Foreign passports and documents

What words can you end your city tour with? Business plan for conducting walking tours. Determination of the excursion technique

State cultural institution

4.organization of inspection

5.presence of a route

TO peculiarities Museum excursions should be attributed to the great mobility and frequent change of themes and routes due to the constant development of the exposition (introduction of new themes, exhibits, partial re-expositions, etc.). The museum excursion is limited to the space of the exhibition space. The guide cannot use pauses during the excursion; his opportunities for relaxation, preparation of the group for the perception of new material are limited. Often, the exhibits presented to the tourists in variety and variety scatter the group's attention, and the guide has to put a lot of skill and effort into organizing and directing the audience's attention to the desired exhibit.

All of the above should be taken into account when preparing and conducting a tour of the museum.

Depending on the breadth of the topic, the depth of its disclosure, excursions are divided into overview and thematic. Also, in some cases, there are cyclic excursions.

The most common type of excursion is sightseeing tour.

Its purpose is to give the visitor a general idea of ​​the museum, its collections, and the exposition as a whole.

Thematic excursion Is a guided tour of one specific topic. She sets the task of full and deep disclosure of the topic using the maximum of the material related to it, presented in the exhibition.

Thematic tours are not available in all non-state museums. Their presence depends on the profile of the museum, the nature of its main themes, exhibition area, the number of sections and topics, and most importantly, on the variety and richness of museum material.

Cycle excursions for non-state museums, the phenomenon is rare, since they require the unification of excursions by a single topic, work with the same group of visitors in a certain sequence for a certain time.

II. Preparation of a museum excursion

1. Start work on new excursion is an determination of the topic, purpose, range of issues that need to be covered.

All these components of the initial stage of work depend, first of all, on the profile of the museum, the collections that are on display, as well as the demand of visitors.

IV. Excursion methodology

The main methods and techniques for conducting an excursion are outlined in the process of developing its content. However, they receive concrete forms and a complete character only after special training at the exposition, in conditions as close as possible to the excursion. The guide must, in practice, choose the most successful methodological techniques for the given exposition.

Distinguish the following general techniques excursion:


In practice, they all act in interconnection, ultimately forming a single excursion method. Its main requirement is an organic connection between the show and the story, but, as a rule, during the guided tour, the show precedes the story. An exhibit display is not a simple demonstration of an item. Each material presented in the exhibition carries certain information and plays a certain role. The task of the guide is to convey this to the sightseers.

When conducting a specific excursion, display and story methods are implemented through a number of techniques, such as:

1.verbal or mental reconstruction (recreation of an event based on the materials presented in the exhibition)


3.citation of the exhibited documents (read-out excerpts should be skillfully combined with the display of the exhibit itself, help to reveal the topic)

Conversation is an integral part of any excursion. First of all, these are the introductory and final parts of the excursion, which were discussed above. Separate elements of the conversation are introduced into the main part of the excursion, having thought over the questions for the tourists in advance.

In addition to the demonstration, story and conversation, which constitute the basis of the excursion methodology, additional techniques are often used in the museum excursion: listening to sound recordings of the memories of the participants in the events, which are discussed in the excursion, watching videos, filmstrips, etc. methods should be followed only in those cases if this material is bright, emotional, saturated with information. The duration of such "inserts" should not exceed 4-5 minutes. Otherwise, the attention of tourists will be scattered, interest in continuing the excursion will decrease.

For a more complete disclosure of the topic with a small number of exhibits, you can resort to using additional, auxiliary material that is not included in the exhibition: photographs, reproductions, copies, diagrams, maps, drawings, etc. (the so-called "guide's portfolio").

V. Some rules of the excursion

The success of the excursion depends on many components. The guide is required to:

Knowledge of the material

Correct speech

Impeccable look

Ability to establish contact with the group, etc.

