Foreign passports and documents

Hanoi beaches. If a beach holiday in Hanoi wanted. Recommendations of the nearest beaches in Vietnam with description and photos. Distance from the airport, the availability of direct flights

Vietnam is one of the "rice civilizations" with the ancient Buddhist temples lost in the jungle, underground partisan tunnels and the richest colonial heritage, well-preserved from French times. Vietnam is Thailand 20 years ago, not yet flooded with millions of tourists. "Fun, bright, inexpensive," - so in three words you can describe the local resort life. Ignitioner disco until the morning, forbidden pleasures, excellent shopping, inconceivable exotic dishes ... or a relaxing holiday with children, romantic sunsets, mountain trips and best photos For memory. You choose what to do.

How to get?

From Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minhine regular flights of Aeroflot or Vietnamese Airlines fly about 9 hours. And this is the only moment that can embarrass lovers beach holidays in winter. Our fellow citizens are not needed in Vietnam. And if you want to see more in one trip - Vietnam's rest is logical to combine with a visit neighboring countries - China, Laos, Cambodia, Burma or Thailand. Where it is better to rest - about this next.

Which resort choose?

If you fly now or in the coming months, then rest without rains is most likely in the south and in the center of the country. These are popular resorts: Fukuok Island, Vungtau, Muin, Phantet, Nha Trang, Danang. Focus on Flight to Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang, depending on the selected resort. January and February - "velvet" months, relaxing comfortable, air and water + 25 ... + 28 ° C. In March and April, hot and dry, temperature + 30 ... + 35 ° C. In the summer months it is better to choose the resorts of Northern Vietnam with the flight to Hanoi. And now briefly describe the most popular and rating resorts of the country, where it is worth going first.

Nha Trang.

Nha Trang and his antipode of fantians head the rating of preferences of Russian tourists. Nychang Bay occupies an honorary 29th place in the world ranking of the most beautiful resort bays. Nha Trang (Russians with Far East They say Nishtyang) is growing rapidly and develops, new hotels of international hotel chains appear annually. Many restaurants, shops, flip markets, beautiful resort promenade. They will not have to be bored. After or instead of the beach, you can fuse on a boat to neighboring islands - look at the monkeys or hang on the whole day in the amusement park. Temple complexes, Buddha statues, Pagoda - cultural component of the resort. And you can fix health in local mud and thermal baths. In Nha Trang, there are many European youth, worthy clubs with fashionable DJs, a good choice of inexpensive alcohol. Several minuses: Most hotels on the second line; On the city beach, which is used by most tourists, local people come closer to the late afternoon, they love to relax with children after work here. And in the summer months there are many jellyfish at the very shore.


Complete opposite of nurse. Relaxed, democratic, inexpensive. Most hotels - two or three-story cottages on the shore, cozy, hid in palm groves. Here everyone smiles each other, there is no crowding on the beaches, only the sea, the sun and light fresh breeze. If slaves (they are "Vietnamese"), shorts and white Panama are your recreation style, but about the dress code I want to forget at least for a while - you are exactly here. Tourists come with children, because inexpensive, sandy beaches and the entrance to the water is gentle. Couples find romantic sunsets and time to stay together. Hereby fans of large portions of seafood for ice beer, and local masseuses will make her little handles see the "sky in diamonds". There are no particularly interesting attractions in the fanta and the surrounding area. Tired by the sun. Tourists prefer idle lying on the sand with water sports. And minus, perhaps, the only one. From the nearest airport in Ho Chi Minh City to get to the resort by bus or taxi to be 5-6 hours.


Fantanta neighbor, this resort loved lovers of outdoor activities. Thanks to the constant wind, there is an ideal wave for sorts and kaiter and several dozen specialized schools with professional instructors. Prices are tolerant: the hour of windsurfing classes costs about $ 50, kaitsorfing - $ 70. Many speak Russian, there are several establishments where you will be treated with borscht and dumplings. True, the price resort is higher than in a fanta, again thanks to a large number of our tourists. On Central Street Muyne at your service spa and massage salons, cafes and souvenir shops.


Resort island in the south of the country, in the Siamese Gulf just 15 km from Cambodia's shores. Taking into account the magnitude of the island (the most big Island Vietnam Singapore size) There is where to turn around. Active tourists choose the jungle trekking, sailing on kayaks and canoes, walks on numerous gardens and parks, excursions to the pearl factories. And diving in coastal waters is considered the most interesting and inexpensive in the country. But the main natural wealth Islands - luxury sandy beaches stretching for many kilometers. Tourists on the island are completely small, although the infrastructure is growing rapidly. Hotels, casino, golf courses, shopping and entertainment complexes are being built, new airport. But today it is still calm, clean and so far inexpensive resort. There is no better place for a quiet family or romantic holiday in Vietnam.


The popular family resort is 130 km from Ho Chi Minhine. It is almost as big and famous as Nha Trang, that's just no stormy nightlife here. In the evening you can pass the time in bars with live music, which is a rarity for Vietnam. The beaches are wide sandy, in the former villas of the French aristocracy are now open restaurants and guest houses. The choice of hotels is also decent, for every taste and wallet. Buddhist temples, pagodas, parks, former royal residence, caves and underground tunnels - there is where to walk and what to see. Disadvantages Two: Small theft on the beaches and the presence of oil drilling platforms in the water area.


"Catch up and overbate Thai Phuket!" - It is about this way to voiced by the ambitions of Vietnamese tourist authorities on the islands of this archipelago in the South China Sea. The first description of the islands belongs to Marco Polo, and his sad fame of Konshon (the old name Condo) received thanks to the most terrible prison for political prisoners Vietnam. Today is a young resort with excellent beaches and the best hotel complex Six Senses. Most of the island is occupied by the National Park, many interesting dive sites and fishing places.


The popular international mining cannium resort in the south of the country is 300 km from Ho Chi Minhine. These places with their mild climates and natural beauties resemble the French Alps. And he was built in the time of French colonization indochita as a mountain shelter from the exhausting heat. It is cooler here than on the coast, and daytime temperatures even in the hottest summer months does not exceed 25 ° C, and at night it drops to a comfortable 15 ° C. From November to April - the dry season, come better at this time. Dalat can be compared with Balinese trouble. Here are the best spa and massage salons in the country, and several options for treating and rehabilitation with traditional oriental techniques are offered. This is a acupuncture, Vietnamese herbal massage, Indian massage, Tibetic face and body massage practices with warm basalt stones. And in the Malat, the best thematic restaurants in Vietnamese and French cuisine. As a souvenir, tourists buy a famous Cabin "Luvak" (his palm cuckitis was already taking effect), artichoke tea, inlaid by pearl, ceramic tableware, products from a premium quality row. Dalat logically combine with rest on Nha Trang Beach and a few nights in Ho Chi Minh City.

