Foreign passports and documents

Where is the best place to relax in November. Which resorts in the Philippines to visit in November? The most famous hotels are

  • Air temperature: 29–31 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 27-28 ° C.
  • Visa: a tourist visa for 30 days can be obtained at the airport.
  • Cost of living: from 678 rubles per night.
  • : from 17,139 rubles.

In November in United Arab Emirates the weather is very comfortable, but there is no such influx of tourists as in December-January. So this month is great for both beach and sightseeing holidays.

Other Dubai attractions include desert safaris, first-class water parks, skydiving, advanced night life and even the opportunity to go skiing or snowboarding. In general, there are a lot of options for recreation, as befits a tourist center.

  • Air temperature: 29-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 29 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: from 860 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 55 647 rubles.

Compared to other autumn months, Jamaica has relatively dry weather in November. At the same time, there are still no crowds of Americans that traditionally fill the island in winter. Therefore, a calm and more budgetary than in the high season is provided.

In addition to lying on Jamaican sand, you can also go on an excursion to local waterfalls, raft down the Black River, flooded with crocodiles, and, of course, enjoy local cuisine and music (the birthplace of Bob Marley, after all).

  • Air temperature: 29-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 28 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: from 1,819 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 35,102 rubles.

The end of autumn is a transitional period for the Maldives: officially the rainy season is still going on, but in fact there are not so many of them. Translated, this means reduced prices for a paradise vacation.

Most precipitation at this time falls in the center of the archipelago, less - in the north. In addition, it is worth considering that it is better to do surfing on the Addu atoll: there is the strongest wind.

Otherwise, the rest in different parts of the archipelago is not very different. Beautiful beaches and water activities like diving and snorkelling are everywhere.

  • Air temperature: 29-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 28 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: from 153 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 30 706 rubles.

You can go to your favorite downshifter starting in November, when the rainy season ends. And if in some parts of the country they can still disturb, then the risk of getting wet in Phuket is minimal. From the advantages of this situation: you can relax cheaper than usual, especially in the first half of the month.

What else awaits you: warm and clear sea, nightlife and attractions, mainly temples and parks. But the island is big, there is something to see.

  • Air temperature: 30–31 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 29 ° C.
  • Visa: Indian, you can get it online.
  • Cost of living: from 808 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 60 to 110 rubles.

For lovers of a more secluded holiday, the Andaman Islands are perfect. On them, as on the entire Indian coast, comfortable conditions for recreation are established in November. And if you arrive in the middle of the month, you will definitely be able to find the wonderful weather and attractive prices.

Of the other advantages of the islands: beautiful sandy beaches and the main local fun is swimming with elephants.

  • Air temperature: 9-13 ° C.
  • Visa: British.
  • Cost of living: from 590 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 9 772 rubles.

November is a time of holidays and lights. The city will begin to shine on November 5, on the night of Guy Fawkes: at this time Londoners will burn bonfires and launch fireworks in honor of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

A week later, on November 10, the townspeople will celebrate again. The reason will be the inauguration of the head of the City area, which is called Lord Mayor's Show... This is one of the oldest British celebrations, accompanied by a colorful carnival and ending with fireworks over the Thames.

Finally, in November, the British capital will start preparing for Christmas. The city will be transformed for the holiday, Christmas markets will open and themed events will be held. In general, you cannot get rid of the feeling of joy and magic.

  • Air temperature: 9-15 ° C.
  • Visa: American.
  • Cost of living: from 1 704 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 25,392 rubles.

Another country that will plunge into the holiday atmosphere at the end of autumn is America. And, of course, we are talking about Thanksgiving, which will take place on November 22nd. Anyone who has watched Hollywood films (that is, about everything) knows that this is the best time for eating turkey and pumpkin pie.

The holiday will be celebrated all over the country, but the most important celebration, the Macy Parade, will be held in New York. A procession of mummers, clowns, dancers and brass bands will move to the central streets of the city. The highlight of the parade, as always, will be giant balloons in the form of cartoon and comic characters. On November 1 and 2, a very bright holiday is taking place throughout Mexico - Day of the Dead. Despite the fact that the occasion is not the most joyful (veneration for the dead), Mexicans manage to celebrate it with their usual merriment. Interesting in November and in Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria. At the beginning of the month, the Autumn Art Salon ends there, but from November 16 to 30, you can still have time to visit the largest Bulgarian film festival "Kinomania", within the framework of which screenings and creative meetings will take place.

Another bright event is expected on the last weekend of the month - “

Many people want their vacation to be unforgettable and full of impressions, but usually in November the weather does not cause us joy and delight. The best way get rid of the autumn mood and change the rainy weather to sunny - a trip abroad to the sea. It is in autumn that the holiday season is just beginning in many countries. Let's take a look at the most popular tourist destinations where you can relax abroad by the sea in November.

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More and more often Russian tourists decide to spend their holidays in Thailand. And this is not surprising! Magical white sand beaches and beautiful pristine nature are good reasons to go to this fairy land... In October, the rainy season ends here, the nights become warm, the average temperature is 28 degrees Celsius. November is the beginning of the tourist season in Thailand, there are more and more tourists every day, because the bright sun shines so temptingly.

