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Sea in the Far East Name 8 letters

The article tells about unique natural objectswho are on this territory. Contains information about the relief, flora and fauna of the region. Gives detailed physico-geographical characteristics of the most remote, but rich region of Russia.

Far East of Russia

Far East is customary called the territory of Russia, which is located at the Pacific coast. Its area is 6215.9 thousand km. sq.

If under the Far East to understand Far Eastern Federal District, His capital is Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok is the capital of Primorsky Territory. This question often causes confusion.

It belongs to this territory located directly in the Pacific natural areawho belongs to the Kuril archipelago.

Fig. one. Far East on the map.

The territory is the following parts:

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  • mainland;
  • peninsular;
  • island.

Besides Kuril Islands The territory includes the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, Commander Islands and other single islands, which are in the Eastern List of Russia.

On Kamchatka is one of the remarkable unicms of the Far East - the Valley of Geysers.

Fig. 2. Valley of geysers.

This is the only area in Russia with periodically fountaining geysers.

Marine reports are developed here and therefore many ports are placed on the territory of the Far East.

However, the presence of a large number of ports creates problems that are associated with illegal fisheries.

The length of the region from the north-east to the south-west is quite large and is equal to 4.5 thousand kilometers.

The northern areas of the territories are located behind the polar circle, and there is almost always snow.

Almost all seas that wash the coast are completely not cleared by ice from even during the summer.

The lands of this area are in the power of permafrost. Here for the most part reigns the tundra.

In the southern part of the region, the condition is slightly softer.

Strong impact on the climate of the Far East has a close neighborhood with the quiet ocean.

The region is localized at the junction of two massive lithospheric plates. For the South Far Eastern region, the predominance of low and medieval ridges is characterized.

Only 1 \\ 4 of the territories of the Far East are covered by the plains.

Natural resources

Geographic features include, above all, the unique economic and geographical position of the territory. They are characterized by alienation from the main and most oblivious districts of the country.

The following factor is natural potential. The Far East is ranked among the richest regions of Russia.

Here is extracted:

  • diamonds - 98%;
  • tin - 80%;
  • boric raw materials - 90%;
  • gold - 50%.

Finding the Far East on the border of the majestic mainland and the largest ocean of the earthly ball had a significant impact on the features of the natural and territorial complexes of the region, as well as their placement.

The environmental problems of the region except the anthropogenic factor also includes the problem of wastewater.

The inner waters of the Far East are extremely suffering from this - the region is recognized as a fish treasury of Russia. And this is not surprising, since it is enough to imagine what seas is washed the territory of the Far East. List is quite impressive:

  • Laptevih sea;
  • East-Siberian Sea;
  • Chukotka Sea;
  • Bering Sea;
  • Okhotsk Sea;
  • Japanese Sea.

The terrain landscape began its education in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era. Then folded zones and intermountain depressions appeared.

The highest sections of the mountains in the old days were in the authorities of glaciers. This is evidenced by the preserved small beliefs.

The greatest height of the Kuril Mountains is 2339 m. - Alaid volcano.

Fig. 3. Vulcan Alaid.

Often there are powerful (up to 10 points) earthquakes. They are the cause of tsunami.

Far Eastern reserves are one of the most huge in Russia. Nature in these parts is pretty severe. This is explained by the fact that the mainland in the north and northeast is adjacent to the waters of the Arctic pool.

In Tundra, you can often find the sands, white bear or reindeer. Squirrels, lynx, wolverines and brown bears are common in the taiga. In the warm period, the tundra is flooding a large number of migratory birds. In the taiga, the feathers are represented with ripples, chopharys, woodwoods, raznznes and stuffing. In the mountainous area from animals mainly live snow leopards and cabaggia.

What did we know?

It was found out what features the territory has the features and specific features. Learned what ecological problems are the most relevant. They found out which seas are washed by the shores of the Far Eastern region.

