dutchman Jan Roozen.

In 1714-1716 In the southern part of the summer garden, a pond was burned, where various breeds began to breed. Most often, Karpov was launched here, because the pond became referred to as Karpiyev. In addition to fish here for some time there lived a hand seal. In the center of the pond was a multi-line fountain. The pond has been preserved to this day.

A part of the modern summer garden and Marsov Fields was then a nizine, which peeling a cah shrub. In 1711-1716 To drain the territory along the western part of the garden, the channel was a breakthrough (later called the Swan Canal), which separated the summer garden from the Big Meadow (Marsov Fields). At about the middle of the summer garden from the Swan Canal, almost to the fountain, by 1716 there was a breakthrough another channel - transverse. Thus, the 1st and 2nd summer gardens appeared. On the bridge, the fountains-crackers were standing on the cross-channel. At the same time, the sink and fountain rivers were connected. Since then, the summer garden is on the island. The 3rd summer was called modern Mikhailovsky Garden.

Summer garden consisted of three parts: the front garden (1st garden) - from the Neva to the transverse channel, the red garden (2nd garden) or the economic, where fruit trees grew, - from the transverse channel to the sink, "the garden of Her Majesty" (3rd Garden) - for washing, on the site of a modern Mikhailovsky Garden and Sadovaya Street. This garden Peter gave Catherine.

Simultaneously with the device of water bodies, work was carried out to strengthen the soil for planting trees. For several years, the land has imported to the garden. The trees of various breeds in the decree of Peter were brought from all over Russia and from abroad, put them in summer and in winter. In the garden grew a lot of firings that Peter loved. In several rows, they stood along the swan groove, along the alley leading to the coffee house, along the fountain. In the first quarter of the XVIII century. Oaks, limes, elms, maples, rowan, fir, as well as Samshat, Ilm, Kashtan, and others were growing in the garden. In the summer garden, fruit trees were growing: apple trees, cherries, pears, bustlers. Between the trees on the beds planted "Cooks": parsley, carrots, beets, parsnips, peas, beans, fragrant herbs. In summer, on the avenues and sites of the front garden, there were shops with tropical plants.

Summer garden was distinguished by a variety of rich flora. A.E. Regel reported from where plants delivered: Linden and lilies from Narva, Ilma from Moscow, graphs from Kiev, cedars from Solikamsk, Apple trees from Sweden, Peonies and Barbaris from Holland and Germany, Gorokhovnik, Tollga from Siberia. The garden was working on transplanting adult trees, acclimatization of foreign varieties.

On the Neva on the main axis, the garden went to the gallery located near the water itself. Three open gallery (on the site of the existing fence in the summer garden) were built by Arch. G. I. Mattarnovi in \u200b\u200b1714. Restored here in bad weather. They fell into the summer garden right from the boats, along the steps of galleries. Two side galleries with roofs on wooden columns, with carved capitals were rudely decorated. The roof of the central gallery rested on twelve pair columns ("on the pillars of the Russian marble"), the floor in it was lined with black and white marble plates, the roof was decorated with balushetada from screamed balusters and tubes. The central gallery was decorated with a marble statue of Venus ("Mrs. Venus"). This sculpture presented Peter I Dad Clement IX. By decree of the king, she was guarded by the watch in the uniform of the Preobrazhensky regiment with Alebard, so that no one hurt her. Venus became the first in Russia with a public image of a naked female body. The statue of Venus was in the summer garden until the middle of the XVIII century. Later, the statue was transferred to a closed grotto.

On the main Alea (from the "Venusale Gallery" to the transverse pond) four sites were located: 1st - Palace (Dame), 2nd - Skipper, 3rd - virtue, 4th - Court of day. On each site there were fountains. Near the first fountain of white marble, the Queen with the court ladies usually disappeared. Near the second, on the octagonal skipping site, was located Peter with visiting foreigners. A little further was a fountain decorated with gilded vases.

To the west of the cellars on the shore of the sink was the Palace of Catherine I - Golden choirs. He was, perhaps on the site of the Pavilion Rossi. According to indirect data, the Palace was built in 1710-1711. On the roof of a small wooden building, a gold-plated flashlight rummaged with eight windows. Flashlight completed high spire. The walls of the main hall of the palace were decorated with golden skin, the ceiling is tightened with a picturesque canvas. Each room was a tiled oven.

In 1717 at r. The sinks in front of Golden Horograms were built a pavilion with fountains, where they placed a huge Gottorpian globe with a starry sky in the inner sphere (then the globe was transferred to KunstkaMer).

1. Further Development of the Summer Ensemble

Garden in the years of the reign of Peter I.

1. - The second palace, 2. - Grotto, 3. - Big Labyrinth.

2. Planning hp second Chett. XVIII century

The complication of the contours of the parters and others. In 1740-1750.

3. Pond with a gazebo. Plan of Saint Iler, 1764-1773.

4. Rye roads leading to sculpture.

Plan of Saint Iler, 1764-1773.

5. Orangeie in the 2nd Summer Garden.

Aksonometric plan of St. Petersburg Saint-Iler.

6. Wooden picturesque panel.

7. Figure fountain.

Plan of Saint Iler, 1764-1773.

8. Picture gallery.


9. .

Project M.G. NERTSOVA.

In 1717 A. Leblon made a new plan of the summer garden, which, without changing the established layout, made additions and improvements. This project included and territory around the summer garden (future Marsov Fields, Mikhailovsky Palace and Engineering Castle). The new project was fixed the longitudinal composition axis of the garden. On the southern territory of the garden (3rd Summer Garden) there is a residence of Catherine I. This palace, built only 25 years old, with his wide Kurdoner, addressed to washing, was to play the role of architectural dominant. The garden behind this palace by the nature of the planning, as it were, continued by the summer garden of Peter I. A huge meadow behind the Swan's groove (Marso Field) was broken by passing alleys on 8 large triangles converging to the central round area. The garden for washing was shaped into small rectangular parts. At this time, there was already an old wooden palace of Catherine - "Golden choirs". Around it in regular quarters of the garden, fruit plants were planted, and among the garden tracks there were many trillion alleys.

Leblon designed in detail the layout of flower beds along the Swan's grooves, which were outlined in the sketch of Peter (1716). Moreover, each figure parter and the boss was developed as an unofficial separate microcomposition. The main boss with the subsidiaries were located around the main Alee. In one boss, Leblon designed an oval pond, in another - a cascade with a flower bed and sculpture, in the third, with a fountain in the center, - Cross-shaped roads, in the fourth - Wolter and "Brutal Dvor". New sculptural groups, green cabinets, gazebos, reservoirs and fountains have been introduced into the garden plan.

On the territory of the 1st Summer Garden, an oval pond was burned. In the center of the pond was arranged a small island with a gazebo, the dome of which was completed by a carved lantern. Almost square boss was standing around the perimeter and lattices. 8 wooden houses were placed on the shore of the pond - "bird chambers" for birds who were up to the pond. Rare fish and a small boat swam in the pond, on which the dwarf-jester ride. On the roof of the arbor in the form of Chinese pagoda sparkled fluger - Golden Dragon.

Where there is a monument to the wings, a boss was arranged with a dolphin cascade and a swimming pool. The cascade was decorated with gold-plated lead, decorated with vases in the form of dolphins. The floor and walls of the pool were decorated with white marble. In the southern part of the boss stood a greenhouse. The platform with a cascade was surrounded by wooden lattices, on the columns of which 2 lantern with intricate carvings were hung.