In Thailand, you can visit many Buddhist temples and monasteries, look at Royal Palace or take an evening cruise on the Chao Phraya River. On the night of the first full moon of November, the Water Festival is celebrated in Thailand.

On this day, across the country, people launch boats in all bodies of water. The festival is held in honor of the Mother of Water. People ask her for forgiveness for the pollution and express their gratitude to her. Temples, houses, locals dressed in costumes - all this amazes with the variety of bright colors of each tourist. On November 25, the annual Monkey Banquet is held in the small town of Lop Buri.

Several hundred guests are invited to the grand vegetarian banquet, all monkeys. This amazing holiday is organized by the owner of one of the hotels. On the day of the banquet, he sends invitations to his guests, tying them to nuts. People say that the monkeys understand everything, they gather in Lop Buri and treat themselves to vegetables, fruits and rice prepared for them. How can such a sight leave someone indifferent?


In November, you can go to India, and the most correct decision would be a trip to Goa. The air temperature there is about 33 degrees, and the water heats up to 27. A trip to the very heart of India with its colorful traditions, beautiful beaches, bright streets and exotic nature is what you need to relax after the cold November days in Russia. Such a vacation will become a trip to a fairy tale for you, it will definitely remain in your memory for many years.

In addition to all the obvious advantages, holidays in India are quite economical, which cannot but please tourists. Here, at low prices, you can buy many of the things you need on vacation, so as not to lug huge suitcases with you. Do not forget to get a windbreaker or a warm jacket, because the nights can be chilly at this time. Excursions to ancient temples and monasteries, walks in bustling markets, swimming in the warm sea and elephant trekking are just a few of what you can do in Goa in November.

Dominican Republic

An excellent destination for a vacation in November is the Dominican Republic. Ocean coast, hot sun and tropics - this is what this amazing caribbean island... At this time in the Dominican Republic there are rains, but they are short-lived and pleasantly refreshing. Pure White sand, palms and warm sea sunny beaches allow you to deservedly call the Dominican Republic a sea paradise.

Undoubtedly, the main attraction of the island is the beaches, the most famous and popular of which are located in the province of Puerto Plata. The capital of the Dominican Republic, the city of Santo Domingo, is now named by the UNESCO "Heritage of Humanity" for a large number of historical and cultural monuments. Here you can visit the Cathedral of Santa Maria Menor, where the remains of Christopher Columbus are kept, the castle that belonged to his brother, the oldest university.

You are more interested in recent history? Then take a guided tour of the Museum of Modern Art. All over the island you will find cozy parks created especially for a quiet rest after long walks. Diving enthusiasts will be delighted with the many tropical colorful fish, dolphins and turtles. A beach vacation with children in this piece of paradise on earth would be a great solution. Being engaged in active recreation, for which there are a great many opportunities, children will not only have fun, having a good time, but will also be able to improve their health.


One of the best options for a November vacation is a trip to Vietnam. At this time there is already dry weather, the temperature fluctuates around 25-32 degrees. Prices are lower than in Thailand, and even more so in Russia. An amazing combination of oriental exoticism and modern service will delight all guests of the country. Vietnam is deservedly called Asian Hawaii. Wonderful sandy beaches surrounded by delightful lagoons, waterfalls and coconut trees only prove this once again. Alternatively, you can visit the well-groomed National parks so pleasing to the eye. According to legend, in the coastal bays you may be lucky enough to see the red dragon, the local Loch Ness monster.

Climatic conditions in November in Vietnam contribute to active rest- surfing, scuba diving, paragliding, sightseeing on bicycles or ATVs. Excursion tourism is also quite well developed. Each tourist is offered a large list of excursions to choose from, so that guests of the country can choose what they like.

In November, Vietnam hosts the stunning Ok Om Bok Festival, celebrating the spirits of the river and the moon. The most interesting part of it is the junk rowing competition. If you manage to visit this holiday, you will be able to learn many amazing traditions and exotic customs of this magical country.


If you are ready to go to the other end of the Earth for warmth and sun, the best option for a vacation in November is the Maldives. At this time of the year, the sun reigns there, and there is practically no rain. Here it is, a real tropical paradise! Lush greenery, flowering of exotic plants with a pleasant sweet aroma - all this you can find only there. Maldives is the most suitable place for quiet rest, complete solitude and achieving harmony with nature. Even though in November, due to the opening holiday season, the number of tourists increases significantly, on the beaches you will not see huge crowds of noisy people.

Everything here is organized so that you can feel like the one for whom the sun is shining here, and the waves are quietly rustling. Amazing landscapes, bays full of bright corals and sterile cleanliness are the features of the beaches in the Maldives. The water temperature in November is about 28 degrees, which makes swimming and diving extremely pleasant.

By the way, diving schools are open for everyone on almost every island. The underwater world here amazes with its colorfulness and diversity: colorful fish, beautiful coral gardens, caves and thickets - all this surprises, shocks and leaves an indelible impression. Republic Day is celebrated in the Maldives on November 11 with parades, vibrant carnivals and colorful fireworks.