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The mainland of the southern half of the Far East is washed by the Okhotsk and the Japanese seas, and southeastern coast Kuril Islands - the Pacific Ocean.

From administrative edges and regions included in our description, only the Amur region has no marine borders. As for the Primorsky and Khabarovsk region and, in particular, the Sakhalin region, the sea is one of the most important natural factors In their economic development.

Okhotsk Sea. Most of its water ished the coast Khabarovsk Region and Sakhalin region, and in the north, outside the description, the coast of Kamchatka and Magadan regions, in the south for 450 km Japanese Island Hokkaido; The share of Soviet coasts washed by the Okhotsk Sea, accounts for 10,000 km. From the east of its border serves the Kuril Island ridge and the west coast of Kamchatka. From the Penzhinsky lip in the north to the Sakhalin Bay in the south of the coast of its mainland.

Nevelsky's strait is connected to the Japanese sea. The western border of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk passes along the shore about. Sakhalin. Through the Strait of Laperose, the second connection of the Okhotsk and the Japanese seas is carried out.

The Square of the Sea of \u200b\u200bSea is 1496 thousand km 2. The Okhotsk Sea in the depths is divided into three parts: in the northern part they do not exceed 500 m, in the middle - range from 500 to 2000 m. To the Kuril Island Ridge, south of the 50th parallel, adjoins the constituent part of the entire 10% of the entire area With depths from 2000 to 3657 m. Sakhalin Sea forms a number of bays - Aniva, patience, Sakhalin. On the mainland - deeply walking lips: Ulbansky Bay, Tugursky, Uska, Shelikhov, Gizhuginskaya, Penzhinsky lips (the last three - outside the description). The islands in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are not enough, except for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, shagantaries are larger. The Great Powerful River Amur and a number of shorter: Uda, Hunting and others from the mainland and the river Tim and Porona with Sakhalin, flows into the Okhotsk Sea. The bottom sediments near the mainland coast of the hunting mop and in the East Sakhalin coastal part of sand-pebble, according to mineralogical composition, are similar to the rocks of the shores. Plots of the bottom, adjacent to the Kuril Islands, are enriched with volcanogenic material.

In the open sea, the precipitates demolished from sushi are equal to the ratio with the glasses of organic origin. In the northeastern part open sea Valid the admixture of volcanic material.

Safety-niggling oscillations of the level of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are especially strong in small areas (for example, Amur Liman). Winds, dining from the north, catch up in Amur Liman a lot of water; The sea level is increasing so much that water floods low shores and sometimes creates catastrophic floods. Southern winds can lower the water level in Liman so much that ships cannot enter it. The overall movement of water in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is counterclockwise. Along the northern shores of the sea, the water moves from the east to the west, the Okhotsk turn to the southwest and reach the Sakhalin Gulf, where they are joined by the desired by Amur waters; Along the eastern shores of Sakhalin, it turns south. In the Strait of Laperus, it rejects it to the northeast, the warm Tsushimsk course coming from the Japanese Sea.

Okhotsk water moves further to the northeast along the north-western coast of the Kuril Islands, feeding by Pacific through the straits, and then, retreating several from western coast Kamchatka, moving in parallel to him. The Okhotsk Sea through the straits of the Kuril Islands is exchanged with the quiet ocean waters, so the salinity is close to the ocean and is 33-35 ‰ at a depth, and on the surface 29- 32. Only parts adjacent to the mouths of large rivers, as well as the Sakhalin Bay, where the entire stock of Amur ("Far East", 1961).

According to I. A. Belinsky and Yu. V. Istoshina (1956), the amount of fresh water coming from all rivers for the year is 585 km 3 (lifting the sea level 37 cm), Amur gives 370 km 3 of them. In addition, 50 cm atmospheric precipitation falls in the sea over a year, evaporation is 35 cm.