Opposite the boss with the cascade was a platform with bird and animal cells. There was a gallery stretched from east to the west. In the gallery, the floor was eliminated by Putilovsky slabs, the walls are tightened with canvas. In the middle of the roof rumped up a double dome. It was a pigeon. Bosket framed the trenches, 13 canopies with lattices were arranged inside from three sides. There were three galleries between the canopies - a brutal yard. Here lived birds (black storks, eagles, cranes, swans, pigeons, pelicans) and rare animals (dike, blue fox, big hedgehog, sable). In the center of the boss was a fountain with a round reservoir of white marble, the eaves was trimmed with a black marble.

The north of the brutal yard was located the last of the 4 main bosets with the checks - a spruce grove. Growing the right ranks of ate crossed the smooth coupling, indoor (rich) tracks, forming a platform with a fountain in the center of the boss. The fountain decorated the marble group "Venus with Amur". The fountain reservoir was trimmed by lead, sinks, white and black marble tiles. In the covered alleys, candles were burning in suspended lanterns.

The covered paths were in the 2nd and 3rd gardens.

In addition to firing in the 1st Garden there were still oak and lime groves. The oak grove with a fountain in the center was at the Summer Palace of Peter I. The lime grove was on the place of a tea house.

Leblon's death in 1719 interrupted his work. Bosset with a cascade Established on the project Leblon M.G. Grounds. Arbors at the ogorod roads built. Matnova. The grotto, whose construction was led by Leblon, continued to build G.-I. Matnis and Miketi, and completed and decorated the interiors of the earth.

The garden was decorated and three picturesque panels of work Hood. George Gzel. The wooden panel (366.5 x 70 cm) consisted of four panels separated by pilasters. Polychromic images are taken from the book "Symbols and Emblemes ..." (Unicorn, Lion, Warrior ...).

For storage in winter, the tropical trees were built by a greenhouse. One of them was in the boss with a cascade, the other stone greenhouse was in the Red Garden at the border of the 1st and 2nd summer gardens. In 1728, near her, another stone greenhouse was built on the arch. K. Schröder. Southern plants were grown here, among them - tropical milk, oranges, lemons, tulips and Lebanese cedar. In summer, these plants exhibited on the alleys of the garden. Later, 7 small wooden ones appeared in the 2nd garden - steam, winter, pineapple, African and others. Here was the hut, in which in 1730-1740. Worked the sculptor "Yagan Celigof". He restored spoiled statues and busts.

In 1723-1725 M. G. Zeztsov made a measurement drawing, which reflects the state of the summer garden in the last years of Peter I. I. By this time, a stone palace was erected at the crossing of the Swan Groan and Neva. Central boss got a new layout. In 1725, Zemtsov built near the second palace "hall for glorious solemnings" and made a new breakdown of the flower garden adjacent to the Palace. The territory of the garden was expanded at the expense of the plot at the Neva, but there were no passage along the Neva yet. Then it was rebuilt and decorated with a gilded sculpture of the grotto on the fountain. Summer Garden was often rebuilt and replenished with new buildings. Therefore, what is shown on the Zubov engraving, in many respects does not correspond to the plan of the land.

On the territory of the 2nd summer garden between the transverse channel and the carpipe pond, a labyrinth was created, in imitating the famous Versailles labyrinth (it was completed in the 1730s.). The labyrinth was a complex track system among bushes, with deepening niches (there were 32), where Bil Fountain, and each fountain was decorated with sculptural characters of Basen Ezopa, cast from lead (according to M. Netsov, as well as the labyrinth project). Each fountain has a sign explaining the content of the fable. At the entrance to the labyrinth stood a lead gilded statue of the humpback ezop. The tracks to the labyrinth were held on the walkways with fountains-jokes.

In the summer garden for the first time in Russian garden art, a large range of various fountain devices was built. In 1705-1706 Under the leadership of Master I. Matveyev, the beginning of a sophisticated water garden water system was found. In 1725, in the summer garden there were 25 fountains, and by 1736 - more than 50. The first fountains were supplied with water from the nameless Erik, since then the Erik began to be called p. Fontanka. On the banks of the jerika put the water towers. Initially, the waterway mechanism worked on horse racing, from 1719 he worked a steam machine. For a more reliable supply of fountains, the Ligovsky canal began to break through the water. The water was served from the League River to the pools arranged on the street, called the pool. From there on lead pipes, water went to the water towers, where it was raised by the wheel machine. This first water pipeline began to operate in 1725. The old waterway towers rebuilt in the middle of the XVIII century. F.-B. Rastrelli, he gave facilities a kind of raw pavilions and decorated them with a baroque decor.


According to the plan of Peter I, the summer garden should decorate allegorical sculptures. (See Summer Garden. Sculpture). All sculptures were chosen on four topics: the nature of the universe, the collisions from Metamorphosis of Ovid, the ideal model of the earthly world and its real incarnation. Special agents were sent to Italy's plan: P. Beklemishev, Y. Cologryvov and S. Raguzinsky. They were bought as antique sculptures and works of the end of the XVII - early XVIII century. Many sculptures were made under the order. By 1725, more than one hundred busts and statues were established in the summer garden, by 1736 there were more than two hundred. Already at this time, the summer garden possessed the largest collection of garden sculptures in Russia.

1721, when the main work on improvement was completed, the summer garden became a royal residence. The garden was intended not only for walking, but also as a place for entertainment, ceremonies, diplomatic meetings. The festivities were constantly organized in the garden in the open air, the famous Petrov Assembly, Foreign Ambassadors were held. On the beginning of the next holiday residents of the city were notified by cannon shots from the bastions of the Petropavlovsk fortress. Guests arrived in the summer garden on the Neva, landed from boats to a wooden pier. In summer, court festivities were held on the hedge and indoor galleries in the Neva. In the middle gallery, there was a table with treats, in the side galleries there were tables with snacks for officers and doubtful persons. Dancing was organized on the lady site, and there were tables with chess, checkers, tobacco and wine on the skipper. After lunch and dances in the airs, Guardsmen-Grenadiers appeared, they carried the large ears of bread vodka on the jersey. Each of the guests had to drink a charm. During the festivities in the garden played the orchestra. As a rule, the holiday ended with fireworks.

Summer Palace of Catherine

In the early 1720s. Peter decided to build a palace for Catherine symmetrically the first palace - on the banks of the Neva and the Swan Canal, on the spot where the soapy and honey joined it. Here within 4-5 years the ensemble was created, which included the Palace of Catherine, art gallery and a hall of glorious celebrations.

The second summer palace or new chambers was built in 1721-1726. Began construction of the Palace of Arch. Hollandets Stefan Wang-Zviten according to the drawing of Peter I, but did not cope with the work. For work, D. Trozini began to observe, and then M.G. Zemtsov who had to actively correct the project. Completed the construction of theses. The part of the building, which goes on the Neva, was a two-story, the rest of the single-storey premises. The building had a large terrace and a staircase descent to water. There were 4 rooms in the palace along the Neva and 15 along the Swan Canal. The interiors were close to the interiors of the Palace of Peter. The ceilings of some rooms decorated with picturesque plaffones, thin. B. Tarsia.

Picture gallery

The wooden gallery was built perpendicular to the elongated part of the second palace along the Swan Canal. She had 12 glazed windows-doors with semi-curvous framugs, on the sides of which were columns with the capitals of the Corinthian Order. The perimeter of a flat roof was decorated with balustrade from accurate balasine and Tumb. Designed the gallery and led the construction master of the walled buildings of Francois de Waal.