Although the weather in November on the Turkish coast cannot be called beachy, there are many very attractive features on vacation here. Comfortable temperatures of air (+ 22 ° -23 °) and water (+ 18-20 °) create an affectionate atmosphere in May. There are no noisy crowds on the beaches, you can safely walk along cote d'azur, bask in the warm rays. Fans of refreshing showers can still swim, and fans of the heat should start hardening by plunging briefly into invigorating waves. The best places in Turkey for a beach holiday in November are Side and Alanya, because it rarely rains here, the days are warm. It is noticeably cooler in the evening - you should stock up on a set of warm clothes.

In addition to being on the beach, November is the right time for memorable excursions to the historical and cultural attractions of a country with a rich past. Those who ride along sightseeing tours, have the opportunity to see the grandiose monuments of the Ottoman Empire: the "Blue Mosque of Ahmed", the Topkapi Sultan's palace with a museum of Turkish weapons, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (St. Sophia) with a "weeping" column. Tourists will be impressed by the famous bridge laid across the Bosphorus Strait (length - 1.5 km, width - 33.5 m, height - 64 m).

Everyone is happy to walk along it, admiring the magnificent landscapes spread out below. Undoubted success will be participation in the celebration of the Day of Remembrance of Ataturk (10.11) and the Feast of Sacrifice (17.11). November in Turkey is the ripening season for the generous gifts of the subtropical nature in the form of citrus fruits, bananas, peaches, vegetables, which cost a penny at this time, and you can eat plenty of them and buy them for future use.

If you like to relax on the seaside in " the Velvet season", Then in November you need to go to the Emirates, where it is in full swing. The sultry heat is gone, the air has become cooler (+ 28-30 °), the waves in the Persian Gulf are so gentle (+ 25 °) that you don't want to leave the warm water. Off the coast of the Gulf of Oman, it is slightly cooler (+ 23 °), but here it is warmer at night. In November, tour operators practice significant discounts on tours for groups of more than 3 people - you can take advantage of this and travel with the whole family.

You don't have to worry about your leisure time - you won't be bored: there are many well-equipped water parks, amusement parks with dizzying attractions, zoos and all kinds entertainment centers... A visit to all these objects, including zoos, will appeal to both adults and children, especially since it can be done with large discounts for tickets.

The last month of autumn in the UAE is a season of various colorful festivals, international fairs and art exhibitions. If you are lucky enough to attend the National Festival, you can win a valuable prize or money through the lottery. Participation in an interesting, vibrant holiday of Muslims - Ramadan - will bring extraordinary pleasure. In a word, there will be many pleasant impressions!

The holy, blessed, promised land - this is how Israel is most often called: an amazing subtropical country washed by 4 seas, making its coast a continuous beach. In November, there is a rich selection of places for a wonderful holiday, not darkened by the unbearable heat. In the northern part of Israel, rains begin to fall more often, bringing additional coolness, which creates additional comfort. In the south (near the shores of the Red Sea) it rains very rarely, but even without them there is no heat, so a beach holiday on the white sand will be simply luxurious. Here is a paradise for scuba divers: coral reefs near Eilat conquer thousands of tourists with their unprecedented beauty, who come here from all over the world.

Not only scuba divers can admire the famous reefs - an underwater observatory has been erected here, from which a magnificent view of the underwater kingdom opens up. Choosing the Dead Sea coast in November, you can successfully combine beach activities with a complex of wellness procedures, famous for their effectiveness.

Those who are interested in the historical past of the Promised Land can choose the Sea of ​​Galilee, on the coast of which there are many ancient monuments and all sorts of attractions. Excursions to holy places will leave the deepest impressions, spiritually enriching everyone. A visit will be unforgettable national reserve Ein Gedi, ancient fortress Masada, Sdom salt mountain and other interesting sites. Holidays in November in Israel is a truly magical stay in a blessed land.

If in many places from November to March the weather cannot be called beachy, then in exotic Sri Lanka, just during this period is the best time for an amazing vacation, filled with unusual impressions and feelings that have not been experienced before. In November, daily tropical showers stop here, and thousands of tourists flock to the former island of Ceylon to splash in the waters of the Indian Ocean and taste all the delights of the surrounding exotic. And there is more than enough of it here: the famous Ceylon tea, a unique Spice Garden, many Buddha statues, an elephant nursery, the Royal Botanic Garden with a huge collection of wild orchids.

Here, at every step, you can meet monkeys peacefully adjacent to people, ride elephants, eat unfamiliar fruits, see with your own eyes how the famous batik fabric is created in craft factories. For those who focus on staying on the beach, it is better to go to Sri Lanka in the 2nd half of November, when the monsoons completely calm down, the ocean waves diminish and the ocean becomes more gentle. But those who visit this wonderland in early November will not regret anything. Lovers of water skiing will have their fill of jumping on the waves, and "sloths" will soak up the velvet sand. Excursions to local attractions in November will provide new insights into national traditions and entertainment and new exciting experiences never before seen.

