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Tunisia Mahdia which sea. The best beaches of Tunisia. Reviews and photos. Beaches of the resorts Hammamet, Sousse, Mahdia, Djerba. Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

I was amazed by this city, as if the French Impressionists came out with the canvases. Indeed, Makhdia left me in my heart only the most pleasant impressions.

Founded by the Phoenicians, the city of Makhdia was a pirated stronghold on the coast Mediterranean Sea. Yes, sometime the bloodthirsty pirates lived here, who came here to spend troubled good in local taverns. Translated from the Arab "Majdi" means "Savior" - so called one Khalifa, who installed the capital of his caliphate here.

Now Mahahdia is a calm Mediterranean town with a small population. I liked the city with clean narrow streets of Medina (old city), charming beaches with snow-white sand (they seemed to me the best of those on which I was in Tunisia) and warm sea, as well as sea landscapes, inspiring peace and calm.

As the resort of Machia will suit more married couples or families with children. There are few hotels, and respectively tourists, so you can enjoy a pleasant holiday in the company of loved ones.

I recommend both the travelers who stop not in Mahdia itself, and in another resort, if possible, visit this town. It is here that this unforgettable relaxing atmosphere of the Mediterranean can be observed when it seems that life is beautiful, and it will never end.

How to get

In Mahdia itself there are no airports: the city is too small. Tourists arrive either Enfida or Carthage or Monastir Airport. And then you can already transfer to the bus, taxi or rent a car.


The nearest airport is near the city, about 40 minutes away. This is the name of Habiba Burgibiba. He takes only a few Russian charters and charters from Eastern Europe. The building of the airport is old, and a convenience of minimum. Nearby are salt lakes, where pink flamingos and herons live.

In more detail, about how to get to Tunisia, I told in.

By train

I want to immediately warn that by comfort, the train is not "number one", and their website periodically does not work. Trains may be late, so the schedule is better to specify at the station previously. It may also change (days and time).

If you are going from Habib Burgibiba Airport in a monastir, then you need to get to the station to Taxi to the station (15 minutes, 2.5 EUR), and there to sit on the train, which departs in Majdia every 40 minutes. In the way it will be about 1.5 hours. The cost of a one-way ticket is about 3.5 EUR. It can be bought at the station.

From Hammamet there is no direct railway communication With Majdia. At first, from Enfida Airport, you need to take a taxi to Sousse Station (40 minutes, from 5 EUR), and from there you can already get by train to Mahdia (about 2 hours, 4 EUR).

If you fly to Carthage airport, then at first you need to get to Taxi to the station (15 minutes, from 5 EUR), then take the train to Mahdia (almost 3.5 hours, from 5 EUR).

In Makhdia from the station to the tourist area, again, you can only get to a taxi (15 minutes, from 2.5 EUR).


From Monastir to Mahdia go route taxi And buses, but also their comfort leaves much to be desired. For the ticket approximately 4 EUR. The road will take about 1.5 hours. Initially, sitting on a taxi from the airport (15 minutes, from 2.5 EUR) to bus stop.

From Hammameta also walks the bus, once a day, the cost of the ticket is 4 EUR, the time on the way is about 3 hours.

From enfida to stopping buses in Hammamet, you need to go by taxi (40 minutes, from 5 EUR).

In Makhdii from the bus stop, you can catch a taxi to the tourist area - 15 minutes, from 2.5 EUR.



Hold a taxi from Carthage and Enfida Airports and Enfida will fly to a penny, and plus it is not a fact that there will be a driver who will agree to take you, as distances are significant: from Carthage to Mahdi - 230 kilometers, from enf - 130 kilometers. From the monastir you can already take a taxi: He is closest to Machia - 45.5 kilometers. Fixed price list. For the price - how to negotiate with the driver. It is better to leave the airport building and bargain with those who stand next to him.

Rent a Car

Rent a car in Tunisia costs about 25-30 EUR per day, in season - 40 EUR. Right at the airport does not work (except Carthage Airport, but there will be more expensive than in the city, from 35-40 EUR per day), so you have to get to the city, and already there to hire a car. You will only need a passport and rights (both Russians and European) are suitable. Compare prices and choose a suitable offer, let's say.

If you go by car, then you need to navigate the signs and move towards Kairuan.

Yacht or boat

From Monastir or Susa to Mahdia can be reached on a yacht or boat if you rent something from this, but such pleasure is not cheap: from 750 EUR per day. There are no ferry.


Mahdia - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 2.

Kazan 2.

Samara 3.

Ekaterinburg 4.

Novosibirsk 6.

Vladivostok 9.

When the season. When it is better to go

In Makhdia, the season begins from the end of May and lasts until the beginning of October. At this time, the temperature in the area of \u200b\u200b+30, +35 ° C, the sea is very warm, and the shore is sometimes hot. In the evening it becomes cooler, +25 ° C on average.

It is better to go either in early June, or from late August to September: at this time there is no that unbearable heat, from which you want to hide in the room, the temperature is high, but comfortable, you can safely swim. You can choose a tour (with air tickets, hotels, transfer and insurance) to Majdia.

Machia in the summer

In the summer in Mahdia is very hot. Lucky breeze from the sea does not save. The temperature on average reaches +35 ° C, and in the evening a little colder. Ties you go for a walk to the city, wearing a headdress and a bottle with water in the bag must be necessary.