While in Amsterdam in 1716-1717, Peter acquired many artistic beans of Rubens, Rembrant, Wang Dequean, Stein, Bruegel and others. Many of these canvases are located in the art gallery in the summer garden.

The courtyard between the Palace of Catherine and the gallery was pulled out yellow brick. South of the picture gallery was broken by a partare flower garden with a fountain in the center.

Hall for nice solesters

In 1725, Arch. M. G. Zemtsov built next to the second palace hall for glorious solemnings - the palace for conducting particularly important festivals. At that time, the wedding of the eldest daughter Peter Anna was preparing with the duke of Holzttan. The hall was built in 4 months. The wedding took place in May 1725, after Peter's death

The hall of the halls erected next to the Palace of Catherine, on the raised bank of the Neva. Wooden construction on a stone foundation consisted of a double ceremonial hall and four small rooms. In one of them there was a staircase leading to the lantern. Pilasters of a large order with Corinthian capitals compositely combined two floors of the building. The building was marched with a balustrade with vases. A high two-time staircase led to the front entrance. The main entrance was richly decorated.

Inside the hall was struck by wealth and pomp. The walls were decorated with carved oak and decorative painting, trellis and gilding. The ceilings decorated with plot painting inside gilded frames. Picturesque plaffones for the hall performed Hood. L. Karavak and B. Tarsia. According to Peter Walls, they had to decorate paintings on the stories from the history of victories of the Russian Army: Kulikovsky Battle (A. Matseev), Poltava Batalia (I.Nikitin), Gangut battle (I. Modolsky).

In 1732, Anna John, in 1732, were dismantled and transferred to Carpieving Pond.

The second Summer Palace of Anna John

In 1732, at about the place of the hall for the glorious solemnings of the arch. F.-B. Rastrelli built the second summer palace - Anna John's residence. The main facade of this wooden building went to the Neva, where the steps of the porch, who served as the pier. The one-story palace of strict proportions was decorated with discreet decor. There were 28 premises in the palace. The palace was built in 2 months. After the death of the Empress, E. I. Biron was arrested in this palace. In 1747, by order, Elizabeth, the palace was dismantled and transported to Ekateringof.


Construction of a grotto - a garden pavilion with columns and a high dome on the shore of Fotanka - began in 1914. Compiled by the project ARH.-Sculpt. Andreas Slut, began construction of J.- B. Leblon, continued the works of G.-I. Matalnovy and N. Miketi, and from 1723 he completed and decorated the interiors MG. Grounds. Building was completed in 1725. This pavilion was divided into three premises, in each of which was a fountain, in the central hall - a fountain with a neptune and water body.

During Peter, the summer garden was available almost to all (decently dressed and without a beard).

After the death of Peter I, in a short years of the reign of Catherine I, the Supreme Secret Council often fastened in the summer palace - in fact, the highest power in the country, since the decree on the establishment of this body said: "There are no decrees to not go to the establishment until they are discussed in the Secret Council" . In the 1730-1740s. Summer Garden remained a parade royal residence. To enter the summer garden at this time, it was necessary to get a special permission. Citizens in decent clothes were allowed to walk in the 1st and 2nd gardens, in the 3rd garden access was prohibited. From the 1760s. In the 1st year old garden, free access was opened.

Already after Peter's death in 1725, in the garden continues to strictly follow the established order.

In 1725, on the banks of the Neva, the "hall for glorious triumples" was built (arch. M. G. Zemtsov). In 1725 in the left of the grotto "Green Cabinet", Catherine orders to arrange a fountain "Favorite" according to the sample of Peterhofsky. In 1736-1738 in the right "office" a fountain "Lakosta" was arranged, named after Peter's beloved jester. In the 1730s. Zemtsov completed a labyrinth.

In 1732, Arch. F.-B. Rastrelli on the swan canal creates amphittar with cascading, flower beds, turf benches, a variety of lead gilded sculptures, vases and urns. This place has shifted a lightweight Channel Channel Bridge. Summer garden connected with a fun field.

In 1740, Anna Ioannovna gives an order to cover the sculpture for the winter. In the garden I repair the old and build new oranges. In 1744, Elizaveta Petrovna orders the "big bird cage" to replace the new one. With all thoroughness, gardening work on the care of trees, trenches and flower beds was carried out. In the 1730-1740s. Russian gardeners worked in the garden. For many years, Ilya Surmin was led by the Garden Works of Ilya Surmin - a student Roozen. By the middle of the XVIII Summer Garden reached his highest flourishing as a regular garden.

With Anna Ionnovna in the summer garden, celebrations were still held, the truth is not so magnificent. More often the queen in the garden or on a large meadow he fond of hunting.

In 1740-1750. When Elzavvete Petrovna in the summer garden, Masquerades for the St. Petersburg nobility were replaced by bales with dances before dawn. In 1741 in the 3rd garden on the arch. F.-B. Rastrelli began construction of a summer palace. The Yelizabeth's courtyard moved there.

Summer Garden, losing the importance of the royal residence, gradually turned into a walking garden for nobility and changes his appearance. In 1743, a part of the labyrinth sculptures were removed, the fountain in bird cells was disassembled.

In 1763-1767 There was a large reconstruction of the Neva embankment near the northern border of the summer garden. Artificial embankment pushed the Neva from the garden border by 50 m. In the 1760s. equipped the palace embankment, on piles (arch. Yu.M. Felten).

1770-1784 - the structure of the lattice of the summer garden by the Neva (arch. Yu.M. Felten, P. E. Egorov).

In 1777, a strong flood happened. The fountain system was destroyed, the grotto and a significant number of sculptures and trees were injured. Instead of restoration work, the "Havanets" in the summer palace, the cross canal and the oval pond, were destroyed by the grotto, the galleries, gazebos, poultry houses disassembled.

In 1798-1799, on the shore of the Swan Channel, species terrass was arranged (Arch. G. P. Pilnikov).

Anna Ioannovna turned the summer garden to the animal pon. Travel of bears and hunting for boars were arranged here, which were worn among marble statues and fountains, roared trees, flower beds.

At the end of the XVIII century. A regular parking style has a landscape style.

(. P. 49-52 ,. pp. 48-63 ,,. P. 21-33. Added Mary)

(N. A. Naryshkin. Summer Garden - Soul of St. Petersburg. History of St. Petersburg. NO 3 (13) / 2003)

(B.G. Sinyukhaev, Garden Street, Lenazdat, 1974)

(E. Nikolin, Briefly about Leningrad, Lenzdat, 1988) (text Mary)

Studying the history of the appearance of gardens in St. Petersburg, the royal village, unwittingly immerse themselves in the unfamiliar majority of us the activities of Peter I as the organizer and the creator, the zealous owner of the first gardens.

He gently retained forest arrays at the initial construction of the city. The most valuable of the broadcasting breeds - oak - almost never found. And those trees that met, burned hard. In the first description of St. Petersburg 1710-1711. It is mentioned about the disposal of Peter to contain "in a special honor" two ancient oak, which grew on the seaside of the island of retouxari (Kotlin). They were taken by the fence, in the shade staged a gazebo overlooking the sea, in which the king loved to "sit with the ships". But in the description of the city, five years later, there are no mention of these oaks.