Danang and Hoian

Most Popular Sea Resorts Central Vietnam. Best season For a beach holiday - March and April. In Danang, there is a modern international airport, the city is the fourth largest and industrial center of Vietnam. Nevertheless, it is very picturesque, next to some good beaches, including the famous Chain Beach - the place of youth and surfing stations. And 40 km is located a cozy town of Hoian with a huge number of temples, pagodas, art salons, silk and souvenir shops. This is a museum city, it is only officially registered 844 historical monuments. It is worth trying to try the dishes of real Vietnamese cuisine and cheaply replenish the summer wardrobe with silk handmade things, literally stitched with you. The ancient imperial capital of the country is the city of Hue - a place of pilgrimage of tourists, lovers of the history and adventures of A la Indiana Jones, is located a few hours of travel by car from Dananga.

Halong and Haifon

Halong Bay is a very beautiful and unusual place in the north of Vietnam. From Hanoi can be reached by bus or taxis for 3-4 hours (150 km). If you watched the movie James Cameron "Avatar", then the cliffs of Halong will remind you of soaring boulders of Pandora planets. Only in Halong, they are bizarrely sticking out of turquoise bay. To spend a few days in Halong best aboard a wooden cruise ship. So you bring to get into warm and clean water, visit the most beautiful and interesting places, scrap the authentic souvenirs in a floating village, go down to the mysterious caves on the shore and make the best selfie in your life. And do not forget to try the local delicacy - sour-sweet fish baked in sugar. And Khalong is famous as a place of shooting of the "Indochina" films from Catherine Denovev in the lead role and "Tomorrow will never die" with a pier Rusan in the role of James Bond. Haiphone - a cozy resort town near Halong. He reminds Hanoi twenty years ago with its pure blooming boulevards, colonial houses and a slow rhythm of life. In addition to good shopping in the city, many temples, inexpensive restaurants, there is a decent zoo. Thanks to the proximity to Hanoi Halong and Haiphone, it is convenient to visit in one trip along with a stop for several days in the country's capital.

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

The description of the resorts will be incomplete without mentioning the main megalopolises of Vietnam, which are usually visited by almost all tourists, because they are the country's air gates. These cities definitely cost attention and at least a brief introductory visit.

Hanoi is the capital of the country. This city will not leave anyone indifferent: the old French houses are immersed in greenery, and in two steps around the angle there are ancient temples. Stop Booriksha and ride through urban boulevards, and in the evening, go to the view of the theater on the water. Have a dinner at the national restaurant, and the next morning take pictures to the Mausoleum Ho Chi Mine, look into the temple of the literature and surprise the grace of the Pagoda on one post and throw a coin into the lake of the returned sword. And if time and power remains - go to the mountains to the former French resort of Sap. In one day in the sape, you can feel all four years of year, enjoy natural beauty, see the unique underwater palace of Tafin and Silver Waterfall Thak Tank. And the most bold and hardy will be able to climb the highest peak of the Indochina Mount Fan Possipa (3 143 m).

Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon, how to call him local residents and American tourists - main city Southern Vietnam. Saigon is interested in the afternoon and does not sleep at night. The colonial buildings of the last century peacefully adjacent to skyscrapers, shopping centers and office buildings. You will be impressed by the former presidential palace, and the interesting finds of local designers can be bought on Dong Hoy boutiques. Military History lovers will be interested in descending into the partisan tunnels of Ki, and families with children will appreciate river walk Mekongu with lunch and a visit to the serpentine nursery. In the evening, it is so good to admire bright lights and boiling at the bottom of life, sipping a cocktail or cool beer in the hotel's roof bar. And with new forces to go in search of "adults" night adventures after the invigorating foot massage. By the number and density of bars, discos, entertainment "on the verge", Saigon is not inferior to Bangkok.

In Vietnam, 15 main resorts, where it is better to go to rest with children, a loved one or friends. Troika Leaders: Nha Trang, Muin, Fukuok. In this article you will find short description Differences of the resorts, prices for tours, hotels, hotels, air tickets, weather, when it is better to go and what to do.

Much better go to rest in Vietnam - 15 resorts and cities

Mysterious Asia has always been tormented by my imagination with his mystery and a unique atmosphere. Vietnam is one of the countries that attracts not only foreigners, but also the Asian themselves.

Vietnam can cross from the border to the border, from the north to south and everywhere will be incredibly beautiful. When I am asked, it is better to go to Vietnam - I ask the counter question: "What do you want to find in this country?" Because Vietnam combines everything: from shopping and beach rest to historical attractions and long triples on motobacles. Do not worry, if you can not answer the question of going, this article will help you with a choice.

To some resorts you need to get on the bus, besides, it is the most cheap way move between cities. You can buy tickets online on the site or in place. I used the services of the Vietnamese company company Hanh Cafe, I was satisfied. They are not in all cities, but in large southern resorts you will find offices. Is there some more SINH TOURIST..

Which resort choose, leaning on the weather

Map of Vietnam with resorts in Russian

Geographically, Vietnam stretched out along the coast from the south to the north, so you can come here round year, And every time to take good weather. True, every time in a new place. Therefore, it is necessary to decide when you are going to go to rest in Vietnam. All because in the country there is both the dry season and the rainy season, when the rivers go out of their shores, and the country is literally immersed in water. There is little pleasant on arrival to stay in a cool city, without deciding to visit something because of the blurred roads, agree. Therefore, it is so important to understand what the weather is in Vietnam resorts.

Let's share Vietnam into 3 regions for convenience: North, Central and South, so that you can understand where and when to go to rest. I noted the most successful and unsuccessful months for the trip. In the rest - normally.

North (Hanoi, Sapa, Halong Bay)

North Vietnam goes for treeking walks in the mountains. For these purposes here better come at the end of the year - From October to December. It will be dry and warm. In the summer, rains and storms often come.

Center (Hoyan, Nha Trang, Muin, Pranket)

In the central part of Vietnam, where all the best beach holiday resorts, rain season from September to January. It does not mean that it is infinitely pouring from the sky, but it will have to strain. Many go to Nha Trang in November, this is not a very good choice. Yes, cheap, but cloudy weather and a dirty sea, in which you do not pay much. In November, better choose Muin.

Good months:from January to August.

South Vietnam (Fukuok, Ho Chi Minh City)

South Vietnam is great for living in winter. The most popular resort in the south is the island of Fukuok. Fukuchok rains - relatively rare guests, you can come here for almost all year round. Self unsuccessful months - August and September. But in November-January, when the sharper you want the sun and warmth, the weather on Fukuoka.

Dry months:from November to May.

The best resorts and cities in Vietnam

For me, Vietnam is not quite a story about the beaches and lazy resorts, I have little one city, the country is so beautiful that I want to scold her all. If you are the same opinion, then you have a 7-day route on Vietnam and a 14-daythorn route from north to south. Because for you the main question is not "much better go to rest in Vietnam", but "how lucky to drive it all".

If you want to relax in one place, then just read on. I will start with the tourist cities of the North and further to the south, not to break our weather logic. All Vietnam Beach resorts are south.