Mahdia in the fall

Autumn in Mahdia comes from October. At this time, the temperature drops to +25, +20 ° C. There may be rains, sometimes very strong. Blowing strong drooping wind from the sea, which lies in the house of the heap of sand.

Mahahdi in spring

Spring begins with the middle of March, when the day gradually becomes warmer (up to + 25 ° C), and the sun is more often shown in the sky. In April, local is already starting to swim in the sea, although it is still cool. But since May, you can already boldly go to the beach and swim in your pleasure.

Machia in winter

In winter, the average temperature is +12, +15 ° C. Sometimes sunny days can be issued, but frequent rains with a strong wind.

Makhdia - weather by months


Makhdia - weather by months

Areas. Where better live

In Mahidia, some hotels, just about twenty. And almost all on the joy of tourists are located on the first coastline, that is, go to the beach quite close. All hotels are located in the so-called tourist area, which is carried out for the city dam (except for the Hotel Le Phenix in the city center).

Among hotels there are 5-, and 4-, and 3-stars hotels that are mixed with each other.

If the budget allows, choose Iberostar Royal El Mansour (the building is impressive with its monumentality and interesting details, such as arches); Vincci Nour Palace (perfectly equipped rooms, and near a large swimming pool) or Golden Tulip Mahdia Palace (there you can go through a course of thalassotherapy, and the building has an indoor pool).

More modest hotels: Topkapi Beach (good for families with young children, near the beautiful beach); Club Tapsus (there is spa and thalassotherapy courses); Les Princes (Located in a very beautiful building in Arabic style) or Sirocco Beach (good kitchen and infrastructure) - suit people with a small budget. However, hotels in Topkapi Beach and Sirocco Beach have one flaws: they love to pick up local, to skip the cup-other and have fun, but others are closer to the end of the tourist area, so there is no longer getting there.

If you are more like a lover of historical sights, then choose Le Phenix, in which there is a very decent restaurant with local dishes. Couscous here is accurate!

For at all budget recreation Hotel Dimess is suitable - modest, but clean, located on the second coastline.

I usually find hotels on Bucking - and check if there is no more favorable price, can . View offers for rental of private apartments Conveniently on the link.

Of course, Mahahdi is a small and well guarded by the police city, but still in the evening and night girls are better not to go to walk. Only in the company, and it is desirable that there are men nearby.

What are the prices for rest

On average, the hotel in the hotel costs 470-550 EUR for 1 person for 10-15 days. Depending on the type of hotel, the room can cost from 16 to 78 EUR per day.

As for food, the city has a good cafe with terraces (for example, very close to medina) and a variety of restaurants. The price tag in the cafe is: coffee or tea plus dessert will cost 2.5-5 EUR. In the restaurant for a full dinner or dinner you will give about 17.5-20 EUR.

Taxis, depending on the distance, take from 0.5 EUR to 2.5 EUR. But you can hardly need it. The city is small, almost all attractions are located in the center or near Medina, so you can safely walk on foot less than 1 day.

Main attractions. What to see

In a small, at first glance, Mahdia has something to see. Going for a walk in the city center, it is better to start with the medina. All the most important attractions are collected around it, and the main souvenir shops too.

The main attractions of Mahdia on the map:

Be sure to wear a headdress, since the sun is merciless in the summer, and also do not forget to watch your bag and things, because it is in the medina who can be pocket thieves. It's better to go for a walk in the morning, because at this time museums are open and not very hot.

Top 5.

Burge El Kebir (Bordj El Kebir)

One of the main attractions of Mahdia, striking. This is a fortress built by Turks in the XVI century.

Here are also sturdy fortress walls, and guns, looking in the sea in the sea, and endless transitions inside. Entrance fee - 3.5 EUR. It works from September 16 to June 16 from 09:00 to 16:00; from June 17 to July 17 - 09: 30-17: 00; From July 18 to September 15 - 09: 00-19: 00. Actually, there is nothing particularly interesting inside the fortress, but from the very top there is an amazing view of the sea.

Medina (Mahdia's Old Town)

This is, of course, the heart of Mahdia. Fascinating in a narrow streets (cleanliness is supported here), look into small shops with souvenirs on the road, sitting in a beautiful cafe with a large terrace.

Some houses are seized by ivy and flowers, and there is generally moving, where the roof is ivy, honeysuckle and flowers, - very native and beautiful place. Going out of this transition, you get to the building, brightly decorated local artists.

Skifa El Kahla (Skifa El Kahla)

You can get out of the medina through the black gate, or "Skif-El Cahla" in Arabic. They are not named so not because of their shade (the gate of the sandy color themselves), but because to go through them, you need to overcome the dark transition under them.

The gate is the remains of the ancient fortification structures of the city, and they are dated by the X century. In the transition, local souvenirs were now settled under them.


At the extreme point of the cape, a lighthouse, you can see small white plates.

Despite his gloomy destination, the cemetery itself quickly sees peace and peace.

Old Port (The Old Port)

If you walk at the edge of the water (is it is, there is a lot of garbage and extremely unpleasant smell), you can see what remained from other facilities of the fort, which once defended the Pirates of Mahdia from the assaults of the Spaniards. In the end, it was they who destroyed the coastal fort.