The special addiction of Peter I to the oak was explained by the fact that it was the main tree breed, from which the hulls of ships were built. One of the ships of the young fleet built in 1718 were even called the "old oak". They said that Peter the Great Saluing Justice himself in a Peterhof road, wanting the oaks everywhere everywhere. Noticing that someone from the noble nobles smiled at his works, turned around and said in anger: "I understand, you mnich, I do not live to the Mother Oaks. True, but you are a fool. I leave an example, so that, making the same, descendants Over time, ships were built on them. It's not worried about myself, the benefit of the state will continue! "

It was extremely rare in the forests of Peter I, another valuable broadcasting breed - beech. Perhaps the last copies were found in the 50s of the last century on Dudugof's altitudes.

Building the city, Peter I, as possible maintained maternal forests: A small spruce grove was left on the banks of the Neva in front of the current Trinity Bridge; Another spruce grove was maintained on the shore of the sink, opposite the particular shipyard; Yelnik was left on an island at the device of New Holland. The latter was declared by Peter Reserve, which marked the beginning of the history and the focus of urban nature. The laws were strict: for the rust of the protected forests, as well as trees suitable for the construction of ships, "the death penalty will be worked without mercy, whoever was" (Decrees of Peter I on November 19, 1703, of January 19, 1705) . Judging by the fact that the decrees were repeated, the rod continued, the punishment for them was, but before the death penalty, as historians say, it did not come.

But the forests, of course, were doomed to cut, because the city was built, and the main material was first a tree. In addition, the owners of the places on Fontanka were ordered to cut down thick forests to deprive the habitats of "dashing people", which "cleaned the attacks" on the townspeople.

Device of the first gardens

The gardens at the beginning of the 18th century were arranged in a Dutch style, which Peter I loved so. He grew up in such gardens of Moscow, who experienced the strong influence of the Dutch baroque. This love for beautiful gardens, trees, fragrant colors and herbs remained with him for life. The gardeners were supported by considerable knowledge in Botanic and Gardening. Peter I, in fact, was the first and main climbed of St. Petersburg. He solely solved what plants will grow here, and engaged in it enthusiastic, as well as many other urgent affairs. Where does such love and knowledge come from?

According to the historian I. E. Karelina, "None of the ancients of our kings, in his home, was not engaged with such a passion for agriculture, like King Alexey Mikhailovich" (Father Peter). "... in character's living experience, he indulged with special hotness" and, moreover, "loved to bring anything ... to the full degree and dispensation." It's amazing that in history he entered the name of the silent gardens in Izmailovo and Kolomenskoye, in which not only ordinary fruit trees and berries grew, but also rare, even exotic sizes grew, Fir. The grape garden was also laid, but the Astrakhan vine grew bad there.

(Interestingly, at the order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and with his participation, the first Russian ship "Eagle" was built on the Oka River. Historians find the similarity of the ship's profile on the admiralty spire with the first ship. So the passion for the construction of ships, apparently, is also not accidental In the life and writings of Peter I).

Peter, in all likelihood, inherited from his father and taste for gardening. He divorced the same gardens at the Palace in Preobrazhensky, where he lived at the beginning of his reign, before departure to St. Petersburg. Overseas Dicks were grown in Peter's gardens: cypress, wounded under the shelter, many colors from Western Europe. Here, tulips, daffodils, carnations, velvets, marigolds (calendula), yellow lilies and other rarins are blooming here. Honor used the Rosehip, who was then called the "sorebore color" (the real rose was not grown in Russia). Peter's fragrant herbs loved, discharged their seeds and ordered to plant along the tracks: Ruta, Pijm, Issop, "Mint German", Kaluofer (or Kanouofer, Balsamic Romatic - Perennial from the Caucasus, Malaya Asia, Spicy Grass, was added to a snuff tobacco in XVIII century). It was from the Moscow region and Moscow Peter ordered to send plants for planting in St. Petersburg. In the spring of 1704, the first flowers and herbs were sent to the arrangement of the summer garden

It is known that the summer garden was "divorced in 1711 according to the plan drawn by the Soviet Soviet" (S. N. Svubinsky). Peter I took care of the plantation of gardens not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Moscow, Taganrog, Riga, in Ukraine. He entered all the details of garden construction, gave orders, being abroad; I wrote down to gardening books, created projects of new gardens.

Judging by the papers of the king, he himself discharged the seedlings of trees from Holland through Revel, as well as from Moscow, Lviv, Siberian province, Ukraine. He especially loved the limes familiar to the north places, chestnuts. Trees were exported under the supervision of gardeners, with all the precautions to save them. In 1712, 1300 linden trees were ordered from Holland. In addition, Elm, Cedar, Grab, larch, Poplar from Holland imported to Russia. Oaks that were so prevented by Peter, imported from the surrounding Novgorod places.

Back in 1707, foreign garden masters were invited, capable of transplanting large, adult trees without damage, as was done at the French yard. One of these masters was Martin Gender - Gardener from Potsdam. Peter's letters were preserved - apraksin: "... you will buy young tree orange, lemon and others who are in the wonder.

To put in the boxes to transport the future in the spring. "To winter the thermo-loving fig trees (figs), the grapes were built" Warm Anbara "(greenhouses). The more extensive economic ties became with Europe, the more diverse the range of plants, which were planted in St. Petersburg and His surroundings.

A lot of documents confirming this has been preserved. T. K. Goryshin in the book "Green World of Old Petersburg" brings interesting information about it. So, in 1719 in Hamburg Gardener Schultsu was sent an order for "3000 pcs. Sirings of Spain (Lilac), 100 pcs. Roses, 20 pcs. Terry clematis, cherries of low trees" (i.e. bush), a lot of apricot, peach, chestnut trees. Gardener Shteheffel was ordered to send an extensive set of seeds and bulbs of flower plants, spicy and fragrant herbs, and still "2000 ARSHIN BUT". So called the Samshet - evergreen shrub, which in the XVIII century was grown in a short form to create solid linear borders, while measured on the arches (1 Arshin \u003d 711.2 mm). Orders similar to this were sent to Amsterdam, Gdansk, Sweden. Even in the direction of Peter (from January 3, 1717, Konona Zotov) regarding sending noble children to France for training maritime service, at the end there is an unexpected instruction: "We also have laurel trees that put in pots, so that from the ground to crowns are not higher Stems, like 2 feet "(1 foot \u003d 304.8 mm).

For thermal-loving southern plants, it was necessary to build a greenhouse. Trees brought from Moscow, Novgorod county, from the localities of the north of St. Petersburg. From Sweden, the plants were brought to ships specially sent there. For parks of St. Petersburg, hundreds and even thousands of large breed trees were brought: lip, maples, elm. It is known that in the spring of 1723 in the summer garden, about eight thousand linden saplings, ash, elm and maples were imported. Of these breeds, European gardens and parks were mainly created. Thanks to the initiatives of Peter I, these breeds from exotic plantings have now become predominant in the green outfit of the city, its gardens and parks.

Demanding, the speed and onslaught of Peter affected and in the receptions of the gardening of the city. He had no time to wait for small seedlings to grow up, it was necessary to plant large, adult trees. In the letter Major Ushakov dated February 8, 1716, Peter Male in winter to prepare Linden near Moscow, to choke the tops and in the spring to carry in St. Petersburg. Such carriage in horseback riding has occupied at least three weeks. Soon they made sure that this is not the best way to transplant. They started the summer transfers with a lore land, which turned out to be much more efficient. Even the winter digging was practiced using a special car, pulling trees to spring. In this way, it was possible to transplant even very capricious rocks. But the main thing, of course, was a thorough care of highly professional gardeners for each plant.