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Sap is located in the very north of Vietnam. This is one of the most beautiful places in the country. All thanks to multi-stage rice terraces in the mountains, often covered with a layered make-up fog. Types are stunning. Also, the city of Sapa is popular with the market, where the locals are brought to the sale of handmade products and clothing. Vietnamese from northern villages is a separate story. They live big families in villages without the Internet, water supply and other benefits of civilization. Going in bright national costumes and one of your views is better to transfer the time to the past. You will practically do Russian on the sappa, in the northern part of Vietnam, in the Ossennov, some Europeans and Americans are resting, our compatriots choose the resorts south. Therefore, batch tours in the saak are absent.

Weather:the best travel time in the Sap - from November to January. At this time there is dry sunny weather here, the temperature is +18 - 21 degrees. The warmer month is April. In the summer frees rain.

Things to do: In the samp come for trekking campaigns in the mountains. Another entertainment is tours on motobikes through rice terraces, waterfalls and local villages with colorful population.

How to get:only from Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam.

Where to stay:


More recently, it was a province next to Hanoi, but with an increase in the flow of tourists, Halong quickly became a popular resort of Northern Vietnam with many hotels and developed infrastructure. Local beaches are artificial, however, to go here, in my opinion, it is not for the sake of sprupping into the sea, but because of 2000 islets among the bay. Halong Bay - UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. You can swim in the bay by banging only by purchasing a tour, you will not be allowed on my boating there. To inspect everything, it is better to take for 2 days. The excursion can be taken in the city of Hanoi, or come on their own and buy on the spot.

In Halong, you can stay on Kabba Island. This is the largest island in the bay, there are our resorts and hotels. It is all covered with greens (absolutely all), but you will not find a beach holiday here - no beaches. On the island of Honor national Park And from here, too, cruises around the bay.

You can stay in the city of Hafon, which is located next to the bay.

Weather:it is best to come in November, April and May, at this time more chances to catch sunny weather. The sea is warm and the temperature of the swolling consistently rises to +28 degrees.

Things to do:buy an excursion around the bay and climb on the mountain of Byi, from where a stunning view of the entire city and the surrounding bay.

How to get: From Hanoi by bus. If you take an excursion to Hanoi, then you will be delivered to the transfer and back.

Where to stay:


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Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. Despite the difficult military history, this is one of the most interesting and modern cities in Asia. It's very easy to get here - airplanes fly from everywhere. Alone from Russia is flying just either in Hanoi or in Ho Chi Minh City. Despite the fact that it is 2 most major cities In Vietnam, the atmosphere is completely different in them. Hanoi is the cultural heart of Vietnam, and Hoshmin is economic. This is not a cold concrete megalopolis - in the center of the city there is a beautiful lake and many parks.

Weather: best monthsTo come here - December, January and February. Despite the fact that at Hanoi at this time is relatively cool, on average during the day +22, but there are practically no rain. In the summer months it is hot and rainy.

Things to do: For a long time to walk along the narrow streets, go to museums, opera buildings, markets, do a charging with Vietnamese in the morning on the shore of the lake, get acquainted with nightlife. In general, everything is famous for any capital.

How to get: By plane from any corner of the world.


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We came to the very center of Vietnam on the map. Hue Interesting tourist, but not the resort town of Vietnam. This is not coming for a long time, usually for a couple of days to touch the story. Hue is another UNESCO Heritage Object in Vietnam. Once this city was the imperial capital, when the country of the Nguyen dynasty rules. Traveling in Vietnam, you can find shoppers, named after owners with Nguyen (Nguyen) in each city. But Hue became known thanks to participation in the Vietnamese War. Until now, the walls of the city decorate traces from bullets.

Weather: The best time for the trip is February, March and April. The rainy - October. The degrees are warm, as in all Vietnam, but it happens to wet.

Things to do: Visit the Forbidden City, the entrance to which only the emperors and their concubine are available, see how Vietnamese emperors lived, to calculate the tracks from shells in the walls of the citadel, look into the tomb of emperors. The most convenient to explore the city by bike.

How to get: From Russia, you can fly to Dananga, there is an international airport, and already from there by bus / train / plane in Hue. Cheaper bus, of course.

Where to stay:


Pretty famous resort located in the center of the country. It is best to come here from April to June - warm weather and waves. An ideal place for surfing and relaxing. Danang - the fifth largest in Vietnam and the first real resort on the sea from our list. This is big beautiful city. Truth, tourist infrastructure Growing in Danang is slower than the flow of tourists.

There are good beaches here - tanks of An and Mi Khe. The entrance is free, but for the umbrella and the chaise lounge you need to pay. The sand line is incredibly wide and long. In addition, close to the airport.

In my opinion, the only negative for rest is the remoteness of the city center from the tourist zone. On the coast, especially in the universal season, few stores, and buses almost do not go. For some, the plus is that Russian tourists are rarely chosen by this particular resort, which means you can fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of another country. On the beaches of Nha Trang, for example, I did not leave me feeling that I was in Russia, only around, besides Russians, for some reason, many Chinese.

Weather: +23 - 32 degrees depending on the month. Best in February - April. Hotter in May. In the summer and autumn frequent rains.

Things to do: Resting on the beaches, walk around the city, nervous, explore nightlife, ride in the neighboring Hue and Hoyan.

How to get: You can right from Russia by plane. There are batch tours to Danang. If you are tired of Nha Trang, then it is a good alternative.


An ancient city-port with a unique antique architecture, fully preserved its features. Another heritage object and one of the most interesting cities in Vietnam. The only minus is no sea, the resort itself stands on the river, to the sea coast a few kilometers. However, you can settle near the beach, but tourists prefer the old town with its size atmosphere - a quiet island in the middle of Kriquea Asia. In addition, it's easier to get to the Marmara Mountains.

Once Hoian was a French resort, here you will find traces of colonial architecture, stuffing with oriental flavor.

The beach is clean here, called An Bang. The descent to the water is flat, and the sand is very light. Sun loungers and umbrellas exhibit local restaurants. In Hoyan it is interesting if you were already in Vietnam and do not know where else to go.

Weather: It is better to come in winter or early spring, hurricanes come to another time and, of course, traditional Vietnamese floods.

Things to do: By walking the entire Old Town, dinner in a boat restaurant with candles, go to the marble mountains, to buy a sailor costume (they are sewn here), rent a moped and ride to the beach.

How to get: The easiest way to bus from Dananga. Yes, even with Nha Trang, just go 11 hours.

Where to stay:

Nha Trang.

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Camran is the seaside resort of Vietnam, which is literally 20 minutes from Nha Trang and not far from the airport. Here is a quiet measured life, better beachesLarge hotels with territory (in Nha Trang you will not find such almost). Power, as a rule, on the "All Included" system, which is rare for Vietnam, usually only breakfast.