Observe caution taking pictures there, as the coast is very cool and sharply goes into the sea.

Beaches. What better

It is the beaches with a soft, pleasant to the touch with white sand I was impressed with Mahidi. They reach the Club Tapsus Hotel by almost 3 kilometers to the right (on the map I highlighted the beaches of the tourist zone, and green is the best, in my opinion).

All beaches are social and free, very clean and quite spacious. There is no special infrastructure. But the coast in this zone is soft sand, so that the stones do not have to stumble.

In the city itself, the roads, the beaches are not entirely comfortable. There are too rocky shores with large boulders and a lot of algae. Mostly there are local.

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

In Mahdia, there is a couple of remarkable mosques: a big mosque (Great Mosque) and Mosque of Mustafa Hamza (Mosque of Mustapha Hamza). They are two completely different architectural epochs.

The first was built in the 10th century and, thanks to the restoration spent in the middle of the last century, is in excellent condition. You can go inside, but you need to throw a scarf to women.

The second mosque dates back to the middle of the XVIII century, built in the period of Turkish rule. It is more colorful, elegant and rich in the details. There you can go, but, again, women should cover headscarf.

Museums. What are you worth a visit

On the Cairo Square, if you go right from the black gate, there is a Mahdia Museum (Mahdia Museum), which presents the perfectly preserved mosaics of the Punic period and the times of Roman rule, ceramics, a huge collection of gold coins of the Byzantine Empire, as well as the objects of culture and life local residents. Ticket price - 4.5 EUR. Opening hours: from September 16 to June 16 - 09: 00-16: 00; from June 17 to July 17 - 09: 00-16: 00; From July 18 to September 15 - 09: 00-13: 00 and 16: 00-18: 00.

The second museum is the fortress Burge-El Kubir, which I have already written above.


The city has a small park Borj Okhmani (Park Borj Ohmani). It is located next to the big mosque. There is nothing particularly remarkable in the park, except for one interesting monument and high palm trees with thick trunks, the greatestly rising to the sky.

Also there is a botanic park of Africa (Botanic Park Cap Africa), bordering straight with the sea. It is located next to the fortress and includes a cemetery, Fort Ruins and numerous rocks that are leaning in the sea.

Tourist streets

The main tourist street is the embankment on January 14, 2011 (Quay 14 January 2011). This is the date of the so-called revolution in Tunisia, as a result of which the current president came to power. The embankment passes along hotels and small houses. It's nice to walk in the evening. There are shops where you can relax.

What to look for 1 day

If you start in the morning, you can go through the medina, go through the black gate, go to the Machia Museum, to plunge into antique storyAnd then eat in one of the fish restaurants. After visiting the Burge-El Kebir fortress, to photograph against the background of wonderful sea landscapes and the remains of the fort for the seashore.

If desired, you can climb the hill to the beacon, where it is not in a hurry to walk among the White Tombstones of Punic Cemetery. And finally, of course, buy a few souvenirs!

What to see in the vicinity

Next to Majdia there are cities worthy of attention. For example, N. big cityok Mokne, where you can see the Sidi-Bu-Abana mosque, with it there is a good archaeological museum. You can drive by car or by train. It will take about 40 minutes.

In the city there is another, Ethnographical museumWhere to go to learn the local culture better.

For the same 40 minutes you will get to the monastiter. it small city, mostly oriented to tourists. There can be reached by car by bus or by train.

Here it is worth visiting the Mausoleum of Habib Burbibiba in the center, local ribat nearby, as well as the Habiba Burbiba Museum, located at the entrance to the city.

A 20-minute drive from Monastir is SUS - a large city with a more European appearance. Trains go here, and buses. But more comfortable to go by car.

Usually in the Sousse come to sweat: in the city center a lot shopping centers, shops, where they even speak Russian. Interesting Medina Susta, Ribat, at which there is an archaeological museum.

You can go from Mahdia in, go to just an hour. - Ancient Tunisian city, which was once his capital. From Mahdia you will get to him only by car: there is no direct bus or rail link.

Medina Kairuana is very big, surprisingly even clean, there are interesting homes, and there are also a mosque of three doors and a mosque of Ubba, the third sacred mosque after Mecca. The city is big and denselyened.

Nearby Isles

The closest to Mahdia island is an island ridge, consisting mainly of stones, boulders, covered with sand, and the Lampedose Island is the Italian Island, who was once the base of Berber Pirates, and now the most popular destination for Europeans in connection with their sea fauna and pleasant climate.

On smoking few houses, there is a small lighthouse, and that's all. Lampedusa more large IslandHe is interested in his landscapes, the opportunity to do diving or fishing.

On Lampedus from Mahdia can only be reached with transplants: first to drive by train or bus to Tunisia (almost 4 hours), then on ferry to Sicily, and there to transfer to the ferry to this island. Lampedusa is part of Italy, so it will be necessary to make a Schengen visa.

Food. What to try

What is characteristic of any seaside city, Mahdia kitchen is based on fish and seafood. From dishes that serve in local restaurants, try Couscous with fish.

There is a specific ECR dish - this is a tomato paste sauce with a variety of seafood. Why is it specific? There is an incredibly large amount of acute pepper. When I tried it, I had to eat a quarter of a baguette to come to my senses. Try to order it unotica, saying the waiter Misha Hara, that is, "nonostro."