Canary Islands

Holidays in November on a unique archipelago, consisting of 7 large and many small islands formed as a result volcanic eruption- great pleasure. Here, the daytime air temperature in November is very comfortable (+ 22 ° -24 °), and the water temperature is + 20 °, a constant breeze blows, which allows you to actively engage in all types of water sports... Considering significant discounts on tours at this time, the Canary Islands is a real peak of the tourist season. Surfers from different countries demonstrate their brilliant skill in conquering the turquoise waves of the Atlantic.

Many canoes, boats glide between the islands, carrying tourists. Children are also not bored here: excursions to the dolphinarium, zoo, nature, in addition to beach activities, they will really like. Especially popular are the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, which differ from each other by their peculiar landscapes and unique natural attractions. It will be interesting to participate in the grand celebration of St. Martin's Day, which is celebrated at the end of the harvest season (11.11). Wide festivities with incendiary dances, general fun will nicely decorate the stay of tourists here.

The legendary “Freedom Island” in November greets its guests with magnificent summer weather, when there is practically no stormy rain, and the sun is not as hot as in previous months. Holidays on the coast Caribbean will be simply heavenly: the sun is hot enough, you can swim around the clock in water heated to 25 ° C. A delightful stay in November and the Atlantic, although storms are possible in the early part of the month. On such days, you can indulge in trips to historical, cultural and revolutionary sights, visit the famous tobacco museum, take part in various holidays (for example, St. Cristobal).

Everyone will love the temperamental Cuban dances, the perky songs and the cheerfulness of the Cubans. Even simple walks among exotic natural beauty will be a fascinating experience. Lovers of cave exploration can do speleology, there is a large field of activity for them. It will be interesting to visit the factories where the unique production of the famous Cuban cigars and rum is established. Tourists will like spicy, juicy dishes national cuisine and the unusually welcoming attitude of the Cubans.

The homeland of the ancients and the Aztecs and the Maya, full of magical mystery, shrouded in romantic legends - Mexico with its passionate energetic inhabitants, shining colorful colors of nature, wonderful beaches of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts attracts hundreds of different kinds of tourists in November. Among them are those who prefer the famous VIP resorts of Acapulco or Rivera Maya and those who are eager to see legendary monuments antiquity - unique pyramids and ancient Indian settlements. The last autumn month in Mexico is the height of the beach season, when the rains have stopped almost everywhere, calmness sets in, the water temperature (+ 25-26 °) and air (+ 22-28 °) are super comfortable. Underwater spaces open up for scuba divers and divers.

Surf fans will easily find the waves that fit, just as those who love swimming and lying on the sand will find theirs. the best place under the Mexican sun. November is a good time to visit the Mexican capital Mexico City, where it is not hot at all, but warm enough that you can easily make excursions to numerous attractions and museums (there are 50 of them). beautiful parks, interesting archaeological excavations leave an unforgettable experience.

Every year (20.11), the Revolution Day is celebrated here with wonderful concerts, carnivals and processions. On November 22, those who wish can listen to plenty of Maryachi, the national music performed in honor of St. Cecilia's Day. And what is worth trying real burning and unusually tasty Mexican dishes and chatting with temperamental, friendly inhabitants of this truly beautiful country!


In November beach season is coming to an end in Europe, but you can practically bask in the warm sand in Egypt all year round... The air temperature here is about 32 degrees Celsius, and the water is 26. In addition to the cleanest sea, huge beaches and wonderful service in Egypt, you can always enjoy unique excursions. There are still preserved amazing architectural monuments of the era of the Pharaohs and the Greco-Roman Empire. In Cairo, you simply have to look at the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day - the Pyramids. In Luxor (whose ancient name is Thebes), there is a complex with the temples of Tutankhamun, Amenhotep III and many others. On the Sinai Peninsula, there is a unique natural monument "color canyon" - a huge gorge running along the bottom of the ancient ocean.

Remember when we were children we all read The Thousand and One Nights? Nowhere do ancient and modern cultures coexist like in eastern countries, in particular in the UAE. Skyscrapers and huts, oriental hospitality and European service, beaches stretching along Persian Gulf, oriental bazaars and fashion boutiques, as well Nice weather and gentle sea!


In Israel, tourists are waiting for the Mediterranean, Red and Dead sea... In addition to medical procedures, vacationers are provided with a beautiful tan and exciting excursions to biblical places. True, for those who do not like rain, it is better to choose another place to stay - showers will be frequent guests.

Maldives and Seychelles

If 70 or 80,000 RUB accidentally stuck in your wallet, you can safely take a tour to the Maldives or Seychelles. On the Maldives at this time of the year comes the time of "iruvan" - the season of the northeast monsoon. This means that the weather conditions there will be not only good, but ideal for recreation. On top of that, the Maldives is a true paradise on earth. Silence, coral beaches, clear sea, flocks of colorful fish and ... almost complete absence of people - you can only dream of such a vacation. Nega, peace and tranquility are what a tired person living in the frantic rhythm of a metropolis needs. No, if suddenly the soul desires communication, then in bars you can always find pleasant interlocutors, but feel like Robinson in your bungalow, lost on beautiful island- a pleasure worth the money paid for the trip.