The most famous beach is here - Bai Zai. He extended 15 km. Here very nice small practical white sand. On the Bai Zavod often come tourists from Nha Trang, tired of dirty central Beach With crowds of Russian and Chinese tourists. Minus one - stronger waves, it is difficult to swim normally, you have to just jump over the waves.

Kamran's city is worth going if you like beach holidays and good 5-star hotels. At the same time, just 20 minutes by taxi, bus or moped from you will be Nha Trang with shopping and nightclubs. Taxi in Vietnam inexpensive.

The weather and air tickets are all as for Nha Trang. Poams in Nha Trang land at Kamran airport.


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Dalat - mountain resort In Vietnam, the former French colony. He was built by the French, who raised to escape from the tropical heat in the saving coolness of the mountains. Therefore, he is called the city of eternal spring. From the French left beautiful houses In colonial style, and the city itself in the mountains has increased narrow Vietnamese houses.

Dalat - the city is small, in his center of the lake and the annular embankment. Tarrow streets. If the center is on a flat area, then the roads divergent on the parties from the center will lead up under different intricate corners.

The best way to spend time in Dalate is to rent a motorbike and ride in local waterfalls. Because of the mountainous terrain of the bike, mostly hand over with a manual box, with which you will not understand. Therefore, ask for automatic.

If Nha Trang can be bike, on average, for 100 thousand dongs per day (about 300 rubles), in Malat for 200 thousand. And only the oldest bike will give without a passport, I checked. And the passport is taken at the hotel. Therefore, approach the reception and ask the owners to help you with rent. I was delivered to the bike to the gesto, they also took.

Russian tourists are a little, basically bring them on excursions from Nha Trangi for 1-2 days, the Chinese in the French city are also a bit.

Holiday season: The dry months are winter, in the summer frequent sudden rains. The most sunny months February and March. Hotter every summer. In winter, the average temperature of 18-20 degrees, in the summer it reaches 28-30. No tropical stool.

Things to do: Talking numerous waterfalls and parks, see temples and pagodas, ride on the cable car.

How to get: Walk buses from Nyachang, Muin, Ho Chi Minh City. There is your airport, you can fly by plane.

Where to stay:


The city of Wangtau was built in Vietnam in the 19th century, French colonists. They wanted to make a seaport resort, who was not inferior to Dalat. Over time, the resort held comfortable roads from Saigon, the benefit of just 128 km, which served to the active development of the resort. Now rich Singons love to relax in Vungtau. Because of the abundance of Vietnamese tourists, the beaches are dirty, and foreigners look at joyful surprise. Yes, and with Mekonga dirt inflicts.

It is good to visit this city in the winter, because there is a Russian quarter and, accordingly, work for Russian-speaking. The place where it is worth flying is not for recreation, but for a temporary change of residence - each of us sometimes want to dispel and change the situation. Suddenly decide? Although, I would choose the whole Nha Trang or Danang for wintering.

Weather: It is better to come from November to April - this is a dry season, it's raining from May to October. The warmer month is April. Temperature rarely falls below 30 degrees.

Things to do:look at the pagodas and historical areas, move to live in the winter months. Although, in my opinion, Nha Trang is better for life. The only plus of Wungtau is less than tourists, but if you take housing not in the tourist area of \u200b\u200bNha Trang, it is compensated.

How to get:from Nha Trang, Muin, Saigon, all the same buses and airplanes.

Islands Kona Dao.

This review of the resorts would be incomplete BE Condo. Kondao is not one island, it is an archipelago of 16. A very secluded place for fans of diving and ecological tourism. Mass tourism will only destroy the charm of this place, in which there are many exotic plants and animals. Here quietly, few tourists, no public transport. In addition, almost all the shores are sheer, which makes it difficult for a beach holiday - only in the east of the island there are secluded sandy sections.

Weather: For diving it is worth come here from February to July - water is clean.

Things to do: Diving in the pure sea, a relaxing holiday, excursions to local prisons, which were famous for the cruel regime to prisoners.

How to get: Airplane or ferry with Ho Chi Minhine.

Muin and Fantiet

Muin and Phantet - the neighboring resort cities in Vietnam, often combine them in one area, because they are very closely at all attractions. Pranks to a greater degree city, and Mui Na is a fishing village. There is only one street and bypass highway. There are many good big hotels at the coastline with private beaches. This is a greater degree youth resort.

In Muin, you should go if you want a lot of sea, sun and sand. Very much sand. On the beach of Ham Tien is always lively, and on Puhai and Suo Nuoch - low and purely. In summer, on the beaches you can admire the surfers who are conquering waves. They go away from all over the world. There are a lot of European tourists in Muin. But for a beach holiday, especially with children, it is better to come late in autumnTo catch a calm sea. This is if you give a brief description of the resort. There are natural attractions here and carry excursions. I really liked it on Mount Ta ku and you will find insanely beautiful landscapes at the Mayaka Beach.

Ho Chimina

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Ho Chi Minh is also known as Saigon. Here were the main fighting in the war with the Americans, the local radio was constantly transferred news from Saigon, often disappointing, so in order not to call heavy memories from local residents, the city was renamed.

Ho Chi Minh - is perfect for all lovers of large cities. A huge buzzing hive is the main economic city of the country. Streets are full of cars and motorbikes (almost 8 million registered motorbikes, for a minute!), Mad number of restaurants and cafes, the most best Shopping In the country, luxurious nightclubs. The main sights of the city are collected in the small central district of Dong Hoy, here and the Ho Chi Mine Museum, and the Local Cathedral Notre Dame, in the old district, yes, Kao you will find the French colonial architecture of the 19th century. Very poison, the famous tunnels of Ki, if you are interested in the history of Vietnamese War, be sure to visit them.


You will find Fukuok at the bottom on the resort map - this is the southernmost and one of the best resorts of Vietnam. Fukuok every year becomes an increasingly popular resort among Russians. Quiet island with a calm measured life. Wonderful space for scuba diving. Here are the clean and most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, and transparent water allows you to fully appreciate the underwater species. The infrastructure is still developing, so the nightlife is so far in its infancy.

Fukuchok has its own Vincher, it is best suited for recreation with children.


  • from November to March - the most comfortable weather conditions;
  • from April to June - heat, short-term strong shower are possible;
  • from July to October - the rainy season.

Things to do:there are fruit, sunbathing on white beaches, swim in transparent waters.

How to get: If independently, the charters fly from the hashine, on the trips.

On this, I will finish a prolonged description of the resorts. I hope my article will help you with a choice of a place to stay in Vietnam. If you are going for the first time in Vietnam, then choose Nha Trang, Muin or Fukuok. These are the most popular resorts in the south of Vietnam, cheaper than the entire vouchers are cheaper, travel infrastructure is more developed. From the point of view of the ordinary tourist, it can be said that these are the best resorts of Vietnam. central part Vietnam is more suitable for independent rest, in the northern part of the country, usually brings the most experienced travelers.

This post is a logical continuation of the story about the "main Vietnamese resorts", in it I tried to give a full picture of the most popular Vietnamese cities that are suitable for tourist holidays.