Okhotsk Sea is very cold. In winter, the temperature of the water to the depth of 150 m is kept from-1 ° to -1.8 °. In summer, only the surface layer of water has positive temperatures; Deeper 25 meters of temperature negative. The exception is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands, where warm Pacific waters penetrate and water warm water at a depth of summer.

In winter, everywhere in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is formed local ice, the summer, the sea is completely cleaned from them, the ice remains longer in the area of \u200b\u200bChartarka Islands, but in August and there it disappears.

The Japanese Sea is washes the shores of the Soviet Primorye and Sakhalin. Length of Soviet part coastline The Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan is 3,700 km with a total length of 7600 km. The water exchange of the Japanese Sea with the Okhotsk is carried out through the strait of the lapere, the depths of which are 50 m. The sheds of Nevelsky chalk (no more than 15 m), and therefore the waters are not occurring through it.

In the Japanese Sea, the depths of over 2000 m. The maximum depth of 4036 m. The depth of 2000 m from the seaside coast will take away 1.5-2 maritime miles.

On the shores of the Soviet Primorye there are many small bays: de Castries, Soviet harbor, Olga, Vladimir, and others. In the Soviet waters of the Japanese Sea islands, the islands islands (MONERON, ASCOLD, Russian and a number of others pressed against the shores).

The sediment of the Day of the Japanese Sea is also made of sands, gravel and yals that prevail in the shallow coastal part of the sea and on a par with organic, diatomacematic and carbonate; The ylas are developed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland slope and on big depths. Sea area approached Japanese islandsenriched with volcanogenic material.

In the Japanese Sea, the fermentation of daily, semi-sufficient and mixed are observed. The amplitude of tidal and tidy movements in the sea is small - does not exceed

3 m. Maximum values \u200b\u200bit reaches in the north of Sakhalin in Aleksandrovsk, where the average is 2.3 m and at Cape 2.8. In these places, fermented tides. The seaside coast for which the daily and only occasionally mixed tides are characterized, the height does not exceed 0.5 m.

In the Japanese Sea due to sharp changes atmospheric pressure There are sewers with periods measuring minutes, but their amplitudes are small.

Safety-commercial movements have an annual period of oscillation. In the summer, southeastern winds increase the level in the Tatar Strait from the North-Western shores by 25 cm, in the southeast level decreases as much. These winds do not allow the Amur waters to flow into the Tatar Strait, but send them to the Okhotsk Sea.

In the autumn, the winds have mainly the north-west direction, and the water from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk through the Tatar strait is held in Japanese, sometimes fresh Amur water comes in the winter. The wind waves are only autumn in the winds of the North-West direction and with typhoons that are in August-September.

The warm tsushima flow penetrating into the Japanese Sea from the south, following the northeast, pressed against the Japanese Islands and therefore for the Soviet coast has a slight value, heating only the coast of southern Sakhalin. The coast of Primorye from the northeast to the south-west towards Tsushimsky is moving a cold seaside course. In the summer, it presses close to the shore and has a negative impact on the climate of the coastal strip, contributing to the formation of persistent fogs. In winter, the seaside flow brings ice and cold water from the northern regions.

The salinity of the water of the Japanese sea is homogeneous, it is 34. This is the most saline sea in the Soviet Union. In the Tatar Strait in the spring when melting ice, salinity decreases to 32. At depth it is 34-34.3. ("Far East", 1961).

Sections of strong collapse in the Japanese sea are absent. The water of the sea is blue, transparency is 30 m. In the western part, the water is cold, in the eastern - warm. At a depth of 50-100 m japanese coast The water temperature is 15-16 °, the seaside coast comes only to 5 °. From the depth of 500-600 m, the temperature contrasts in Western and eastern coast become imperceptible. At a depth of 1500 m, the water temperature is about 0 °.