In the Seychelles, November is no worse. There are no hurricanes, no showers - the task of vacationers is to enjoy the beauty and tranquility. Emerald water of the Indian Ocean, white sand, European service and complete peace! For those who are fond of diving, this is an ideal place for diving, the underwater world and its inhabitants amaze with their brightness and uniqueness.

November is a wonderful month not only for a beach holiday, it is also famous for many festivals and holidays.


In India, in November, tourists are also waiting great holiday... Crowds of tourists have not yet flooded the beaches, and if you are not afraid of a long flight, then you should visit this amazing and mysterious country. Children will be delighted with the opportunity to ride an elephant, and their mothers will appreciate the huge selection of spices and excellent quality natural fabrics. Add to this an excellent level of service and the smile of Indians, the choice of excursions to ancient temples and monasteries, beautiful beaches and a warm sea, and it will become clear why rest in India is deservedly popular with Russians.

Sri Lanka

Looking in the dictionary, you can find out that Sri Lanka means "blessed land" in translation. Gentle waves, golden beaches, lush green tropical plants, birdsong and indigenous smiles - all this is more than enough in Sri Lanka. The island of tea plantations and ancient temples breathes with good nature and love. After all, this is what Buddha preaches, and Sri Lanka is the center of the Buddhist religion.

Mysterious Sri Lanka


An alternative to a beach holiday - excursion tourism... The choice of tours is quite large, and in the museums of Prague, Tokyo, New York and Rome, there is always comfortable weather without precipitation and storms. The architecture of London, the bridges of Budapest, the cathedrals of Riga are beautiful in any season, and in wine cellars in France, Parisian cafes and pubs in Germany, everyone will find a dish or drink to taste. Therefore, no November will interfere with traveling the world!

An excellent choice for a tourist trip - the Czech Republic! Old Prague will delight you with many cozy places where you can have a bite to eat and while away the evening and a huge selection of museums and attractions that will make your day full. If this family holiday then do not be lazy to take your children to the world-famous Prague Zoo and the Toy Museum, where one of the largest collections of puppets is exhibited. And if fate brings you to the vicinity of Karlovy Vary, be sure to visit the huge water park with pools of different depths, slides, jacuzzi, attractions.

November is perfect for trips to southern Europe. A timid sun is still shining outside the window, rains are infrequent guests, so you can safely walk around Spain, Greece and Italy. One of the advantages of November tours is the cheapness of the trip.

It's already chilly in the Scandinavian countries. Therefore, when planning a trip to Sweden, Denmark, Belgium or Norway, take care of warm clothes.

Festivals and Holidays

November is a wonderful month not only for a beach holiday, it is also famous for many different festivals and holidays.

On the 11th of the 11th month, the annual carnival opens in Germany, which continues right up to Lent! Several cities participate in it, and each strives to surpass its neighbors with brightness and intricacy. And not far from Darsstadt in November, you can meet a zombie or a cute mummy. And the witches, gallows and vampires are innumerable there. Still - after all, in the ruins of Frankenstein's castle, all these evil spirits walk, celebrating Halloween. If you do not have enough thrills, then here you can get them in full.

Those who are admirers of the young French wine Beaujolais Nouveau should go to France. The holiday of the new Beaujolais brings together thousands of gourmets every year. In the town of Bozho, it begins with a procession of winemakers, which in itself is a colorful sight - columns with songs go through the city, lighting the path with torches from the vine. And exactly at midnight in the central square, plugs are knocked out of many barrels - and you can substitute the container - the wine flows like a river. Someone drinks from the palm, someone from their own hat, and the more adventurous fill the flasks.

In the northeast of Thailand, the elephant festival starts on November 15-16. About 100 handsome gray men take part in the show, and this is a truly colorful sight - after all, there are legends about the intelligence and grace of elephants.

But if in France they savor young wine, then in Holland ... hemp. Indeed, in mid-November, the annual Hemp Cup is held there. Choosing a winner is very simple - they smoke, evaluating the smell, taste, appearance, and most importantly - the effect! Anyone can become a judge, the main thing is to pay for a judge's pass. And then how it goes - some estimate from 5 to 10 types of marijuana per day.

In Thailand, a monkey banquet is held in November. There are as many of these animals as we have cockroaches. But no one likes cockroaches, but monkeys are a decoy for tourists. For primates, a huge table is laid, filled with their favorite dishes. And the most interesting thing is that guests to this holiday do not need invitations - they are waiting for it like children. New Year, by the scheduled day, getting to the place of celebrations. It all ends the same way as people. After eating nuts, bananas and sweets, having drunk juices and soda water, monkeys climb trees and throw empty containers at onlookers.

If sunny July flew by in the office, if even velvet September was remembered only by the murmur of water from the cooler, then do not grumble at your bosses and fate, who have allocated November for you to relax. After a short thought process, a gambling choice of a point on the globe, a hasty gathering and escape from the slush and cold, you begin to understand how great it is to be transported from your usual everyday life to such an amazing, bright and unknown world!