It is curious to note that the requirements of imported plants for heat are not too embarrassed by the Customer, "Yuzhan" simply placed in the Orange. Carefully treated soil conditions in which plants grew in their homeland. For example, by ordering in Holland, the horse chestnut, Peter I ordered the trees growing on different soils, while collecting and sending soil samples to "kulets" to pick up the most suitable for landing ground.

In the postpetrovskaya time, the composition of the foreign flora depended in many respects from those who worked as foreigners, which brought their tastes and addiction to the appearance of urban gardens and parks, in addition to tremendous professional experience and knowledge. Naturally, the German gardeners discharged a lot of plants from Germany, the Dutch - from Holland. In the device of the Tauride Garden in the late XVIII century, the English gardener V. Guld led, and most of the trees, flower plants were brought from England. There were even gardenesses: in the middle of the XVIII century, working in the Tsarsko Selo Park, the gardener Jacob Rehlin insisted on anterior to the most part of the main wood breed - limes already growing in it as "not very decent." It was replaced by a furious teaching and a laurel in the tub. (It should be noted that in the past few years the front part of the regular park and the area in front of Ekaterininsky Palace Again were decorated with permanent laurel trees with spherical and pyramidal crown shapes).

History of Dutch gardens in Russia

Trying to rebuild the Russian life, Peter began with the creation of gardens, sending his people abroad to learn to Dutch garden art abroad. Peter's favorite gardener was the Nerlandian Jan Rosen, who created the Tsarskoye Sad. A sculpture was added to the classic Dutch garden at the request of the sovereign, which decorated alleys and labyrinths of the garden. The ideological intent of this innovation was to introduce the elements of European, secular relations to peace and nature into the worldview of visitors. The consciousness of Russians introduced a new one for them, pan-European emblems. In this regard, in 1705, a book "Symbols and emblems" was published in Amsterdam for the orders of Peter, which later was repeatedly reprinted.

The book featured samples of a symbolic system of gardens, their jewelry, triumphant arches, fireworks, sculptural decorations of buildings and gardens. In fact, it was a new, light "letter" of the sign system in return for the same, church.

In an effort to establish closer cultural connections as soon as possible, Peter I sought to make it clear and familiar to Russian educated people. antichny mythology. Garden-park art was the most affordable and at the same time strongly acting. Summer garden, as the first city garden, became a kind of "academy", where Russian people passed the beginning of European cultural education. The labyrinths from the cutting live plants were arranged there according to the samples of Versailles, as well as plots from the life of people on the themes of "Ezopov Proverbs". Peter so appreciated the "Proverbs of Ezopov" as an important element of the new European education, that they were translated by Ilya Kopievsky and published in Amsterdam in Russian and Latin, among the first books. The same plots were used in the construction of parks in Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo.

Historians celebrate the special love of Peter to rare colors (their seeds and seedlings were discharged from abroad), to "porcelain headsets for the decoration of flower beds", and more addiction to garden crackers. A variety of fountains, crackers still attract the attention of numerous guests of beautiful Peterhof Parks.

Dutch garden was filled with fruit trees and shrubs located in regular style, and necessarily a variety of colors. The house of the owner could be on the side of the main axis of the garden, on both sides of which were the terraces and green "cabinets". (Summer Garden is an example.) In Dutch gardening, it was taken densely to plant the house (or the palace) by trees. So in the old garden of the Tsarsky village, the trees were before tightly adjacent to the Garden Facade of the Ekaterininsky Palace.

These vintage lindens mostly survived the Great Patriotic War. In the 60s, the reconstruction of the Old Garden began to revive his regular "Versailles" appearance, in the imitation of which he was created. Each reconstruction of historical objects, whether architectural monuments or parks, which are alive, varying with the time of objects, causes specialists and the Society of Discussions on what period of the existence of this object should restore its historical appearance. In the case of the Dutch garden in Ekaterininsky Park The tsarist village the choice was made in favor of the period of the greatest spreeside Park and Palace in the middle of the XVIII century, during the rule of Elizabeth Petrovna. Most of the old trees that were no longer able to cut according to the rules of the regular garden, was cut down, to the great chagrin of many admirers of Tsarskoyel gardens.

In the future, the concept of "Dutch Garden" began to mean a small garden near the house with a large number of colors. It has become in English, called "Dutch Garden". Dutch gardens attributed to romantic gardens. These were the gardens of the Russian estates of the XIX century, being an integral and organic part when moving from the architecture of the house, mansion to the landscape part of the manor park. D. S. Likhachev in his book "Poetry Gardens" is very detailed and fascinatingly describes the history and diverse styles of gardens of different times and countries, including the romantic gardens of the Tsarist village.

History of new plants for St. Petersburg

At the beginning of the XXI century, we are accustomed to the abundance of decorative plants growing in private gardens, in parks, and just on the streets of cities. But it was not always so, and the actual decorative gardens are still very rare.

Most often, our private gardens resemble the composition of cultures. Those old Dutch gardens from which they began to decorate the capital and her suburbs. And they certainly settled fruit trees, berries, garden vegetables and many colors. How did the accumulation and enrichment of the types of decorative and food crops, the ways of care for them? And again you have to return to Petrovsky times.

Thousands of people were busy on the construction of St. Petersburg. The working conditions in the local climate were monstrously heavy. In order to somehow maintain the health of working and armies, according to Peter decree in 1714, a pharmacaric garden was founded on one of the islands in the Delta of the Neva River. There began to grow a variety of medicinal plants. But the idea of \u200b\u200bPeter from the very beginning was much wider than this practical task.

Gardeners were charged with the duty to breed rare "overseas" plants. Subsequently, the pharmaceutical garden is overgrown into the medical and botanical garden. At its base in 1823, the Imperial Botanical Garden was established, which by the beginning of the 20th century becomes one of the largest botanical gardens of the world, the center of botanical science. His collections of live plants, herbarium, the collection of botanical literature becomes famous far beyond Russia.

A collection of herbal plants began, but by 1736 there were both wooded rocks in it were about 45 names. Forces of nerd scientists, the collection was continuously replenished after each expedition. In different years, the number of only wood species, acclimatized in our conditions, reached 1000 items, not to mention herbaceous garden and orangene plants. Next, the Botanical Garden has become a source of introduction to the culture of St. Petersburg and its environs of new, adapted to local conditions of many hundreds of ornamental plants.

Special scientific institutions collected collections of crops, developing new technologies for their cultivation, creating new varieties and hybrids. This institution was the institute of crop production, its experienced stations located throughout the country. Since 1938, a control and seed experimental station in Pushkin was engaged in the study and introduction of decorative cultures in the production and gardening of the city. In the best years of its work in the collection and production, more than 1,300 species and varieties of decorative plants were numbered, including floral cultures of open and protected soil, beautiful shrubs and a large arboretum. The history of many familiar now decorative plants began in past centuries.

It is interesting that such an ordinary now in landscaping the Karagan tree (yellow acacia, as it is called in the surroundings), was "introduced" in the landing of the scholarship by Gardening Ekleben, who in 1758-1778 held the position of chief master of the imperial gardens. He was a hot supporter of the breeding of the "Siberian Pea Tree", as they called this breed, and not only as a decorative, but also a food plant, using its fruits into food as peas and lentils. True, the food advantages of Karagani then did not recognize. I get acquainted with the history of the decorative gardening of St. Petersburg, we will learn about the plants trendy at different times, how to cultivate them and preserve them in the northern places. In the first half of the XVIII century, Roses and Samshat were considered the most fashionable. And the usual shelter of them for the winter with spruce paws, felt, hinders invented the Dutch gardener B. Fock.