In winter, ice is formed only in the north-western part of the Japanese Sea. Along the mainland shore from the Cape of Rotary to Cape Belkin, the ice is found in the form of a bass and shuga. In the middle of the Tatar Strait there are fields of large and finely broken icewhich all the time move the wind; At the moments of short calm, ice are fatal to large fields, which, at the first wind, break again. Under the action of the North-Western winds, ice is retreating from the mainland coast to Sakhalin, and form a torus. In the lap of the laperose ice appears rarely; In December, in the Bay Aniva Ice penetrate from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, but the Cancer is almost never suitable for the caulation.

The south-east coast of the Kuril Island Arc is washed by waters Pacific Ocean.

At the bottom in this part of the Pacific Ocean, the area of \u200b\u200bsmoke-Kamchatka deep-water depression is traced, with depths of up to 10,382 m (urints, 1955), stretched parallel to the Kuril Island ridge and southern the eastern coast of Kamchatka. The continental shallow of the Kuril Islands is narrow, it is somewhat wider only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Small Kuril Islands. The fall of the depths to 5000 m is very sharp. The sources of sedimentation at the bottom of the Kurilo-Kamchatka depression are precipitation endowed by rivers, abrasion and volcanogenic materials.

On the Kuril Islands of the rivers there are few rivers, so that they are playing a small role. Demolition with Hokkaido affects only the southern part of the depression. The second source of sedimentation is marine abrasion - primarily destroys soft tuffogenic rocks. Ice abrasion is weak here, since the ice digest is poorly developed. The chip material is demolished into the smoke-Kamchatka depression only with ice penetrating from Bering and the Okhotsk seas. The role of modern volcanic material is very significant: ashes and lava of Kuril, Kamchatka and to some extent of Aleutian volcanoes.

Among organogenic precipitations, there are no organisms with carbonate skeletons, since this is hampered by the temperature and chemical conditions (Bezrukov, 1959), but there are conditions for the development of diatom algae, which requires free silicosecloct. The seismicity of the district creates the conditions for moving precipitation, deposited on the shelf in deep-water depressions. Through the shed between Kamchatka and the Commander Islands, the waters of the Pacific Ocean with Bering Morce, and through the Sangan Strait - with the Japanese sea. In this part of the Pacific, there is a complex system of adorption and taming and constant flows. The Kuril Cold Cold passes along the Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. The warm flow of Kuro-Sio goes on from smoking and, without reaching Kamchatka, turns to the east.

Submarine earthquakes cause catastrophic waves - tsunami.

The salinity of the part of the Pacific Ocean, adjacent to the Kuril Island ridge, is very constant. Superficial desalination here almost does not occur (salinity on the surface 33.3), and the salinity at a depth of 1000 m is 34.4 and at a depth of 9000 m, it changes only by 3 tenth of ppm, accounted for 34.7 ‰.

Temperatures with depth are changing as follows: At the beginning of summer in the surface horizon (from 0 to 60 m), the temperature is 2-3 °, from 60 to 200 m -0.3 ° from 200 to 850 m - 3.5 °. The temperatures at a depth of 1,000 m are equal to 2.4 °, at a depth of 4,000 m, they decrease to 1.5 °, they are gradually increasing deeper and at a depth of 8,500 m are 2.0-2.2 ° ("Far East", 1961 ).

Wealth of the seas.Seas that wash the southern half of the Far East are distinguished by an exceptional variety of animal and vegetable world. So, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk there are 270, and in Japanese - 603 species of fish, many of which have a commercial value.

One of the main and old commercial facilities is the Pacific Herring. It forms local herds in the Far East. South Sakhalin herring has the greatest commercial significance (caught in the north of the Japanese Sea, in the northeastern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, near the Northern Kuril Islands and southern coast Kamchatka) and Okhotskaya herring (holding in the western part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk). No less important commercial facility of the Far Eastern seas - passing fish, which only for reproduction come into the river. These include Pacific salmon: Gorbow, Keta, Sima.

Less commercial importance have two types of koryushki, they are also passing fish. The fishery is not developed enough.

From other passing fish, still insufficiently industrialable, it is necessary to point to the Pacific Medi.