Rating of the best resorts Vietnam

Choose the best Vietnamese towns for a beach holiday - this task is quite complicated, because for each tourist under the word "best" hides its meaning. The table lists the most popular, and the desired time of their visits.

Beach resorts

This table lists the best beach resorts of Vietnam, and the desired time of their visits is indicated. Some cities are perfectly suitable for combining rest on the sea and short trips to the excursion.

Excursion resorts

In the majority of the city's cities specified in this table, but there are historical and natural sights. When planning a visit, be sure to look at seasonality, there depends on the weather.

Nha Trang.

Nyachang is the most visited resort town of Vietnam, it is really great for the role of the best, there is everything you need to leisure tourist.

Excellent urban beach, which is longer than 7 kilometers, a large selection of hotels, including island, night entertainment, Russian restaurants and local markets.

Next to Nha Trang has a whole island of entertainment (Viperl), the resort has an abundance of inexpensive excursions, the presence of historical attractions (Long Son's Temple, Chamsky Towers), and the international airport is a 20-minute drive from the city.

The list of advantages can be continued infinitely, so Nha Trang can be considered the best place to relax.

Phanage Muin

Phanage Muyne can be considered one of the best resort towns of Vietnam and that's why. IN lately In Muyne, built several expensive hotels that are located on the first line (not across the road, and right on the seashore). In Muin, calmly and very colorful, there are here and its local attractions (red and white dunes, the fishing village of Muin, etc.).

Muin is very specific and not suitable for everyone, it's boring here (in fact it is a village with one street) and there is absolutely nothing to do in the evenings, after 11 pm, the whole life falls asleep. The sea will like it not to all, permanent wind and big waves can deliver the true joy to those who do the Windows surfing, but to deliver the problems for the rest of the holidaymakers.


Fukuchok island deserves a separate mention, rest on this tropical island is ideal for a calm Noschelania in the shade of palm trees. There is no turbulent on the island nightlife With discos and noisy clubs, and the rest here are few others, but all the necessary tourist infrastructure is present.

Fukuchok Island is washed by the warm water of the Siamese Gulf, which guarantees a colorful diving in amazingly transparent water (there is definitely no such water in the nurse). If you have no desire to dive under the water, you can go on one of the fascinating excursions (Black pepper plantation, pearl farm, etc.) in the picturesque island or spend the whole day on one of the magnificent beaches of the island.


This beach resort combines snow-white beaches and the opportunity to visit the most colorful of Vietnamese cities, which is listed on UNESCO. And from picturesque beaches to historic Center Total 5 kilometers. In the old town, you can have a great time in a local cafe or shopping, which is capable of diversifying a beach vacation.

Be sure to take an excursion to the islands of the archipelago of Ku Lao Cham, during which you will visit large island This archipelago, on the island of Hon Lao. Hon Lao island striking in all respects, in coastal waters, excellent diving and snorkeling, local beaches are picturesque, and there are few tourists here. If you like here, then you can return to the island without an excursion, from the port in Hoian to the island of Hon Lao runs state ferry.


Beach holidays in Danang itself can disappoint (usually there are many Chinese and Vietnamese tourists here), but next to Danang have really high-quality hotels with private beaches and a high level of service, here you will definitely like it.

Most expensive hotels in the suburbs of Danang are located on the first line and have their own beach on which there are no random holidaymakers. Pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe NUI SON TRA Peninsula, which is also called the Mountain Monkey. There is one of the most expensive hotel complexes in all Danang - InterContinental Danang Resort

Rating of the best beach resorts Vietnam

Thanks to the tropical climate and warm seaAll Vietnamese beach resorts can be a good holiday destination, but each city has its advantages and cons. In this part of the post, let's look at the main beach cities (there are not so many of them).

Nha Trang - Beach Resort №1

It is impossible to call the perfect beach resort Nha Trang, however, the city is great for most tourists, many regularly return to this Vietnamese city.

In Nha Trang there is everything you need for a beach holiday, there is a good sandy beach, many hotels and a well-developed tourist service. For tourists with children, there is a whole entertainment island (Winel's entertainment island) with attractions, water park, show program, etc.

Pros of Nha Trang as a beach resort:

  • good beach;
  • large selection of hotels;
  • proximity to international airport;
  • there is a park of entertainment "Vinoral".

Minuses of Nha Trang as a beach resort:

  • places dirty and noisy;
  • in the northern part of the city beach in the sea, a dirty river flows;
  • Nyacng is a fairly large city;
  • in the city there are thieves and other small scammers, there is no serious crime (this is not Rio).

Halong Bay

Halong Bay is a visiting card of Northern Vietnam, most tourists seek to see this amazingly beautiful bay. Unfortunately, in addition to the natural beauty of the Halong Bay itself, there is nothing to look here, so this resort is not particularly popular with our compatriots.

In the winter months in this region, the air temperature may be lowered up to +10 degrees, so you cannot be called the perfect beach resort of Halong.

Pros of Halong Bay as a beach resort:

  • there are good beaches;
  • very beautiful bay;
  • good transport accessibility.

Cons Halong Bay as a beach resort:

  • too small season;
  • many tourists;
  • few good beaches.

Resort Danang

Can Danang be considered a beach resort - a controversial question. In Danang, there are really good beaches, one of which is Cha Nava Beach, he even got into the Forbes magazine rating as the most attractive beach of the world. In Danang there is a travel infrastructure and an excellent transport system (international airport, train Station, Intercity bus station, seaport).

In the immediate vicinity of the city there are some of the most visited historical sights of Vietama (Hoian city, the imperial capital of Hue, Ruins May Sleep). In the immediate vicinity of the city is one of the best in Vietnam Aquapark - Danang Water Park.

But it is worth remembering that Danang is a major industrial city with all the consequences, so that Russian tourists on his beaches do not long delay, but use the city as a transshipment point in their journey.

Pros Danang as a beach resort:

  • good tourist infrastructure;
  • good beaches;
  • the presence of historical attractions in the vicinity of the city;
  • excellent transport accessibility.

Cons Danang as a beach resort:

  • large industrial city;
  • too many local tourists and tourists from China;
  • expensive placement.


Wangtau's sandy beaches are attracted to tourists, but the presence in the neighborhood, such a megapolis as Ho Chi Minima makes rest in uncomfortable. Basically, the majority of holidaymakers in Vungtau are Vietnamese who go here their Ho Chi Minima on a weekend or on vacation.

Pros of Vungtau as a beach resort:

  • good infrastructure;
  • there is a choice of hotels;
  • good shopping;
  • good transport accessibility (from Ho Chi Minhina in water).

Minuses of Vungtau as a beach resort:

  • there are many industrial enterprises in the city;
  • the city is dirty;
  • mekong River brings a lot of garbage that nails to city beaches;
  • many local tourists.