There are other dishes from fish and seafood, but you need to be careful with them, as Tunisians love to add tons of pepper to their culinary works.

For dessert, you can order traditional mint tea or tea with nuts, and it is necessary to be careful with coffee: it is brewing well, very strong.

In Machia, quite a few different cafes and restaurants with different price tags. On average, per person can be met in the amount of 7.5-17.5 EUR.

Particular attention should be paid to the next fact: in Tunisia there is a purely male cafe (there are exclusively men, and the invasion of the beautiful half, albeit foreign, will be strange) and mixed cafes for men and women. Determine them simply: Male cafes are usually piled up with young and old tunisians who come here to relax from the wives and children, play cards.

Another detail: not in all restaurants or cafes there are alcohol. Mostly alcoholic beverages are served in bars during hotels.


From budgetable good places, you can highlight the SIDI Salem cafe. It is located next to the fortress and port, descends steps to the sea. From there opens beautiful view on the sea. In the morning you can drink coffee or tea with cedar nuts, and in the afternoon and in the evening, order some fish dish. Middle price tag - 7.5 EUR.

Next to the hotel El Borj in the tourist area you can find the Romance Restaurant (Romatica). Pleasant prices, excellent dishes and cozy design with illumination and muted light, as if inviting couples to romantic dinner. Middle price tag - 7.5 EUR.

In the city center, not far from the Carrefour store, Ali-Baba is located. Family with children come here well, since its main direction is pizza, sandwiches and all the dishes like them. Middle price tag also 7.5 EUR.

In the coastal zone there is a good pizzeria "Nino" (Nino) is italian restaurantwhere the best pizza and pasta are served in Machia. Located on the road leading to Kornish. Middle price tag - 7.5 EUR.

Medium level

To places where you can dine well, but with more high prices (10-12.5 EUR) - Neptune Restaurant (Neptune), which specializes in fish dishes and seafood. Especially tasty there stuffed with squid and grill fish. The terrace offers a beautiful view of the sea.

Another worthy of attention The restaurant is Dar Shat, located right on the seafront next to the El Mansour Hotel. Here you can try excellent fish delicacies and various seafood.

A 15-minute drive from Mahdia, in the small town of Said, there is a Dar El Hout restaurant. Beautifully cooked dishes, fascinating views of the sea and a pleasant atmosphere - here is his main advantages.


From more expensive places With a price tag from 17.5 EUR you can highlight the restaurant Le Quai. Oriented more on local residents, it offers Couscous with fish baked in the grilled fish, seafood dishes.

Very near the hotel Iberostar there is EL ASFOR restaurant. The menu with many proposals, a good quality of service and a wonderful view of the marine surface - for these reasons it is worth looking here. An ideal place for families and married couples.

A good reputation he supported for 40 years, has a Lido restaurant (Lido). It serves only the freshest seafood and fish, the service is out of all silence, and the setting has to rest.


In the second half of July (after the 18th), the Marine Festival is held in Mahidia, during which you can participate in sports competitions, parades around the city, exhibitions and different cultural events.

The city is transformed at this time and it becomes itself not like himself. The festival continues for about 12 days.

Safety. What to beware is worth

Despite the small size, in Mahidia, as well as in other Tunisian cities, you need to fear pocket pockets. Walking around the city, you should follow your personal items and especially not to display an expensive phone / bag / decoration.

As for lonely girls, it is better to give up walks alone at all. As you know, the Arabs are extremely violent to the Slavs, so it is better to find a company in a hotel.

Romanes with tunisians in hotels are generally not recommended at all. Those who work there are usually young people without education and a certain goal in life. The goal of the novel for them is to pull out of their victim as much money as possible.

Be sure to trade in souvenir shops. Sellers There love to overestimate prices.

The tourist area is well guarded: at the entrance there is a mandatory post of police that checks all suspicious persons.

Things to do

Thanks to the rich underwater fauna and flora, in Mahdia can be practiced in diving. If you don't have the skills at all, you can pass a 5-day training course, which is on average, 175 EUR. Club de Plongeé Cap Africa School is off the coast, near the cemetery. Near a big billboard, so you will immediately see.

From other entertainment, you can try to go fishing or go for a walk around the sea on ships stylized under the XVI-XVII century.

Shopping and shops

For all Tunisia Mahdia - the center of silk weaving. Palants, scarves, scarves, dresses, bags - here you can find all this, made according to old traditions on a wooden machine. Shops selling silk products are grouped mainly in the medina, as well as under the black gate.

In addition, you can buy typical Tunisian souvenirs, such as magnificent olive oil, hookahs, coffee, soap based on olive oil, etc.

In more detail about typical souvenirs, which can be brought from Tunisia, I wrote in my review article. Specifically, Machdia can bring silk scarves, prostine or national dresses, it will cost from 20 EUR to 25 EUR. Price liter of olive oil - 3-3.5 EUR.

Taxi. What features exist

Taxi in Tunisia is traditionally yellow color. Raising the hand up, you can attract the attention of the driver. Many taxi drivers do not understand English, nor in French, but simple words as the "hotel", "Airport" or "Restaurant" in one of the languages \u200b\u200bthey will understand. Rating price from 0.5 EUR to 2.5. You can call a taxi and from the hotel, but there is no big difference, if we talk about security.