During the excursion, the guide should arrange the group in such a way that the excursionists, without exception, could see the exposition material with which on this moment work is in progress. The guide's place is between the group (1.5 m from it) and the stand. When showing with a pointer this or that material (unless a document is read out or certain features of the exhibit are indicated), the guide should address the group and observe its reaction. The indifference of the guide to the behavior of the audience, as well as the manifestation of a bad mood by him, is not permissible. The guide is a kind of actor. And on how he prepares his role and plays it in public, the success of all the work on preparing the excursion and conducting it for a specific excursion group largely depends.

Vi. Improving the excursion

Before going out with a prepared excursion to the group, the guide must present it to a more experienced and knowledgeable employee for listening, and then the excursion is officially accepted by a commission, which may include representatives of the museum administration, staff members, and members of the Museum Council.

But even after the acceptance of the excursion by the commission, the work on it is not considered complete.

It is necessary to continue studying the chosen topic - to get acquainted with new publications, clarify information about the exhibits, listen to excursions of other guides, analyze the reaction of visitors.

This will provide an opportunity to constantly improve the excursion, make it more relevant, attractive for sightseers, and, consequently, increase interest in the museum as a whole.

Creation of a new interesting excursion- it's not easy. The planned event should be divided into two equal stages - this is the preparation and conduct of the excursion.

To develop a new excursion route it is necessary to decide on the purpose of the excursion, the type (by the content - overview, thematic; by the way of movement - pedestrian, bus) and objects of the show. The text of the excursion, its duration and richness of facts will depend on this. This should be done not by one person, but by a creative group, which should include from three to seven people.

First steps to planning your excursion

When the objects are selected, we proceed to collecting information on each of them and draw up the most convenient route for transitions (crossings, etc.). Now, from a large amount of information on objects, you need to compose an excursion text for each of them and an object card. Such a card is an irreplaceable part of a guide's portfolio, it contains brief information about the object and, possibly, its photograph.

After the excursion texts to the objects have been written, it is easier to create an interesting and concise excursion text, to connect the parts with competent transitions.

After the preparation of the materials, a methodological development of the excursion is done - this is a document with a description of the excursion, its main parameters. The manual includes a topic, a route map, its length, type of excursion, safety rules, purpose, objectives and time of the course. It also includes a table - an excursion plan:

  • route;
  • display object;
  • stop;
  • time in minutes;
  • listing of main questions, titles of subtopics;
  • organizational instructions;
  • methodical instructions (logical transitions).

After that, the manual must be assured by the management, it serves as a confirmation of the quality of the excursion.

Tour guide's portfolio

Before conducting an excursion, you need to collect a “tour guide's portfolio”. This is the professional name for a set of visual aids to facilitate guided tours. These can be reproductions of paintings, photographs of people related to a given topic, schematic maps depicting enterprises or military operations, geographic Maps, geological samples, product samples, tape recordings and other materials to help saturate the excursion.

Requirements for materials

The criteria for the selection of visual material are low: preservation, unusualness, expressiveness, the need for display and cognitive value. These are the main qualities of these criteria. It is very important to have good materials on objects that have not survived to this day or have been greatly modified. This will simplify the perception of the material. It should be borne in mind that reproductions, maps and photographs must be on a cardboard base, the image must be clear with a size of at least 18 * 24, preferably 24 * 30 cm.

Now that all the material is ready, let's figure out how to properly conduct a tour. Usually, each guide has his own excursion technique, based on personal experience and observations. But the method of conducting an excursion is a whole system of requirements and tasks, methods of storytelling and showing. All this is necessary to achieve maximum digestibility of the material. A well-developed methodology is a kind of list of rules for a guide when conducting a specific excursion. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the methods of conducting the excursion should differ slightly depending on the age of the group and the interest of the tourists.