Longhai Beach resort is a secluded place to relax and relax in the calm tourist destination Vietnam. The city is located 30 kilometers from the popular tourist site Wungtau, there is an atmosphere of calm and serenity.

Rest at the resort Longhai is suitable for a relaxing family holiday, in the vicinity there are local attractions, but mostly all entertainment is the sea, the beach and the surrounding nature.

Pros Longhai like a beach resort:

  • malded beaches;
  • calm atmosphere;
  • good hotels.

Cons Longhai as a beach resort:

  • boring and monotonous rest;
  • distance from the airport.

Phanage Museum

Muin is perfect for a relaxed family holiday on the sandy beaches of this tropical village. In Muin, you can have all day long in water sports, and for those who are not familiar with Kite and Windows surfing there is an opportunity to learn, there are several excellent schools in Kite and Wind Surfing.

Be sure to go to dinner in the street cafe bokeh, in them the freshest and delicious seafood.

Pluses of Phantet Maine as a beach resort:

  • good beaches;
  • excellent conditions for water sports;
  • calm atmosphere of the family resort.

Cons of fantaet Mainea as a beach resort:

  • there is no airport (nearest in Ho Chi Minh City, to drive 5 hours by bus);
  • no night entertainment (after 11 hours everything is already sleeping);
  • often there are strong waves and wind.

Fukuok Island

Beach holidays on the island of Fukuok Many are considered the best in Vietnam, but there are also their cons. Most of the island is drowning in a tropical greenery, while there is all the necessary travel infrastructure. Fukuchu's holiday is suitable for fans of a calm leisure pastime, next to the island there are several excellent places for diving and snorkeling, you can go to Eco campaign to the jungle or go on a tour of the plantation where black pepper is grown. But such a rest can quickly bother.

Pluses of Fukuok Island as a beach resort:

  • calm beach vacation;
  • good hotels on the first line;
  • the best place for diving and snorkeling;
  • excellent beaches.

Cons of Fukuok Island as a beach resort:

  • there are direct flights, you will have to fly with a transfer;
  • quite expensive resort;
  • very simple tourist infrastructure, everything is very modest.

What is the weather on the most popular Vietnamese resorts

Be sure to learn this table before choosing a place to relax, there are popular resorts and weather conditions for each month.

  • green color - a great time to relax;
  • yellow - be prepared for probable precipitation, winds and other natural features of the local climate, which can complicate your vacation;
  • red - ride this month to the specified resort is extremely not recommended (shower, hurricanes, floods, anomalous temperature, etc.)
Vietnam resorts, weather by months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nha Trang.
Kon Dao
Ho Chimina

What is the resort of Vietnam to go, and at what time of year

Before buying a ticket, be sure to read my post about the weather conditions in Nha Trang, because the overwhelming majority of Russians choose this seaside resort for New Year holidays. If the hotel is already purchased and the hotel is ordered, it is not worth much to worry, because except the sea in Vietnam you can find a lot of interesting things.

In this part of the post I will try to briefly tell about the weather on the most popular in our compatriots of Vietnamese resorts. In order for the story to be short and informative, I chose the most popular for the rest of the month (November, December and January).

What happens in Vietnamese resorts in November

In November, all Vietnamese cities are suitable for a comfortable stay, perhaps only with the exception of the Tropical Island of Fukuok and the resort of Vungtau, but also there in early November may be disgusting weather.

  • Vungtau - air temperature +28 +29 degrees, can be rare rains, muddy sea;
  • Fukuok - air temperature +30 +32 degrees, clear, transparent sea;
  • Nyachng - air temperature +26 +28 degrees, cloudy, strong rains, windy, muddy, restless sea;
  • Hue - air temperature +22 +24 degrees, cloudy, squall wind, rains, there is probability of typhoons;
  • Hoyan - air temperature +22 +24 degrees, cloudy, squall wind, rains, there is probability of typhoons; Muddy and very troubled sea;
  • Danang - air temperature +22 +24 degrees, cloudy, squall wind, rain, there is probability of typhoons; Muddy and very troubled sea;
  • Hanoi - air temperature +18 +20 degrees, partly cloudy, there is a small probability of rain.

Weather in Vietnamese resorts in December

On the most popular beach resorts (in Nha Trang and Fantant Muin), the December weather becomes slightly better than in November, but still the unpredictable sea, and the precipitation is likely, and the water temperature does not have a swimming.

At this time of year, the best place for a beach holiday and swimming is still the Fukuok Island, and Vungtau beaches probably (but then the weather can be with surprises).

  • Hochimine - air temperature +28 +29 degrees, may be rain;
  • Vungtau - air temperature +28 +29 degrees, there is probability of rain, muddy sea;
  • Fantant Muin - air temperature +29 +31 degrees, partly cloudy is the likelihood of rain, a strong gusty wind, muddy, restless sea;
  • Nha Trang - air temperature +26 +28 degrees, cloudy, may be rain, windy, muddy, restless sea;
  • Hue - air temperature +20 +22 degrees, cloudy, strong wind, rain;
  • Hoyan - air temperature +20 +22 degrees, cloudy, wind, rain, muddy and restless sea;
  • Danang - air temperature +20 +22 degrees, cloudy, wind, rain, muddy and restless sea;
  • Hanoi - air temperature +16 +18 degrees, partly cloudy, there is a small probability of rain.

Weather at resorts in January

In January, the season comes to most beach resorts, except northern Regions And Halong Bay, there at this time bad weather.

In the second half of January, the weather is being established almost at all popular resorts of Vietnam. In Nha Trang in the second half of January, the sea becomes more calm and predictable, you can safely enter the water and swim (but much depends directly from the year).

Muine Phantiet also acquires the image of a real paradise for a beach holiday (with small reservations), waves and wind in Muin are always present. On the island of Fukuchi, the best conditions for relaxed beach holidays are preserved, and diving in calm and super transparent water. The January beaches of Vungtau are as great as in December.

  • Ho Chi Minh - air temperature +28 +29 degrees, rare rains;
  • Vungtau - air temperature +28 +29 degrees, rare rains, muddy sea;
  • Fantant Muin - air temperature +28 +30 degrees, there is a possibility of rain, wind, muddy sea;
  • Fukuok - air temperature +28 +30 degrees, clear, transparent sea;
  • Nha Trang - air temperature +26 +28 degrees, cloudy, can be rare rains, muddy sea;
  • Hue - air temperature +20 +24 degrees, cloudy, wind, rain;
  • Hoian - air temperature +20 +24 degrees, cloudy, wind, rain, muddy and restless sea;
  • Danang - air temperature +20 +24 degrees, cloudy, wind, rains, muddy and restless sea;
  • Hanoi - air temperature +10 +16 degrees, partly cloudy, there is a small rain probability.

How to choose the best Vietnamese resort

Vietnam's holidays can be both memorable and excellent and disassembled, it all depends on the right choice of the resort, which will be the best for you. For Europeans, not all cities will be suitable for a comfortable stay, so that the choice of place should be considered very responsible, because not every Russian will experience wild delight during the rest on the beach, when in the neighborhood the whole swarm of noisy Chinese.