I think that the locals and did not hear about this type of transport. Unless you saw on TV.

Another important feature is some roads in Mahdia pass at all right with the shore of the sea, which is very rocky.

It is difficult to dispense with two cars, so be attentive. At that road, the winds and not quite smooth.

If you plan to go to another city, consider that the roads in Tunisia are paid. Travel on them is from 0.5 EUR to 1 EUR. You need to pay when leaving the road. Tids on gasoline are: from 5 EUR to 10 EUR for 150-215 kilometers.

Mahdia - Recreation with children

It is better to go to Majdia either with very kids or with children of younger or middle school age. Teenagers and young people will be boring here.

During hotels there are animators that will entertain your babies, comfortable pools, and at the Caribbean World Mahdia Hotel, there is even a water park, and in El Mouradi Cap Mahdia you can do horse riding. View offers These hotels are possible.

The small town of Mahdia in Tunisia began to develop as a full-fledged beach resort relatively recently. Another 20 years ago, it was just a small fishing village. However, its cultural and historical value, calm sea and wonderful sand beaches Could not not attract the attention of thirsty novelty of foreign tourists.

Historical reference

Initially, a large Phoenician colony was found at the place of Makhdi, which existed for quite a long time, until arrived at the Ancient Romans Peninsula, which founded a large trading port at this place. The city received his current name from the national nickname of Khalife Ubewid Allah - "Majdi", which means "Savior." Ubewid Allah was the founder of the powerful dynasty of the Fatimids, which managed the region for quite a long time. By creating its own caliphate at the beginning of the X century, he chose the capital, he built a fortress on the peninsula and "closed" the passage by a stone wall of a 10-meter thickness.

Several hundred years later, after the collapse of the caliphate and coming to the Sicilians, Majdia, because of its fortified walls and a favorable position, was chosen by Arab pirates. Gradually, only the fishing village of the Old Town remained from the past Mahadia, who retained the traces of the stay of several empires.

Where is

Mahahdia is a small resort town in Northeast Tunisia, located 45 km south of the Monastir on a small picturesque peninsula, an end in Africa. The distance to the capital of Tunisia is 212 km, to Sousse - 60 km.

Transport connection

The nearest airport to the resort is located in Monastir (48 km). The railway was laid between Monastir and Majdia and go round buses. You can also go from Mahdia by train to Sousse or Tunisia. There is such a trip cheap and can significantly diversify the rest.


Compared to the North Resorts of Tunisia, the climate of Mahdia is very soft and warm. There is no strong winds, exhausting heat and sharp temperature differences. Active tourist season It begins at the end of May and continues until mid-September. The average air temperature in June + 30, in July +35, in August +32 degrees.


Hotels in Mahdia are a bit, just about twenty, and they all focus along the northern coast of the resort. As tourist infrastructure It began to develop here only in recent years, almost all hotels have been built recently, are on the first line and have quite decent territory. It is pleasant to make the fact that in Mahdia you can choose a hotel for every taste and budget - from first-class "fives" type Iberostar Royal El Mansour and democratic "fours" like Lti Mahdia Beach to budget "Troekek" Club Tapsus or Topkapi Beach.


Mult kilometer beaches of Mahdia with snow-white muddy sand is one of the reasons for the resort's popularity among European tourists. And their privacy and purity only add the resort of attractiveness compared to the same soss or monastir. Each hotel has its own wide beach, and full-time lovers can find even more quiet harbor - from the outskirts of the last hotel and to the nearest village of Bekalt, wild foolly beach almost 3 km long.

Entertainment and excursions

Resting in Mahdia, first of all, you should take a walk in the old town - Medina, where you can see the "dark gate" of Skif El-Kahla (everything that remains from the fortress walls), a beautifully preserved Fort Borge El Cabir XVI century, Large mosque, Mosque Mustafa Hamza, Machia Museum, Dar Museum, Fatimide Port, Lighthouse and ancient Cemetery. The traditional oriental bazaar is also located here, where you can buy souvenirs, postcards and, of course, the famous Majdian silk. Silk canvas here are tkut on vintage machines and handled manually. Beauty and quality of Majdian silk are known throughout North Africa.

Despite the development beach tourismMahahdia still remains the main fishing port of Tunisia. Therefore, in local restaurants you can always eat with delicious fresh seafood dishes. And aesthetic pleasure will bring a visit to the famous Sidi Salem Coffeehouse, which is located on the edge of the cliff in the old town.

In addition to the standard set of Tunisian excursions (Sunset in Sahara, Carthage, Folklore Views) in Mahaidia, you can visit the amusement park and a small zoo, where animals can be fed and communicated with them, as well as sign up for thalassotherapy procedures in one of the resort hotels.

Mahdia is ideal for a calm, measured rest. This is fabulous eastern citywhere time and space seemed frozen, and any sharp movement or loud sound can disrupt the harmony. People in age or newlyweds will be perfectly feeling here, as well as family couples with experience in search of silence and peace. Youth companies, families with adolescents Mahdia may seem boring and uninteresting.

Tunisia is not accidentally considered one of the most popular tourist destinations. This African resort is famous for sandy beaches, clean sea, high-quality service. However, a monastir airport, only sections of sandstones can be observed in the airplane airport, rare shrub thickets.