Check out how to spend your vacation in November. We have prepared 7 beach destinations and 4 European ones. It will not be boring!

We go to the beach:

We are going to Europe:

Vacation on the coast in summer is a commonplace thing. Here the Crimea is close at hand, and you can go to Abkhazia. That's when the management sends on vacation in November, you have to break your head. Where can you find a warm sea and can you swim? Where to fly for interesting impressions and an even tan. To facilitate this, we have compiled a list of countries where you can relax body and soul on the seashore.


Thailand has ceased to seem like something exotic, but the kingdom is perfect for an escape from the cold weather. The rainy season is coming to an end. You can bask under the gentle sun without fear of being washed away by a crazy downpour.


Russians can spend up to 30 days in the country without a visa.


The average temperature in Thailand in late autumn is 30 degrees with a plus sign. This is the start of the dry season. Swimming is comfortable, sunbathing is pleasant. The water warms up to +24 degrees Celsius.

Planning a trip? That way!

We've got some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money during the travel preparation phase.


Paradise beaches located in the southern part of the country, beckon travelers with an atmosphere of calm and serenity. If you get tired of the "seals" rest by the sea, you can go to the Loi Krathong festival.

On the November full moon, the people of Thailand make small boats from banana leaves and bamboo stalks, fill them with fruit and let them float in the water. This is a tribute to Mother Water, the nurse and patroness of all living. A spectacular holiday takes place in all settlements of the country, from large cities to provinces.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  • Excellent weather conditions;
  • High quality service;
  • Variety in everything, from dishes to souvenirs;
  • Local flavor: rides by tuk-tuk, temple complexes, nature reserves, elephant trekking are unlikely to be compared with anything in terms of the brightness of impressions.


  • Long flight;
  • High air humidity;
  • The quality of tap water is poor, so drinking it is undesirable.


  1. Do you need
  2. What money
  3. What is worth
  4. About the main


Vietnam will suit those who are crazy about the Asian flavor and missed the inviolable union of the free republics. Here pioneers in ties walk along coastline crystal clean sea, the hustle and bustle of busy streets coexist with the tranquility of mountain peaks.


Citizens of Russia can stay on the territory of Vietnam without a visa for up to 15 days; if they wish to stay longer, they must apply for a short-term tourist visa.


The climate in Vietnam varies by region. In the northern part of the country it is rather cold, you can go there only for one day excursion... The best option is to settle in the southern region. The air there warms up to +32, the water temperature rises to 25 degrees.


At the end of autumn, the most popular places in Vietnam are, and. Developed in cities hotel business... The beaches are always clean, despite the huge flows of tourists. It is definitely worth taking a look at the capital of the country - Hanoi, a city of contrasts, as well as Ho Chi Minh City - the business center of Vietnam.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  • Developed infrastructure;
  • Quality service, especially in hotels;
  • Low prices within the country;
  • Memorable contrasts.


  • Chaos on the roads;
  • The likelihood of typhoons due to the clash of climates in the northern and southern parts of the country;
  • Vendors, especially in the markets, deceive everyone and everyone - even local residents.


  1. A few words about
  2. What money


Paradise Indian island, palm trees, azure ocean - you can hardly find something more beautiful. As in neighboring countries during this time the dry season begins. Everyone chooses entertainment for themselves: some like to sunbathe and swim, others prefer surfing and diving. Goa has conditions for both.


You can get to the smallest region of India with a tourist visa. It's better to get it in advance.


The probability of rain in the dry season on the island is less than, say, in Thailand: there are only two rainy days in 30 days. Thermometers show +32, and in water it is usually +29 degrees.


The north of the state is more crowded and "partying", in the south the beaches are cleaner and more picturesque, but prices are much higher. There are not many excursions here, but curious tourists will love the Arpore night market. The buzz of buyers and sellers mingles with the music from the café, and the area turns into a never-ending extravaganza.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  • The famous "Goan laziness" - the desire to lie on the beach 24 hours a day;
  • Pleasant climate;
  • Clean coastline.


  • aggressive sun, it is worth stocking up sunscreen with a high SPF;
  • service leaves much to be desired;
  • unsanitary conditions - take care of vaccinations against malaria and dysentery.


  • What is important to know
  • What places
  • What souvenirs

Sri Lanka

Island in Indian Ocean- a tidbit for those who are ready to take everything from their vacation. Developed here excursion directions, conditions for active and beach pastime are created. Legends, real history and modernity merged together, enveloping the island with a unique charm.


An electronic tourist authorization (ETA) is required to enter the island. This can be done on the official website or at the airport upon arrival. The cost of obtaining a permit is $ 35.


The weather on the island is changeable and depends on whether the monsoon is active. With a favorable combination of circumstances, the air temperature is 29-30 degrees, water - +27.