Basic criteria for choosing:

  • climate;
  • transport accessibility;
  • quality of hotels;
  • availability of tourist entertainment;
  • general atmosphere;
  • the possibility of relaxation with children.

As you can see, the list turned out not small, but each item is logical in it and is important, and now everything is in order.

What climate in Vietnamese resorts

Weather sign for months to help you (slightly higher on this page), but it is worth remembering that the weather in Vietnam can present real surprises, to this should be prepared in advance. In any case, it is not worth refusing to travel only because of the unfavorable weather forecast, because there is always an alternative. For example, if during your December holiday in the Nha Trang rainy (), then head to the mountain dalat, or on Fukuok Island, the sun shines there at this time nice weather For a comfortable stay.

Transport accessibility

The availability of the airport next to Vietnamese resorts is a real problem, not every tourist city has a convenient international airport, some popular sea resorts (Muin) can only be reached by buses. For example, to get to the fanta Muin should spend five hours on the bus, which should slowly follow the route Hoshimine - Muin. What will be the tourists who committed a nine-hour flight, and then five hours on the bus. This transport adventure does not like everyone.

Only fly to other tourist sites local airlinesThat the same is not convenient, you will need a transplant in any case. The strange situation with the most popular beach city in Vietnam - Nha Trang, only local airlines fly to International Airport, and charter flightsthat for independent travel The same is uncomfortable.

Quality Hotels

There are no problems with the choice of hotels in Vietnam, but the presence of a rich choice of hotels is also confused. In the most popular tourist cities (Nha Trang, Muin, Fukuok), the choice of housing is housing from a cheap guesthouse with all the benefits of civilization (shower, WiFi, TV, refrigerator, etc., on the link you can see what Guesthouse looks 7 dollars) to Laksheri hotels with your own beach and vip service.

For complete unity with nature, the bungalow on the seashore (right at the edge of the water) in Muin or on Fukuchok Island, the rest of Vietnamese resorts stay tourists to standard hotels. Most Europeans choose Nha Trang, Muin and Fukuok - these settlements are most suitable for a comfortable beach holiday.

Availability of tourist entertainment

Nha Trang is the most advanced Vietnamese city, from the point of view of entertainment, there is little a resort in Vietnam to compete with Nha Trang, here and the longest cable car in the world and the largest island of Vinel entertainment in Vietnam and the other sights of this Vietnamese town.

Fantry you are waiting for more relaxed entertainment, most of which natural origin (White and red dunes, canylan, lighthouse, etc.). For active water sports (Kite and Wind Surfing) Muin is the best place in all Vietnam.

On the tropical island of Fukuok entertainment a little less, nevertheless they are. Most recently (in 2015), Winell entertainment park opened on Fukuchok, and the island itself is very beautiful, here you can order a jungle excursion or diving.

Total atmosphere

When choosing a Vietnamese resort for your future rest, you should carefully examine who from tourists loves to relax in this city. Recently, the fast-growing Chinese economy (which is the second economy in the world) allows the Chinese to relax at the most expensive corners of the world, Vietnamese beach cities are no exception.

There is nothing wrong with Chinese and Vietnamese tourists, asian and European cultures are very different. For example, on the wonderful beaches of the resorts of Vungtau and Dananga, there may be so many Asian holidaymakers that enter the water this is a real problem, not every European tourist like this "immersion in Asia".

Is it possible to relax with children

If you choose the right time of rest (season), then almost any beach town is great for recreation with children.

Of the most popular resorts of the country where children will feel comfortable, I want to celebrate the suburban beaches of Nyachung (Paragon Beach and Beach Docking) and hotels on Vinel island, as well as Fukuok Island. Most hotels in Fukuchok are located on the first line, which for vacationers with children is much more convenient than in Nha Trang.

In second place is Muin, this resort has good family tourist accommodation hotels, many of which have a specially dedicated place on the beach, without waves and all sorts of "flying people" (Surfers' kite).

Have a nice holiday in Vietnam.

Beach Do Son.

Do Son is one of the popular beaches among local tourists in the north of Vietnam, 20 km south-west of Hyfon and 105 km east of Hanoi. The DO SON Peninsula, located on the ancient continent, stretched 22.5 km along the coast from the mouth of the Cam River to the mouth of the Van UC River.

In the summer, the Do Son Beach is often scored by local tourists. From September to April next year, Do Son returns to its original beauty, with coastline 2,450 meters long filled with small sand, in the shade of thousands of sandalwood trees, surrounded by mountains and pine hills. Do Son Beach seems to be the perfect for visitors. Interestingly, here in water a suitable salt level that protects the skin from sunburns when you swim, even at noon.

On the beach do Son, in addition to swimming and water sports, do not miss fresh seafood. Near the beach there are good restaurants. Recently, to satisfy the demand of tourists, more resorts and casino are opened.

Beach Thinh Long.

Thinh Long - new Beach. In Hai Hau, Namdin Province, which only recently became popular. The beach is 3 km of soft sandy shames and a forest from Casuarina, which framed the entrance to the sparkling blue ocean.

Landscapes in Thinh Long are no equal on other beaches on the coast of Northern Vietnam, thanks to untouched beauty and clean waters. Thinh Long is lucky that the sadly famous hot winds from Laos do not affect him, so the weather here is cooler, with a light but pleasant breeze, saving from the scorching sun. On the beach is also big, but soft waves that make Thinh Long excellent place to learn from surfing.

If you do not like to just sunbathe, you can rent a canoe to swim along the coast and explore the rocky islands off the coast. On each side of the beach there are professional fishing villages in which locals will be happy to show you their lifestyle.

The best way to get to Thinh Long Beach is to rent a car with an experienced driver. You can also go on a motorcycle. Follow the National Highway 1a from Hanoi, and then on the highway 21 to get to Namdini, 80 km from Hanoi.

Beach Bai Chay.

Bai Chay is a coastal city located approximately 100 km north-east of Hanoi, attracting a huge crowd in the summer. It is also very close beach To the famous Halong Bay. There are many resorts, seafood restaurants and beach entertainment, such as water skiing, surfing and canoe.

For those who want not only to sunbathe on the beach, but also to see the sights, on the beach Bai Chay, there is Hoang Gia Park, the Royal Water Park and the Halong Night Market.

Beach Tuan Chau.

Tuan Chau Beach on the island of the same name can boast modern villas, stylish elite restaurants and places for travelers who want to enjoy a luxurious holiday outside Hanoi.

This resort town, located 160 km east of the Vietnamese capital, is also located one of the largest entertainment complexes in Southeast Asia, where visitors can watch dolphins and seals daily, watch laser light shows and movies. The Tuan Chau beach also has a huge Botanical Garden and the Sea Center for Wildlife, and travel companies offering day trips to the famous Halong Bay.