The picture of something resembles the Moroccan landscape, but this is just the first impression. It is completely different in the city of Mahahdi, which is a hundred kilometers from the airport. This city is the end point of the journey.

  1. Lively status tourist Center Makhdia found not so long ago, about twenty years ago, while the city has a rich and fascinating story. IN different times The Fenitsky Colony, Roman settlement, was existed on the territory of Mahdia, then she became the center of a powerful Arab Caliphate. Later, this place was chosen by the pirates, here they exchanged the necessary supplies and rum.
  2. Modern Mahdia is a cozy town with narrow streets and with the legendary Arab medina. Special admiration is worthy of white sandy beaches of the resort center. The place is relatively quiet, an excellent option for a family pastime with children. Expect from rest in Mahidia noisy fun with beach parties should not be, this is not inherent in this Arab resort. It is important to remember that, as in any other Arab city, several times a day silence will break the reading of the Quran.
  3. Those who first come to Majdia may seem that the streets of the city are non-dimensional and dirty. But this is characteristic of many Arab countries, in Morocco or Egypt, a picture of similar. Tourists need to be prepared for the fact that outside of hotels will be met by dirt, poverty, trash on lawns.

Climate resort

The tourist season lasts in Tunisia from early spring to late autumn. You can travel around this country in winter, but you can not swim in the cold season, most than it can enjoy, it is sunbathing.

Middle temperatures

  1. In the period from March to May, the air temperature during the day 24 - 31 s, at night 20 - 27 s, water 23c.
  2. In the period from September to October, the air temperature during the day 15 - 18 s, at night 12 - 14 s, water 15 S.
  3. From November to December, the temperature of the air during the day 13 - 15 s, at night 9 - 12 s, water 13 C.

Choose hotels

Traveler, the purpose of the trip of which Mahdia is important to remember that the booking of the tour must be taken as early as possible. In this resort city, about 30 large hotels, several small urban, there are also a small amount of cheap apartments - studios, but in general it is not much.

But among the available hotels, easily there is an option for every taste and wallet. Each tourist, ranging from lovers economical rest, ending with the demanding VIP tourists, will be satisfied.

Hotels are located along the coast. Most objects work on the "All Included" system. They have large areas, their own beaches, striking the exotic gardens. The infrastructure of hotels, as a rule, includes:

  • pool;
  • sauna;
  • laundry;
  • children's club;
  • souvenir shop.

For this reason, to leave the territory of the hotel there is no need, nothing worthy of the interest of the tourist, beyond, most likely, it will not be possible to find.

With some five-star hotels, thalassotherapy centers are functioning. Among them:

  1. Vincci Nour Palace,
  3. Mahdia Palace Thalasso,
  4. Iberostar Royal El Mansour.

Sights of the resort

Missing tourists in Mahdia do not have to. In addition to the "lazy" rest on the beautiful sandy beaches, compulsory visiting Recommended several attractions of the city. Among them in the first place mysterious old city - Arab Medina.
In the 10th century, inaccessible walls were erected around the city.

You could get into the medieval Majdia at that time through the only gates of Skiff El Cahla, which is translated as "black." A few centuries later, in 1554, the Spaniards destroyed the walls. Now only the gate of Skiff El Cahla is reminded of the already magnitude of the Arab Caliphate. This is another sight of the resort.

Visit the "Black Gate" follows not only in order to admire their monumentality and splendor, there is another reason. Not far from this attraction on Fridays is a traditional market. A tourist who falls here is immersed in a unique atmosphere and begins to feel like a hero of one of the fairy tales "1001 nights."

Local weaves, seamstresses, embroiderers surprise guests of Mahdia with their skill. Right in front of tourists, they create products from silk, souvenirs, national costumes. The jewelry market deserves no less attention.
Among the monuments of Mahdia must be mentioned:

  1. market on Square Farhat Hachd,
  2. old port,
  3. local cemetery,
  4. Burgej El Kubir,
  5. museum of weaving
  6. museum of Dar Hamza.

A visit to these places will allow the spirit of the country and the local flavor.

Medina Mahdia

Medina is the old part of the city traditional for Arab countries. It is at the same time a concentration of historical attractions and a traditional market. Here you can watch how the local population lives today.

Medina Makhdi is located on the peninsula, it is posted with powerful walls. There are own white sandy beaches there, but they are always deserted. Finding inside, the tourist turns out to be involved in the whirlpool of the local market life with its unique atmosphere. Here you can buy a variety of goods:

  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • seafood,
  • goods of folk crafts.

In addition to visiting the market, it will not less interesting to wander through the narrow streets among the white houses of local residents, and finish a walk in one of the coastal cafes. Get lost in Medina Mahdia is difficult. The main street is divided into two parts (right and left), and the alleys intersect at right angles.


  • acquaintance with Machia's monuments will be not complete without visiting a big mosque. It was built in the 10th century and is the first fatimide mosque. According to legends, only the legendary Mahdi could enter it and its approximate;
  • for centuries, the mosque has been collapsed many times and subjected to recovery. In the form, in which it can be seen now, the mosque was restored in 1965 on the preserved plans of the 10th century;
  • the mosque is similar to the fortress, it is distinguished by a simple and laconic architecture, is striking by monumentality. Inside the construction there is a prayer yard of 42 to 50 m. It is important to notice that the porch is the only fragment preserved from the original mosque built in 916-920.