For schoolchildren, it is better not to overload the text with facts, it will be more interesting for them to see visual material and hear an interesting legend or story. It is also worth preparing for questions, a lot of them come from children. It is important to be able to keep the attention of excursion schoolchildren. To do this, you need to ask questions: "Do you know?"; “Have you heard about ...?”; "Do you like ...?" and so on. In this case, the guide has a dialogue with the tourists, and so you can hold your attention for quite a long time.

Sightseers of the older generation, as a rule, behave quietly and calmly, and it is rather difficult to understand whether the story is interesting to them or not. In the event that these are not professors and scientists, it is advisable not to overload the text of the excursion with a large number of dates and numbers. Always allow time for photographing, just five to seven minutes will be enough.

Receptions of guides

There are generally accepted excursion techniques that include storytelling and demonstration techniques. Demonstration techniques allow you to draw the attention of sightseers to the most important details, evaluate general form object and its combination with environment... Storytelling techniques, in turn, help to recreate a more accurate picture of events in the imagination of the tourists. Key words: "Imagine ...", "It was ... a year ..", etc.

Safety regulations

But apart from interesting material and a pleasant guide, the event must be safe.

Safety during excursions, especially walking tours, is very important. The basic rules of safety and behavior on the route can be found in the methodological development of the excursion. But the guide is obliged to inform the group about the safety precautions immediately before the excursion. Tell about all the nuances of the route. The most banal phrases about not sticking your head out the bus window and jumping out on the move must be heard. Since the responsibility for the group during the excursion is assumed by the guide, it is his task to tell about the safety rules.

What to warn tourists about

Particular attention should be paid to road crossings and crossings (cable bridges, caves, tunnels, etc.). If the excursion is carried out in nature, then you should warn about the fire safety rules. It is also necessary to tell that you cannot try mushrooms, touch various insects and animals with your hands, drink water from open reservoirs and walk barefoot.

It is worth taking care of the household items of the local population and the surrounding nature in the place of the excursion. In addition, the excursions must be allowed to persons who have undergone preliminary instructions and medical examination, as well as people who do not have contraindications related to health.



Target: familiarizing teachers with the main aspects of work experience

on organizing and conducting excursions in the school local history museum.

Master class objectives:

To convey your experience through direct and commented demonstration of the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity;

Joint development of methodological approaches and techniques for solving the problem;

Create an emotional positive attitude towards business cooperation, stimulate the activity of participants through the inclusion of teachers in work in subgroups;

Reflection of their own professional skills by the participants of the master class.

Equipment: multimedia installation, museum exhibits, texts, documents, handouts.


    Organizational and motivational stage (induction)

    Experience presentation

    Creating a problem situation

    Simulation (simulated game)

    Physical education




Master class progress

    Organizational and motivational stage

Greetings to the participants of the master class.

Topic announcement.

Joint goal-setting.

What needs to be done to prepare and conduct a tour of the museum?

As an epigraph for today's meeting, I chose a poem

"Free talk":
- Shall we talk?- About what?- About miscellaneous and so on.- About what is good,- And not very good.- You know something.

- And something I know.- Shall we talk?- Let's talk.- Suddenly it will be interesting.

II ... Experience presentation

This is our 1st lesson, in which we will get acquainted with the local history museum high school No. 1, its sections. On your tables lie Business Cards museum. During an extramural excursion to our school museum of local lore, you will get to know him in more detail.

( Presentation about the school local history museum of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1, Starye Dorogi named after the Hero of the Soviet Union F.F. Kulikov " ).

    Creating a problem situation

And now it's time to set the task for our meeting. In the course of your work, we will select guides, researchers, journalists, those without whom it is impossible to imagine the activities of any museum.

Before going on an excursion, I want to treat you and invite you to our museum. (Participants are encouraged to choose a candy)

Now I will ask you to take a seat at the table that matches the color of your section.

We are not with you in our museum, but you have a unique opportunity to visit it not only virtually through a presentation, but also to really see, evaluate and work with exhibits using a mobile museum - “Museum in a Suitcase”. What do you think can fit in such a small suitcase??