Since 1947, fishery of a very nutritious and delicious fish of mackerel is opened in the Japanese Sea, which is caught in the open sea with high-speed courts - seins only in summer timeWhen she enters the sea for feeding from more southern latitudes (Primorsky Krai, 1958).

In the summer, a tuna appears in the Japanese Sea and in the Pacific Ocean - fish, sickness mackerel. Tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean with high-speed ships - clips is still mastered. In the coastal waters, the tuna fishery is mastered.

Sayra fish is traded both in the Japanese Sea and in the Pacific Ocean. Unlike mackerel and tuna, which preferably multiply in southern latitudes, outside of our seas, it can multiply in the waters of the USSR. For fishing Sayra, the light is used as an attractive means.

From the cod fish, commercial importance is Navaga, inhabitants in the Okhotsk and in the Japanese seas. Her fishing is made in winter with a treek way and has prospects for expansion. There are also prospects for expanding the fishery of another crackle fish - Mintai, which is found everywhere in the Japanese Sea. In large quantities in the northern part of the Japanese Sea. Crack crashes. Large share in the sea fishing of the Sea of \u200b\u200bSea has many species of Cambal. ANCHOUS, Mois, Turning and Sea Yershi have high tasteings, their fishery is still not enough, but has prospects for expansion.

From fish that have significance not only for the food industry should be mentioned by Far Eastern bulls used as fertilizer, three types of sharks, from the liver of which is obtained by a vitaminized fat, and the skin is used in industry for grinding.

The seas that wash the southern half of the Far East, except for fish, rich in kitto-shaped who come here in the spring and keep them to autumn. Currently, the fishery leads two whaling flotillas - "Aleut" and "Second Far Eastern".

From the lastonous, mainly in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, are extracted by seals (Larga and Akiba). The fishery of the marine hare - Lachtak, Syvucha and the cat - limited.

Seals - important object thoughts

Two types of crabs are inhabited from crustaceans in the Okhotsk and Japanese seas: Kamchatka and Blue. Shrimp fishery common in the Japanese Sea is not yet developed. Sea scallops mined from edible clams.

Edible musdiy dwells in both seas, but its fishery, like oysters living in the Japanese Sea, is not developed.

Squids and octopuses living in the Japanese Sea are suitable as a food product. Fisheries iglinodok - Trepalgov and Goloturi - produced by divers. These animals are dried and harvested for export.

From plants that are rich in the seas that wash the southern half of the Far East, the exfoliation has an anphlege, which is mined mainly on the shores of Peter the Great Bay, where it is thrown by a storm wave, or a trawl. This bay and in some other places. A gelatinous substance used in food, textile, paper and other industries is produced from the anfellation.

Laminaria - Sea cabbage - distributed both in the Okhotsk and in the Japanese seas, it is mined and used as a food product and, mainly in medicine, as well as in animal farms for fattening valuable fur animals. It is valuable as a fertilizer. Sea herbs are used in furniture, textile and paper industry. Some areas of coasts of the Japanese Sea have a spa value as a mud and beaches for vacationers. In the sea water of the Amur Gulf and in other places of Primorye, very few sodium and chlorine ions are contained, there are magnesium sulfate ions, iodine, calcium and bromine. Bathing in such places is very useful.

The Far East is located off the coast of the Pacific Ocean and consists of mainland, peninsula and island parts. In addition to the Kuril Islands, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, Commander Islands and other single islands, located in the eastern borders of Russia.
The length of the Far East from the North-East (from Chukotka) to the southwest (to the borders of Korea and Japan) is 4.5 thousand kilometers. Its northern part is behind the polar circle, so practically round year It is snow, and the sea-wash coast is completely not cleared by ice from even in the summer. The land in the northern part of the Far East was abandoned by eternal Merzlot. Tundra dominates here. In the southern part of the Far East, the conditions are much softer.