Museum of Mahdia is located next to the gate of Skiff El Kahla. Exhibits relating to different periods of history, both Mahdia and the country as a whole are collected here. Many of them were raised in the 19th century from the bottom of the sea. This, for example, two Greek columns that were transported to Roman ships as a trophy. Also in the museum you can see exhibits related to the Roman period: mosaic, statues, amphoras.

Subscribes in the museum objects related to the era of the Fatimide Board. They talk about the Islamic period of the history of Mahdia. These are products of folk crafts, decorations, national costumes.

Museum opening hours:

  1. In the summer: from Tuesday to Sunday 09.00 - 13.00 and 15.00 - 19.00, Monday - day off.
  2. In winter: from Monday to Sunday 09.00 - 16.00.
  3. The cost of visiting the Museum of Mahdia is 5 dinar.
  4. It is permitted to photograph, paying 1 dinar for it.


  • walk to Africa and Fortress Burgej El Kubir is another an interesting route For a Mahdia researcher. The fortress was built in the 16th century in the era of the Fatimids;
  • powerful walls in places reach the thickness of 10 m. The fortress was built as part of the palace. She later expanded, strengthened and served as a stronghold against the raids of the Spaniards and Maltese knights from the sea;
  • from the height of the fortress walls offers a beautiful view of the lighthouse, Cape Africa, a cemetery. It is important to note that on an old cemetery, part of the burial dates back to the 10th century. It is also called the seafarers cemetery.

Mahdia now

New part of the city is a tourist area with modern hotels and luxurious beaches. Exactly snow white beaches with soft sand are business card resort. Beaches stretched along the coast.

The hotel area is 5 km away. from the city. Public transport And on a taxi you can get to the medina and from there to start exploring the sights of the city. It is important to notice that all of them are in close proximity to the medina.

We will wait for your comments about this wonderful and exciting place.

Tunisia is african statewhich annually increases the number of its fans. Tourists adore Tunisia, first of all, for beautiful beaches. Many of them are interested, and what kind of sea in Tunisia? In this article we will give an answer to this question and let's talk about beach resort in the country.

General information about Tunisia

it small statelocated in the north of Africa. The title of the capital of Tunisia coincides with the name of the country itself. Once upon a time, Tunisia was one of the French colonies. This affected the country's architecture. Walking through the streets of Tunisia, you can feel this French atmosphere. This is one of the main reasons why tourists like to come here so much.

Despite the fact that Tunisia is tourist countryThe basis of its economy is an agrarian sphere. Most of the country's population are Arabs.

In addition to beautiful beaches, Tunisia can offer to look at tourists on the oldest architectural facilitiesThe most famous of which is Carthage, visit the water park, zoo, many museums and beautiful places.

Sea that is washes Tunisia

The country is washes by the Mediterranean Sea. Many tourists have long been called Tunisia a real paradise for recreation, because the beaches there are incredibly clean and beautiful. In the northern part of the country the coast of the rocky. It has steep cliffs that fall sharply into the sea. In these rocks, you can find a huge number of bays, where in the boats, lovers are sent to the boats.

FROM Eastern There is no rocks on the coast, but there are incredibly beautiful blue lagoons. It is enough to see this beauty once, as I want to return there again. Particularly like tourists to be on the island of Djerba, because the sea is not deep there, so you can often meet a shallow.

Deserves special attention to the sand on the coasts of Tunisia. It is not just crystal clear, but also very beautiful. Also, on some beaches of this country, beautiful palm trees are growing, which complement the beauty of the landscapes of Tunisia.

A feature of Tunisian beaches is their municipality, so they are always guarded. There are practically no local population on the beaches. Most hotels in Tunisia are trying to create the most comfortable conditions for vacationers, so the beaches are furnished there are sun beds, hammocks and umbrellas.

Best time for swimming in Tunisia

You can relax in this country at any time of the year, since climatic conditions And the weather allows. As for bathing, the best period for this is the beginning of April - the end of October. Even at such a solar country as Tunisia, the coming of autumn with its cooling may not affect.

Most tourists come here in May and June, since during these months the weather is the most "swimming". In the middle of summer on the coast of Tunisia there are a lot of jellyfish, and here they are not always safe. This scares many tourists and during this period almost no one comes here.

With the onset of November, the weather does not deteriorate significantly, this month you can expect rain and cooling. Some even like such weather conditions, and they gladly come to Tunisia at the end of autumn.

Perhaps this is the most famous resort Tunisia. Here is a bit warmer than any coast of Tunisia.

In this place is incredibly beautiful. What attractive is the island of Djerba?

  • Tourists love to come to the island to look at sunset.
  • There is a lagoon in which pink flamingos lives. These birds have long been accustomed to tourists and therefore, absolutely not afraid of them.
  • Tourists can visit on the island of one of the most ancient synagogues of La Mushroom in the world.
  • Well, of course, it is impossible not to visit the island of Djerba and not to taste the famous rice in jerbski.

Beaches Tunisa

In this country, one of the most beautiful beaches World. Among the most beautiful beaches of Tunisia, you can allocate such:

  • Monastir Beach and others.