Arriving in the country, you can lose your head from the variety of excursions on offer. Tourists are especially fond of the elephant nursery in Pinnawela, the Spice Garden in Matala, Adam's Peak and, of course, tea plantations - and these are not all options. It is better to choose beaches away from Colombo, the capital of the state. This makes it more likely to get to a clean, well-groomed beach.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  • Favorable climate;
  • There is no unsanitary conditions, everything is "civilized";
  • Variability of pastime;
  • Rich flora and fauna - the number of exotic plants and animals makes your head spin;
  • Fresh air.


  • Big waves and strong currents;
  • Less fruit than neighboring tropical countries;
  • Heavy traffic on the roads, chaotic traffic.

Canary Islands

Was Atlantis here - a question to which it is difficult to find a definite answer. You can draw a conclusion for yourself only if you are on Canary Islands... The archipelago combines cozy beaches, mountainous landscape and a comfortable climate.You can spend time here at any time of the year: proximity to Africa and a variety of entertainment make your stay on the islands interesting both in winter and in summer.


Since the Canary Islands belong to the territory of Spain, there is a visa regime Schengen area.


At this time, the weather in the Canary Islands is conducive to a measured rest. The air temperature is kept within 24-27 degrees Celsius, the water warms up to +23 degrees.


If the main purpose of your vacation is unrestrained bustle, look at Tenerife and Gran Canaria. The developed infrastructure, magical nature and clubs on the coast create an atmosphere of incessant fun. For those who prefer measured relaxation, the island of Fuerteventura is suitable. The annual windsurfing championship is held there.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  • Non-stop flights;
  • Volcanic sand;
  • Cheap shopping;
  • Volcano Teide.


  • A small selection of economical accommodation facilities;
  • We need Schengen.

Dominican Republic

The eastern part of the island of Haiti, surrounded by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, is known for its "like a picture" beaches: white sand, spreading palms, turquoise water's edge. The fiery life in the rhythm of salsa and bachata attracts those who are looking forward to a little fiesta from their autumn holidays.


For Russian citizens, there are no restrictions on movement in the Dominican Republic, a visa is not required, provided that the stay in the republic does not exceed 30 days.


At the beginning of the month, the weather can be changeable, as is usually the case at the end of the rainy season. Rains are short and rare. The average temperature on the island is 31 degrees Celsius, the water warms up to +27.


The most famous resorts are Punta Cana, La Romana, Juan Dolio and Samana. The waters of Haiti are among the most environmentally friendly. Many of the island's beaches have received the international Blue Flag label. If you want to dilute your vacation with activities, you can go fishing in the waters of the Atlantic, jeep safari or windsurfing.


  • Cleanliness of beaches, ecology;
  • Variety of hotels from economy class to all inclusive;
  • Love for music, dancing and parties;
  • Amazing cocoa, coffee and sugar.


  • Long flight;
  • Theft is widespread;
  • Problems with English.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  1. What currency
  2. What souvenirs


For most people, the first association with the island is freedom. Thanks to Soviet propaganda. However, there is really something so alluring in her. You can feel it on yourself even when it is already snowing in Russia with might and main. Late autumn tourist season Cuba is gaining momentum, the water is getting warmer, the parties are more incendiary, and the excursions have not been canceled.


You can stay on the island for up to 30 days without a visa, but it is also worth considering that when leaving the country, you must pay a special fee at the airport, its size is 25 pesos.


The wet season is declining, but the likelihood of rain remains quite high. Depending on the region, you can see + 27 ... + 31 degrees on the thermometer, while the water heats up to +29.


Cuba is not only a coastline. Must visit ancient cities with their distinctive architecture of the colonial era, tropical forests with exotic birds or go to one of the many festivals, for example, St. Christobal's (Christopher Columbus) day.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


  • Service at a high level;
  • Real Cuban rum and cigars, delicious coffee;
  • Various beaches;
  • Low prices;
  • One of the few countries in the world with developed socialism.


  • Long flight;
  • Fraud by local residents;
  • Chance of rain.

The last autumn month is the time when you especially want to take a break from the cold and gain strength before the coming winter. If with the weather in hometown no luck, you should pay attention to the regions of Europe. And especially to its southern part, where you can catch warm days, sunbathe and at the same time see the sights without the tourist crowds.


In the first half of the month in Malta, the water is still warm and suitable for swimming - warmed up to +21 ° C. Although there is rainfall in autumn, the air temperature reaches + 25 ° C, and the rains pass quickly. Other bonuses include a more measured pace of life and low prices for accommodation in hotels of all categories. The sea off the coast of Malta is ideal for diving: its depths are rich in grottoes, tunnels, caves and arches.

At the end of autumn in Malta, you can visit spas and improve your health. This is the right time to explore ancient Valletta, the island's capital. It is worth seeing the Rocca House with original furniture dating from the 17th century, the splendid cathedral with valuable objects and the Magister's Palace with wall paintings from the 18th century.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


In Greek Rhodes, late autumn is the beginning of the low season. There are fewer tourists and the island is returning to its usual life. But this does not prevent many from sunbathing and enjoying swimming: the water is still warmed up to +21 ° C. Rhodes is recognized as one of the sunniest regions in Europe, with only 7 days of rain in the last autumn month. The best conditions are on east coast while the south is where the rise high waves preferred by windsurfers.