Many decorative plants in those days were divorced as spices: left, anemone, golden rose (solidago), Gulch (Genziana) and other species.

In St. Petersburg there were attempts to acclimatize foreign plants for practical use, and not only in decorative purposes. These experiments were engaged in a free economic society established in 1765. In 1801, Alexander I was awarded Western half of the Petrovsky Island. The feed herbs (Esparce, Lucerne, Timofeevka), buckwheat, oilseeds, beautiful and fragrant herbs, and siny and cotton, were sown from the forest from the forest, and the cotton and cotton in the hope that "everything can be born in St. Petersburg."

One of the historians of St. Petersburg was subsequently extremely critical to new undertakings, but rightly noted the undoubted value of these experiments. It enriched the future cultural flora of our places, and also became one of the sources of urban weed plants. In the course of these experiments, it was possible for the first time to grow from larch seeds, which were so decorated the city and his parks. But in general, the audacious experience did not bring the expected result, and in 1836 the land at the free economic society was taken away, and in the Petrovsky Island it was allowed to build cottages.

In general, the number of types of foreign plants in St. Petersburg was rather significant, although not all the attempts of acclimatization were successful. This, together with an ensemble architecture, also made the capital of the rest of the country. Many species got into the orangeneie, and others got from botany the name of "fugitives from culture", because they really leaning through the garden fences and scattered through the streets, wasteland, lawns and other habitats. Already at the end of the XIX century (and now, too, in the city there were victorious garden flowers: American Astra Early, Middle Eastern Daisy, Subtropical Cosmeya, Asian Aquille, now - the omnipresent North American Topinambur. One of the wild medicinal daisies - Pahuchuya - from the pharmaceutical island has spread not only in St. Petersburg, but also went on, deep into Russia and the Far East.

Elena Kuzmina

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Viktor Abramovich Korent Quits
Summer garden of Peter the Great. Story about the past and present

Design of artist Ya.A. Galeva

Series "Everything about St. Petersburg" has been produced since 2003

Project Manager Eduard Sirotkin


Memory of architects A.E. Hesse and N.E. Tumanova, authors of the Restoration of the Summer Garden of the 1970s.

Somehow I caught my eyes a fantastic story. The author (surname, unfortunately, did not remember) looked into a bright future, in which writers in their native country became more than readers. The writers knew their reader in the face, loved him for the fact that he himself did not write books, but only he reads, asked and demanded his attention. The libraries arranged meetings with a wonderful reader, and writers with their books lined up to him for autograph. This funny scene has repeatedly came to me when I thought to take a book about the summer garden, which is already written on my counting 12 books and the uncountable number of articles. This, of course, a record, for our city, and, perhaps, for the whole country. And ahead is the shaft of new publications related to the restoration of the historical ensemble. How to bore the reader without risk to avoid infinite retellings for long-known facts? And what if on the contrary: do not avoid, but focus on errors, what do they go from one edition to another? Some of the category of curiosities: you can only smile after reading that the summer palace is delivered where the fountain falls into the Neva, and in the garden there was a bird cell in size 20 x 20 sages, despite the fact that the whole garden width is a little more than 110 sages! Others are not so harmless. What is worth the assertion that the restorers committed a crime, turning the summer garden in the similarity of a regular "long-term landscaped".

When is the royal residence? What is known about the wooden royal sorry preceding the summer palace? Who is the author of the Summer Palace project, and how did the building look originally? Who owns the Garden Planning? What kind of fountains were in the garden, who did them? What was the cause of the death of Petrovsk water canoe? What was the imperial residence in the times of Peter I and its closest successors? Who is the author of the Neva Fence? What are they, imaginary and real, restoration problems? These and other issues hope to clarify on the basis of archival documents and these archaeological excavations.

October 1974. "Sad time" - not best time For excavations, all the more in the summer garden open to visitors, but Architect Alexander Ernestovich Hesse did not manage to get permission to excavation before autumn. A.E. Hesse brought a group of volunteers that worked with him in the palace A.D. Menshikova on Vasilyevsky Island. There were enthusiasts in those years, ready to participate in gratuitous personal labor to participate in the restoration of monuments. They were taken away among them, but did not translate, and now they are more often called volunteers. In those conditions without their help, it was easy not to do. Around the restorers were formed mugs of voluntary assistants, people of different ages and specialties: schoolchildren and retirees, workers and scientists.

Once, we discovered with a laugh that the little fountain in the oak grove rolls with me in the evening after work two candidates and doctor of technical sciences. In the summer garden, there is no pursuant. But there was no lack of assistants: to group A.E. Hesse joined students of the University of Leningrad and the Academy of Arts, schoolchildren from the Palace of Pioneers. I returned from vacation that spent on excavations ancient City Olvia on the shore of the Bug Limana, and as a scientific officer of the State Inspectorate on the Protection of Monuments, an archaeologist for education received an order from his leadership to head excavations.

Archaeologist V.A. Cornertsvit and schoolchildren from the local lore mug of Leningradets at the Palace of Pioneers on Excavations in the Summer Garden. 1975

Already the first archaeological season of 1974 showed that it is impossible to count on the help of some volunteers. At the initiative of the Head of the State Inspectorate on the Protection of Monuments I.P. South In the South Research and Production Association "Restorer" in 1975, the sector of architectural and archaeological studies was established, in which I, graduate of the University of Leningrad, became its only employee. I postponed my dissertation "The influence of the Greek religion on the religious ideas of the Scythians" and for 30 years, has associated its work so that over time, the name "Archeology of St. Petersburg" was called. But at retirement, I still published an article about human sacrifices in the ancient city-fortress Ilurat, which is 17 km from the ancient capital of the Bosporian kingdom of Panticapey (Kerch) 1.

SNPO "Restorer" - for its time a unique enterprise, in which architects, designers, scientists worked together with specialists of all restoration professions. There was an opportunity to organize systematic archaeological studies in both the city and in the suburban palace and park ensembles: Peterhof, Oranienbaume, Strelna, Tsarskoye Selo and Pavlovsk. With gratitude, I remember the permanent participants of our excavations, pupils of the wonderful teacher of Vladimir Ilyich Axelrod. The head of the club "Leningradets" Palace of Pioneers for the first time led their disciples on excavations in the summer garden in the distant 1974. Former pioneers and pioneers were already retired, they raised children, someone's grandchildren. IN AND. Axelrod is still young, full of strength and enthusiasm.

Summer garden. Archaeological excavations 1974-1975 General Plan Schurf

For the first time, the question of the need for the scientific restoration of the summer garden was raised due to the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophic flooding of 1924. But the scale of restoration work throughout the city was so great that I had to limit ourselves to the planting of new trees in return. In early 1941. TB Dubiago defended his dissertation on the topic "Restoration of the Summer Garden." The project was assumed to recreate four fountains on the main alley and a large parquer at the Swan Groove, the device with a stelter on the sides of the alley and the resumption of the shape of the trees. The dissertation materials formed the basis of the monographs published in 1951. B. Dubiago "Summer Garden", but before the project is fully implemented, it did not come true, only a flower garden of an arbitrary drawing appeared on a large parter. In the 1960s Architect A.E. Hesse was restored by the Summer Palace, and in the early 1970s. together with N.E. Tumanova began to develop a summer garden restoration project. With the names of architects N.E. Tumanova and A.E. Hesse is connected wonderful pages Leningrad School of Restoration. The main business of the life of N.E. Tumanova (1931-1995), student professors TB Dubiago, has become long-term restoration work famous parks Tsarist village - Catherine and Alexandrovsky. With the work of the oldest Leningrad architect-restorer A.E. Hesse (1917-2001) All residents and guests of our city are familiar. According to his projects, the house and summer palace of Peter I in St. Petersburg, the Palaces of Monplazir and Marlley in Peterhof, the facades of the Kazan Cathedral, the Marble Palace and other facilities are restored. From the institute bench A.E. Hesse left the volunteer to the war. He fought near Leningrad and in the Caucasus. It was hardly wounded. Until the end of the life, Alexander Ernestovich courageously endured the fallen part of the suffering, as the surgeons could not remove the numerous small fragments of the broken mines from the bodies.