This beach is a real pearl of Tunisia. But Russian tourists do not really love to rest here, because at Cape Gammart one of the most expensive hotels in the country. A feature of this coast is a rather long coastline, more than six kilometers. The shore on Cape smoothly descends into the sea, because of what big waves almost never happen here.

There are many rocky areas on Hammart on which tourists are very liked to be photographed.

Perhaps Cape Gammart is a beach that is as close as possible to civilization. Almost all over the entire length of the coastline, there are shops, hotels, and a road passes near the beach itself. Those tourists who want to relax from the city bustle, it is better to go to another beach.

Mahdia Beach is one of the most beautiful and clean beaches Tunisia, so it is considered the pride of the country. On this beach the smallest sand white color. If you take a little sand into your palm, then it may be a feeling that in the hand of flour.

Mahdia Beach is very wide, the sea is calm - this is definitely strengths. Sea color deserves special attention: water here is azure color. It can be said that this is the coast - the complete opposite of Gammart's Cape. There are practically no links here, you can rarely find a store, and the nearest hotels are quite far from the beach, which is both a disadvantage and the dignity of Mahdia.

This coast is perfect for those who wish to feel privacy with nature, listen to the sea breeze, lie on the waves and just relax.

This beach is ideal for those who wish, as they say, take everything from life. Most of the tourists staying on the souta are youth. Life here is in full swing. Disco, bars, restaurants, shops and other private business facilities are standing on the beach Sousse. Therefore, this place is considered the most "noisy" resort in Tunisia.

A rather pleasant moment for tourists is that prices in such institutions are very acceptable. On the beach you can find even several supermarkets. This is its advantage, as in the supermarket you can buy any items necessary for the most comfortable relaxation on the coast: Cream for tanning, cold water, bedspread, sunglasses, etc.

Since the souta beach is resting daily by a huge number of tourists, it is impossible to call this territory crystal clearly. But also to say that there is unacceptable dirty, too, it is also impossible.

The main feature of the beach of Djerba is that there are almost no people there. Night clubs, supermarkets and bars here replace museums and parks. Slevenience of this beach makes him something like a reserve.

But traveling to the beach and rest on it is absolutely not prohibited, nevertheless, tourists are rare here. Here come to enjoy the loneliness, listen to the noise of the surf. Also, there are pink flamingos. And on the beach, Jerba has a lot of palm trees and olive trees. All this helps a visit to the tourist to feel on a desert island.

On this beach, it is pretty easy to feel comfortable. Clear sea, beautiful landscapes, white sand. Prices in stores on Monastir Beach are much lower than on other beaches. But he also has his own drawback to get here, you need to walk quite a long time from the nearest hotel. Those who do not like to walk, have to take a taxi every time. Also, on this beach There are practically no entertainment. Those who love to have fun on the beach will need to go to Sousse.

Machia - calm resort For a secluded beach holiday. Here you will like pairs with young children, elderly tourists and fans of silence and peace.

Machia is not so famous russian touristslike either. It goes here to relax on calm and clean white sand beaches, wander through the narrow streets of the medina, relax in spa on thalassotherapy sessions.

Makhdiya received his name on the nicknamed Caliph Ubaidallah. He was called "Majdi" ("Savior"), and the city founded by him became the capital of a powerful caliphate. In Mahadie, millennial harsh fortresses and ruins are preserved, remembering bloodshed battles.


Makhdia began its development as a resort recently, so the hotel found here is new. Most hotels have a category "4 stars." Hotels are on the coast, there are no them in urban quarters. In addition to its site, there are thalassotherapy centers in hotels (in hotels,).


Beaches in Mahadia sandy, very clean and spacious. Thanks to the resort of the resort, there is enough space under the sun. The entrance to the water is very gently, the baby with pleasure is splashing in shallow water. Soft snow-white sand and a calm sea attract a family with children here.


The most famous landmark of Mahdia is a fortress (old fortress). Incredibly thick walls (about 10 meters) and the location on the edge of the cape made it almost impregnable for the invaders. Entrance to the fortress is paid - 3.5 euros. Inside, there is almost nothing interesting, except for vintage guns. However, visit to climb the wall and admire the fantastic sea scenery.

The entrance to Medina Mahdi is located in the fortress gate wearing a name. A long and gloomy corridor of the gate (about 21 meters long) will lead travelers to the raging oriental bazaar, scattered among the ancient narrow streets. In Medina is a museum where you can see the exhibition of national clothes, jewelry and household items.

Often, tourists are photographed next to the stone arch on the cliff, in the port near the snow-white yachts. Visitors to Coffee House "Sidi-Salem" (it is located next to the medina and fish port) admire the sea view, sipping fragrant coffee on the terraces of the ledge.

Where to go on an excursion

From Mahidia, tourists are often sent to a cruise to the islands of the chicient or Lampedusa. On the way, entertain themselves with marine fishing, bathing in the open sea. There are several islands interesting places for diving. Dishes - Tajin (roast with lamb), stuffed pepper, vegetables. Also, local cooks skillfully prepare fish dishes and serve them with a side dish from Couscous.


In addition to olive oil, cosmetics, ceramics, souvenirs from the skin, it is necessary to pay attention to silk belants. Mahdia is a silklook center. Shawls, Palants and Tunics are made here by manually by antique technologies. It is worth such pleasure that it is not suiced - about 60 dinars for a handkerchief."\u003e Taking prices for tours in Majdia