If the weather is not conducive to swimming, the island with dozens of ancient monuments will not let you get bored. Autumn is the time to immerse yourself in the history of Rhodes, exploring the old city of the capital, Lindos with its photogenic acropolis and ancient Kamiros. In the capital of Rhodes, life does not stop with the arrival of autumn. There are nightclubs, souvenir shops, jewelry boutiques, artisan shops and traditional Rhodesian products.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


When most of Europe suffers from cold, it is real summer in the Canary Islands and Tenerife in particular. It is called the island of eternal spring, and even in November it will be possible to get a good tan, vivid impressions and even go windsurfing. The ocean at this time is warmed up to +23 ° C, the air - to a comfortable +25 ° C.

It can rain in autumn in Tenerife. Knowing this peculiarity, it is worth booking a room in a hotel with a heated outdoor pool and drawing up a cultural program.

The first step is to visit the Teide Nature Reserve, in which the ancient volcano is located in the central place. The pyramids of Guimar deserve no less attention - the mysterious history of their appearance in Tenerife does not leave the researchers indifferent. Tenerife is famous for natural resources and one of them is the evergreen laurel forest in the north of the island. Trails are laid along it, following which you can enjoy the views of the mountains and the ocean.

Where to buy a ticket:

  • Travelata
  • Level.Travel
  • OnlineTours


By this month, the water cools down to +22 ° C and precipitation is possible, the air warms up to +26 ° C. For a trip, it is better to choose the first (less capricious) half of the month, so that there are chances to enjoy the sea carefree on the already deserted beaches. If you want to visit also mountainous areas with hiking trails and picturesque villages, you should take a jacket.

Afraid of being disconnected on the road?

In most regions, winter comes in November. Heavy rainfall begins and it gets significantly colder. Usually, at this time you want to go to hot countries and enjoy the summer atmosphere. There are many resorts where you can spend an unforgettable vacation late autumn... The most popular are Egypt and Thailand. However, the choice is much wider: you can go to Goa, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, the Maldives or the Seychelles. Cuba, Vietnam and the Dominican Republic are also popular among tourists.

Resorts pricing policy

The most budget vacation considered a trip to Egypt. You can also pick up tours to Thailand and Goa at low prices. Maldives, Seychelles and the Emirates will not be the most budgetary, but shopping lovers will like a trip to Dubai and a walk through shopping centers where sales are constantly held and you can buy branded items at lower prices.

Attractions of the resorts

Traveling around Goa, you should definitely visit the temples of Mahalsa, Mangesh and Shantadurga. It will also be interesting to visit the famous market in Anjuna. It is here that a wide range of Indian jewelry, spices and more is presented. Fans of extreme sports can swim in the Dudhsagar waterfall.
While vacationing in Israel, most tourists go to Jerusalem and Bethlehem (located on the territory of Palestine). One of the Dead Sea spa resorts is also worth a visit. It is here that some of the best mud baths in the world.

If you go on a tour to Cuba, you can plunge into the past of the domestic car industry, because most of the cars here are from the times of the USSR, and in quite decent form. While in Havana, it is worth taking a walk through its old part, visit Cathedral and the Capitol, walk to old square Plaza de Armas, walk along the Malecon and Prado Boulevard.

Another popular destination today it is considered Vietnam. Most of the tourists go to the resort in the city of Nya Chang or Phan Thiet. The most visited attractions are: Da Lat, Serpent Cave, Marble Mountains, Po Nagar Cham Towers and the Mekong Delta.

There is no less cultural heritage in Egypt. Ancient pyramidal complexes, for example in Giza or Karnak, the museum of antiquities in Cairo, the famous sphinx and much more. From entertainment program diving tours can be noted, especially in Blue lagoon(near the Dahab resort) and travel in the desert on ATVs or camels.

Best resorts and hotels

Answering the question of where it is better to spend a beach vacation in November 2019 at the sea and where to go, you can consider many interesting options. We will select several tour offers and compare prices for tours.

Viet Sky - Viet Thien Hotel

  • Viet Sky - Viet Thien Hotel is located 10 minutes. from the sea of ​​the resort of Nha Trang (Vietnam).
  • For guests there is Wi-Fi, car rental, a tour desk, a karaoke bar and a restaurant.
  • The price of a trip for two for 9 days with flight, insurance and transfer is 66365 rubles.
  • Breakfast is included in the price.
  • The visa is issued separately, the cost is 10,500 rubles / person.

  • Hotel Zeib Executive Homes is 15 min. from magnificent beach Calangute resort ( North Goa, India).
  • The hotel's infrastructure is rather modest: swimming pool, restaurant, parking and garden.
  • The cost of the tour for two for 9 days is only 41803 rubles. with flight.
  • Visa is paid separately (price about $ 70 per person)

  • Prima Music Hotel is located across the street from the beach in Eilat (Israel).
  • For guests there is a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, tennis and volleyball courts, car rental, parking and much more.
  • Tour package price for 8 days Double Room is 55658 rubles. with breakfast, flight and transfer.
  • You do not need a visa to enter the country.