In the south of the Far East, low and medieval mountain ranges are mainly dominated, such as Bureinsky and Jugjur. In the north of Highlands (Kolyma, Chukotka) and plateau (Anadyr), which arose as a result of volcanic activity. Only a quarter of the territory of the Far East occupy the plains. Basically, they are located in those places of the coast, where the tectonic activity is small, as well as in intergranty slides, therefore their area is relatively small.

Climate Kamchatka, of course, do not compare with climatic conditions Mediterranean resorts, cool and rainy summer here. There is one more interesting feature Peninsula, winter over central part The area of \u200b\u200bincreased pressure is formed, so the winds blow it from here to the outskirts, that is, not from the sea, but, on the contrary, in his direction east and west.
But climatic "shortcomings" with interest are compensated by the beauty of Kamchatka nature. Only imagine the pictures, from the sea terraces with alpine meadows with a luxurious high-tech of intergores and leaving first to rare-resistant stone birch forests overgoing in lush thickets of Olchovenik and cedar slotes, add to these beauties volcanic sings, fascinating snow peaks mountain Ridge And the valleys on which, then the case beat the fountains outgoing couple clubs. From the insulsion of the fauna, you can find a brown bear, and a reindeer, and a snowy ram, and Kamchatka Sable, but especially the great many of the ubiquitous protein here. It is impossible not to mention the richness of the seas of the washing coast of Kamchatka: Crabs, Cod, Pacific Herring, Navaga, Gorbow, Kizhuh, Keta and many other types of fish, which are abounding not only the sea, but also local "shops".
But, perhaps, we will leave in the rest of the geography, and let's go to the essence of our story - geysers. Of course, Iceland, and Japan and Japan and Japan can boast of hot water fountains New Zealand, I. New Guinea, and California, Tibet, and North America, but we will talk about our Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka.
Periodically, the fountaining hot springs - geasers are distributed in areas where there is no volcanic activity.

Magadan Region
The area is on the shore of the Okhotsk Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
¾ The territories occupy Tundra and Fierotundra.
The main rivers of the region: Kolyma, Ayanka Yuryakh.

The extreme southern of Russian Far Easterns - lies between the mainland of Asia and the Korea peninsula, and the Japanese separating it from other Pacific seas and the Ocean itself.
In the Japanese Sea, natural frontiers prevail, but in separate areas it is limited to conditional lines.
In the north border between Japanese and Okhotsk Sea It takes through the line of the village of Sostva - m. Tyk.
In the strait of the lapere, the line is the line m. Krölon - m. Soy. In the Sangar Strait, the border goes along the line m. Syria - M. Esan, and in the Korean Strait along the line M. Nomo (about. Kyushu) - m. Fukae (about. Goto) - Oh. Chechzhudo - Korean Peninsula.

In these borders, the sea is concluded between the parallels of 51 ° 45 'and 34 ° 26' p. sh. and meridians 127 ° 20 'and 142 ° 15' in. d.

Usually, highest peaks Sikhote-Alin has a sharply outlined contour and covered with large places on extensive spaces. Relief form resemble strongly destroyed circus and rocks of mountain glaciation.

Sand-shaped sediments with numerous intelsions breakthroughs, which led to the presence of gold, tin and polymetals deposits. In tectonic depressions within Sikhote-Alin, the deposits of stone and brown coal.

Foreigners are common basalt plateau, of which the largest plateau in the west of the Soviet harbor. Plateau sections are also found on the main watershed. The largest - Zevinskoe plateau, on the watershed of the Verkhovyev bikin and the rivers flowing into the Tatar Strait. In the south and east, Sikhote-Alin is a sharp middle ridges, in the West, numerous longitudinal valleys and basins, at the heights of more than 900 m - Goltsy. In general, Sikhote-Alin has an asymmetrical transverse profile. Western macroscone is more flat, than east. Accordingly, rivers flowing to the West are longer. This feature reflected in the title of the Range. Translated from the Manchurian language - the ridge of large western rivers.

mountain snowy


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Far East.