I would like to invite you to learn how to evaluate a museum piece together, give it characteristics and talk about it. It is not for nothing that there is a saying: "Things speak!"

Participants of the master class are invited to work together with the master.

Without fully studying it, it is impossible to judge the subject as a whole. Your attention is invited to one of the exhibits of our school local history museum- glaze (vessel). Our task is to describe it and find out where, when, by whom, what it was used for and what material was used to make it. We must apply the information received in order to compose the text of the excursion and conduct it.


(Group work)

I. Museum exhibits, documents, texts are on the tables.

Each group needs:

1. Compose a story with a display of the exhibit with explanations (for journalists)

2. Get acquainted with archival documents and draw a conclusion (for researchers)

3.According to the proposed text, conduct an excursion in your section (for guides)

1 group ( Literary Starodorozhchina) (books by old Dorozhchina authors: K. Tsvirko, A. Usinya)

Group 2 (There was a people's war) (cap, letters from the front)

Group 3 (Folk crafts) (belt, pottery bowl)

4 group (Matulya-school) (pen with inkwell, petition to open a school)

5 group (Starodorozhsky edge) (the book "Old Roads", a stone with a hole (tool) 2-1 thousand BC).

    Physical education


(Presentation of the group work of the participants of the master class)


1 . Upon completion of the work, everyone is awarded the title:




2. Joint practical work

The emblem of the local history circle. To keep in memory for a long time the memories of visiting various interesting places, people usually purchase objects depicting some objects of the area where they have been. We will also assemble the emblem of our educational institution together with you. Putting a high school emblem out of the mosaic

1. Each group has a puzzle piece on the table for a single picture.(We glue it on a large Whatman paper).

So I think that after our master class you got an idea of ​​what the job of a museum worker is. After your own attempts to describe the exhibit, compose a story about it and apply it during the excursion, you will be remembered for a long time.


Game "Suitcase of WISHES"

To each participant in turn: all the group members put together a “suitcase of wishes” at parting, putting in it the exhibits with which they worked. Everyone speaks and be sure to express their admiration for the positive sides of the personality and formulate their wishes.

What did you get from the master class?

Did your hopes come true?

Thanks a lot for your work.

One thing is undeniable:

Even though you don't go out into the world,

And in the field outside the outskirts, -

While you follow someone,

The road will not be remembered.

But wherever you go

And what kind of muddy roads

The road that I myself was looking for,

It will never be forgotten.

I want you to let everything you hear through your heart, then you will succeed.


Narrowed towards the top, wide rounded at the bottom


Milk storage

Museum of Secondary School No. 1, section: folk crafts Clay

Narrowed towards the top, wide rounded shape at the bottom


Milk storage



Milk storage

Museum of Secondary School No. 1, section: folk



Narrowed towards the top, wide rounded at the bottom


Milk storage


Narrowed towards the top, wide rounded at the bottom


Milk storage


Narrow, self-woven from colored threads


Wearing clothes


wide rounded shape


For food

Glass, metal nib

Pen with grip, square inkwell with nib stand


Writing texts




School opening


"Old Drogi"


Book with illustrations of the city


Exploring the history of the city


Stone with a hole inside for the handle


Processing of skins

Stone tool: To.II- early.Ithousand BC, the village of Levki, Starodorozhsky district, during the field work of students

Book "Old Roads": a gift from the history teacher Stanilevich I.M.

Letter of application for the opening of the school:

Feather with inkwell: To.XIX- early.Xxcentury, student gift

Pottery bowl: To.XIX- early.Xxcentury, a gift to the museum from a local resident of the village of Starye Dorogi

Woven belt: earlyXxcentury, a gift to the museum from a local resident of the village of Zaluzhie


Letters from the front:

K. Tsvirko:

A. Usenya:

I drink coffee and stick cloves in oranges - I'm getting ready for the excursion ..