Already the first results of the excavations started at the initiative of A.E. Hesse, became a sensation: it turned out, at a depth of about 1 m, the remains of Petrovsky fountains were preserved. It became obvious that the garden restoration project needs to be adjusted, because problems arose how to save the ruins and show some of them. Due to a number of reasons before restoration, the case never came. However, the materials of our research were useful, they formed the basis of the new project of the Summer Garden Restoration of the Summer Garden, developed by the Creative Collective of the LenProektrastvation Institute and the REST-ART project. Chief Architect Project N.P. Ivanov.

Restorers must live long to see the results of their work. Architects N.E. Tumanova and A.E. Hesse left of life before the idea of \u200b\u200bthe restoration of the summer garden was implemented. Memory A.E. Hesse and N.E. Tumanova dedicate this book.

I bring deep gratitude for the help of the book to the author of the project of the Restoration of the Summer Garden Architector Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov; Head of the Western European Art of State Hermitage, Sergey Olegovich Androsov; Chief Guardian of the Russian Museum of the Russian Museum Olga Albestovna Changansevaya; Boris Sergeevich Makarov researcher.

I thank the Director General of Pallada LLC Konstantin Viktorovich Lihoteth, whose sincere interest is that this book will see the light, contributed to its appearance.


1 Cornertsvit V.A. Sanctuary in Ilurate. Bosporian phenomenon: sacral meaning of the region, monuments, finds: materials of international scientific. conf. St. Petersburg., 2007. Part 1. P. 159-167.

Summer garden Peter.

Chapter one
Svetnestdovsky bikes

When archaeologists came to the garden, they had a chance to hear familiar stories about the treasures, underground strokes and dungeons, where the skeletons of the tortured prisoners lie on the floor next to clay bowls, and iron rings stick out of the walls, which were chained by unfortunate, in words, all What usually talked about places are really curious for archaeologists.

Nevertheless, there are rational grains in the legends about the mysteries of the summer garden. And during the war, when lawns crossed the trenches and cracks, and in peacetime, when laying all sorts of communications, they have stumbled upon mysterious masonry. Brick collectors for which water from fountains was supplied - than not underground moves! They can be made on all fours or crawling, and in other places go to full growth. For prison dungeons it was possible to take the basement of a large stone orangene.

Even the striking stories about skeletons and iron rings are based on real facts. Bones, however, not people, but animals, are found quite often. And the prophetic cast-iron rings sticking out of the stone masonry remembered eyewitnesses of the Gavana excavation at the Summer Palace in 1964

Curious passers-by could observe how working trenches were removed from the ground fragments of painted majolica vases, Dutch tiles, products from Chinese porcelain, oven sinks, coins, smoking tubes, fragments of statues and architectural parts. All this gave rise to rumors about hidden treasures, including the museum exhibits, surpassed during the war years and not spoken so far.

"The summer palace stands where the fountain falls into the Neva"

It turns out that this misconception is a long history. The author of the very first description of St. Petersburg 1710 (Herkens) allowed inaccuracy, saying that Tsarist Majesty has a residence at the river itself, which flows into the Neva 1. An apology of an alien error, who probably wrote a memory book (although, in essence, he is right: the Fontanka flows out of the Neva and flows into it), but where he watched the editor, reading at I.E. Grabar, that the Summer Palace "was built on the cauldron, formed when the fountain of the Fontanka in the Neva" (however, the editor of the publication was I.E. Grabar himself) 2.

The popular city legend, as if the washing was born in a kind of swamp and "did not have his own way," still lives. Her Creator was the "first historian of St. Petersburg" A.I. Bogdanov: "The river washing, which came out of the above-skilled river Fontanka, who had previously been deaf, but in 1711, when there were Channels at the summer house, they joined the river with the Fontanka 3. Modern authors do not doubt the existence of "impassable swamps (Of course, impassable, what else!) In the area of \u200b\u200bthe future of Marsov Fields "4. It is easy to see by looking at the Swedish XVII cards. And the early plans of St. Petersburg, that the washing is a branch of the fountain. On the site of Marsov Fields was the publishing of a spruce forest, increased in size for the sake of creating a margin for carrying out fireworks and military parades (large meadows). Peter I retained the remnants of Elnika along the banks of the Neva, forbidding the trees in the protected spruce grove.

In brackets, we note the brand of the famous historian P.N. Petrov, who called spruce forest pine tree. It would not be worth mentioning this error if it had not repeated the author of the brochure about the Mars field 5. Yelnik kept, when the postal courtyard was built on the banks of the Neva in 1714, and in 1719 - the gallery in the fir grove. Grove still existed in the middle of the XVIII century, judging by the report on the death in it during flooding in 1744 of several trees.

"Old people remember, - wrote I.G. Georgi, - that in the places where the stable courtyard and the Kazan Church, there was an alder marsh forest and the roads paved by a twig "6.

In 1999, when working on the improvement of the Square, the Kazan Cathedral was found to us found the foundation of the church of the Nativity of the Virgin (the first Kazan Cathedral). At a depth of 1.8 m in the layer of swampy soil, lapties are well preserved, leather shoes and other items of the first inhabitants of the translated settlement. And the finds of the shell of forest nuts point to the thickets of nuts in the "impassable" swamp.

How Petersburg legends are born, the story of the mythical river of the fluster is evidenced. "In 1711 - writes P.Ya. Cann, - on the site of the River Lebeddeski breakthrough the Swan Canal »7. On P.Ya. Cannes refers by the author of the capital monograph "Prehistory of St. Petersburg" A.M. Sharymov: Swanazhi The groove is named so "by the name of the ancient River Ledchitch, which aroused before the sink area in Neva" 8. Forgive the author of the outstanding labor, the involuntary reservation: in such a place, below the font plan, the river could not fall into the Neva. What miraculously managed to reverse her movement, turning into the channel?!

However, G.I. Zuev does not doubt anything at all in the possibility of a similar miracle and even clarifies that a small swan river was born all in the same way where the washing, a huge swamp. "Extensive rusties then closely approached the marshy array, at which, according to the command of the king, experts discharged from abroad created the first summer garden - the summer residence of Emperor Peter Alekseevich" 9. And Petr's poor Queen settled himself right in the middle of the impassable swamps!

If there was such a river, then she could only flow out of the Neva. Where did she fall down? The notorious swamp would immediately turn into a huge lake, more precisely, in the lagoon of the Gulf of Finland. It can be said so: there would be a swan river - there would be no Petersburg. But it cost. Where did the mythical swan come from? According to the testimony of P.N. Petrova, in his time (1880s.) So called the Swan jacket. "In addition to the grotto," wrote the historian of St. Petersburg, "the canal from the Neva was started, at the summer garden, now called Lebedyanka River" 10.