Cat Ba Island

Cat Ba is one of the numerous islets in Halong Bay, included in the UNESCO list, and almost every travel Company Offers go to the boat. Although he is full of ordinary tourist places (such as hotels, restaurants and bars), here you can still find several sandy beaches along eastern coast Cat Ba city.

The beaches of Cat Co One and Cat Co Three are connected by a rock, which is great for daily walks, and on the beach Cat Co Two there are many bungalows and chalets that are ideal for a romantic holiday.

Describe and compare the best resorts and beaches of Vietnam - famous and not very. Tourist reviews and personal experience from traveling around the country. Map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts. Choose where it is better to go to rest!

At what resorts of Vietnam can be good to relax? Let's try to figure out, considering the most popular tourist destinations of the country.

Vietnam resorts:

Nha Trang.

When to go. Best rest in Nha Trang spring and in summer. Since October, the rains season begins - strong winds blow, and the sea is worried. In winter, it happens uncomfortable because of the waves, but they are not always. We rested exactly in winter - this is a great time for excursions and trips around the neighborhood!

How to book a hotel? It is possible to find a convenient accommodation option on the well-known service - the site compares the prices of a variety of booking systems and finds the best.


Camran is a small seaside village located in the bay of the same name. The most famous beach is the Bai Zai, here often come from the neighboring Nha Trang.

The beach is only 30 meters wide, but very long, with a small sand and gentle entrance. On the shores are restaurants and hotels, on the beach you can rent a chaise lounge with an umbrella and ride water skiing.

When to go. The climate is the same as in Nha Trang, so come in spring and summer.


Where is it better to go to Vietnam if you want a calm beach holiday? Fukuok Island - Quiet Resort, Diving and Snorkeling Center. , interesting underwater world, pure water and warm climate. The infrastructure is actively developing, but there is no nightlife, and there are few sights. Although that you will not leave indifferent.

Muin and Phantheet

The narrow 17-kilometer resort area between the Phanthiet and the fishing village of Muin is just just called - Muin. This is a journey of hotels, souvenir shops, bokeh (cafe with seafood), travel agencies and pharmacies. Most hotels are located on the first line. The best beaches are engaged in expensive hotels, sections of worse - budget. We didn't like Muin - they are mostly dirty. Everywhere shallow water and waves, so do not buy. But in the area there are interesting sights: red and white dunes, trichi fairies.

When to go. There are no strong climatic swings on the northern resorts of Vietnam. However, it is best to rest in a dry period - from November to April. Most of the time blew strong winds, so this place is like kaiter and surfers. They prefer to relax from January to March, when the sea high waves. From April to the end of autumn, the sea becomes a little calmer.


Among the Russians, this resort in Vietnam is almost unknown (everyone goes to Nha Trang, Muin and Fukuchok), the Vietnamese rest here. The city is large and modern, with spacious streets and not too tight traffic, so it is convenient to learn to ride a bike.

The best beaches of Dananga with white sand and gentle entrance to the sea - tanks of An and Mi Khe. The entrance is free, the infrastructure is sufficiently developed. The coastline is wide and long, you can choose a lot of beautiful seashells.

A small minus is the remoteness of the center from the tourist zone. There are no large supermarkets on the coast. There are no city buses, you need to go to the center on a bike or taxi.

When to go. High season underwear - resting better from April to JuneWhen it is hot enough, and low waves at sea. Since the summer and until the end of the year, rains, and the winds are rampant in winter. We rested in Danang in the winter: the city and the beach were deserted, but this has its charm. He blew a strong wind, big waves rose to the sea, a red flag was put on the beaches, sometimes he rained rain. In the low season, almost all cafes in the turzon are closed, and sometimes inexpensive food is difficult to find: Vietnamese, seeing lonely tourists, climb prices.

If you are looking for, where it is better to rest in Vietnam with children, then pay attention to Hoyan - the entrance to the sea there is gentle. Most best Beach - An Bang (Other, Cua Dai, destroyed by marine erosion, and restore it). Beaches with small light sand and in places of developed infrastructure. Parking paid.

In Hoyan, beautiful ancient architecture. It is convenient to visit Marble Mountains from the city - we, for example, went there on bicycles (rentals only $ 1 per day).

Of the minuses - Hoian stands on the river, and the nearest beach you need to drive a few kilometers. Tourists prefer to live next to the old town, although you can also settle by the sea.

When to go. Best time - from February to May. In the fall, hurricanes are raging and floods.


Beach holiday in Vietnam is possible in the Bay of the city of Halong. Beaches on the islands mostly from the bridge sand, and the water is often muddy, but most tourists come here to admire the miracle islands.

In the city of Halong, there is nothing to do, except for stroll along the beautiful embankment with chic views of the bay, watch the residents of floating villages, admire sunsets and climb the poets of the Bai Tue from which the panorama of the city and the bays.

When to go. The best time for excursions - from December to the end of Maywhen dry and warm, for a beach holiday - in April, May, September and October. Rainy season - from June to September. We lived in Halong in January, and although the sun often gotten, the cold wind did not allow the thoughts about the beach holiday.


Picturesque green IslandLocated in Halong Bay Bay, the largest in the archipelago. The beaches are most often unpainted with yellowish brown sand, but clean, without garbage and algae. Major entertainment for tourists in the resort - cruises on islands and excursions to the local national park.

When to go. In the summer on the Katbe storms, so it is better to rest in autumn.

This is a small seaside town with a tightly built-built coastline and oil-producing enterprises. There are beaches in the city - narrow, with muddy and foamy water because of the close neighborhood with Mekong and strong winds.

Infrastructure developed: There are restaurants, hotels, entertainment, shops. However, even local prefer Long Hai or Muin, where the beaches are better. If you need a good beach vacation, it is better to go to the popular resorts of Vietnam: Fukuok, Nha Trang, Muyne or Danang.

When to go. From November to April. In winter, high waves climb that like aster. Rainy season - from May to October.

(Photo © Vitieubao /

The island is good for a secluded rest and ecotourism, it is called best resort in Vietnam for diving. There are unique types of plants and animals, such as marine cows and green turtles.

Tourist infrastructure developed weakly, no large shopping centers And little hotels. The island is the island rocky, most of the coast - sheer shores. In the eastern part of the island, several sandy beaches, all small and semi-sideworms.

When to go. Ideal time for beach holidays on Kon Dao from December to AprilFor diving - from February to July.

(Photo © Khoibinh / / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License)

Map of the resorts of Vietnam in Russian

For your convenience, we have made a map of all popular Vietnam resorts.

Where better to go to rest in Vietnam

Each Vietnam resort is good in its own way. Thirsty new impressions and active entertainment It is worth going to Nha Trang, Halong, Hoian and Danang. Islands will fit natural attractions and diving lovers. To relax with children in Vietnam it is better to choose resorts with good hotels 4-5 * and entertainment is Fukuok, Hoian and Nha Trang.

If you have decided that it is better to go to vacation in Vietnam, we advise you to learn when you better fly there.