The aromas of citrus and cloves remind others of winter. People passing by my table are smiling. The orange-clove therapy works on me too: I happily run out into the street, and there is snow ... the first this year.

Hello Christmas excursion! No, today is a birthday. Children are wonderful and parents are amazing!

I am often offered to conduct excursions with children, considering it something rather difficult. In my opinion, a children's excursion is an amazing business, simple and complex at the same time, but it is important that you immediately feel the return, gratitude and love from the children.

What is the most important thing in a children's excursion?

A few tips for mums, dads, grandparents who walk around St. Petersburg with their children and want their children to listen and hear your historical stories:

1. Think bright images that are understandable to children.

First, you yourself must see the image of what you are talking about. The picture should be in color, detailed and evoke feelings for you personally.

For example, the gardener Eliseev grew strawberries in the greenhouse for Count Sheremetyev on Christmas Day. The guests are in amazement, the count in excitement exclaims: "Ask what you want!"

I can imagine everything very vividly: the count's camisole, and a wicker basket, and snow outside the window, frost down to -40 ° C and the aroma of strawberries. Therefore, it is easy to tell. And by themselves questions are born to the children: "What happened next, what do you think?" If the picture is bright, then the guys easily come up with and immerse themselves in history. Where did the Eliseevs go when they became free? What did they do? Was it easy for them in Petersburg? What would you do in their place if you had 100 rubles? And then it would be good to go from words to deeds.

2. Find a thing, a detail that characterizes your character, a story.

It is easier, of course, to use an illustration, a picture, a photograph. But the best thing is to find a thing that you can touch, smell, guess the riddle associated with it. For example, with the merchants Eliseevs, I give the guys an orange, on which the letters of the surname are lined with carnations. The letters are scattered and they must be used to form a word (Eliseev began to trade in oranges on Nevsky Prospekt).

Talking about Peter I, I like to give children a map of the area of ​​St. Petersburg in the 18th century and propose to lay out an approximate plan of the city (this is for older children, of course). When we go to the Photo Salon, I give a photo and offer to find the point from which it was taken. V Summer garden I invite the guys to sculpt some of the sculptures on their own. Everything that the children touched, made efforts to solve - they will remember them for a long time.

It is not easy to find what falls into the top ten, as they say, but the process itself is worth it! For me personally, this is the most interesting thing about the excursion: the process of finding that very historical detail.

3. Less is better, but better.

Children do not remember the date, especially when they stand, listen to even the most interesting stories on the strength of 5-7 minutes. Therefore, the entire historical story should be packed in 15-20 minutes, and the entire excursion in 1.5 hours maximum.

And after such a dive, leave the children with the desire to learn more, but on their own. Not "that I told you everything, but I also remembered, listen to me carefully." No! Fill your communication with dialogue, searching, running, photographing and discovering places.

4. Encouragement, prize, tasty treat at the end of the historic walk.

After the excursion, we go to lunch, dinner or afternoon tea. It's great if the food you offer the guys is relevant to today's walk. Let not all, but again the detail will be remembered for a long time and will make the meal "historical" and fascinating. And even if you feel that the children are tired of historical information, you can simply say that our hero loved just that.

If you have boys and you have visited the Suvorov Museum, then eating buckwheat porridge and cabbage soup in bread is a must. And if emperors are your heroes, take a lace napkin and a couple of porcelain plates with you. Even on military campaigns, the emperors ate simply, but always with silver and porcelain. And this day will be special.

5. And the last, my favorite: it's easy to forget everything that is told to you and everything that is shown, but we will never forget the atmosphere when we feel good.

Be surprised, play, discover the story with the children! Love for the city is within us, and the child feels and understands everything, just talk about this love in a creative way. I have about the same approach to adult excursions. And even if colleagues in the shop do not always understand this, it is very exciting to wake up the inner child in a serious adult!

On the splash screen is a fragment of a photo jasoncedit / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0