For his residence, the king chose a unique in its natural conditions, quite a high place. This is possible only in the delta of the multi-water river: from the Neva almost at a right angle flows out a fountain. And from her, again, washing in almost the right angle. It remained only to connect the Neva and car wash to the island, in which Peter decided to establish his estate.

When is the summer garden laid?

The date of the base of the summer garden is considered to be 1704. Its official is supported by the celebration of the three hundred regular anniversary of the oldest regular garden in 2004. Let us open the Encyclopedia "St. Petersburg", published just a year when the significant anniversary was noted. It turns out that "to break the summer garden began during the construction of the Stone Summer Palace of Peter I (1712), and completed in 1725. eleven . In the "manual on the history of the city", intended for students, it is reported that the garden "divorced by the decree of Tsar Peter I in 1711" 12. Here and F.A. Polunino wrote that the royal garden was arranged in 1711, at one time with the construction of a summer palace 13. However, there were a lot of evidence that the garden by that time was already divorced. It is enough to remember the frequently quoted diary of the Danish Messenger of the Usta Julia, in which on May 27, 1710 it is written: "... looking for calm and silence, he retired to the house built in his Novyezbit Garden, where there are 30 large marble statues of artistic work, including The main king busts of the Polish sobular and his wife "14.

Mutability of the house and the summer palace of Peter I on the banks of the Neva

The "official" date is based on the fact that on March 25 in 1704. Peter I sent a letter from St. Petersburg to Timothy Streshnev with a request to send from the village of Izmailov seeds and seedlings of flowers: "How do you get my letter, pleased, not missing time, all sorts of Flowers from Izmailov did not pick up, and more those who smell themselves, send from the gardener to St. Petersburg "15. In response, on June 29, Streshnev writes that "the sovereign is sent by your sovereign in St. Petersburg colors with a gardener. And Chevo is sent, and that he will continue to be sent, and for which it is not sent, and he wrote to Alexander Danilovich genuine "16. "June came, at least this, even plush," says folk wisdom. Streshnev's letter reached the king in July, when his thoughts were busy not with floral seedlings, but the assault of Derpta. Yes, and not from planting colors began the history of the summer residence of Peter I. Archaeological excavations showed that the garde breakdown was preceded by the grounding of the soil and the correction of the coastline of the Neva. If in the spring of 1704, there was a question of planting flowers, then, it means that the preparatory work on the garden planning began in 1703. So A.D. Menshikov (he could not know!) Showed that the summer house "built in 703" 17. The testimony of such an authoritative face is indisputable, but is asked when the residence is exactly found? Preparing for the capture of the Swedish fortress Nienshanz, "On the 28th day (April 28, 1703 in the evening) in the evening, the sovereign, Yako Captain Bombardirskiy, with 7 Rotami Guard, including 4 Transfiguration, and with 3 Semenovskiy, drove water 60 boats past the city for inspecting the mouth of the mouth and to occupy ongo from the arrival of the enemy from the sea "18. Nienshanz capitulated on May 1, and the next day Peter looked again over the union until the seaside, reflecting where to lay the fortress, ship shipyard, where to settle himself. The king needed the gibbies on the two banks of the river. The Swedish manor attracted attention primarily by its unique location on the cauldron formed by the Neva and her sleeve. On the other bank of the Neva 13 (24) -15 (26) May, the King's wooden house has been preserved - "Red choirs". However, the sovereign is not immediately settled. "To the whole May and June 1703, - writes Sharymov - Peter I, at all this time, signed letters and decrees," from the camp, at Shultbry ", as the arrangement of the regiments on both oots, with Nien-Shant" 19 . It is not known when the royal choirs in the former manor of Konau were erected exactly in 1703, but, of course, it was no coincidence that both royal houses on the shores of the Neva were opposite each other.

According to legend, A.D. Menshikov offered the king to transfer a Swedish house from among the surviving in Nienna. Undoubtedly, it was in the order of things. However, Peter did not follow his advice. The laying of his house, he attached a symbolic meaning, and therefore the pine was kept on it. The toe, which was attracted by Peter in the source of the fountain was formed by nature itself, and, therefore, the choice of a place for a house on the city island was predetermined. If the king deliberately put two of his houses face to each other, then it is possible to make a logical conclusion: the choir on the Vyborg side appeared after Peter chose a place for his residence on the opposite bank of the Neva.

Menshikov put his choirs on the banks of the Neva: one on Vasilyevsky Island, the second is exactly the opposite, on the Admiralty side.

Manor Konoma

In Novgorod wrist and bunk books of the end of the XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries at the scene of the summer garden, the Russian village of Usadishche is mentioned. It was probably a noticeable settlement, since the name passed on the estate of the Swedish submarine, the German merchant of Bernhard Steenhusen. In 1638, the Swedish Queen of Christine presented him with extensive lands in the lower reaches of the Neva, on her left bank. Swedish researchers found that after the death of Bernhard in 1648 or in 1649, the manor went to his daughter Mary-Elizabeth, who married a leaving from Germany Johym von Coneau. In 1662, the estate inherited their son Erich-Bernt von Coneau. At 20, he left the service at the Swedish Fleet and settled in his estate, where, as researchers assure, broke the garden "in the Dutch taste" 20. At the Swedish map of the Nevsky Beasts of Karl Eldberg (1701), the Manor "Konos Hoff" is shown at the place of the future summer garden. The local name "Konova Mazz" sounds quite in Russian; It was no coincidence that there was a legend, as if some Swedish Major Conoau was in fact Russian Nobleman Konov, who passed to the Swedish king, which was allowed under the conditions of prisoner in 1613 in the village of Stolbovo civil contract of Russia with Sweden. With the approach of the Russian troops to Nienscanshana Erich-Berndt von Coneau fled to Sweden and donkey in Stockholm. His grandchildren, having received the Swedish nobility, are presented in the knightly house under the surname "Konov". The surnames with the end of the "s" are not uncommon from the Germans: crayfish, bruhm, whites, cod ... By the way, Peter I was familiar with a certain Hamburg merchant Peter Kononov, who in 1724, in 1724, was ordered "Piedmont Martial Waters "21. The fate of the manor house is not known to Konau. It is possible that Petr I, left by the hosts, ordered to transfer the Neva to the most, to the place where the summer palace was subsequently installed.

Which was laid in the first years of the founding of the city of a large group of architects and garden masters. Peter I dreamed of creating a Versaillass-style garden. At first he rested in his house and followed the progress of work, and then he lived here with his family in the summer.

The mode of operation of the Summer Palace of Peter I in 2020

  • The museum is open only in the summer (from May 1 to September 30). In the summer, in view of a large number of people who want to be able to acquire only in the first hour of the cashier. Casses work from 10:00 daily, except Thursday and Tuesday. On Thursdays from 13:00. Tickets are sold daily only for the current day.
  • A visit is only possible in the group. Tickets are sold at the Palace Cass.
  • On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Sessions at 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 19:00.
  • On Thursdays Sessions at 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays sessions at 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00.
  • The time of sessions for individual visitors is indicated.

The cost of tickets for the Summer Palace of Peter I in 2020

  • Complete ticket - 500 rubles
  • For students and pensioners - 250 rubles
  • For children (up to 16 years) - free

How to get

On the second floor of the building, except cook, dressing room and a room for Freinin, are throne, bedroom and children's, as well as a dance room. Especially attractive green cabinet, decorated with picturesque inserts, smearing and gilding.